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Upcoming Ember Changes


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ok, just before u11 fireblast was excellent area denial + damage over time. you could plop it down in one place and concentrate on somewhere else. it currently is an awkward little bastille as enemies wait outside the ring of fire and hardly take any damage when they finally decide to run into it/through because it still does not trigger burning. i don't get it, seriously. it's a skill with a duration and the only burning procs we get are with the initial damage? just why?

world on fire seems not that bad in the damage department but no burning whatsoever? i mean really? (fire isn't that hot in the damaging department anymore anyway...)

close quarter specialists need stagger/knock down/crowd control, as do melee weapons, why is that so hard to understand? do you really want ember to spam one ability for cc and be forced to use the others to deal damage on top? i mean i can see that accelerant addresses both these issues ember has, no cc and average damage. but it doesn't feel good to play like this, needs way too much energy to work well.


what really get's to me is that especially fireblast worked so well right before u11 and it had taken months to get it there... only to be turned into a useless waste of energy...

Edited by SlyBoots
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I think you should remove that later proc from fireball and give it to FB, this power is a tremendous defensive move and without the ability to actually keep people in after the initial cast it extremely lowers its ability to perform it's defensive job. Even though it connects with Acc you shouldn't have the power dependent on the other.


good god, someone understands! :D


Crazy idea here but...how about just getting of Fireball and putting Acc as first power and OH back on two? She has 3 medium range AOE powers so having one long range thing seems a bit out of place. With Acc, OH, FB, and WoF i think we would have a frame that gets all of it's powers equipped because these 4 are actually all good.


all of my yes!


Fireball + Fireblast

These two abilities by themselves are mediocre at best. Fireball feels like a waste of energy and Fireblast just seems to be a impractical how it will only damage enemies crossing over the perimeter. Surely a giant spire of fire would hurt you more... What I propose to do with these two, is combine them and improve them.


Drop the speed of Fireball down and give it an arc, just like the Penta. Beef up the projectile size and actually turn it into a fireball! Upon hitting an enemy or surface, have it do a decent radial AoE blast with 100% Fire proc and leave that area scorched for a while. Very similar to a Napalm's attack but with Tenno flair.


or this, great suggestions!

Edited by SlyBoots
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I do miss Overheat but not because of it's defensive boost but because of it's offensive side. I play Ember with shotguns at short range and having extra damage while on the move blasting with a shotgun was fun plus it helped with melee.  Crazy idea here but...how about just getting of Fireball and putting Acc as first power and OH back on two? She has 3 medium range AOE powers so having one long range thing seems a bit out of place. With Acc, OH, FB, and WoF i think we would have a frame that gets all of it's powers equipped because these 4 are actually all good. 


Yeah overheat worked wonders when wanting to go up close. Melee got kept at bay and ranged got extra damage from your proximity. The damage protection was the icing on the cake.


Wow, that's actualy a reasonable good idea.

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And Ember goes back into the closet, never to see the light of day again.  Seriously.  You could have replaced Fireball or Fire Blast with Accelerant and I would have been perfectly fine with that.  Nyxing (pun intended) Overheat is a big no-no in my book.



gonna miss 'Overheat', Ember abit squishy w/o it now - Dev's push to change my game play with her. (sad face)

Please bring OVERHEAT back! I never used Fireball anyway, sub Accelerant for it and keep Overheat

- Time to charge up my Rhino and Excal Prime to play with.

Edited by Bladereap3r
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When fireball hits it should explode with AOE and keep the contact area alight for DOT. Hitting one enemy per use is rough. Even Soul Punch has a chance to effect other surrounding enemies. 


Accelerant - you should be able to ignite accelerant effected enemies with a fireball. How did that get missed? Or am I doing it wrong?

Edited by RawGritz
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Fireball: No dot or aoe makes this skill again useless

Accelerant: used it a few times, the stun is not enough and the damage increase is rather useless

Fireblast: Personally I never liked the skill, I prefer world on fire

World on fire: the only useful skill with Ember


So, guess I'll forma even the last skill slot away just to keep World on fire, all of the rest 3 are a waste of slots.


Bring back Overheat.

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I don't often post on the forums but when I do, its usually because something went sideways. In this case, I was skeptical of the ember changes from the start and it would seem I was right. I merely did not expect this severe a miscalculation. Fireball is still useless, fireblast is still insufficient, Accelerant should have replaced her fireball if you really wanted to add it this badly but instead, they replaced one of the few skills people seemed to appreciate from ember and gave world on fire new and distracting effects which add nothing to the experience of using the frame. Ember is effectively nerfed further into the ground for reasons already listed and there is no reason to use her instead of.... well... any other frame.

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imo if they actually fix the AoE on fireball it would be quite useful skill for 25 energy


the fact that it can be used while reloading would make it a great way to constantly have damage output and keep your enemies in check, but without aoe, its too easy to miss, especially since infested are the primary recipients of fire

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Guys.. Overheat was "nice", but the new Accelerant is awesome. You're buffing all fire damage in weapons and abilities in a crazy amount with high Strength mods.

Have you tried the accelerant + ignis combo? have you tried the accelerant + fire blast or WoF combo? That's insane beautiful. With the correct combo-play Ember now is a real Queen of Fire.

Edit: Thanks DE, i really enjoy the "new" Ember.

Edited by Mr.Berzek
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I absolutely applaud the effort put into the current rework.

I found it fairly fun to use accelerant as a handy CC/DamageAmp for the other skills as well as Ignis I happened to be using (which made the most of it).

That said, I am still disappointed because this new and fun skill is being pinned on Ember. It is very nice indeed, but it's not enough to keep her alive when her DoT starts killing at a slower pace than nukes of other frames.

Overheat was what made her shine with DoT, and seeing how now she lacks suvival ability to go with her AoE DoT (not to mention the CC and disrupting/poison) the better solution would be to bring it back, while fusing the Accelerant with Fireblast to give that skill a spin and make it worth it's energy later-game.

With all due respect to Scott, I'm afraid he'll have to stop clinging to image of ember as a pure caster, and allow for a more interesting toolbox.

Also, explosive fireball. *tries to make puppy eyes at the screen*

Edited by GTG3000
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Love the changes to Fireball and Fireblast, because FIRE abilities should be able to proc the FIRE status. It's been a little thing that was bothering me! :P


Besides that, they were just good buffs.


The replacement of Overheat, though... I can see if it needed a bit of tweaking.... But I have to agree with most people that this new 'Accelerant' ability is a bad replacement. It shows potential as an ability, but its a bad replacement for Overheat. As a frame that brings mostly AoE damage overtime to enemies AROUND HERSELF, she pretty much needed that damage reduction from Overheat.


So only thing I'm asking is; bring back SOME tankiness to Ember, preferrable incorporated into her 2nd ability.


My suggestions for it would be to replace the stun effect from Accelerant with something that enforces tankiness to Ember. For example, let her heal from enemies killed/hit by her abilities, let her gain damage reduction (that maybe increases per enemy hit), or simply bring back the instant gain of the simple % damage reduction.

Edited by Zerathos_Dagon
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Take a look at what’s coming for Ember!


Fireball (First Power) - Deals Direct damage with a 100% Fire proc, on impact deals radial damage with 50% Fire Proc, has a faster travel time.

Accelerant (New Second Power - was Overheat) - Accelerant affects all enemies in a radius to have knockback + it coats them in fire damage amplifier!

Fire Blast (Third Power) - Initial radial damage now has 100% fire proc.


These changes will be coming soon and we are looking forward to your experiences and feedback!


This thread will be unlocked as the update is deployed. Get your testing fingers ready!

And the first serious introduction.
Do the reverse ratio of armor and damage in the game.
That is, characters with armor X1 have the ability damage Y1,the characters with X2 armor must have corresponding damage Y2 * N (where N = X1/X2), or they must be damage  Y2*4 + Required beneficial effects with 100% triggering , sufficiently long time.
It's funny that you are trying to create a balance without any concepts. Do you even know what a balance sheet?
The question is what balance you want to achieve? Tell us ... Maybe we can figure out how to get it.
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I like Accelerant, Fireball is nice because it can be used while running (and it's crazy funny to do trust me)


World on Fire needs to have 100% proc chance too and mayb 5+ targets at the same time...


Ember, like all the casters still hits the wall after enemies reach a certain lvl... she doesnt scale.


Hell fun to play till lvl 30-35, useless past 45-50

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I kind of like Fireball, been messing with and it's a cheap way to clear low level people quickly.


I think it's really time to have extra power cards for frames. I have been mentioning it since Radial Blast was taken away and with each frame change this become more evident. You should let folks actually create their own flavor of Warframes.

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The new fast, explosive Fireball is a delight to use. Still adjusting to Accelerant and the lack of Overheat... Oh well.



I think it's really time to have extra power cards for frames.


My thoughts exactly. New warframes are neat and all, but really it's time to expand upon the existing themes and frames. Refresh the veterans.


Out of all the customization options we have, we still lack the most essential, obvious one: Abilities.


I imagine they'd have to rework power card polarities at least... but it would be worth it.


Let me just sneak this here: I want Radial Blast back, but as a Falcon-type noggin punch. BOOM!... K.O.

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