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Let The Infested Take Over The Solar System!


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I also have to agree with Gestalt, there is no motivation to try to win back the nodes from the infested. This is where Warframe falls short, it has no story line that we as players effect in anyway. It's like an actor what is my motivation for doing this scene, how does it effect the film as a whole? I don't need credits I have almost 2 million, resources I'm doing fine, if there is a potato I'll play but other than that, why bother?

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They've kept some failsafe measures in it would seem, as the infestation has not spread beyond the 5 nodes on Earth and 8 nodes on Neptune for quite some time.  


They may have realized that most people just fall into one of two categories:


1) Did 5 missions to get battle pay, then dgaf.

2) Didn't like the whole change to infested, so purposedly dgaf.


In either case, there's no true incentive to reconquer the infested sectors.  Absolutely zero incentive.  Hence pretty much everyone dgaf.


In the past events (though this isn't an event), there were competitions for leaderboard honours and such, so the big clans would be the backbone of the community's effort in finishing those invasions, but now, why would ANYONE be motivated to finish any one of the invasion missions?  There are still plenty of other systems if you want to fight Corpus and Grineer; if and once every system is infested, then maybe there will be some concerted efforts put into wiping out the infestation.


Agree with this completely.


Also, as a side note, alot of the battle pays are simply an utter joke. 5 missions in exchange for one neurode? Really? Why do that when I can simply run Vey Hek the same amount of times and get anywhere from 2-5 neurodes... 

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It was already happening last time when we cleared off Jupiter to get Alad V... After some time people get borred of running the same missions (especial Exterminates) over and over just to move a percentage-bar 0,x% further. Because we all knew that Valkyr is going to stay even after the event, nobody felt the pressure to accomplish the missions faster.


So there's no driving motivation behind doing it, other to get some credits. Ok, a welcomed Catalysator, Forma or Mutagen Mass, but once people have their Battlepay, they still don't feel like doing it over and over. Why should they... It's not like the Battlepay stacks up.


That's why it already took that long to get to Alad V back then.


And now we are confronted with even more progress-bars spread out over 2 infested systems + 2 Grineer vs Corpus battles ongoing. It will already take forever to clean them up, because at some point pretty much everybody has done their business on them and most people don't feel like it anymore.


Those two Infested Outbreaks are just the starting ones... So imagine the same in two or three months... Nobody will give a damn (I'm sorry to say) about the Infested Outbreaks anymore, unless it's a Forma or Potatoe as Battlepay. Everything else won't be motivating once you've collected enough Resources... Credits, Fieldron, Mutagen Mass and so on, at some point you've crafted everything and things start to pile up, I'm already piling up on Fieldron since Gradivus... So I don't even care on those anymore too...


I think they will pull the plug on them once they realize that it doesn't progress the way they intended it. But unless then I fully agree... and won't overdo missions without a good reason to do so.


Also I like the Infested as much as the other factions... Now the most systems feel empty and repetitive... Just the same Corpus/Grineer missions over and over, the game could be squeezed down into like 5 planets and it wouldn't make much of a difference now. It would have been something different if there where already like 10 factions in Warframe... Then it wouldn't have made that much of an impact, but fact is... There aren't 10 factions. It's just 2 factions now and sporadically an Infestation Outbreak, considering they are going to be cleaned off manually on a regular base by the Devs, because I don't think the players will at all once the "fresh air" is gone. And not cleaning it off defeats the purpose of having Outbreaks in first place, so they will have to do it.


Also I'd like to see some fixed Infested nodes back, because at least they have to spread from somewhere... And I don't count the floating around Derelicts as they are now, which in fact, even if I don't like them because of the unconvenient and useless (because of piling Nav coordinates) Key-System to get there, would at least have been a better explanation or lore-driving factor which could have been incorporated into the Infestation Outbreaks. They should/could be made into the fixed Infested nodes... Like a graveyard of floating around Orokin Ships, sometimes some of them getting of course and landing into populated space, causing the Outbreak.

There should be at least a better reward for cleaning up the infestation. Something worth doing it. Like if we clean up the last node then a Super-Derelict-Ship will appear on the node filled with super-rare mods and stuff, explaining where the Outbreak came from.


So I just miss the regular Infested nodes with nobody rushing 5min/waves... and I feel not like cleaning up the mess more than I have to. With other words... Let them spread... So there's at least some new place for the Infested, even if it is in controlled space and can't spread any further than the Devs allow.

Edited by MeduSalem
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Um, so... the infestations have been pretty much wiped clean.


I haven't paid a lot of attention today, but was this the function of the devs tweaking the progress values? Because I cannot imagine 8 Neptune nodes and 5 Earth nodes, within the span of a few hours, all getting wiped clean EXCEPT for the boss nodes in each region.


Is this due to them knowing the boss nodes would eventually be cleared out, because there are still people trying to farm for warframe parts?


Not sure what happened there.

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Yepp looks pretty much like they manually wiped it, or tweaked the requirements for each node below the point where they are "completed"...


Now we are back to no Infested for like 12-36 hours? Hopefully only 12 hours, because looking at the starmap, I can't help, but feel that the game is during "Breaks" of Outbreaks (nice one xD)... like ten times more boring, because your choice is between Corpus... and Grineer... and more Corpus and more Grineer.


Really, there should be some fixed places for the Infested, so that there are Infested even during the Breaks... What do the new players do, when they are in desperate need of Redirection mods? Kill Elite Lancer (which actually don't have shields anymore so there's no point in dropping Redirection in first place)? Good luck with that with no Redirection equipped... Same thing with some other mods only obtainable from Infested... In worst case wait like 36 hours before you may be lucky enough to kill some Infested again - at least for players who can't afford to dump their Credits and Resources in useless Derelict Keys, which are all one-timers.

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Yepp looks pretty much like they manually wiped it, or tweaked the requirements for each node below the point where they are "completed"...


Now we are back to no Infested for like 12-36 hours? Hopefully only 12 hours, because looking at the starmap, I can't help, but feel that the game is during "Breaks" of Outbreaks (nice one xD)... like ten times more boring, because your choice is between Corpus... and Grineer... and more Corpus and more Grineer.


Ah ok.


Well, then I guess I just won't be playing.  At all.


Not an emotional outcry or protest or anything actually.  Actually don't feel anything.  I mean I love the game at the fundamental level still, but damn, I logged on today, saw that there are no infested survival, defense or mobile defense up, went and killed Phorid on Neptune once... and then I'm like "Eh.  Not gonna bother."  


Almost a year of playing and I think this is the first time it's happened to me with Warframe.  I've stopped playing seriously and went back to play Firefall or PoE multiple times before, but I'd still log on and play one game a day.  Now it's just like... "meh".


Hope they fix the whole system pretty soon, because as it is right now the only thing keeping me here is doing fanart and (lol) lord knows that's not going to last too long.  Incentives man!  Gotta give 'em incentives to players to keep on playin'!

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Ah ok.


Well, then I guess I just won't be playing.  At all.


Not an emotional outcry or protest or anything actually.  Actually don't feel anything.  I mean I love the game at the fundamental level still, but damn, I logged on today, saw that there are no infested survival, defense or mobile defense up, went and killed Phorid on Neptune once... and then I'm like "Eh.  Not gonna bother."  


Almost a year of playing and I think this is the first time it's happened to me with Warframe.  I've stopped playing seriously and went back to play Firefall or PoE multiple times before, but I'd still log on and play one game a day.  Now it's just like... "meh".


Hope they fix the whole system pretty soon, because as it is right now the only thing keeping me here is doing fanart and (lol) lord knows that's not going to last too long.  Incentives man!  Gotta give 'em incentives to players to keep on playin'!


Had exactly the same feeling... Not mad... Or something... There just wasn't the feel for doing a mission. Got my loginreward, realized there's only two Phorids left... Logged off.


I knew that U11 would be very controversial... But actually 11.0 was very good, even Damage 2.0 in it's first incarnation shared very good basics, ... Now with 11.3 there's this nonsense with changed elemental resistances which require again new adaption with no rhyme whatsoever, making physical damage even more obscure. And the worst of all: Infestation with 12-36h cooldown to be encountered again on the normal solarmap... Hell nawww... I won't take it.


As much as I defended Damage 2.0 when it first released, but now the two major changes with 11.3 weren't necessary at all. Also I've as much Infested kills as I have Corpus+Grineer together... It's not only feeling like 1/3 of the game has been cut, no it feels like more than half of the game is gone for me... Not that I'm the radical #SaveCyath/Xini-guy, but no, I just had fun going against infested everywhere, not just on RNG-occasion. It would have been a nice addition, but for sure no replacement. And that's the main problem I've with it. It shouldn't have been a replacement, as much as an addition.


I hate to admit it, but I had the thought of "additions instead of replacements" already when they started to change mission-types and swapping tileset-pieces. The game will never start to have more variety when they keep replacing and swapping things...

Edited by MeduSalem
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I have to say this is even worse than when rhino was temporarily nerfed into the abyss, and just because they released penta doesn't make the situation any better either.

"Oh look, a cool new weapon, too bad I HAVE NOWHERE TO FARM!!!!"

And I don't think I can bare much more of this frustration, after all, I am still not over the fact that google doesn't listen to their god damn users, and now the story repeats in warframe? Yeaaaa.....I think I will just leave if that happens.


(Also, it seems your plan failed, unfortunately)


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Attempting to clear those 5 Phorid Runs on Everest, people keep joining in and out of my games.

Conversations go as followed.


"WTF why did I get Nyx Systems? Shouldn't I get Trinity from this place?"

"It's Infested for the Invasion, so its Nyx until the Infested are kicked out."

"That's stupid s--- F--- this, I'm not playing until they fix this f---ing garbage."

------ has left the game.





..Seriously, this has happened to me for each of those 5 runs. Two people per run. Fun times.

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At least one can't complain that Nyx is an RNG frame now... At least there are 2 reliable sources to get tons of her components! :D


What you don't need more Nyx's? I'd like to have like 10 if all of them would count towards my masteryrank ^^


I actually fear that the default frames on Invasion Systems will be blocked for too long, when people don't care on cleaning up the mess. :D

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 Here is an alternate idea.  The invasion boss should not have a reward.  But also the boss being available should be directly linked to the rest of the nodes.  Meaning once all of the other invasion nodes in the sector are cleared, then the boss has to ditch because it is no longer supported.


 Another possible feature of a system like this would be that the boss would have a progress bar and if the boss got completed enough times then all of the other invasion nodes would be wiped out also.  Sort of change the invasions to be that the boss can't be there without invasion, and the invasion can't be there without a boss.

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It's been said on every thread already, the solution is simple.


Give Eris back to the infested, put Phorid back in Naeglar, and keep the invasion system in other areas.

Either make boss nodes protected, or selectable like nightmare.


I'm so glad I have every frame already, but imagine new players and PS4 users trying to make sense out of this?


DE have stated they need to watch the system and tweak and that is fine, but the Eris change should be done now.

No reason not to.

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