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Upcoming Ember Changes


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I find no use for accelerant, replacing overheat was by far a bad decision. Lemme summerize each of the other abilities.

Fireball: not reliable spamming fireball in a vortex is ok but not viable than the other abilities (obviously)

Fireblast: not bad, get a well placed vortex and it will deal consistant damage.

World on fire: the new animation is a perfect synergy with vortex since the flame geysers hit everything sucked in multiple times but unless u can deal with the immense lag than its good.

My idea would have been buff buff overheats offensive capabilities,

Add more damage and add the aura radius so you arent in the aura of lets say a toxic ancient.

Also for the love of everything you released in my opinion an amazing looking primed frame which no one will use.

On a side note on fire damage.

Things that refer to FLESH should have WEAKNESS TO FIRE

I am absolutely disgusted with the fact that cloned and infested flesh does not have a weakness to fire especially infested flesh since they do not have armor. What the sudden mutation or cloned flesh has a sudden resistance to being charred to a crisp by extreme heat?

Edited by ThatShadyGuy
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I think the biggest issue is Ember's Stats.

She's supposed to be a close range offensive caster type right?


Yes, she's a close range offensive caster with fragile stats which means either she will risk dying at close range, or gets killed before she reaches her target.


Oh, and now Overheat is gone. Her one utility skill which helps her stay alive.

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I completely agree with Engelheim.



Suggested changes: Make fireball into a DoT sticky projectile, similar to the Grineer Napalm's. Whilst this was implemented before, a much longer duration will offer much more diversity in uses. It would be similar in role to that of Vauban's Tesla and offer both and offensive and defensive role.



Overheat, along with WoF, was pretty much what made Ember. The removal of Ember's only utility skill is perhaps one of the worst decisions made for any particular Warframe.  It is the one I'd specifically use when reviving someone.  Much like Rhino's Stomp.  Drop it and you have 3-5 seconds to revive without being hassled.  This is also EXTREMELY handy in defense and mobile-defense missions.


I always carried Overheat and WoF.  I'd swap between Fireball and Fireblast, depending on whether I was working a defense or survival mission.  If I wasn't doing either, I'd swap it out for a Thieve's Wit.  Ember was the first frame I had after Excaliber.  I loved her.  I loved playing her, I loved how she played, I loved how she was an integral part of any group, I loved how she could change the tide of battle or help a fallen team mate with ease.


Now, she's like my great grandmother(102years old, smoking and doesn't get out much.  It is truly sad what has been done to my lady, Ember.  Please fix her?  Please?!?!



Absolutely awful. It does stun in an AoE around Ember. It will only increase the damage of fire, not physical or any other element or combinations. There is nothing new about this ability as Excalibur had it first, although his is still better. Contrary to DE's description it does not add knock back.


Suggested changes: Revert Overheat to do 40% damage reduction on health and shields.



Fireblast does pretty good damage now but it's still useless on anything other than infested.



WoF has been the least changed of her abilities and as such everyone is relatively content with that. The aesthetic changes are a bad game play choice as it distracts the player both visually and audibly. It should be reverted back to its prior state.  The look of bombs going off is ridiculous with the name of the ability.  I totally understood why they named the ability WoF with the Pre-11.3 animation, it made total sense.  now it looks like World of Exploding Floor (WoEF).  Name doesn't fit animation.


Suggested changes: Revert to the pre-U11.3 animation.


Currently players have no reason to choose Ember over other Warframes as any other frame will do better in terms of speed, endurance, utility, and damage. This last factor is the most important as DE's supposed role for ember is that of a caster damage frame. However a damage-only frame is absolutely horrible both for survivability and late-game purposes.


It also seems that DE doesn't know how to approach Ember as at first she was a crowd control frame (as per game description) but functionally a tank, then a close combat frame (which lacked close combat stats), and now she is a ranged damage-only frame. Even her helmets offer no real specialized stats. Please, please take player feedback into consideration, and FIX THIS FRAME.


Thank you,


Edited by Kempeck
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Why not try for something between a crowd control and a close combat frame. OMG A CCCC FRAME!

The Four C's of Ember!


The frame herself

Speed boost. A CQB frame shouldn't be one of the squishiest AND slowest frame in the game. (my proposed accelerant changes would fix this).



A lot of suggestions to bring some sort of crowd control into this ability, and I agree. Lower damage, no damage over time, massive kinetic blast on the point of impact. Think a smaller-scale radial mag push from a targeted area. Knocks back everything in a decent area.



Why not try something new here? A toggle ability that has an upkeep cost of 5 per second, but gives a speed and fire damage (weapons and abilities) buff to Ember while doing slight fire damage in the surrounding area. If an enemy was damaged by accelerant in the last second the upkeep cost is 0. (it uses the enemy for fuel instead of embers energy). No cast for toggling on or off.


The problem with accelerant currently is that we want to boost power damage, but at the cost of range to maximize our WoF, which renders the current accelerant useless. Changing it into a buff instead of a debuff solves this problem, while making it an upkeep toggle with a bonus for being close to enemies keeps her original play style.



Give it the stun that's currently on accelerant and make it do damage inside the ring. Suddenly it's a lockdown and area denial ability that can be used to keep enemies within your accelerant/WoF range or clump them for a fireball blast. Also can we halve the visual height of the fire? I'd like to be able to see what's shooting me through my own wall of fire.



Functionally the best it's ever been. Aesthetically, opinions differ.

Massive cast time needs to go, what are we, Trinity?



Ultimately, the player is given choice. They can either relax and let Embers' bountiful energy pool build while throwing the occasional ability out, or they can shift to 5th gear and bring the heat (pun intended) but at the cost of a lot of energy and probably a chunk of health. It's all about risk vs reward ladies and gentlemen, and no-one does both those better than Ember.

Edited by Holynight6
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The fun in Ember for me was that she is slow and fragile.  So you had to be diligent with you energy management so that you could maintain Overheat to keep you alive.  Because she is slow, she made for huge fun with melee weapons on higher levels.  But now she is officially broken.  Accelerant isn't all that bad a skill but replacing Overheat with is a HUGE mistake.  It should have replaced Fireball.  Imagine throwing down a massive high energy high damage combo like this: Overheat/Fireblast/Accelerant/Word on Fire/Accelerant/Accelerant. The last ditch combo before you head to extraction. The "YOU SHALL NOT PASS" combo.  For now though, she is lost in a sea of better frames.  I weep for my Ember.

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Sad to see Scotts idea of Ember being so disconnected with the players.




Where did he post that?


Also he could at least now throw the overheat effect on Ember during world on fire. Her being covered in burning ash was a cool effect. Real shame Accelerant is only a short energy wave with enemies glowing for a few seconds.

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So, when do we get some more running speed and a faster cast time on 'World on Fire'?

Right now unless I spam Accelerant and WoF together I will probably die before WoF is cast or shortly after which pretty much negates the whole effect and makes for a very frustrating experience. Ember has to waste 150+ energy just to get her ultimate out without dying now while other frames just spam 4 and clear rooms without a care in the world, at least make her faster to get where needed quickly and FINALLY reduce that horrible cast time on WoF which has no place in a frame that has to be kept mobile like Ember.

PS: Also WoF should realy hit all targets within the vincinity of the cast, why the hell is it only one?..

Edited by EchoLG
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Maybe I'm in the minority, but I'm really enjoying Ember's new abilities.


I've been playing a long time now and have every warframe in the game, and Ember always struck me as a bit of a second rate warframe -- especially when it came to the utility of her abilities.  Even back in the hey day of Overheat when she was nigh indestructible with the right mods, she just didn't seem all that interesting to play.


Now though...  She's actually got a few options -- and that's made her immeasurably more fun for me to play.


So, here's my feedback on powers and whatnot.



A fairly decent area of effect attack which shines at low level (especially against infested) but which seems to become steadily less useful as enemy levels increase.  You can still get some mileage out of the fire proc to temporarily stun enemies, of course, but that's generally better done with your other abilities and the damage pales in comparison to what primaries and secondaries can dish out.


About my only real gripe with this ability is that it can cause self-harm and set you on fire if an enemy darts in front of you as you're casting.




I love this ability.  It's ridiculously effective at mitigating damage both to yourself and to your teammates.  The stun is long enough that you can get out of a sticky situation or resurrect an ally who's gone down, and the extra heat damage makes all of your abilities just that much more potent.  Used while you're running World On Fire, you can incinerate high level enemies within seconds with near zero risk of taking any damage.  For added hilarity pair with a multi-star Ignis for some serious burning action.


I think a lot of people are overlooking just how effective this ability is at preventing damage because they're used to passive powers.  One of the reasons I found Overheat so boring to use was that you cast it once and then just waited till it ran out before casting it again.  No decisions were necessary from the player.  You just clicked a button at regular intervals.  Now though, well...  You've got to analyze the situation and decide whether or not to use Accelerant -- either offensively or defensively.  That's much, much better.



Fire Blast

Another excellent ability.  The initial cast deals decent damage and has a good chance of panicking enemies thanks to the fire proc. The ring of fire is even better allowing you to deal damage over time to a huge number of enemies.  This tends to work best against big groups of enemies more than single heavily armoured targets, but that's what it's for, right?  


No problems with this one at all.



World On Fire

Another great power that deals great damage and seems to last forever (at least once you install the right mods).  The new vertical explosions of fire are awesome to watch and give the power a sense of impact.  It really does give you the sense that you're unleashing hell's fury on your enemies.


I'm still not sure about the name though.  It strikes me that there are many other things it could be called that would more appropriately describe what the power actually does.  But whatever...

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The players disconnected with the Warframes is more like it.



Anyway, all the people calling Ember slow, even though she has average speed, do you not put Rush to speed her up?

Considering she has no mobility power herself, her speed a bit below average for her mobile playstyle and haha, there's so many mod slots you know, if you want to strengthen her powers you need to give up on 'running' mods, you can't have everything fit in, no matter how much you would like that. Maximizing her powers while still keeping some survivability for her close range playstyle leaves little room for mobility mods, which would be okay if she was at least a bit faster without them.

Other than that my only gripe is as I stated earlier, the fact that WoF only hits 1 target per blast instead of everything within the vincinity of the power, fix that first and then we talk, right now she still feels subpar to other frames like Nova or even Nyx in terms of both damage and utility and it makes me REALY sad cause she looks better than both of them, being a fan of the fire element, it's a bit bitter watching stupid antimatter magic clearing rooms in the same time it takes me to even begin casting my ultimate, let alone how much time it actually takes for it to do any damage.

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Considering she has no mobility power herself, her speed a bit below average for her mobile playstyle and haha, there's so many mod slots you know, if you want to strengthen her powers you need to give up on 'running' mods, you can't have everything fit in, no matter how much you would like that. Maximizing her powers while still keeping some survivability for her close range playstyle leaves little room for mobility mods, which would be okay if she was at least a bit faster without them.



People that have a lot of CC powers tend to go with the low end of speeds, Vauban has 1.0, Rhino, yes he is supposed to be CC, has less than one. Valkyr and Banshee are on the top speed of CCers with 1.1.



Other than that my only gripe is as I stated earlier, the fact that WoF only hits 1 target per blast instead of everything within the vincinity of the power, fix that first and then we talk, right now she still feels subpar to other frames like Nova or even Nyx in terms of both damage and utility and it makes me REALY sad cause she looks better than both of them, being a fan of the fire element, it's a bit bitter watching stupid antimatter magic clearing rooms in the same time it takes me to even begin casting my ultimate, let alone how much time it actually takes for it to do any damage.


Has this been confirmed? Cause last time i read her power she hits 3 at a time. If she hits one at a time now she should one-shot per hit. 

Edited by Mak_Gohae
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Has this been confirmed? Cause last time i read her power she hits 3 at a time. If she hits one at a time now she should one-shot per hit. 

I think since the new visuals I've heard it works like target centered fireballs. Hits anyone within hugging range of the initial target with damage. 

Although it definitely only does 1 target at a time, still, since that happened months ago and has been 'fixed' several times.

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Maybe I'm in the minority, but I'm really enjoying Ember's new abilities.


I've been playing a long time now and have every warframe in the game, and Ember always struck me as a bit of a second rate warframe -- especially when it came to the utility of her abilities.  Even back in the hey day of Overheat when she was nigh indestructible with the right mods, she just didn't seem all that interesting to play.


Now though...  She's actually got a few options -- and that's made her immeasurably more fun for me to play.


So, here's my feedback on powers and whatnot.



A fairly decent area of effect attack which shines at low level (especially against infested) but which seems to become steadily less useful as enemy levels increase.  You can still get some mileage out of the fire proc to temporarily stun enemies, of course, but that's generally better done with your other abilities and the damage pales in comparison to what primaries and secondaries can dish out.


About my only real gripe with this ability is that it can cause self-harm and set you on fire if an enemy darts in front of you as you're casting.




I love this ability.  It's ridiculously effective at mitigating damage both to yourself and to your teammates.  The stun is long enough that you can get out of a sticky situation or resurrect an ally who's gone down, and the extra heat damage makes all of your abilities just that much more potent.  Used while you're running World On Fire, you can incinerate high level enemies within seconds with near zero risk of taking any damage.  For added hilarity pair with a multi-star Ignis for some serious burning action.


I think a lot of people are overlooking just how effective this ability is at preventing damage because they're used to passive powers.  One of the reasons I found Overheat so boring to use was that you cast it once and then just waited till it ran out before casting it again.  No decisions were necessary from the player.  You just clicked a button at regular intervals.  Now though, well...  You've got to analyze the situation and decide whether or not to use Accelerant -- either offensively or defensively.  That's much, much better.



Fire Blast

Another excellent ability.  The initial cast deals decent damage and has a good chance of panicking enemies thanks to the fire proc. The ring of fire is even better allowing you to deal damage over time to a huge number of enemies.  This tends to work best against big groups of enemies more than single heavily armoured targets, but that's what it's for, right?  


No problems with this one at all.



World On Fire

Another great power that deals great damage and seems to last forever (at least once you install the right mods).  The new vertical explosions of fire are awesome to watch and give the power a sense of impact.  It really does give you the sense that you're unleashing hell's fury on your enemies.


I'm still not sure about the name though.  It strikes me that there are many other things it could be called that would more appropriately describe what the power actually does.  But whatever...

You probably enjoy in between playing Nova and Rhino .
Fireball . The trajectory of the curve so that it often goes off target. Have to stop and carefully aim at the target.
Acceleration. It is not clear where exactly the acceleration ? Too small radius. Too small increase to attack power .
Fire Blast . Needless skill senseless . Against grinir for example it is useless. They not come anywhere close .
WOF. Yes new animation davolno colorful and well voiced ... But it is also its disadvantage. Even with reduced effects it difficult to navigate . It is not clear whether the enemy shoots and shoots from . While that does not parse which direction ... Add another that does damage to the enemy and one just in a small radius for the character in which to spit enough. And no one revives work because without it and quieter (no stupid effects). Yes, and benefit from it no.
Edited by hallfrom
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DEDENX, you're not the only one who found her fun to play, but you'll have to find some really convincing evidence to that she isn't only fun to play at low levels against infested.

Fireball is still next to impossible to aim in a pinch, since there's still delay.

Accelerant is nice, but it's unclear what range it has, and it's too expensive for how spammy it is.

Fireblas and WoF are fun and pretty, but both aren't bringin in enough damage or CC to make Ember playable above level 25-30.

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Accelerant > Overheat. While I liked the 40% Damage reduction, I liked the 75% one more. Overheat was useful, but nowhere near as useful as it used to be. With the new 2 ability, I can lock down enemies and Galatine them to death with a heat mod in place on top of a corrosion or magnetic combo. This new 2 is amazing! I thought I'd hate it since it ruined the entire build I spent in formas to remove Fireball and Flame blast. But, jeez, it's just amazing. Thanks DE <3 This change... revived Ember.


Also thinking of removing WoF. I just realized I only spam Accelerant and a fire-modded shotgun or rifle. XD What do I need with WoF? Thinking of adding a rush or stamina mod, any suggestions?

Edited by Katzenwolf
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Accelerant > Overheat. While I liked the 40% Damage reduction, I liked the 75% one more. Overheat was useful, but nowhere near as useful as it used to be. With the new 2 ability, I can lock down enemies and Galatine them to death with a heat mod in place on top of a corrosion or magnetic combo. This new 2 is amazing! I thought I'd hate it since it ruined the entire build I spent in formas to remove Fireball and Flame blast. But, jeez, it's just amazing. Thanks DE <3 This change... revived Ember.


Also thinking of removing WoF. I just realized I only spam Accelerant and a fire-modded shotgun or rifle. XD What do I need with WoF? Thinking of adding a rush or stamina mod, any suggestions?

You wonder where it tested? I want to remind that the ancient destroyer able to hit even while stunned, yet falls. And share a secret you did not ending energy? As you know has the ability to instant action. That is, even against infected for effective use should allow to approach them closer.
As the ability to increase yields priblitzitelno by 50% (from 670 to 1000). And given the range, even on infected skill necessary to apply very often, so they do not run in tight formation.
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You wonder where it tested? I want to remind that the ancient disruptor able to hit even while stunned, yet falls. And share a secret you did not ending energy? As you know has the ability to instant action. That is, even against infected for effective use should allow to approach them closer.

As the ability to increase yields approximately by 50% (from 670 to 1000). And given the range, even on infected skill necessary to apply very often, so they do not run in tight formation.

Fixed that for you. The ability gives *up to* 3.5 multiplier, but still you are right - the ability is way too expensive to be spammed as it ment to (unless you give up all the other abilities, which you just as well might seeing how they don't give enough damage for their energy cost or cast time.

Алсо, если ты будешь дублировать сообщение по-русски, будет понятнее имхо.

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Fixed that for you. The ability gives *up to* 3.5 multiplier, but still you are right - the ability is way too expensive to be spammed as it ment to (unless you give up all the other abilities, which you just as well might seeing how they don't give enough damage for their energy cost or cast time.

Алсо, если ты будешь дублировать сообщение по-русски, будет понятнее имхо.

You didn't fix anything, because I still couldn't understand what he was trying to say. Horrible wording, I suppose. If you're asking how I'm able to spam the ability so much, how I'm able to do so well with it, where I spam and what I do. I'll share my secret.


1. Where I tested: I don't "Test" Anything. I play. T3 defense, ODD and ODS is what I do most of the time, and what I've been doing recently. I want Mutagen, Burston Prime, and the Fang and Braton Prime to complete my missing collection. Therefore, I run Ember prime with Tigris, Dual Vastos or Aklex, and a Galatine/Dual Kama/or Orthos Prime. So far, I've done really well and have only died 3 times, two of which were in the same one(Stood in front of the lazers like an idiot), in a little less than 16 T3 Def runs.


2. Endless energy: It's not endless, but it sure as hell isn't limited. My frame comes with; Stretch(11points in = slot), Continuity(5 in check), Constitution(7 in -) Streamline(9), Accelerant(4), Focus(6i n check slot), Redirection(7 in shield slot), Vitality(6 in shield slot), Flow(9), and WoF(7). Accelerant normally costs 50 points, but I think it now costs only 35? 35 per cast isn't expensive. It's sure as hell cheaper, far more so, than spamming WoF which Ember is usually built around. Do the math, yourselves. Also, it's an in-your-face move. This goes into my third point about it.


3. In-your-face. 'nuff said. You can stun enemies in a 360 degree radius. You're no Rhino, Nyx, or Vauban. But you can stun them, and then WoF or swing away with something that has a fire mod. It has insane damage with a stun you can activate every 2 galatine charged attacks. 450 energy is more than enough to galatine or shoot a heavy gunner or two to death on the last wave of a T3 defense with enough left over to spam WoF two or three more times. Also, because you're in their face(I play with shotguns and, usually, Orthos prime or galatine), you're usually picking up energy orbs which are, roughly, one more Accelerant. (OMG, can't wait for Melee 2.0~ >.<)


There. Mini-guide to how to play Accelerant spam. You're welcome. Accelerant isn't bad, people just need to get used to it like they got used to the nerf on Overheat. Also, my gear is usually modded with Corrosive and Heat if I have the room for it. I find it doing significantly more for me at the moment, and even more so with Ember's accelerant. I'm not sure if the move's actually supposed to multiply the heat damage from weapons, but it does.

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