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Not even Nexon tried this


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Posted (edited)

Since we finally have a game comparable to Warframe in terms of its F2P Model. I see tons of Warframe players hating TFD for its MTX store and saying "Warframe better" when in fact DE kept this in the game for its entire lifetime now without ever adressing it:

1) Ressources buyable (for an exorbitant ammount of plat too)


2) Credits buyable (")


3) Endo buyable (")


4) Worst crafting timers in any game



5) Incarnon Adapters buyable



Until these points are adressed by DE in some way shape or form, this game will never have a fair F2P Model.

Edited by NovaLP
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I really, really hope this was meant to be sarcastic/satire, otherwise it might just be the single worst attempt to paint Warframe as Pay 2 Win of the entire year so far.

I've never paid for Endo or Resources, ever. Folks are paying from Day 1 in TFD for 1 single colour swap option that can only be used one single time. Just because a game isn't hiding its microtransaction intention doesn't make it any better. Luckily both Players and Reviewers are slaughtering the game for the exact same reason.

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12 minutes ago, NovaLP said:

Until these points are adressed by DE in some way shape or form, this game will never have a fair F2P Model.

This is quite silly.

You never need to / should buy resources etc from the Market, there are easily accessible farming options for them.

Crafting times are certainly annoying, especially as a new player, but once you have
a whole bunch of stuff waiting for you in the Foundry, it's just not really a big deal anymore.

The Incarnons were mostly added as an option for those who didn't want to wait for the Circuit to come around (twice) to those weapons,
and in any case, Plat is not the only way to get them, in fact I'd call it ~fine if all Incarnon Adapters were optionally Plat-purchasable.

Like ... could it be better in some cases? Could the resource etc packs just get removed, and crafting times reduced / eliminated?

Sure. I'd like to think I'm not "fanboy" enough to be able to ignore things like that.

However, does that put Warframe below The Last First Descendant in terms of fairness?

Oh my Clem no. First of all, Warframe's premium currency is tradable, TFD's is not. That is a HUGE deal.
So, with that in mind, even ignoring cosmetics (lol), look e.g. into what it takes to get an "Ultimate" Descendant. I dare you to.

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23 minutes ago, NovaLP said:

Until these points are adressed by DE in some way shape or form, this game will never have a fair F2P Model.

Just because some part of game is bad, silly or not great doesn't mean whole game is bad. I hate or don't like some part of game but I still find WF to be pretty decent game when it comes to F2P - you can buy lot of things in reasonable price.

25 minutes ago, NovaLP said:

5) Incarnon Adapters buyable


Ok, but what you mean by "incarnon adapters buyable"?

Is it because you can only buy 5? It's not F2P stuff. It's all that time gate & long grind "silly" stuff.

Is it because of 120 plat? That's small amount. Weapons costs at most ~300 plat. Paying 120 is not something overly big.

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Posted (edited)

Since we finally have a game comparable to Warframe in terms of its F2P Model.

"Finally"? Looks like someone never played Firefall, Guild Wars 2 and other games I won't deign to list unless I'm asked nicely.

I don't actually complain about this model, and it's "fair" actually in the sense that paying for convenience is something I expect from a F2P MMO. I wouldn't complain if more games were like what I recall Path of Exile to be like, keeping purchases largely to cosmetics and unnecessary (but very nice) gameplay conveniences, but the developers have to buy food and pay rent too you know?

But go try your luck with Nexon. Let experience (and RSI) be your teacher.

Edited by Ventura_Highway
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Posted (edited)


-oh. Just run Akkad, Arena/Labs/bounties and Index? 


Edited by The_End_Kinda
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24 minutes ago, Ventura_Highway said:

"Finally"? Looks like someone never played Firefall, Guild Wars 2 and other games I won't deign to list unless I'm asked nicely.

I don't actually complain about this model, and it's "fair" actually in the sense that paying for convenience is something I expect from a F2P MMO. I wouldn't complain if more games were like what I recall Path of Exile to be like, keeping purchases largely to cosmetics and unnecessary (but very nice) gameplay conveniences, but the developers have to buy food and pay rent too you know?

But go try your luck with Nexon. Let experience (and RSI) be your teacher.

Wah wah wah. This Warframe suckoff is a Warframe suckoff and really dumb.

Saved whoever was thinking that the trouble.

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59 minutes ago, NinjaZeku said:

You never need to / should buy resources etc from the Market, there are easily accessible farming options for them.

29 minutes ago, The_End_Kinda said:


-oh. Just run Akkad, Arena/Labs/bounties and Index? 


Then why is it still in there? If no one buys it, why is it an option in the first place?

There are 100% players out there that fall for that S#&$, it has no buisness being in the market in the first place. Just because you don't buy it doesn't mean it doesn't exist, its bad because it exists.

55 minutes ago, Ventura_Highway said:

"Finally"? Looks like someone never played Firefall, Guild Wars 2 and other games I won't deign to list unless I'm asked nicely.

Firefall doesn't exist anymore and GW2 is as far as i know buy to play with MTX (similar to HD2, FF14, etc.)

58 minutes ago, Ventura_Highway said:

I don't actually complain about this model, and it's "fair" actually in the sense that paying for convenience is something I expect from a F2P MMO.

Pay for convenience = Pay to win. It's about how bad the P2W is. Remove the option to trade for plat and suddenly Warframe would be one of the worst F2P games out there.

Also 3 and a half days for a Warframe? You know how many newer players quit Warframe because of its crafting timers?

1 hour ago, Ventura_Highway said:

Path of Exile to be like

Path of Exile has the best F2P Model tbh. You can't buy anything regarding gameplay, its only used for slight convenience with your stash and cosmetics thats it.

1 hour ago, quxier said:

Is it because you can only buy 5? It's not F2P stuff. It's all that time gate & long grind "silly" stuff.

Paying plat for them is the best way of getting them by a long shot. They could've made them available for idk high ammounts of Steel Essence, Pathos Clamps, Riven Slivers or anything if their reasoning was to give an alternative way of obtaining them but no... they chose plat.

I was against it from the get go.

1 hour ago, NinjaZeku said:

Oh my Clem no. First of all, Warframe's premium currency is tradable, TFD's is not. That is a HUGE deal.

It is a huge deal actually you are right about that, but let's say we can take nexons word that trading is currently in the works for TFD and its coming very soon.

Let's be honest, Warframe got a pass on most of its monetization because of the trading system. The entire argument on "fair" or "not fair" weighs on it and thats not good at all especially if TFD gets it.

1 hour ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

I really, really hope this was meant to be sarcastic/satire, otherwise it might just be the single worst attempt to paint Warframe as Pay 2 Win of the entire year so far.

No its not, because Warframe is already painted as P2W outside of its bubble :D

I am just pointing out Warframes current weak spots in terms of it's monetization

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4 minutes ago, NovaLP said:

Then why is it still in there? If no one buys it, why is it an option in the first place?

There are 100% players out there that fall for that S#&$, it has no buisness being in the market in the first place. Just because you don't buy it doesn't mean it doesn't exist, its bad because it exists.

Same reason people sell companions at above market plat price. User discretion is always advised, just because you didn’t do your research doesn’t mean there aren’t people out here advising not to use or buy certain things. At the end of the day your decisions are your own.

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4 minutes ago, NovaLP said:

No its not, because Warframe is already painted as P2W outside of its bubble :D

I am just pointing out Warframes current weak spots in terms of it's monetization

It is painted like that outside here, true, by complete buffoons who have never experienced an MMO actually showing them what P2W is. I mean it's in the name, if the game gives you the option to skip ahead/gain benefits that you cannot get reasonably ingame, it's Pay 2 Win. TFD literally released as this, Warframe goes so far as to actually release its Drop Percentages to be as transparent as possible.

If those, the things nobody ever buys, are Warframes weakest monetization spots, it's time to celebrate.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, NovaLP said:

Remove the option to trade for plat and suddenly Warframe would be one of the worst F2P games out there.

If you remove the steering wheel on a car, it becomes one if the worst cars out there.

(I am great at making analogies. I am like a shark in that regard.)

Mind, I still don't really agree with you there though, other than Inventory slots you don't really *need* Plat for gameplay purposes.

1 hour ago, NovaLP said:

Path of Exile has the best F2P Model tbh. You can't buy anything regarding gameplay, its only used for slight convenience with your stash

In a loot game like that, I think stash space is a ton more vital than merely being a "slight convenience" deal.

1 hour ago, NovaLP said:

Paying plat for them is the best way of getting them by a long shot.

Utter nonsense.

You play Steel Path Circuit, you get Incarnon Adapters. It's simple, it works, no Plat needs to get involved.

1 hour ago, NovaLP said:

Let's be honest, Warframe got a pass on most of its monetization because of the trading system. The entire argument on "fair" or "not fair" weighs on it and thats not good at all especially if TFD gets it.

Not sure I get your point here, another game becomes as fair as Warframe
- in that one regard, because stuff like the "Ultimate" drop rates is still not okay -
and that makes Warframe less fair? Does not compute.

1 hour ago, NovaLP said:

No its not, because Warframe is already painted as P2W outside of its bubble :D

By people who are uninformed?

Edited by NinjaZeku
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Posted (edited)

As someone who used to started gaming with Nexon in early 2008, I'll offer my two cents on TFD and Warframe regarding their MTX issues.

Yeah I get that those little platnium sinks you mentioned in your original post and not worth it and shouldn't be there, I'll give you that. But as other people be have mentioned, they can be earned relatively easily in the game that it would seem pointless to ever spent plat on them to begin with.

We can acknowledge that DE wasn't always perfect when it came to handling MTX in their games. There was a time way back in Warframe where they sold power in the form of exclusive Orokin Reactors/Catalysts, where reviving ingame used to cost actual platnium, and the infamous kubrow color slot-machine, etc, etc. But if we're gonna fault DE for its business practices, then you also need to give credit where credit is due, which you didn't do anywhere in your post. The aforementioned features were either reworked or outright removed to be more consumer friendly. Very recently, DE acknowledged the outcry they caused with their Frost and Mag Heirloom Collection and are removing FOMO and the Paywall for the next Heirloom Collection by making it both rotational-based and purchasable with plat, which can be earned ingame. That's what separates DE from Nexon.

TFD is trying to replicate the success Warframe had, yet they're implementing the latter's worst mistakes into their own game.

1 hour ago, NovaLP said:

Let's be honest, Warframe got a pass on most of its monetization because of the trading system.

As they rightfully should. Because giving your consumers a way earn premium currency opens up their entire Cash Shop and rewards them for just playing the game to access something that would normally be locked away by a paywall. 

Why yes, this argument would a lot less impactful if TFD implements their own trading system. Reread that while you're at it - because I said IF.

Until TFD puts trade in their game and we know for certain their trade system works the same way as Warframe's, this argument will always be valid. Besides, how can you tell me for certain that TFD and by extension, Nexon, will make premium currency tradeable in their game? The only quote I was able to retrieve from a gaming news article about TFD's future update on trading was the following:

"We're working on the trading system and how to give things away as well. We're planning on implementing it once the service stabilizes to the point where we can add it."

So we can receive and give away things in the future, cool. In my history with playing Nexon Games, their premium currency has almost never been officially tradeable barring one exception in the form of the Meso Market System in Maplestory (at least to my knowledge). Keep in mind that system is HEAVILY regulated and needlessly restrictive in converting ingame-currency to premium currency when you compare it to how trading works in Warframe. Obviously we're not talking about Maplestory, but TFD.

This is important because of what I'm about to tackle below:

4 hours ago, NovaLP said:

(for an exorbitant ammount of plat too)

You mentioned that you "see tons of Warframe players hating TFD for its MTX store".

You can't talk about the price of stuff in one game while ignoring the prices of the other. Have you actually taken a look at how much Warframe plat is worth in contrast to how much TFD Caliber/NX is worth? No seriously, I want you to look at what you can buy and obtain with how much money you put into the game. For example, if I was to hypothetically invest $20 dollars worth of premium currency in both games, how much of the premium content in both their respective Markets/Cash Shops will I be able to afford and buy? What will 500 plat get me vs 500 Caliber/NX?  I'm confident you know the answer to this, assuming you've read the Steam reviews. Remember, though - plat is earnable ingame through trade. 

Would you like me talk about Nexon as whole next? About their little legal fiasco that went on with their company earlier this year? About the various games they've shut down over the two decades the company's been alive? 

Warfame will never have a fair F2P Model, you say? I disagree. As of 2024, I think this game very much has set the standard for what a F2P looter shooter model should be and it's Nexon and their predatory practices that disgrace it.


TLDR; do your f*cking homework and take your head outta your a$s, bruh.

Edited by ZiIIion
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This comes off a little... well 1. Either a bit defensive of another game. 2. Devils Advocate positioning. In either case contextualising well is important. Like do I personally think that Credits bundle you can buy with Plat aka a Premium Currency, and its general value, is really really silly and bad? To the point I think it should be removed from the Market. Yes. That being said, its really important to understand and acknowledge thats not the only way to get Credits, and even more importantly, Credits themselves are actually pretty easy to acquire naturally from just playing the game. Obviously a new player might not realise that, but a new player should generally be a bit discerning over such things from a time and money investment scale, before making decisions. Like no new player should be blindly spending hundreds of real world currency to get Platinum to then buy Credits in bulk, only to realise later that was an error. So then understanding and acknowledging alternatives is incredibly important, because that plays a part in establishing value around time, money, effort, and gameplay cycles. 

So if there is a game (and I mean in general, this is not passive aggressive shade at First Descendent, because I personally don't know much about it), where the equation or context around value, has alternatives that are lacking? Or more severe or costly than another? Like lets say one time use colour purchases, or lack of trading options, then obviously some will be critical, and not necessarily in just a biased my game is innately better kind of way. 

Thats even before you start to address the idea of fairness either from a subjective or attempted objective measure. I personally think Warframe does have a few predatory systems within, but as far as I am aware, and generally recall, the games various age rating guidelines usually put in the higher ages categories, and from what I have heard, in some cases, its due to DE's input. Not necessarily because of the games gore, swearing, violence or sexual content (relatively speaking its not that much), but it could be for artistic and or ethical reasons. My general point is, the fact that DE isn't trying to advertise and market hard to young teens or children, means in a relative sense, I think they are being more responsible for their product, than some games. Older gamers should be more discerning and responsible over spending real money, specifically on items that they do value in context, as opposed to ignorance and or because the game doesn't give them any other option, so feel necessitated )then by the same comparison, how and why others may be critical). 

I think the idea of a "fair F2P model" is going to be a bit hard along those lines, because fairness person to person... Like a person who understands subtle manipulation tricks around how and why peoples mood, excitement, other types of stimulation and how/why to exploit that in people in the name of creating wealth, taking advantage of potentially vulnerable people, but in a way thats within the law, if they are more motivated by personal profit or motivated by ethics, their ideas on what is "fair" will diverge, and then thats before you start including people with other ideas, experiences, perceptions. So then if all games, are potentially a little manipulative, and a little unfair because thats the default condition, then relatively fair, is a somewhat useful metric and idea to acknowledge. Like I personally think DE is relatively fair with its F2P model. Definitely not perfect, but eh. Better than many. Relatively. 

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2 hours ago, NovaLP said:
3 hours ago, Ventura_Highway said:

I don't actually complain about this model, and it's "fair" actually in the sense that paying for convenience is something I expect from a F2P MMO.

Pay for convenience = Pay to win. It's about how bad the P2W is. Remove the option to trade for plat and suddenly Warframe would be one of the worst F2P games out there.

What you write is total nonsense. If you remove something then it becomes something else. Duh. It's obvious. Change rng for buyable loot from 100% to 0.0001% and all of sudden you will have P2W. Same reasoning...

Pay to win is when you have to pay real money to win (putting aside 'win condition').

2 hours ago, NovaLP said:
4 hours ago, quxier said:

Is it because you can only buy 5? It's not F2P stuff. It's all that time gate & long grind "silly" stuff.

Paying plat for them is the best way of getting them by a long shot. They could've made them available for idk high ammounts of Steel Essence, Pathos Clamps, Riven Slivers or anything if their reasoning was to give an alternative way of obtaining them but no... they chose plat.

I was against it from the get go.

Well, you can just get 5 of them.

As for the rest, yeah, time gate, 2 per week and hours grinding is horrible but it's still 'free'.

1 hour ago, ZiIIion said:

We can acknowledge that DE wasn't always perfect when it came to handling MTX in their games. There was a time way back in Warframe where they sold power in the form of exclusive Orokin Reactors/Catalysts, where reviving ingame used to cost actual platnium, and the infamous kubrow color slot-machine, etc, etc. But if we're gonna fault DE for its business practices, then you also need to give credit where credit is due, which you didn't do anywhere in your post. The aforementioned features were either reworked or outright removed to be more consumer friendly. Very recently, DE acknowledged the outcry they caused with their Frost and Mag Heirloom Collection and are removing FOMO and the Paywall for the next Heirloom Collection by making it both rotational-based and purchasable with plat, which can be earned ingame. That's what separates DE from Nexon.

I agree in general with your post. They make something bad and fix it later. Nothing is perfect.

However when comes to kubrow slot machine we shouldn't forget about rivens. Sure, rivens are not about plat (except buying) but it's basically same thing. You push a button and you get some stuff. You trade time for plat. So I couldn't say that they make 'it' more friendly'.


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Posted (edited)
15 hours ago, NovaLP said:

Firefall doesn't exist anymore and GW2 is as far as i know buy to play with MTX (similar to HD2, FF14, etc.)

GW2 has loot boxes in it. There's stuff, it's convenient, you can use the resources inside to avoid grinding materials out or sell the cosmetics on the market for money, to then skip the grind. By the way, Firefall being out of service doesn't mean that at some point, Red5 didn't put out a Pay for Convenience model game, thanks for making this easy.

15 hours ago, NovaLP said:

Also 3 and a half days for a Warframe? You know how many newer players quit Warframe because of its crafting timers?

Look, like, I'm going to tune out because your suffering isn't my problem, but you can go ahead and peek at the steam reviews for Nexon's other games.

Edited by Ventura_Highway
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I just have a particular problem with the mention of the incarnon adapters, i mean they are in the circuit rotation as well, just like the rest. The option to buy them came is there because DE did not want to have the players who had all the other adapters already, wait 14 more weeks until they could unlock the majority of those. They came out the week they went in rotation as well, so most people only bought 3 tops.

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  • 2 months later...
On 2024-07-08 at 3:55 PM, NovaLP said:

Since we finally have a game comparable to Warframe in terms of its F2P Model. I see tons of Warframe players hating TFD for its MTX store and saying "Warframe better" when in fact DE kept this in the game for its entire lifetime now without ever adressing it:

1) Ressources buyable (for an exorbitant ammount of plat too)


2) Credits buyable (")


3) Endo buyable (")


4) Worst crafting timers in any game



5) Incarnon Adapters buyable



Until these points are adressed by DE in some way shape or form, this game will never have a fair F2P Model.

Lmfaoo get a load of this guy, you can’t fr compare the two, for a small example 1 of many… energy activators are $20 give or take mostly take while they are $5 in warframe, that’s not even the kicker, grinding for energy activators bp which has a 2% drop chance, vs being able to buy them in game or earn them from missions in warframe, or you can also grind for them, more ways to get them, but also TFD caliber is cash only, (just spent a bunch on cosmetics) I have about 300 plat on warframe that I EARNED from grinding and selling things in the trade chat… you can’t even compare a game like TFD which is pay only to a game like warframe where you can earn plat without opening your wallet… not to mention the warframe community is nice I’ve given things away for free as well as have received things for free… none of which TFD even allows you to do… also it takes 29 hours to craft an energy activator 

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DE should absolutely remove those new player traps right away, don't get me wrong; but they're in no way comparable with Nexon's monetization since the grind to get those things as a f2player is nonexistant. 

And as far as the incarnon adapters are concerned, I'd say paying 120 plat to skip a 6 weeks wait and a couple hours of Circuit is far from bad.

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20 hours ago, TenZero said:

And as far as the incarnon adapters are concerned, I'd say paying 120 plat to skip a 6 weeks wait and a couple hours of Circuit is far from bad.

15 hours ago, Quest said:

whats wrong with the incarnon adapters

Would you ever play an Archon Hunt, Netracell or DA / EDA ever again if you could pay lets say 20 plat for Tauforged Archon Shards from the Market instead?

The problem is, they are the only item in Warframe that is 100 times easier to simply buy for plat than to farm it out. I get that they wanted to solve the timegate thing and to some extend give players who don't like Duviri to obtain Incarnon Adapters aswell but they should've taken another route.

For example:

- Put another reward option into the circuit that is a special currency item let's call it "Incarnon Essence". You can get 1 Incarnon Essence every week from the circuit this way.

- You can also buy 1 Incarnon Essence every week for 100 Steel Essence + 100 Voidgel Orbs + 100 Stela from Cavalero or Loid. (they would have a shared store limit tho)

- Buy ANY Incarnon Adapter that you want for 2 Incarnon Essence from Cavalero in the Incarnon Market option.

This system would allow any players to either engage in Duviri AND other SP content in the game to get any adapter they want every week or it would allow players that don't like Duviri to obtain 1 Incarnon Adapter of their choosing every 2 weeks from SP, Zariman and Sanctum. It would also allow EVERY Incarnon adapter to be acquirable at any time and not just a select 5 (soon 10) of them for plat because they were released later.

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22 hours ago, quina112 said:

Lmfaoo get a load of this guy, you can’t fr compare the two

I never said (wrote) that TFD has a better monetization model then Warframe. It's obviously the other way around but that doesn't mean that Warframes is perfect or the gold standard that games should go by at all. It's good enough but not great and thats about it.

If you want to know what I think the gold standard for F2P monetization is that games should go by, its prob Path of Exile. And even that game has some problems that should be adressed with its F2P model

15 hours ago, Quest said:

also i dont really see what this has to do with the first descendant, the thread title is very sensationalist

TFD has a much worse monetization model than Warframe overall atm but Warframe has literal scams in their market at the same time that I wanted to point out

Edited by NovaLP
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2 hours ago, NovaLP said:

Would you ever play an Archon Hunt, Netracell or DA / EDA ever again if you could pay lets say 20 plat for Tauforged Archon Shards from the Market instead?

i would pay 20 million plat to never have a gamemode with restricted random loadouts again

2 hours ago, NovaLP said:

For example:

- Put another reward option into the circuit that is a special currency item let's call it "Incarnon Essence". You can get 1 Incarnon Essence every week from the circuit this way.

- You can also buy 1 Incarnon Essence every week for 100 Steel Essence + 100 Voidgel Orbs + 100 Stela from Cavalero or Loid. (they would have a shared store limit tho)

- Buy ANY Incarnon Adapter that you want for 2 Incarnon Essence from Cavalero in the Incarnon Market option.

This system would allow any players to either engage in Duviri AND other SP content in the game to get any adapter they want every week or it would allow players that don't like Duviri to obtain 1 Incarnon Adapter of their choosing every 2 weeks from SP, Zariman and Sanctum. It would also allow EVERY Incarnon adapter to be acquirable at any time and not just a select 5 (soon 10) of them for plat because they were released later.

sure that would be fine

Edited by Quest
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The only thing here I agree with is frame crafting timers.  They are 100% a predatory newbie trap, designed to take plat from impatient people.  The insane crafting time drives many off, and those that don't get initially driven off, a fraction of them will rush.  Having burnt that much plat just to not wait over 3 days will sour the experience and they won't last long either.  

Resources, credits and endo are all easy to get.  The only people buying them are people that don't want to grind at all, and those people aren't going to last anyway.  There is a major difference between "wait nearly 4 days for this thing you already did the grind for because reasons" and "you have to play the game to get the things you need."

Incarnons was DE throwing a bone to players that hate the randomizer.  That's pure speculation, but I fully believe it to be true.  That's just granting access to rewards in the event you hate the content they're in.  And considering you can farm plat through many other types of content, there's nothing that's not F2P about that skip being offered.

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