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Infestation Should Be Scarier.


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By scarier, I don't mean harder to fight. Just creepier.


Infestation is a damn sentient alien virus/parasite/bacteria/whatever that cause horribles biologic mutations, still these little guys don't give me the creeps. Maybe we should add something like another infected that would act like an environemental hazard or whatever. We have quite a lot of thing on which we can inspire us maybe.


We could start with an something like that : it would look like an emaciated human looking thing, that acts passively until you put your crosshair on it. Then it will start to look at you and twitching, until it teleport/become invisible to reappear some seconds later somewhere near you  (with an horrible scream) and smack you down. Just a dumb idea.


So, should we make the infestation really more freaky ?

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I second that. The Infest should be scary and creepy! When i first started playing Warframe (in Update7 or 8) the first time i came across the Infested i was like "wtf?". They were fast and nasty, now!? Mehhhhh. 

The Infested should really be revised. 

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Yes and No.


While i'm all for it, i wouldn't want DE Dead Space-ing the game up, that would drive players who aren't fans of that genre away from the game. Which would be sad since only a portion of it is infested.



UNLESS if they made infested missions not part of the main solar system missions (eg. needing keys to Orokin Derelict/Abandoned Grineer Mines), with like jacked up credit rewards.

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Yes and No.


While i'm all for it, i wouldn't want DE Dead Space-ing the game up, that would drive players who aren't fans of that genre away from the game. Which would be sad since only a portion of it is infested.



UNLESS if they made infested missions not part of the main solar system missions (eg. needing keys to Orokin Derelict/Abandoned Grineer Mines), with like jacked up credit rewards.

Last time i said anything about the runner should be like the exploding baby ,my post went to war *-*


oh and , Hell i dont know if i should agree or not with you , Dead space is like , Lalala walking normalyand out of nowhere  something that make you scared like hell , or you are getting massivly attacked...


Our infested is more like Cows ...coming slowly can run if they want , ...asking to be shooted down... , Steve if you read , give them some power like in Dark Sector , you know the thing that can disseapear and throw you lightning of w.e its was ,theire ours scary infested (ps :they should be more bloody

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The stalker should have the teleporting around idea. 
But yes infested do not strike enough fear.

Right now they patrol the ship. They should be crawling around...inside the walls. Minding their own business. You attack 1 or break stealth and they should swarm you and roar loud. Infested ships should also suffer from poor lighting.

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you know what would add more to the creepy factor ?? if all lights are off and you really need to rely on your flashlight


You know what would add even more to the creepy factor? Making the Ancients sound terrifying. ;)


Also, Leapers jumping from vents in the ceiling and walls.

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Infested ships are not scary, I was like, cool, infested dudes. The infestation should be really really creepy, there should be dudes stuck to walls, and instead of patrolling, they should just wander around, and when you break stealth, everyone rushes at you. And also, INFESTED TEEENO!

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It'll never happen. Nobody is going to be scared of enemies you can face tank or press 4 to immediately eradicate. Even more so, the atmosphere of the game doesn't really allow for any "scares". It's a fast paced co-operative shooter. Look at left-4-dead. Scary? No. Tense? Maybe.

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I turned down the brightness setting to try and improve the game but didn't get much from it, 


We could make them better with general changes: Darker ships, better sounds, more spawn points (vents?), less bright colours on models, More fangs and spikes. 


I would like to see more done with higher level infested. So once they reach level 40-50 we see deadlier/bigger ancients or a new mob. Quite a rare thing to appear but it will be a credible threat. 


However I think we need more game mode related stuff. So game modes where the mission itself relies on the infested. e.g. Stealth through the ship and if you get detected very dangerous infested will spawn and hunt you. Or have a ship that is infected and we need brake parts that are infested to help destroy it but as we clean the ship more enemies are released. Or parts where you are dropped in a pit suddenly and most fight infested till your escape is open ( possibly forcing you to melee only). 


Infested are just not scary at present. I remember an early part of dark sector when your are underground in the dark fighting some infected infested and its awesome. 

Edited by MDRLOz
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hmm now that i think about it what might be nice for the infested would be if first all lights would be off.

Glowing eyes on normal infested that you can see in the dark.

A majority of them should be "asleep" and hidden

They wake up from gunfire and running close to them.

If you are spotted by the infested they will stalk you slowly getting closer and if you get caught unaware you get knocked over afterwards it wont happen again unless another one stalks you.

the ship is normally completely silent.

when you disturb the infested all hell breaks loose with the sound of footsteps/whatever infested has for feet steps and of course loads of roaring infested.

also at least the chargers should be pretty fast.

also in none def and extermination missions they should for the most just keep on coming like a flood of infested.


hope i made sense

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