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My Sentinel Is Now A Glass Jar...


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Ok, is it just me, or are sentinels now ridiculously weak since 11.3? I've never had my carrier die so many times in missions, and I've taken it into high level baddies along with beefing it up generously with defense mods. It gets annoying seeing the thing die only about 2 minutes into the mission -_-.

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Do you have max shield/health/shieldrestore on your sentinel? It should be fine with these. I haven't noticed a change in the amount my sentinel dies (which is never unless I hug a grineer scorch).



I've also "lost" my sentinel at random times; it turns out that ever since some recent update it occasionally gets stuck somewhere and doesn't come back for a minute or so.



Edit: I rarely have an attack precept on it so it never draws aggro. I just use it for the shield boost and the pickups.

Edited by Trainer772
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my Sentinel never dies. the only time it dies is if there's Napalms around. otherwise, nope, almost never. even against very high level enemies.

and my precious Dethcube fires away at everything within 2 Clicks of me, he drags plenty of Aggro with how many bullets he fires.


but he doesn't die.

Shields and Health are only ~200% for both, anyways. 



are they nerfing sentinels now to ? WTF is going on ?? seriously bad decisions after bad decisions...

stop making wrong assumptions.

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Napalms and pretty much every midlevel grineer at short range can deal a lot of damage to your sentinel.

But they rarely target the sentinel, he just happens to be caught in the blast radius/block the los from time to time.


The only thing that regularly OHK my shade are hellion jetpacks. Try meleeing a hellion in stealth.

If the arsenal stats aren't completely wrong he takes much more damage than he should (and doesn't even trigger regen).

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The only thing that regularly OHK my shade are hellion jetpacks.



those jetpacks should really just do 1dmg at all levels. a sort've 'boop' if you get hit by it. instead of that randomly flying box of explosives that will probably land on you even if you try to get out of the way.

and the damage those do at high levels, heh.


they aren't an actual enemy, it's almost like magic damage.

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I take the attack precept off mine to prevent aggro.


I'd rather have a 100% shield recharge with a 30 second cooldown instead of something that's already level 30 stealing my kills for a short duration before dying.

Same here. Sometimes Loki's Invis fades off just behind someone and shotgun shot ruins all the stealth. I replaced attack precept with Coolant Leak and it's awesome.

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so "never dies" is idd wrong.

correct. i changed my sentence after writing it, but only changed one of the instances of it's lifespan in the sentence.


however, it's pretty much 'never dies' anyways, since it requires a high level Napalm(s) and me not killing them instantly like usual for my Sentinel to die.

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