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Infestation Should Be Scarier.


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Personally I feel like they should add units that are halfway through the Infestation process. The transitional form between a Grineer grunt and a Charger, or that between a Corpus Crewman and a Runner.


It would bring a much needed "creepy!"-factor to the faction, maybe they could plead with the Tenno to end their misery as they attack you because they have not been totally absorbed into the collective consciousness just yet.


They would still carry around their old weapons which they would occasionally fire - but with a lot less accuracy and potency of the "real" Grineer/Corpus unit - like they would take the occasional pop shot at you as they charged you into melee. If you gave them Shotguns, this could make them quite deadly.


I wonder why there are Corpus Infested but not Grineer Infested, maybe some kind of enemy that random shoots with a machinegun...


The Chargers are ex-Grineer.

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Idea: an "Infestation" enemy. Occasionally, you would encounter a few enemies from another faction. They would be terrified, and would fight alongside you. If a certain enemy (Maybe a new type of Ancient?) got into melee range, they would be converted to Infested.

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Personally I feel like they should add units that are halfway through the Infestation process. The transitional form between a Grineer grunt and a Charger, or that between a Corpus Crewman and a Runner.


It would bring a much needed "creepy!"-factor to the faction, maybe they could plead with the Tenno to end their misery as they attack you because they have not been totally absorbed into the collective consciousness just yet.


They would still carry around their old weapons which they would occasionally fire - but with a lot less accuracy and potency of the "real" Grineer/Corpus unit - like they would take the occasional pop shot at you as they charged you into melee. If you gave them Shotguns, this could make them quite deadly.



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The infested really could use something like the Tank & Witch from Left 4 Dead.


There's nothing really scary about a charging Ancient, it looks like freaking Gumby sliding towards you to give you a hug. It'd be much better if it was a loudly stomping, hulking Tank type charging at you, that you definitely don't want any hugs from. With bloody blades for arms, etc.


The Witch would be like the girl from The Grudge, creepy and silent until she gets the drop on you and lets everything loose, her face, noise, and of course you know about her deadly 1st attack, etc.


I agree the infested sounds really need some work. MOA screams are far more scarier actually, when you hear it you know they're looking for you and you're gonna get swarmed, and they just sound angry as hell.


I also agree with other posters in here saying there should be infested with creepy appendages crawling towards you from the walls/ceilings.


Could also have a Grineer Scorpion type infested but much more grotesque/sinister looking. Helplessly getting pulled towards a swarm would definitely add a feeling of dread.

Edited by yggdrazzle
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Reading through the thread, I really like the ideas some players have, and this are ideas that I think should be implemented if we want to make the Infested scarier.


-Make levels completely dark, and actually make flashlights more necessary.(Glowing infested eyes would also be nice)

-Making Infested units actually be able to crawl on the ceilings and walls.


A wider variety of Infested would also add to their scare factor. Like someone mentioned, having Grineer/Corpus that are halfway-infested would be a good addition, and them being able to fire of their weapons inaccurately would also be good.


-Flying Infested units that would be annoying like a roller. Except, its flying. Would look like grotesque bats.

-Ranged infested units that are like stuck on the walls/ceilings. My idea for this would be to have actual Grineer/Corpus corpses dangling from the ceiling with infested line thingies connected to the ceilings and there would be like something growing from this corpses, so it would be like their halfway through becoming infested, that would shoot like spikes at the player.


Making the Infested feel 'overwhelming' is also good.


-Make some infested units be into somekind of 'hibernation' and they'll wake up when they hear gunfire from a distance, or maybe even add a new unit like in L4D, where it goes and screams or something, and more infested would 'wake up' and attack the player. This 'hibernating' units would also be stronger and harder to kill than normal roaming infested.


-Also, when the player is just traveling through the hallways, the Infested would randomly initiate somekind of 'lockdown' and Lotus would go and say, "Something malfunctioned, give me some time to fix it." And the player has to survive a certain duration, and during this duration, the spawn rates of the enemy would be super fast, and more Infested could come out of the vents and walls and stuff. And by the time the door is finally opened by Lotus, the players do not have enough energy to spam 4 and are struggling to survive.

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-Also, when the player is just traveling through the hallways, the Infested would randomly initiate somekind of 'lockdown' and Lotus would go and say, "Something malfunctioned, give me some time to fix it." And the player has to survive a certain duration, and during this duration, the spawn rates of the enemy would be super fast, and more Infested could come out of the vents and walls and stuff. And by the time the door is finally opened by Lotus, the players do not have enough energy to spam 4 and are struggling to survive.


This sounds cool, kind of like a mini mobile defense/trap


Seemed like people didn't mind too much about stalker destroying the whole team, maybe some actual risk of dying could be fun

Edited by yggdrazzle
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Reading through the thread, I really like the ideas some players have, and this are ideas that I think should be implemented if we want to make the Infested scarier.


-Make levels completely dark, and actually make flashlights more necessary.(Glowing infested eyes would also be nice)

-Making Infested units actually be able to crawl on the ceilings and walls.


A wider variety of Infested would also add to their scare factor. Like someone mentioned, having Grineer/Corpus that are halfway-infested would be a good addition, and them being able to fire of their weapons inaccurately would also be good.


-Flying Infested units that would be annoying like a roller. Except, its flying. Would look like grotesque bats.

-Ranged infested units that are like stuck on the walls/ceilings. My idea for this would be to have actual Grineer/Corpus corpses dangling from the ceiling with infested line thingies connected to the ceilings and there would be like something growing from this corpses, so it would be like their halfway through becoming infested, that would shoot like spikes at the player.


Making the Infested feel 'overwhelming' is also good.


-Make some infested units be into somekind of 'hibernation' and they'll wake up when they hear gunfire from a distance, or maybe even add a new unit like in L4D, where it goes and screams or something, and more infested would 'wake up' and attack the player. This 'hibernating' units would also be stronger and harder to kill than normal roaming infested.


-Also, when the player is just traveling through the hallways, the Infested would randomly initiate somekind of 'lockdown' and Lotus would go and say, "Something malfunctioned, give me some time to fix it." And the player has to survive a certain duration, and during this duration, the spawn rates of the enemy would be super fast, and more Infested could come out of the vents and walls and stuff. And by the time the door is finally opened by Lotus, the players do not have enough energy to spam 4 and are struggling to survive.

This man. This man knows what he wants.DE listen to him.

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Personally, methinks we need a giant mutant T-Rex styled Infested. Like a horrible amalgamation of some Heavy Grineer units that have morphed together into some giant carnivorous thing. Have it bash against walls as it runs and have it scream unholy terror at you. Kind of like a miniboss.


You also do ranged units. Probably use Heavy Gunners and morph them into mini versions of the Giant Infested head from Lephantis, or maybe the Giant Corpus head.

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I don't think making maps darker will help make the infected scary, some of the rooms in the Grineer levels are plenty dark and when I miss a shield lancer there I'm not scared, I'm frustrated that I couldn't see it.


The infected are the most straight forward enemy set in the game, you find a choke point and kill anything that tries to pass through. They're like the traditional version of a zombie, fairly mindless and easy on their own, but you never face only one. Someone mentioned giving them the ability to run across the celling or walls, and I really like that idea. It would help reinforce how alien they are compared to the Grineer, Corpus and Tenno.


I can imagine a new infected unit that slowly advances across the celling and, if you dont kill it before it gets in range, harpoons you like a Scorpion or Valkyr and then drops you in the middle of a pack of infected. They may not be bad at range, but if you were dropped into the middle of a ton of infested? That's scary.


Maybe just add new enviromental hazards. Most people just run through levels as fast as possible, maybe add infected 'Pods' that hang from the roof in certian areas and unless they're popped they detonate leaving poison clouds and releasing units  when you get close, like an infected version of the security camera.


Another thing that would increase the 'scary factor' of the infected, would be showing different stages of the infection. We really have only seen the mid-late stages of the infection, after the host has been changed or a location has been completely taken over. I'd love to see some infected units that represent some early stages of the infection. I really doubt the infection is instantanious, it would be interesting to see how it actually spreads.


Maybe show a new 'infector' unit that spews Technocyte on corpses, or better yet Grineer and Corpus units, and turns them into infected if you dont kill it fast enough.


I don't know, the Infected just need something to make them feel a little more unatural, and less like a unruly horde of club wielding maniacs.

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Playing through some old games again, I came across an enemy that mutated spontaneously if I was too slow to deal with it. I'd like to see the Infested do the same thing, turning the grunt units into a new, beefier type of enemy with new tricks all its own. Seeing two runners from a group of ten explode into a different kind of enemy would make me more inclined to kill them before they got to me, especially if the new unit was more of a threat than the runner itself.

Edited by ToeSama
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They need a larger amount of unit variation, with more deformed forms.

Currently half of the infested are just the same infested crewmen, the others being runners and Ancients.


Oh and Ancients are just further mutated Crewmen.

Don't believe me?

If you look at corrupted Ancients you can see that the controll device that is meant to be on the face of corrupted is on the lower side of the head. Also the topside of the head has remains of the Corpus helmet on it (a cracked white plate) and there are bulges underneath resembling the tentacles in front. If you lift the "head" of the Ancient up there are the eyes that are on the front of infested crewmen.


So basicly, when a crewmen gets infested the right arm fuses to their helmet. After a while the arm breaks off from the shoulder completely, since it was replaced by the new "squishy" arm. While the rest of the body mutates the top of the crewmen's head becomes hunched and is now pointing forward. The helmet cracks appart and only the backside remains on top of the head. Meanwhile the broken off arm parts change into the frontal tentacles. Also the "squishy" new arm grows in length until it's hanging on the ground. This is the reason why the arm can expanded like it does when they attack us. Because it has no bones.


Perhaps this is actualy a bit of a joke since the old ancients were just enlarged infested crewmen.


So basicly everything except Runners are the same infested Crewmen. Which means we have a total of 3 enemy types and 2 are based on another.


However i think the problem is that Warframe is not straight meant to be horror themed, since only 1/4th of the enemy factions are this virus. Hence why they can't go straight into Dead Space territory with the designs.


Though in DE's defense. We are fricking space ninja, it's hard to create horror creatures which would truely feel terrifying in our possition. It reminds me to Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines, where zombies and ghosts kind of lost their horror the moment i remembered "i'm a god damn vampire!".

Edited by Othergrunty
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