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am i seriously to farm 5941 volatile motes from a game mission that gives around 8-10 of those? and no booster affects it?

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3 hours ago, TomBartle said:

not to mention that jade eximus are broken, i just got 69 MILLIONs  iron skin points from just standing under neat a pillar ray

Tip, you're not supposed to stand in the Jade light. Unless you are Rhino with Iron Skin. 

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1 hour ago, (XBOX)Shodian said:

Tip, you're not supposed to stand in the Jade light. Unless you are Rhino with Iron Skin. 

Well, and even then, you quickly become Rhino WITHOUT Iron Skin :D

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kill the sister and you get 10-14 a mission? 🤷‍♀️

best of luck with your energize grind lol


also might wanna use an invis frame or something with silence subsumed to avoid jade-light until the damage is fixed.

Edited by LittleLeoniePrime
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For some perspective, the rewards are mostly the same as previous event, only in the previous event you got away with 3-5 grotesque splinters and needing 3549 to finish it all, that is a considerably worse ratio... also the mission in which you got them took longer

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OP posted on Thursday, I believe because of missing information and probably without killing the sister.
Its a ~7-8minute SP mission and you get 24-27 out of it each run.
Every Jade part will take 1h to farm,  if you run 6x/hour, that sounds fair to me.


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Assuming you want to get all non arcanes (including from the clan shop), you need 480 volatile motes. 

Each mission rewards at least 5 (from the Sister and mission) and a maximum of 9 on the regular star chart. (Not including the alert missions)

It'd take 96 missions (around 11~ hours if each mission was around 7 minutes long) to get everything assuming worst luck and no alerts.

To get 21 Arcane Energize, you need 966 motes. Double that if you wanted to get all 42 available (1932) triple that if you wanted all 3 arcanes (5796)

At worst luck, no alerts, 1159 missions. (135~ hours)

If you were doing it for the platinum, the current market price as of writing is 30p per 1 arcane. Or 630 for 21. 3780p for all 6 maxed arcanes. 

28 plat per hour if my math is correct. 

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On 2024-06-27 at 1:28 AM, Alluka said:

They limited arcane sets to 2 but the grind is still the same, idk where the logic is but it is what it is.

the logic is that players can spend max 20 hours grinding for one of those arcanes (2 sets), Instead of them finishing their arcanes and then grinding for 200 more hours for more sets.
As in the impact on physical and mental health of 220 hours of grind is far worse than the impact of 20 hours.

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23 hours ago, 3xt1inct said:

the logic is that players can spend max 20 hours grinding for one of those arcanes (2 sets), Instead of them finishing their arcanes and then grinding for 200 more hours for more sets.

On steel path, the grind for 9114 motes for every arcane in the shop takes 106 hours (assuming 7 minute mission time), or 6 hours per day of the remaining event time. (I had typed out a very long explanation before the website decided I wasn't logged in)

The main problem with the event is that it usually takes double the amount of time to farm even the basic rewards because of how the minimum mote rewards work.

Even more ridiculous is the 46 mote price tag of the legendary arcanes, vs the 1-3 that literally every other arcane in the shop costs. 

I feel most people who already have energize will probably farm energize, and then the rest for dissolution to get arcanes they actually want from Loid. 

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12 minutes ago, DarknessNightshade said:

On steel path, the grind for 9114 motes for every arcane in the shop takes 106 hours (assuming 7 minute mission time), or 6 hours per day of the remaining event time. (I had typed out a very long explanation before the website decided I wasn't logged in)

The main problem with the event is that it usually takes double the amount of time to farm even the basic rewards because of how the minimum mote rewards work.

Even more ridiculous is the 46 mote price tag of the legendary arcanes, vs the 1-3 that literally every other arcane in the shop costs. 

I feel most people who already have energize will probably farm energize, and then the rest for dissolution to get arcanes they actually want from Loid. 

had calculated how much time you needed to finish a set of every arcane tier in another forum concerning this exact same issue, bronze tier arcanes were full setted in 12 mins, silver in 32, gold in 52 mins or somewhere around that and compared those to the time needed to gain the same items in past event. spoiler alert past events needed a much larger time investment to get to a full set of T1-3 arcanes, legendary arcanes are a little faster than previously, about 8 hours/set instead of 9 hours/set. and yes players who already have all arcanes can farm more arcanes, that is just that, you can do too once you have all arcanes...

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On 2024-06-26 at 6:28 PM, Alluka said:

They limited arcane sets to 2 but the grind is still the same, idk where the logic is but it is what it is.

Honestly this is where I'm scratching my head.

We're limited to buying 2 sets of 21.

So the price of 46 motes is insane. Make em 10 or 12 motes and call it a day. 

Folks are already burned out from farming. 

The entire point of the limit and prices was to PREVENT Warframe burnout, but the price is actually bolstering it. 🤔

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On 2024-06-24 at 10:00 AM, -AydenPlaysOsu- said:

I love how people complaining about this being "hard" and time investing.
Go tridolon hunting and then come back to get it, at least now everyone has a way to guarantee arcane energize/grace lol

^^^Seriously, that struggle was real. I'm looking at it as, wow a guarantee!?!? FINALLY! Lol

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21 hours ago, Aerikx said:

Honestly this is where I'm scratching my head.

We're limited to buying 2 sets of 21.

So the price of 46 motes is insane. Make em 10 or 12 motes and call it a day. 

Folks are already burned out from farming. 

The entire point of the limit and prices was to PREVENT Warframe burnout, but the price is actually bolstering it. 🤔

yeah well giving them away for 10 or 12 motes would not make sense for their business model.

The limit for 2 sets is there because last event people would farm up to 31 sets of legendary arcanes, the sets took longer to get during that event as well, so they limited this kind of burn out, not bore out like you mean, currently people are bored out, not burnt out.

the lower tiered arcane sets take a fraction of the time it used to take in other events to farm, this results in less burn out, because people get them quicker.

Legendary arcanes are now gotten faster than ever, but the time to get lowered tiered arcanes has gotten decreased insanely much. PE a leg arcane set now takes about 8 hours to get, but in the same time you can get a set of every lower tiered arcane in this event, compare that to earlier events, where a legendary arcane set took 10 hours to get, but in the same time you could get only 3 sets of lower tiered arcanes. 

Do mathematics and please do not be blinded by relative speed. fact is every arcane is faster to acquire than ever before, they did not bolster the price, they lowered the relative price of lower tiered arcanes, the price of a legendary arcane got decreased, just not by as much as the lower tiered ones.

they managed to prevent Burn-out, they did not prevent a bore-out, learn the difference.

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On 2024-07-01 at 1:06 AM, 3xt1inct said:


The limit for 2 sets is there because last event people would farm up to 31 sets of legendary arcanes


Legendary arcanes are now gotten faster than ever, but the time to get lowered tiered arcanes has gotten decreased insanely much. 


Do mathematics and please do not be blinded by relative speed. 


Well, if you did the maths, you'd figure out just how unfeasible it is to farm 31 × 21 arcanes in a month. Even during the current event.

You need 966 motes for one set of a Legendary Arcane, on steel path, that takes around 11 hours or so, assuming minimum drops.

If you were to farm 31 sets, it'd take you around 349 hours. Or 14 and a half days, which doesn't sound like much, but that is with no breaks, work hours or sleep. 

There's 730 hours in a month. If you sleep around 8 hours a day, that's 589 hours gone. 

With a typical 40 hour work week, assuming you start playing warframe right as the bell rings, that's 749 hours. 

Unless you can eat, work and play warframe at the same time, it is mathematically impossible. 

The fact that it took even longer in previous events just highlights how impossible this statement is. 

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2 hours ago, DarknessNightshade said:

Well, if you did the maths, you'd figure out just how unfeasible it is to farm 31 × 21 arcanes in a month. Even during the current event.

You need 966 motes for one set of a Legendary Arcane, on steel path, that takes around 11 hours or so, assuming minimum drops.

If you were to farm 31 sets, it'd take you around 349 hours. Or 14 and a half days, which doesn't sound like much, but that is with no breaks, work hours or sleep. 

There's 730 hours in a month. If you sleep around 8 hours a day, that's 589 hours gone. 

With a typical 40 hour work week, assuming you start playing warframe right as the bell rings, that's 749 hours. 

Unless you can eat, work and play warframe at the same time, it is mathematically impossible. 

The fact that it took even longer in previous events just highlights how impossible this statement is. 

First of all if you need 11 hours to farm a legendary arcane set this event, kindly get gud, the data me and 50 clanmates/friends collected came to average 7hr 36min for one legendary arcane set. This excludes alerts (makes this time faster).

those same 50 clanmates/friends ran gargoyle's cry, although we were exhausted and bored out a lot quicker, farming a legendary arcane in December 2023 took averagely 9hrs 24 mins. 

these are players of all levels, but it is all SP numbers, because we cannot be bothered to do normal. Our fastest logged run for botb is 5'02", fastest logged run for gargoyle's cry 7'43". 

Assuming minimum drops is actively choosing to not correlate to reality. 

So lets do your math again 

so 9hr 24 mins = 564 mins. This x31 = 17,484 mins =  291 hours 24 mins. 31 days of event 24 hrs in a day => 31x24 = 744 

You think every warframe player is a normal working person, i can tell you the people I'm talking about either took vacation, had a special working schedule or do not work at all, not that 31 was the average amount of sets every player got. The players I'm talking about kept on farming, not taking care of themselves and their health, those are the people DE wanted to shut down, not the player that goes to work, eats dinner and then powered on their pc to play an hour or two of warframe. They want the latter to keep farming and to keep the fanatics alive (hence the 2 set limit, to keep the fanatics alive).

There were people with more than 31 as well, but far more people had less (normal persons). Highest i heard was around 40, obv someone who did not work during the event.


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