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Valkyr: Feedback Megathread


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With Valk you need to pay more attention to your surroundings that with other frames, that's her playstyle.

You should use all your powers to keep enemies debuff to cover for the lower shields.



I have no problem keeping alive. It's a boring, stupid play style, and I'm offering my feedback to DE on the matter. I don't want to play a cover shooter, sorry.


Ok, but i didnt now what from your posting. You have been posting about both equally.
And she is not a tank.
There is technically no tank in this game. Rhino is a CCer but DE bended to player pressure.
Her skills being bad wouldn't be much of an issue if she could survive as well as say, Nova. All Ash's skills are bad and he gets along fine. Valkyr's problem is that one of the only ways of dealing with how bad she is at surviving is an equally bad ultimate skill. The two do tie together.
So you dont deal with this?
You just stand there getting hit because you have shields?
I guess you need to learn a new play style.
You are just being rude at this point. I take a reasonable amount of damage, if it exceeds my shields ability to mitigate the damage, I break LoS and let them regenerate. Even with maxed shields, Valkyr just loses shields too fast, forcing me to either hug cover constantly or spam Hysteria and be ineffective. I think that's bad design. Making one Warframe that turns your game in to a cover shooter unless they use a terrible unfun/ineffective skill is bad design.
Pick a couple of powers you want to focus on then dont worry about maximizing the rest.
I say loose RAmp and put in Rejuv cause you are going to loose HPs, yes you loose a lot of points but Hps being very important it's better to have max as long as possible. I had Rage at the start but didnt see it having that much of an impact, but that may because i am constantly moving so if i am taking a lot of damage it's bad. And if you are worried about shields why dont you have shield mods? Drop that steel fiber and put some shields! Or Vigor.
Honestly, I don't have enough slots to maximize a single skill the way I'd like to. Rejuv would give me even less energy to work with so I'd have less customization, and Rejuv is so slow I can't imagine it being worth using to be honest. Equilibrium keeps my health up faster than Rejuv would. I find Rage effective since I hate hugging cover and I hate Hysteria. With Rage I can spam her one and two skills and use energy orbs to keep myself healed up reasonably well. I've tried using shield mods, but honestly found that with her base shield being so low it just wasn't worth it, as they still fall to quickly.
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I am sad disappointed with Val overall. I was looking for a new frame to sink forma into. After 3 forma she is still a "glass cannon" without the "cannon" Her damage/stun/debuff alts are 60% useless.



Ripline is "fun", but I wish the mechanic was a bit better. Hold 1 and release maybe?


Paralyze needs to be longer in time (the amount of time they stun) and in reach.


Hysteria needs to be much longer in reach. Cone effect, a charged slashing or radial blast attack built in would be nice...if not, then alter the attack style to mimc the melee being used.


Warcry.... they need to be slowed more, or a longer range.....




adding mods to increase these these seem to do almost nothing. 20+ hours in the frame makes me not want to use her unless she gets a major buff.


edit: I have no issue using my shields for damage, I like it. Adding the 2 mods that speed up shield recharge is acceptable.

Edited by Darkseal
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But I don't believe it is necessary to remove the shield drain effect from Paralysis if we get a lifesteal effect or something similar.

I believe the intention of prevent it from being another Fleeting Expertise/Streamline spam ability. Its probably not the best approach to do this but its fine and creates an interesting gameplay in my opinion.

Ah, I didn't clarify that enough: I meant to do my suggestions ON TOP of the current effects (having damage based on shields and cutting the shields in half). Then It'd be worthwhile to use, while still keeping its drawback :)

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I have no problem keeping alive. It's a boring, stupid play style, and I'm offering my feedback to DE on the matter. I don't want to play a cover shooter, sorry.


Again, keeping her alive does not only consist of one single method.


Her skills being bad wouldn't be much of an issue if she could survive as well as say, Nova. All Ash's skills are bad and he gets along fine. Valkyr's problem is that one of the only ways of dealing with how bad she is at surviving is an equally bad ultimate skill. The two do tie together.


That's not the only way.

I equipped that ability once and i dropped it, i didnt even like it.

Im surviving fine with the first 3.


You are just being rude at this point. I take a reasonable amount of damage, if it exceeds my shields ability to mitigate the damage, I break LoS and let them regenerate.


We do play different because i play to not get hit ever, if i am getting hit it's bad.

This probably has to do with me rarely equipping shields so i know i cant spare any amount before getting away.

If you know she has less shields you can play her like other frames.



Even with maxed shields, Valkyr just loses shields too fast, forcing me to either hug cover constantly or spam Hysteria and be ineffective. I think that's bad design. Making one Warframe that turns your game in to a cover shooter unless they use a terrible unfun/ineffective skill is bad design.


How does she loose shields "too fast"?

Because she doesnt have a amount you are comfortable with?

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How does she loose shields "too fast"?

Because she doesnt have a amount you are comfortable with?

Truth is, I'll admit to exaggerating a bit. I'm not dying much with her, or at all really once I ranked her up a bit and made some adjustments, she just feels fragile and forces me to play in a very conservative way that I find incredibly tedious and not at all fun. I've never played warframe as much while enjoying it so little, as I am while finishing ranking up Valkyr. The "too fast" comment is once again about armor not mitigating enough damage to make her running out of shields not an issue. I can see, from what you've said about your play style, why this might not be an issue for you. Previous to this, with any other Warframe, you were free to play your way while I played mine and we both enjoyed ourselves. With Valkyr, I feel like I'm being forced to play your way, and it makes me sad and angry. Again, I can do it, and I'll finish leveling her for the mastery, but I won't enjoy it or ever play her again in this state. If DE's intention with her was to force that play style shift then mission accomplished, if not I think they need to seriously look at how damage mitigation via armor works. Edited by RedDirtTrooper
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what i think Valkyr should need:


- Double the Shield's recharge rate of any frame (all frames have 22.5 rec/s, ember has 35 rec/s, valkyr should have 45-50 rec/s)

- HP on par with Saryn & Ash

- Hysteria should make us immune to energy drain and needs an overall buff in melee range + dmg

- Warcry should buff melee attack speed AND melee crit chance/dmg, not armor!

- Paralysis stun effect should last 1-2-3 seconds based on skill's rank

- Paralysis range should be increased by 50% (10m --> 15m on max rank)

- Valkyr run speed should be on par with Loki (or Nova at least)

Edited by Phoenix86
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The problem is that if I change how I play it enough to make up for Valkyr's complete shortcoming, I am now playing a game that I don't enjoy. I have no desire to play a cover shooter, and I have no desire to run around in god mode doing terribly low DPS while I try to hit enemies with a badly designed weapon.


I have nothing more to add than this. The frame right now is worthless save for the couple of gimmicks. Makes me think DE's people that come up with content live in a different world than those that actually make the game's mechanics, just like the insistence on melee weapons nobody wanted or needed.

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Truth is, I'll admit to exaggerating a bit. I'm not dying much with her, or at all really once I ranked her up a bit and made some adjustments, she just feels fragile and forces me to play in a very conservative way that I find incredibly tedious and not at all fun. I've never played warframe as much while enjoying it so little, as I am while finishing ranking up Valkyr. The "too fast" comment is once again about armor not mitigating enough damage to make her running out of shields not an issue. I can see, from what you've said about your play style, why this might not be an issue for you. Previous to this, with any other Warframe, you were free to play your way while I played mine and we both enjoyed ourselves. With Valkyr, I feel like I'm being forced to play your way, and it makes me sad and angry. Again, I can do it, and I'll finish leveling her for the mastery, but I won't enjoy it or ever play her again in this state. If DE's intention with her was to force that play style shift then mission accomplished, if not I think they need to seriously look at how damage mitigation via armor works.


You dont have to use cover, you have ripline as your first ability.... use that to fast travel and reposition your self. You can use that to land behind enemies which depending on what they are doing can end up not paying attention to you or if they do they wont pay attention to team mates.


But, yes, she does require some finesse because you cant pull what you can pull with other frames.

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You dont have to use cover, you have ripline as your first ability.... use that to fast travel and reposition your self. You can use that to land behind enemies which depending on what they are doing can end up not paying attention to you or if they do they wont pay attention to team mates.


But, yes, she does require some finesse because you cant pull what you can pull with other frames.


Oh great idea, using 25 energy in order to expose yourself to enemy fire even more for 5 seconds. Also landing behind enemies? Sounds like the Shield Lancers, Shockwave Moas and Heavy Grineer would love that. I think even rolling would be a better tactic than using rip line for escape.


It might work in theory, but it might also easily go horrible wrong.


The best plans never survive contact with reality.

Edited by Othergrunty
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But, yes, she does require some finesse because you cant pull what you can pull with other frames.

This means it needs improvement. If it can't pull what Loki, Rhino or Ember can pull, then it's not actually doing much of anything.

Edited by Kyte
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Oh great idea, using 25 energy in order to expose yourself to enemy fire even more for 5 seconds.


??? That's one of the uses of that ability.... that you can fast travel.


Also landing behind enemies? Sounds like the Shield Lancers, Shockwave Moas and Heavy Grineer would love that. I think even rolling would be a better tactic than using rip line for escape.

It might work in theory, but it might also easily go horrible wrong.


The best plans never survive contact with reality.



If you think you will end up in a worst situation then dont do it.




This means it needs improvement. If it can't pull what Loki, Rhino or Ember can pull, then it's not actually doing much of anything.



No it doesnt, it means that some of you folks need to learn to play the game differently.

You cant play ember how you play Rhino, you cant play Loki how you play Frost.

With Valk they decided to do stuff in a new way with her shields that brings a new style.... learn it.

Not every frame needs to function like every other frame.

Loki doesnt need to have a damaging ability.

I've seen people complaining that Vauban shields being too low....all his abilities CC! Im not saying they will cover you from everything but they surely help a lot so use them.

A lot of the times people give feedback about warframes they completely ignore what the style of the warframe is, what is being accomplished with that set of moves and stats, and that's counter productive because what those folks are basically saying is that all that work that was put into it needs to be thrown out. You need to learn what the Warframe is about and once you do adjust from that base.

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I definitely feel like one of Valkyr's abilities should grant her life drain with melee while active.


With such low shields and such high HP, its nearly impossible for her to maintain that HP over time compared to other frames that have average shield.



Life steal i feel would really promote proper use of the warframe's abilities.

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No it doesnt, it means that some of you folks need to learn to play the game differently.

You cant play ember how you play Rhino, you cant play Loki how you play Frost.

With Valk they decided to do stuff in a new way with her shields that brings a new style.... learn it.

Not every frame needs to function like every other frame.

Loki doesnt need to have a damaging ability.

I've seen people complaining that Vauban shields being too low....all his abilities CC! Im not saying they will cover you from everything but they surely help a lot so use them.

A lot of the times people give feedback about warframes they completely ignore what the style of the warframe is, what is being accomplished with that set of moves and stats, and that's counter productive because what those folks are basically saying is that all that work that was put into it needs to be thrown out. You need to learn what the Warframe is about and once you do adjust from that base.

But what do you do with a frame with nearly no defensive capabilities (in spite of her design goal, given she has the highest armor in the game), with a slow mobility power, with underwhelming CC powers, unimpressive buffs powers and inefficient offensive options?

Cover shoot?

Well gee I wonder if that's how a melee-based frame is supposed to be played.

She can't fill any niche as she is right now.


Then again, you are you, and anyone who knows your posting history and possesses a bit of sense will just give up talking to you after a couple posts.

Edited by Kyte
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But what do you do with a frame with nearly no defensive capabilities (in spite of her design goal, given she has the highest armor in the game), with a slow mobility power, with underwhelming CC powers, unimpressive buffs powers and inefficient offensive options?


Arent two CC abilities defensive capabilities?


Cover shoot?

Well gee I wonder if that's how a melee-based frame is supposed to be played.

She can't fill any niche as she is right now.


This is a run-n-gun game so hit and run.


Do you guys understand what run-n-gun means?

Cause it's kind of weird that you keep saying cover shoot, cover shoot.

How do you folks normally play? Do you just let the shield take all the damage it can then hide?

Learn to never stop moving.

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Wait a minute, weren't you advocating cover shooting just a couple months ago?


Also run and gun is well and good until you enter melee range and they're shooting at you from two feet away. Or you get swarmed. Or knocked down. Or all the other things that may happen.

Good gameplay must allow players to recover from mistakes.


(Personally I use and abuse the slide melee)

Edited by Kyte
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Well before we go through buffs and nerfs to Valkyrs there is one thing that would be REALLY useful. A god damn hysteria duration bar.  Cause when her ult wears off and you're in a group of like 30+ lvl enemies chances are you'll be gunned down before you can restart hysteria


Wouldn't matter that much if the 30+ lvl enemies would die faster in hysteria rather than 1 whole cast of hysteria (or more) to kill one enemy.

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Wait a minute, weren't you advocating cover shooting just a couple months ago?

I advocating options, so you should use all those options. 

If you dont want to use certain options that's fine but that is really your problem.


Also run and gun is well and good until you enter melee range and they're shooting at you from two feet away. Or you get swarmed. Or knocked down. Or all the other things that may happen.


Use Warcry and paralysis.


Good gameplay must allow players to recover from mistakes.


No, good gameplay is giving you the proper tools to take the enemy down.

If you mess up that's on you. Your job is not to mess up

Mario Bros for life!

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Arent two CC abilities defensive capabilities?




This is a run-n-gun game so hit and run.


Do you guys understand what run-n-gun means?

Cause it's kind of weird that you keep saying cover shoot, cover shoot.

How do you folks normally play? Do you just let the shield take all the damage it can then hide?

Learn to never stop moving.

God, I could start tearing into you for various things but I'm going to keep this civil and my frustration from reading your arguments with others on this thread out of this. On to Valkyr:


Her two abilities you advocate as CC are hardly what anyone here would call CC. Not to the extent other more useful frames can pull off.


We have a short period of slow-down that buffs armor that is more or less useless as of U11


Then we have a pitiful gust of wind that makes the enemies take a step back before your health numbers continue to go down the drain.


Wow I'm impressed.


Know why they keep mentioning a cover shooter?


Because that's what playing as Valkyr without her pitiful ult tends to have you do. Go cover to cover to avoid getting brutalized by the enemies she's supposed to be slaughtering.


Instead she feels more like my young sister when she gets upset I won't let her eat all the snacks in the house: A series of rather cute yet pitiful slaps that barely make it past the fabric of my shirt.

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Oh Valkyr, how I pity thee. Let me count the ways.


1. Slow. The IAF has a motto for their trainees. "Speed is life". This holds true in Warframe. Fast Warframes, like Loki, can very easily dodge incoming fire just by running around a lot. Valkyr is not as fast as Loki. This is important because a melee-centric Warframe is going to be charging into the middle of a lot of fire, putting themselves at risk from various attackers. Valkyr's speed is maaaybe Banshee or Nyx-tier.


2. No shields. With the unintentional armor nerf, this is hilarious because she's just as paper as Ember or Volt, it's just that she has half the shields to absorb attacks with. I'm serious, Loki is way tougher than Valkyr is. It's sad. This wouldn't be as much of a problem if she had a method of reliably regaining health... but she doesn't.


3. Awful abilities. Rip Line is okay for mobility but as a pull its targeting is awful. Her buffs are awful, Paralysis is bad because it scales damage off of her shields (which she needs every point of to not die and she has the fewest in the game of), and Hysteria has terrible naming and is generally a Bad Ultimate.


So what does Valkyr need to actually be a top-tier Warframe like Mag, Rhino, Nova, and hell, even Loki?


1. She needs to be faster. Her shields would be fine if she was Loki-fast. She should be competitive as a pure melee build even with guns, because she's that fast and agile.


2. Armor needs to be fixed so Warframe armor is actually meaningful, and she needs a method of regaining health.


3. Total. Power. Rework. She has weak out of theme group buff, no method of healing, and Rip Line has some serious aiming issues. Comments on these powers go below.


Rip Line

I'm not sure how you'd fix Rip Line to work better, but as it stands it's got some major targeting issues. It's like the old pre-rework Mag pull, except if you miss you fling yourself right into the middle of a crowd of enemies, which you probably don't want. It needs to have a lower cost, as well.



Pointlessly weak and out of theme. Ditch it. Rhino has a better buff in all respects, it's called Roar. I have a few ideas for alternate powers that help Valkyr's survivability and put the berserker thing in theme.



50 energy personal buff. Any enemy you kill via Abilities or melee combat is gibbed, stunning enemies. Gibbed enemies are guaranteed to drop 1/1/2/2 health orbs, and each melee or Ability kill while Eviscerate is active restores 5 energy (this energy restoration is affected by Power Efficiency, so the higher your efficiency the lower the per-kill restore. This is to prevent Fleeting Expertise/Heavy Melee hilarity builds).



Increased speed, infinite Stamina, and increased melee damage. Melee kills you make restore shields and health, which can increase shields above their maximum value. Fury would be cast from shields, not from Energy (0 energy casting cost), zeroing out your shields when activated. While under the effects of Fury, your shields would constantly drain. When Fury ends, you lose any shields above your normal maximum.



Again, weak, drains your shields that you need. At least it doesn't cost much to use! This is an okay idea but has flawed execution. I'd boost the multiplier significantly and actually combine the debuff part of Warcry (lowered enemy speed) into Paralysis. It's called "Paralysis", it should paralyze.



Okay, let me just say man, **** the naming on this power. We're going to change its name. What is it going to be? Well, berserking is all about the dissonant serenity. A berserker might seem angry outside, but inside they are calm. They're scary because of that. So let's rename it Serenity. Now, what its main problems are are:


1. Poor reach and hit detection


2. Melee only (again)


3. No CC immunity.


4. "lol you die now if you miss one enemy" mode.


So to fix these, Serenity (or for a fuller name, Dissonant Serenity) would be a two-phase Ultimate. In the initial phase, Valkyr becomes a fast, horrible blender that will murder everything you have ever loved. In the second phase, she becomes incredibly vulnerable to attack but on the other hand, should she survive that second phase she is restored. This is the high-risk high-reward part, which should be part of her theme.


In the first phase, she acts like she does right now, except her energy claws create massive sweeping arcs with multihit potential. I'm talking Orthos+ levels of reach, cutting things to bits easily 3-4 meters away. Furthermore, given her alt helmet, I think she might want a bit of a cat theme.


So it'll block off ranged combat, but she'll have a 'pounce' move to make up for it. If she targets an enemy past melee range, she'll pounce it, knock them down, and deal melee damage.


Furthermore, while under this phase, all CC effects aren't just negated, they're reflected. If an Ancient Disruptor hits her? Wham, it disrupts itself. Knockdown attacks? Knock yourself down. Bleed/etc procs? Enjoy cutting yourself, emo kid.


She isn't invulnerable under Serenity's first phase. Instead, she gets stacking damage resistance based on the number of enemies in her line of sight in a 360 degree arc, and a temporary DR boost per kill that can stack at least once. This can make her invulnerable with enough things to murder, but it's possible to down a berserker. Just very, very hard.


When she exits this, her second phase kicks in. In this phase, she's slower and more vulnerable. Her attacks are slower, she takes extra damage, she drains Stamina faster. If there's anyone left alive, they can take bloody vengeance on the exhausted berserker. However, should she survive this debuff phase, she's restored to full health and shields.


Thoughts? Comments? Flames?

a horrible blender, indeed, i´d love to see her attackin with the speed of max fury fangs and instead of the visual effect of the obex, use this blur in a rending shape as you say, and she does need a way to deal with range combatants in this form be it a dash, pounce or sprint boost, i like the idea to reflect cc, i recently try parry and reflection mods, i think this abilities and the reflection you mention, would be better in the second or third power so she could spam them as Ash spams smoke bomb.

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Her two abilities you advocate as CC are hardly what anyone here would call CC. Not to the extent other more useful frames can pull off.



Those two abilities fall under the description of what is considered CC.

If you dont like them because they dont work like CC abilities work in other frames... go play that frame?

Not every frame needs to do the same exact thing.

If this was the way the game was done we would be down to five frames.


We have a short period of slow-down that buffs armor that is more or less useless as of U11


Put on continuity to make it longer.

If you dont like the armor buff effect work with the slow effect.

Like i've said before, get a weapon with a huge aoe slam attack and this thing is OP.


Then we have a pitiful gust of wind that makes the enemies take a step back before your health numbers continue to go down the drain.


Put on shield to do more damage which helps you if you have trouble dispatching the staggered enemies.


Know why they keep mentioning a cover shooter?


Because for some strange reason a lot of you folks never learn to play run-n-gun.


Because that's what playing as Valkyr without her pitiful ult tends to have you do. Go cover to cover to avoid getting brutalized by the enemies she's supposed to be slaughtering.


I dont play her like that. I dont take any more cover than i do with other frames.

Hek, i charge at enemies because i know i got two abilities, one very cheap, to stun-lock them.

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HL Valkyr is forced to stay under the ultimate's effect all  the time in order to stay alive.


This Warframe needs a complete reworks :


1) More Health


2) More Armor or a new patch with armor fix (like before the update 11)


3) Major change on the ultimate :

- No invulnerability

- Leech Life (to replace the invulnerability and give her a way to regen her health)

- Valkyr fight with her melee weapon (only) instead of the actual claws, so the damage can scale better

- Light damage buff while under the ultimate's effect, something like the more you kill the more damage you do to the next ennemy.

- Graphic effects change (there is just too much light and color, I had to use the black color for the energy)


4) Increase the range of Paralysis and the stun duration (nerf the damage if you want) so Valkyr can use it to protect her team mates.

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why is everyone obsessed with valkyr being  a health tank. Berserkers focus on damage out put often with melee. Not taking rockets to the face.


I admit shes to frail right now but nothing a few stat tweaks cant fix. other wise hysteria just needs to stop having that floatiness and shes passable.

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