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Loki Trolls, Really?


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Switch teleport can be useful for team play or helping players get unstuck. It shouldn't be changed just because a few players like to troll. I'm still waiting for that down vote system, so that if you get in a match with players like that, you just down vote them after so that you don't end up in a party with them ever again. 

I would :( Ive managed to pull of some amazing player switches and gotten to some nice locations with my loki, I would hate for you to take an aspect of what makes Loki, Loki away from players Stay on the move and you dont get hit, simple as that.


Nothing beats being able to switch places with a Nova whos in mid-flight from wormhole

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we are. but in a different way. like storming ahead, killing all mobs so you can't get affinity, making all the work and then waiting for slowpokes on extraction.


anyhow - i don't have switch teleport for example. i have something more useful there.


However i saw such a loki when i was leveling my Frost for 4th time. I was about to make it to the extraction before Loki. And he switch teleported me.


Just think of it: Frost was moving faster than Loki. /facepalm

Edited by Althix
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I only switch teleport people like that when I see them AFK-ers(which has a whole lot worse of a bad rep than switching Lokis), OR when I see some people get stuck behind invisible doors that won't open for them.


And yes, believe it or not, back then I use switch teleport to bring a downed teammate to our team so the rest can revive him while I myself get into the swarm and radial disarm while being invi. Until they removed that feature of course.


And by using Valkyr i help my teammates who have parkour problem or just slow frames getting up to some high ledges. Problem?


P.S Just because some people misuse the power, doesn't mean the power can't be put to good use. In the right hands, it can and it will be.

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ooow, this looks like another case of butthurt-itus. Better call the cyber-police, the only people that care about your case (FYI they don't exist).


Really bro? did i say i wanted people to care? i just wanted to know if there was a way to negate that abilities of theirs on player that DONT want to be affected by it

BTW for Valks Rip Line at least it gives me a chance to run the opposite direction while being pulled, Vaubans jump just makes u bounce UP so it aint a prob just that Switch tele...


I recently saved someone using switch teleport, so no I don't want to stop being able to do that.

There are "trolls" using it for that reason, but not everyone. Same with Valkyr and ripline, got trolled by that as well by 2 persons, the rest I've met have used her "properly".


So no, deleting the usage of that is bad just because there are a few rotten apples.


Delete? no thats part of what make Loki well.. Loki, its just too bad there aint a "MOD" that can negate other Frames abilities on yourself

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tell me again why swicth teleport is useful in team gameplay? never saw a loki switch with a wounded comrade to get himself in the middle of the mayhem.


also never saw any valkyr helping someone else with ripline, same with vauban.


Yeah, I've never encountered anyone using these frame's powers with other players in a useful fashion.  I've seen them used to troll several times and had it happen to me a couple times.  


Had a Valkyr pull me off the ending platform and her onto it. Then spent the next couple minutes trying to pull me back onto it as I dodged and wandered off it asking her "you in a hurry suddenly?".  Forced the full countdown.


Did the same with a Vaubaun that dropped bounces at the pipe leading to the extraction room. Got to the end of the pipe finally at the pull out and just stood there watching him as the time counted down.


The issue is the number of criteria you have to meet for these powers to be useful is far fewer than those needed for them to be annoying.


Useful requires: Situation where you need to be moved + player with move power + player's presence where and when you need to be moved + player's desire to be helpful

Annoying requires: player with move power + that player's desire to be an asshat


Guess which one will happen more often? Especially considering that anyone who wants to be an asshat will want frames with move powers specifically to be an asshat.

Edited by Jector
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actually, there is a lot of people that thinks like the OP.


tell me again why swicth teleport is useful in team gameplay? never saw a loki switch with a wounded comrade to get himself in the middle of the mayhem.


also never saw any valkyr helping someone else with ripline, same with vauban.


powers of frames should not be able to affect other frames except for those that buff the team. period.

I play Valkyr and I try to help out my teammates with ripline. Unfortunately, it's incredibly hard due to them moving around and ripline's horribly small hitbox and it's pathetically weak pull... Because of that, my attempt to help winds up actually helping them only about half of the time. :( The rest of the time, it usually ends with both of us falling off a cliff. >_>

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I've never met a trolling Loki.. yet. But there's plenty of time a player that's using Vauban would spam their Bounce ability at the extraction point. Maybe he's trolling, but in the end, EVERYBODY would run towards the Bounce spot, including me. Heh..

Edited by zubai
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I play Valkyr and I try to help out my teammates with ripline. Unfortunately, it's incredibly hard due to them moving around and ripline's horribly small hitbox and it's pathetically weak pull... Because of that, my attempt to help winds up actually helping them only about half of the time. :( The rest of the time, it usually ends with both of us falling off a cliff. >_>


 The pull is much, much stronger if you have the high ground on your ally. 

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Luckily, that type of players don't use Loki that much. They probably go with Nova and spam the f*** out of Molecular Prime or use Ember to kill all the things far from other players.


I play as Loki all the time but mostly I have Radial Disarm when I'm playing with other players. Switch Teleport, not that much. But one time I had it and I saw someone downed, I switched and made that player stay far away from enemies for an easier ress.


As for avoiding other warframes' abilities (like Switch Teleport), I would say: move a lot.

Edited by RextintorZ
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  • 4 weeks later...

i always switch teleport teams, since its fun. admit it , its fun, with the bad gameplay warframe has - switch teleporting is fun, i repeat, its fun.

but if you are the victim, its bad.

deal with it, its a rare occasion you see these kinds of switchers(?), if you encounter one, suck it up and run - take cover, or quit the mission or kill the troll with hurtful words(?), this isnt a big issue

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Non-serious, but easy solution, whenever a Loki uses Switch Teleport on a player, or a player steps on a Vauban's Bounce, or a player get rip lined, or uses Worm Hole the player/team has the option to TK the Loki/Vauban/Valkyr/Nova once for each time the power was contacted the rest of the mission. Guarantee that most trolls would disappear in less than a week.


Note: I am not seriously suggesting this be done, so don't go crying about how it is mean and would ruin the fun.

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Non-serious, but easy solution, whenever a Loki uses Switch Teleport on a player, or a player steps on a Vauban's Bounce, or a player get rip lined, or uses Worm Hole the player/team has the option to TK the Loki/Vauban/Valkyr/Nova once for each time the power was contacted the rest of the mission. Guarantee that most trolls would disappear in less than a week.


Note: I am not seriously suggesting this be done, so don't go crying about how it is mean and would ruin the fun.

That is mean! That would ruin the fun!

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