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The Update 12 Anticipation Megathread


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Master of shadow u ask? we have Ash and loki... just theyll need more love from devs i deleted a loki rank 30 coz u just stay on maps watching how the ppl kill...

and i love Ash u kill more than loki but that 2 warframes need more love...


i think we need more things to do coz... ppl is focused on how to get volt, banshee and vaubann...

now they decide to put volt and banshee on dojos (thats great for the new ppl) but the ppl who spend hours/days/months to take 1.

so i think they have to put something hard some world some station or ships or whatever to take a frame.

and something more randomly like plans of the helmet of some frame in one world, the other part in other world and the last in other world. 

when i was playin Diablo2 and i was searching the Thal Rasha set was a pain, i remember in thats days with my friends farmin for months that set...

something to do coz... u work for ur warframe, mods, forms, rank, and then what? 

something more... so when u enter in an online party the ppl say "woooh look he/she have that thing warframe woooh"


- where did u get it?

(you) well, like 1 month on "example: kappa" 


just sayin.

sry for my english 

Edited by VonWagner
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#1 = Completely agree but i feel that doing this in time for U12 might not be possible. I'd rather prefer that they work slowly on it so that it can be fully fleshed out.


#2 = also think that this should be an ongoing effort. Don't think it's even possible to rebalance everything before U12 nor do i think they should try to rush it.


#3 = Timeframe!


#4 = Proper grineer MINIGUN and BIG throwable weapons (Javelins, etc)

Grineer Minigun FTW! Spinup time, then crate a storm of death and pain!

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Right now it is 10:47 PM here in Korea. Update 11, from what I remember, was 7:20PM EST(9:20AM for Korea).


I really hope that U12 comes before I go to sleep.... lol. And the Oxium event is scheduled to end in 2 hours or so. Maybe I have to wait till 2:00AM :(



Anyways, tons of Hype for this!

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