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Warframe is a game held back by how easy it is


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11 minutes ago, Rakosta_Kai said:

I quoted you noting "This guy..." (Me) and I replied with "This guy..." (Likewise Me.)

So your saying I posted an Ad Hominem against myself ?!?! 


You were insinuating that I myself cannot read, because you were making the comparison that you can.


Stop trying to pull the rug.


13 minutes ago, Rakosta_Kai said:

FWIW, I stopped reading the rest of your reply because I found the first line so funny that nothing else you say could possibly top it...

You have thoroughly amused me this day. Thank you.

Appeal to the stone fallacy: Dismissing a claim as absurd without demonstrating proof for its absurdity.


You really like using that one, don't you? If we were in-game, you'd bind that to Q or E.

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17 hours ago, Rakosta_Kai said:

That's because this guy can effectively read...

You feel you should be entitled to increased challenges even though you keep modding your way out of any challenge at all but don't feel that players should feel entitled to enjoy SP unless they are good enough.

Entitlement is entitlement. DE can add new paths to power and fix frame inequities but nobody can fix a 6+ forma build's power difference except the player.

I literally gave you an option to come up with something specific and actionable and instead you complain about why you wouldn't and shouldn't have to.
I'd have been good if you had mentioned adding mods that modified drop chance, amount, money, resources, or focus as trade-offs for those slots.

That way you keep challenge but DE gives you something for your time and effort— But No... "F-em", right? 

Yes, you have indeed undercut your own argument.

>mods way out of challenge 

>complains about lack of challenge

>ignores obvious solution and throws a tantrum anyway. It's like a surprised Pikachu meme.

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6 minutes ago, (XBOX)ECCHO SIERRA said:

>mods way out of challenge 

>complains about lack of challenge

>ignores obvious solution and throws a tantrum anyway. It's like a surprised Pikachu meme.

Lemme ask you somethin'.


What's something you want added into Warframe?

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On 2024-08-10 at 12:20 PM, 4thBro said:

Okay, I already addressed this, so let me try it again in different words:


I didn't just spend a week planning and farming for items, just so that I could take off my items.


We are saying that this looter shooter has us looting, but not testing that loot on what we're shooting.

You are saying that we should be happy putting away the loot, from the looter shooter, and just shooting. Without the loot.


That's like if I'm playing GTA5, and I say, "These car races are too easy. Please make them harder."

And you, the community, said... "If you want it to be harder, get out of the car and run the race on foot."

It's not a car race if I'm running on foot.

It's not Warframe if I'm not utilizing all my loot.

I'm curious how you'll attempt to dismiss this analogy, though.

Straw man #1 is saying "you are saying we should be happy putting away the loot from the looter shooter and just shooting. Without the loot."

Like any good straw man, there is a SLIVER of truthiness buried in there somewhere, 

Yes, I am in fact pointing out that if you want more of a challenge you don't have to use EVERY. SINGLE. META. THING. available to be as powerful as possible. 

Where you "distort my argument" and go into straw man territory is we when you twist it out like I'm just asking you to throw out the entire concept of loot, entirely.

Now since we're here I'll respond to the GTA analogy. That doesn't work. I'm not saying "just do the race on foot lel". 

Since you brought up racing let's talk about racing. 

Imagine if you were playing a racing game and going up against stock muscle cars from the 60's and 70's. 

But you decided to pick the maxed out 2025 C8 corvette with every upgrade imaginable and making like a thousand horsepower when all the other ai drivers have like, maybe a third of that. 

Then, you decided to go on a forum and throw a temper tantrum anout the game being too easy like it isn't your own fault for making it too easy. 

Then, when people don't agree with you, you blow up on them and treat everyone else like they're an idiot. 

See in a perfect world, maybe there'd be different tiers of cars that way the classic muscle cars and the maxed out super cars and so on and so forth all have a place. Which games like Forza have been doing for awhile.

But the problem is, again, nobody can ever agree on what is "challenging" in this game. 

They could decide to triple enemy health and damage and people would still say it's too easy. Just for example.

Now since you like analogies, 

Imagine if some people respond to things like maxed out present day super cars being in the game by saying you know what S#&$'s OP they need to just remove/nerf this S#&$ completely.

"But what if I like these cars?"


"#*!% you my opinion matters and yours doesnt".

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8 minutes ago, (XBOX)ECCHO SIERRA said:

Straw man #1 is saying "you are saying we should be happy putting away the loot from the looter shooter and just shooting. Without the loot."

Like any good straw man, there is a SLIVER of truthiness buried in there somewhere, 

Yes, I am in fact pointing out that if you want more of a challenge you don't have to use EVERY. SINGLE. META. THING. available to be as powerful as possible. 

Bro, I play Vastilok Mirage with Eclipse on Damage Reduction just because it's cool.

I play Nezha with Gloom over his 4 because of the theme I chose for it.

... I play Mesa. In fact, I play non-Prime Mesa.

There are MANY non-meta ways to still be able to trounce through everything. I play what's fun. I decide on a theme and I figure out how to make it work. Don't misrepresent me as some guy throwing on the most meta of meta stuff, and then saying "the game is boring."

The whole reason I'm bored with Warframe is because I can only sit in the Arsenal for so long. I load up the Navigation menu, and there's quite literally NOTHING satisfying to play. I don't even keep up with daily things, or hourly things, because I can't be bothered, and I don't need them. I haven't done Kuva Floods in years, and I definitely have Rivens that could use it. I haven't done the Steel Essence dailies in years, because, same reason, I can't be bothered. It would just be for more Arsenal Gameplay.

There's nothing to go out and DO. Everything is just easy enemies waddling around. And in most of those daily/hourly mission types, I hate even maintaining multiple buffs, because there aren't enough enemies to drop Energy Orbs, and I'm just running out of Energy by over-prepping myself every 30-60 seconds.

I haven't sat in an Arbitration in years, either. It just takes too long for enemies to even catch up to Netracell level! Lol.


You really aren't comprehending the emphasis players like me are having in the fact that there's just NOTHINGGGGG to do.


17 minutes ago, (XBOX)ECCHO SIERRA said:

Where you "distort my argument" and go into straw man territory is we when you twist it out like I'm just asking you to throw out the entire concept of loot, entirely.

There's a fine line between straw man and exaggeration.

I'm exaggerating by goofily implying that you want me to strip naked. But the premise is still there. You ARE literally telling me to strip down to SOME degree. But that defeats the entire purpose of collecting loot. And it removes the entire skill of Warframe: making builds.

You could respond with, "Be good at making more restricted builds," but that's still more of the same flaw. It's like playing Pokemon, but instead of being able to choose from ALL of the vast pool, you say, "How about you only pick non-evolved fire Pokemon, for the challenge? It'll be FUN!"

(It's not fun.)


20 minutes ago, (XBOX)ECCHO SIERRA said:

But you decided to pick the maxed out 2025 C8 corvette with every upgrade imaginable and making like a thousand horsepower when all the other ai drivers have like, maybe a third of that. 

Then, you decided to go on a forum and throw a temper tantrum anout the game being too easy like it isn't your own fault for making it too easy. 

Then, when people don't agree with you, you blow up on them and treat everyone else like they're an idiot. 

First of all... I'm only pointing out fallacies. If that makes you FEEL like an idiot, that's on you. That's not on me. That would be like getting arrested for theft,, and then being upset at the police officers for making you feel like a thief.


As for that race analogy... My original was on-point. But moving on to yours:

It would more so be like... Winning those races in that tricked out car, and then saying to the community: "It's too easy if I'm the only one with access to this car. The council that makes the rules to these street races should figure something out to even the playing field."

Do you see how that version of your analogy is much smoother? (The council is DE in this scenario.)


24 minutes ago, (XBOX)ECCHO SIERRA said:

But the problem is, again, nobody can ever agree on what is "challenging" in this game.

No two people in any subset of discussion can fully agree on anything.

You could take two people that already agree that they love Railjack, and they probably won't agree on WHY they love Railjack.


But even still, it's up to those that WANT an endgame to talk with each other to possibly figure something out. But what do we get? Invaded by nay-sayers and doomsayers. "It'll never happen! YOU'RE JUST DREAMING!"




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Il y a 2 heures, 4thBro a dit :

"I don't even keep up with (...) things, because I can't be bothered, and I don't need them.


"there's just NOTHINGGGGG to do."

Edited by dwqrf
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On 2024-08-10 at 12:45 PM, 4thBro said:

I mean...

... Borderlands 2.

You build up your power for an endgame goal of beating the raid bosses. And they are challenging, even when you have all your loot.

not everyone plays for the same reasons, this is where your "logic" falls apart.

maybe YOU play for the challenge. others might just play to have fun, whatever fun means to them. stop trying to make it seem like you represent everyone. 🤣

Edited by latetier
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On 2024-08-05 at 10:38 AM, 4thBro said:

All we're asking for is something to appease the higher tier players.

finally, the only real thing this person has said so far. they just wants more content for themselves, regardless if it is not beneficial to the community at large or not. lmao

which is fine btw if u want to selfishly say that you should get more content just for you because you like this type of content. just stop trying to pretend you represent the majority of the community.

Edited by latetier
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il y a 3 minutes, latetier a dit :

finally, the only real thing this person has said so far. they just wants more content for themselves, regardless if it is not beneficial to the community at large or not. lmao

Barely ''real''. Higher tier players ? For me, Higher Tier players are Codex Hunters, not Level Capper. And Codex Hunters are completely fine with Warframe difficulty ; and it could even be turned down a little for some specifics entries

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26 minutes ago, latetier said:

not everyone plays for the same reasons, this is where your "logic" falls apart.

maybe YOU play for the challenge. others might just play to have fun, whatever fun means to them. stop trying to make it seem like you represent everyone.

I don't care if you think I do or do not respect you. But I do respect all of the perspectives, and ways to play the game.


I'm going to say this for the............ what are we on? 90 millionth time, now???


Endgame does not affect you if you do not wish to participate in it.

YOUR side is the side that's trying to prevent DE from adding it, just because YOU don't want it.

THAT is the side that doesn't respect other people.


I never liked Eidolons. Guess what I didn't do?


I can do other things, sell for plat, and buy the Eidolon rewards.

You can do this for basically every Prime/Galv mod, too.

You can't do this for Archon Shards. But there's a lot of ways to GET Archon Shards.


This WHOLE GAME is about having something for everybody.

YOUR SIDE is the side that's trying to make sure YOU'RE the most important people to appease. And once YOU'RE happy, all development can cease, because YOU are the center of the universe.


For the 90,000,001st time...

YOU are the ones trying to prevent something from being added. NOT us.

If YOU made a thread and asked for pink skirts for your Kavats, I wouldn't barge in there and say, "ABSOLUTELY not! I would never use that! DE shouldn't do this, because I don't want it!"


The raw, unadulterated ENTITLEMENT that you have, believing that something shouldn't be added because YOU don't want it, while standing in the middle of a crowd of people that do.

It's absolutely wild.


28 minutes ago, latetier said:

finally, the only real thing this person has said so far. they just wants more content for themselves, regardless if it is not beneficial to the community at large or not. lmao

which is fine btw if u want to selfishly say that you should get more content just for you because you like this type of content. just stop trying to pretend you represent the majority of the community.

Let me ask you.

Do YOU want something added to Warframe? Or are you happy with it as it is?

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9 minutes ago, 4thBro said:

YOUR side

1. you don't even know what my side is. stop assuming

2. with how upset you seem to be i think you have been arguing too much on warframe forums, maybe log out for a week or two. might help your mental health to do so.

3. its a video game. taking it this serious isn't good for you.

4. literally no one is trying to prevent you from doing anything. they are giving their opinions. you just don't seem to be able to take any form of opinions that dont directly agree with your own.

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15 minutes ago, latetier said:

1. you don't even know what my side is. stop assuming

Ok, friend. I'll ask directly.

What is your side? 😃

16 minutes ago, latetier said:

2. with how upset you seem to be i think you have been arguing too much on warframe forums, maybe log out for a week or two. might help your mental health to do so.

Good idea TBH.

16 minutes ago, latetier said:

3. its a video game. taking it this serious isn't good for you.

This video game is an avenue where I am witnessing real life human beings behave in this manner. If we're being honest, it kind of is serious. And it kind of goes all the way, if you know what I mean.

If you look at all these fallacies, and then remember that these people can watch the news and vote on presidents, it kind of starts to become serious.

But whatever.

17 minutes ago, latetier said:

4. literally no one is trying to prevent you from doing anything. they are giving their opinions. you just don't seem to be able to take any form of opinions that dont directly agree with your own.

Their "opinion" is that I don't need an endgame. All I need to do is take off my gear, or go collect birds.

Their "opinions" are directly trying to limit what I get to do, and what DE might add for people like me. You're pretending like it's all harmless opinions, but now you're painting yourself as another disingenuous poster.


And let's cut back to the ignored question:

Do YOU want something added to Warframe? Or are you happy with it as it is?

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1 minute ago, 4thBro said:

Do YOU want something added to Warframe? Or are you happy with it as it is?

It's fine as is. If it continues to not be fine as is then ill play something else. It's literally that simple. Maybe you should take this to heart.

Seems you are overly invested in this game that you literally have no control over.

DE will do what is best for DE, not what is best for one angry forum poster.

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7 hours ago, (XBOX)ECCHO SIERRA said:

>mods way out of challenge 

>complains about lack of challenge

>ignores obvious solution and throws a tantrum anyway. It's like a surprised Pikachu meme.

Tenno, we gotta get you some chicken nuggets.
Or I gotta get me some chicken nuggets cause first "Chicken Nuggies" and now "Pikachu" and all I can think about is getting my hands on some chicken nuggets now.

I don't even like chicken nuggets!

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1 hour ago, latetier said:

It's fine as is.

So I'll ask you the same thing.


If you like it the way it is...

But then you claim that... you don't want DE wasting time and energy on creating something for people that are still waiting for content they enjoy... because... it'll... take away from the time and energy that gets put into what you want...

... but you already have what you want...

... how does that make any sense???

Edited by 4thBro
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7 minutes ago, 4thBro said:

But then you claim that... you don't want DE wasting time and energy on creating something for people that are still waiting for content they enjoy

i get that you are upset beyond belief and cant keep it straight who you are arguing with because the majority of people are disagreeing with you, but don't put words in my mouth.

DE will create whatever they want to create. whether you enjoy it or not is up to you.

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You're trying way too hard to come off as the "calm and collected guy" while constantly forcing the role of "angry internet man" on me just by saying it's so.

But I don't think a calm & collected guy would be scrambling to get to the Likes as quickly as you're scrambling, and to keep leaning on how the "majority of people" are supporting you.


Cheers, bud.

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10 minutes ago, 4thBro said:

You're trying way too hard to come off as the "calm and collected guy" while constantly forcing the role of "angry internet man" on me just by saying it's so.

But I don't think a calm & collected guy would be scrambling to get to the Likes as quickly as you're scrambling, and to keep leaning on how the "majority of people" are supporting you.


Cheers, bud.

idk which one is more calm to you? the guy that is angry posting 100 times arguing with every single person or the one not doing that?

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Warframe community has a forum held back by 4thbro.

Il y a 6 heures, 4thBro a dit :

Endgame does not affect you if you do not wish to participate in it.

You mean like the endgame you don't engage with ?

Il y a 6 heures, 4thBro a dit :

YOUR side is the side that's trying to prevent DE from adding it, just because YOU don't want it.

Nobody ever said we don't want DE to add more content. Nobody. Ever.
Being Happy with the current state of the game is spontaneous : We like the game how it is now. Are we going to like to like the game in the future ? Maybe, maybe not ; but we cannot know until the update drop and that we play it. And until then, we are not going to speculate about liking content we don't even know yet. Being able to accept and enjoy the current state of the game has nothing to do with wanting/not wanting some content implementations.

Meanwhile, you create some super awesome content in your head and you believe that if we don't like it and agree with your point of view, we aren't going to like the next update and are actually actively against any change. What ? Are you the Mind behind DE ? No you aren't, in fact, you don't even know what Warframe endgame is about, and therefor you cannot even represent anyone of the endgame community, being at best a casual midgame player.

Let me give you a concrete example : I want a remake of the Scanner to make it more user friendly and quicker/easier to use. The First Descendant scan tool was actually really nice. Because you don't even consider the Codex as a part of Warframe, you don't like it, and you don't engage with it : do I have to assume you take the side of preventing DE for upgrading the Scanner ? So you are actively against making the game better and more user friendly ? I should throw a tantrum because you don't want to improve the game. Your own logic.

Il y a 4 heures, 4thBro a dit :

constantly forcing the role of "angry internet man" on me


Il y a 4 heures, 4thBro a dit :

Cheers, bud.


Il y a 6 heures, 4thBro a dit :

YOUR SIDE [...] YOU'RE the most important people to appease. [...] YOU'RE happy [...] YOU are the center of the universe.


YOU are the ones trying to prevent something from being added. NOT us.

The raw, unadulterated ENTITLEMENT that you have [...]

It's absolutely wild.



Il y a 5 heures, 4thBro a dit :

you don't want DE wasting time and energy [...] ... because... it'll... take away from the time and energy that gets put into what you want...

... but you already have what you want...

... how does that make any sense???


Il y a 12 heures, 4thBro a dit :

Invaded by nay-sayers and doomsayers. "It'll never happen! YOU'RE JUST DREAMING!"


And let's finish with a last point :

Il y a 6 heures, 4thBro a dit :

YOU are the ones trying to prevent something from being added. NOT us.


The raw, unadulterated ENTITLEMENT that you have, believing that something shouldn't be added because YOU don't want it, while standing in the middle of a crowd of people that do.

Are those people in the room with us right now ?

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On 2024-08-02 at 9:04 PM, Kaiga said:

I watched an ad for warframe today.

It showed a rhino battling up the stairs in a tusk plains base, jumping, hitting shots, taking cover, using abilities, finishing enemies, and generally being a space bada$$ in every sense of the word.

Well heck I'd play that game. 

But actual in game warframe?

Slam kong thermal sunder, 24/7. Aoe explosions fill the map. 

There is no threat to the survival of the player, no reason to even remember what the enemies do or even look like, as they're obliterated in seconds by nukes.

Why do any of that cool space ninja stuff from the ad when you can just shoot a rocket launcher at everything?

If this game had even a modicum of difficulty at higher levels, it would be capable of all that combat depth, which is what's being advertised, obviously.

lmao all the people upvoting your post are raining death on any idea of nerfs for sure, that is how much the average player lacks self reflection. "the game is too easy but take away my power fantasy and I throw a tantrum"

DE became like the guy who let Homer Simpson design a car basically. They really need to stop giving any attention to man children crying about balance changes. All the fullfilled power fantasy for a lack of challenge and lack of choice in viable gear turns into boredom eventually and when bored players leave the game DE gets nothing out of the fact that they listened to their feedback.

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On 2024-08-13 at 8:12 AM, Rakosta_Kai said:

Tenno, we gotta get you some chicken nuggets.
Or I gotta get me some chicken nuggets cause first "Chicken Nuggies" and now "Pikachu" and all I can think about is getting my hands on some chicken nuggets now.

I don't even like chicken nuggets!

The spicy nuggets at mcdonalds are pretty good. I wish they kept them around.

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