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Jade Shadows: Hotfix 36.0.4


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vor 12 Stunden schrieb SECURATYYY:

Tenet plinx does heat by default, without a progenitor. The innate heat is combining with cold to make blast. Are you sure its a radiation progenitor and not an electric? Electric progenitor would end up with blast and electric with a cold mod I think. Without any mods the innate heat would combine with the progenitor electric to make radiation.

Ah man, It was really electricity. Haven't look on the element while equipping and got mezmerized by that radiation icon which refused to leave.

But thanks for the explanation! Didn't know the innate heat would stay no matter what progenitor.

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By the way, could Void Cascades get some QoL improvements ?
There are numerous issues players have been experiencing, and as the gamemode has become more popular with the Omnia fissures, these issues are becoming more generally known by the playerbase

- Grineers' red nullifying bubbles can be an absolute headache, especially when there are litteraly 3 players trying to find the epicenter (in vain). It always appears at the worst places and it could be fine if there was a marker showing where the epicenter is. 
- Thrax's spectral form getting its HPs refreshed by a void fissure. Can be frustrating when you're not a Madurai player.
- Talking about Madurai, it's actually too much of a meta for Void Cascades : using any other focus school feels trivial in Steel Path after a few rounds, leaving the player with only one option if he wants to have an effectiveness against hords of Thraxes. 
- Thraxes have what I call the "Cool I-make-you-lose-your-time attack" that consists in either standing in the sky and shooting lasers beams, or doing a cool scythe animation. Thraxes being invulnerable in that state, it just leaves the player bored, waiting for them to land. Can be a pain in solo or duo playing when things are a bit tense because it doesn't feel threatening at all, it's just a waste of time.

And regarding some of the most common bugs :
- Sometimes, an exolizer can't be completed : there's no void rift to destroy, while it's still locked for the rest of the mission.
- Some void rifts' visuals are bugged and you can't see them. Players spend a lot of time dashing and shooting randomly in hope to destroy it. 
- A Thrax's spectral form can be bugged and stand still, immune to any damage for the rest of the mission. 
- Thraxes getting ragdolled or in a climbing animation after going into spectral form.
- Thraxes spectral transformation being extremely slow if the player have used Zenurik's Temporal Drag ability.
- There's the famous Tenno moonwalk, locking you into one walking animation, not able to use transference, any ability, and even jumping in a hole doesn't fix it. It sometimes get fixed for god knows the reason. It seems to happen when the player gets in a nullifier bubble or exolizer's range ?

More issues could be listed by other players and I just think this gamemode should get some attention.


Edited by Awaidaqor
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On 2024-06-26 at 5:33 PM, [DE]Danielle said:

Fixed Frost’s Snow Globe and Hound’s Null Audit Precept (when stealing Arctic Eximus bubbles) unintentionally doubling weapon Critical Hit Damage when shooting through it. 

 Maybe could become an Augment in the future? Not doubling but more like Volt Shield maybe? Just a thought.

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4 hours ago, PyroMail.Com said:

Ah man, It was really electricity. Haven't look on the element while equipping and got mezmerized by that radiation icon which refused to leave.

But thanks for the explanation! Didn't know the innate heat would stay no matter what progenitor.

I love my Tenet Plinx, I have Magnetic as my progenitor at 60 bonus that gives me Viral - Magnetic - Heat and Radiation with high Critical on the one config.

My mods are Accelerated Isotope, Pistol Pestilence, Prime Target Cracker, Hornet Strike, Galvanized Diffusion, Primed Heated Charge, Riven +117.5% Critical Chance, +180.7% Damage and +28.3% Weapon Recoil and last mod is Ice Storm, the bouns of that mod is to give me cold and a larger magazine of 14 the more bullets in the magazine does more damage.

I forgot to mention I use it most of the time in secondary fire mode with single-shot target fire it just makes a mess of enemies in either mode.

Edited by Slayer-.
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hace 15 horas, DTaina dijo:

Wow, thank you!  It's about time.  His Overguard capabilities were always a little pathetic, and now he's amazing.

As long as the nullifiers and void pits discrepancy is not addressed, I think "amazing" is not a proper word to describe it, but maybe someday...

Edited by Rigtis
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hace 23 horas, [DE]Momaw dijo:

To test, I set up a high strength Frost build with Arcane Guardian, walked up to a Moa, and got over 1000 overguard from Avalanching the single Moa. Same thing with a Charger

I made the same test and you are right, even got a bit more. Too bad all of that is lost instantly as soon as a nullifier drops on me 😔

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On 2024-06-26 at 5:33 PM, [DE]Danielle said:

We’ve been absolutely loving your reactions to the Quest and wanted you to be able to enjoy it all over again

I mostly seen that people feel uncomfortable and odd because of these. I personally don't mind and mostly make fun out of it, but do you really like this kind of reactions?

On the other hand, there are eximuses, nullifyers and EDA in game, so it kinda connects

For me it seems you made this decision just for super cheap and burst viral advertising of your game before tennicon

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I know that the snow globe doubling crits was probably a bit much, but... a little something offensive with the globe would be really nice. Maybe something like vigilante mod, 10% chance at a +50% additive CC or CD? The main benefit would be that it would apply to Eximus, whereas all of the cold buffs/biting Frost do nothing against them.

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35 minutes ago, insanitybit said:

I know that the snow globe doubling crits was probably a bit much, but... a little something offensive with the globe would be really nice. Maybe something like vigilante mod, 10% chance at a +50% additive CC or CD? The main benefit would be that it would apply to Eximus, whereas all of the cold buffs/biting Frost do nothing against them.

Easy answer, shots fired through Snow Globe apply a second bullet with a Cold Proc, low damage but high status chance. 

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17 hours ago, insanitybit said:

I know that the snow globe doubling crits was probably a bit much, but... a little something offensive with the globe would be really nice. Maybe something like vigilante mod, 10% chance at a +50% additive CC or CD? The main benefit would be that it would apply to Eximus, whereas all of the cold buffs/biting Frost do nothing against them.

i mean it applies a cold proc every 2-3 seconds if they walk in  and 10 if they are under it , that already is 100% additive CD at 10x stack , also when it expels them if they hit walls its up to 50% of their HP as true damage

Edited by (XBOX)L115A3
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hace 23 horas, TheOlright dijo:

I mostly seen that people feel uncomfortable and odd because of these. I personally don't mind and mostly make fun out of it, but do you really like this kind of reactions?

On the other hand, there are eximuses, nullifyers and EDA in game, so it kinda connects

For me it seems you made this decision just for super cheap and burst viral advertising of your game before tennicon

This is an unpopular opinion, but personally, I feel like people is overreacting to it. It's not like there aren't other traumatic events and quests in WF and they focus way too much on rising up controversy instead on the symbolic meaning on it. Those events were quite common in war times and any mature person would realize that what is being portrayed in the quest is far from offensive but actually a token of hope for someone like the Stalker, who has lost everything he had, including his humanity. Many people I have asked their opinion about the quest in my clan (which is composed mostly by adult people) have gave me positive feedback and they don't take it as "uncomfortable" at all because we catch what it is telling us, not what modern society takes from it. About the frame, is not like pregnant characters are new to videogames in general and having a badass mother fighting to protect her unborn child reminds me to Angharad in Road Warrior who also fought bravely while pregnant to secure a better future for her incoming baby.

Edited by Rigtis
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On 2024-06-26 at 4:33 PM, [DE]Danielle said:

Fixed being able to pick up multiple Ionic Charges in Ascension missions, effectively deleting the one that was already in your hand.  

  • Now these will act like Alchemy Ampoules. You will not be able to pick up Ionic Charges with one already in-hand - unless you are trying to pick up a different type (i.e. normal Ionic Charge vs Boosted Ionic Charge). 


Well, they weren't deleted but joined into Boosted Ionic charges:


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7 hours ago, (XBOX)L115A3 said:

i mean it applies a cold proc every 2-3 seconds if they walk in  and 10 if they are under it , that already is 100% additive CD at 10x stack , also when it expels them if they hit walls its up to 50% of their HP as true damage

That's if they're under, and Frost can already apply cold procs in a way bigger range with Avalanche. And, maybe most importantly, none of that applies to Eximus units past 4 procs.

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Am 27.6.2024 um 19:04 schrieb Slayer-.:

I love my Tenet Plinx, I have Magnetic as my progenitor at 60 bonus that gives me Viral - Magnetic - Heat and Radiation with high Critical on the one config.

My mods are Accelerated Isotope, Pistol Pestilence, Prime Target Cracker, Hornet Strike, Galvanized Diffusion, Primed Heated Charge, Riven +117.5% Critical Chance, +180.7% Damage and +28.3% Weapon Recoil and last mod is Ice Storm, the bouns of that mod is to give me cold and a larger magazine of 14 the more bullets in the magazine does more damage.

I forgot to mention I use it most of the time in secondary fire mode with single-shot target fire it just makes a mess of enemies in either mode.

Thats a juicy riven you got there.

Our builds are mostly the same, I dropped Accelerated Isotope for Faction Mod and use Prime Magazine Mod instead of Ice Storm. It's also just swap, press alt fire, watch them go boom and chuckle. It wasn't love on first sight though, but the more I experimented with it, that thing earned itself a place in my heart. Most of the time I yeet the Cedo disk away, switch to Plinx, unload everything, swap right back and begin anew.

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On 2024-06-27 at 12:33 AM, [DE]Danielle said:

Fixed the subsumed version of Jade’s Ophanim Eyes not actually having the eyes present on cast (this was a visual only bug). 

This "fix" has broken Jade's 4 if you subsume over Ophanim Eyes. The projectiles now spawn under her feet and are easily blocked by terrain. Please either revert this change or fix Jade's 4 to work if subsumed over.


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