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With Overheat Gone...


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because ember is very weak, she has lowish shields with lowish health with no armor.

So are a good many other frames, so I'm not sure how that is a detriment. If you're having problems surviving as an Ember, I hope you never get a Vauban, Nova, Nekros, or any other frame that isn't a tank.


If the complaint is more about it's lack of DPS, that's another story entirely. Still doesn't require Rhino-level tanking.

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So are a good many other frames, so I'm not sure how that is a detriment. If you're having problems surviving as an Ember, I hope you never get a Vauban, Nova, Nekros, or any other frame that isn't a tank.


If the complaint is more about it's lack of DPS, that's another story entirely. Still doesn't require Rhino-level tanking.

I have used all frames and surviving is no trouble with those. because their abilities don't have a long casting time like World on fire does.

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She's a glass cannon.



She's built for DPS, not tanking.



Backpedaling also stops you from getting two shot.

She used to be tanking dps until DE decided we were playing her wrong. Also backpedaling does nothing when a leaper blindsides you or an ancients hitscan slap knocks you down when chargers eat you.

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Without Overheat, Ember is pretty much a fire-spewing Nova.


Which...is what she's supposed to be?


Ember = a magic caster. She was NEVER supposed to be a tank. Scott stated this. Right now, Ember works exactly as she should as a fire based magic casting "character".


The only things I think they should tweak, is her armor values (since she does have to be in the thick of it to do the most damage) and a small speed increase.


As for Overheat, it's really not needed anymore if you actually play her correctly. Accelerant instantly stuns enemies - if you're getting swarmed, use it.. Fireblast and Fireball give 100% "on fire" status chance, and WoF is powerful enough to rip through most mid level enemies in a few seconds.


What's also interesting, is that many people whined about how Ember's abilities don't connect together. Don't "flow", and yet now they do thanks to Accelerant. The amount of damage Accelerant+Fire Blast/Fireball/WoF/Any fire based weapon does is sensational.



Also backpedaling does nothing when a leaper blindsides you or an ancients hitscan slap knocks you down when chargers eat you.


All of that can happen to any warframe, what's your point.

Edited by SoulEchelon
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I actually enjoy the new ember as much if not more than the old. Yes she lost a skill that gave her a good amount of DR, but DE did say that she wasn't meant to be a tank. She just turned into one because of how high that DR could get to. This Accelerant makes her more of an anti-infested frame if anything else, much like how Volt is 'technically' the anti-corpus frame.

If your afraid her WoF ability takes too long to cast, one can always use Accelerant to give you enough time to cast WoF. Also remember that this new ability works on ANY SOURCE OF HEAT DAMAGE. Meaning anything with Heat element will do more of that damage, like the Ignis.

Ember now holds true to her intent, which is indeed a Fire Mage waframe. If you really want something more tanky, go with Trinity or Rhino. Both have something that makes them cc-proof as well as a method of mitigating damage. The only reason I'd get rid of Ember is if you had Ember Prime waiting.

Final thought, they will probably listen to feedback on her and tweak her more if needed, who knows they may give her back overheat instead of Fire Blast :B

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Accelerant doesn't cover her in roast chicken like Overheat did, right? I'd say that's an upgrade.


That's actually what turned me off from Ember in the first place.



If your afraid her WoF ability takes too long to cast, one can always use Accelerant to give you enough time to cast WoF. Also remember that this new ability works on ANY SOURCE OF HEAT DAMAGE. 


It'd be nice if it boosted fire damage directly from the mod card/gun. If not, then it's pretty worthless in that aspect. Most people use Blast, instead of straight fire damage, because it does a lot more damage.

Edited by Grascen
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Accelerant doesn't cover her in roast chicken like Overheat did, right? I'd say that's an upgrade.


That's actually what turned me off from Ember in the first place.



It'd be nice if it boosted fire damage directly from the mod card/gun. If not, then it'd going to be pretty worthless. Most people use Blast, instead of straight fire damage, because it does a lot more damage.


Yeah I didn't like that "burnt" texture either. And Accelerant strengthens -all- fire damage, including damage from other players.


Most other frames can survive that. Ember gets two shotted by level 20ish chargers. 


Then you're doing something wrong. Horribly. Don't play Ember as a Rhino and you'll find her surviving quite a bit more.

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Honestly, I love Ember the way she is now. Best freaking frame for survival.





Seriously, she's great. Don't even need forma.

(and yeah I admit I didn't really use overheat much, as evident by my prime)

Edited by NukaKV
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 She was more fun as a Tanky Mage then she is now as a mediocre DPS Mage. 


 I fail to see how anything else can be more important than how fun she is.


I gave accelerant a shot, modded for it and my conclusion was regrettable. It is simply a waste of a mod-slot and energy. As a stun it is expensive and lack-luster, while the overheat slot power slot is better modded into a different polarity and replaced with, say. Blind Range. Pure damage trumphs accelerant big time


On the other hand, fireball is amazing now.


However, I really really miss my tanky utility ability. I would turn world of fire and overheat on, then go to melee-town against high-level infested that can take the punishment. Overheats minor damage aura, world on fire and melee attacks would do the trick instead. Especially the overheat aura. Accelerant is not a fun ability to use. All other of embers abilities are.

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 Well, just did a few OD Survival rounds with some of the other Mods.



  Ember is nice and all, but I really want a mobility skill or something for avoidance. That or buff her base speed a bit.


 Accelerant isn't bad by any means, though. I've gotta play my baby a different way but she worked out fine for what I was doing at the moment.



 I'd like to see DE work on the visual effect some, along with get a visual effect going that makes it clear I hit an enemy with it. 



 Fireblast is a bit more useful, but I feel it is not quite good enough yet.

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nuff with the go play rhino comments. ember was better than rhino as a tank and that's why she got changed. just wish her replacement ability had actually been defensive or utility instead of a pretense at a stun and more damage.overheat was all that let ember survive higher level play without stacks of defense mods... don't compare her to other soft frames either.... there all either cc kings or "nothing can hurt me if there dead" frames... tbh id rather have a version of null star than this new power

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She used to be tanking dps until DE decided we were playing her wrong. Also backpedaling does nothing when a leaper blindsides you or an ancients hitscan slap knocks you down when chargers eat you.


Backpedaling always works for me, maybe you're just not aware of your surroundings. 


Most other frames can survive that. Ember gets two shotted by level 20ish chargers. 


Since when? Ember is FAR from the only not-so-tanky frame. She's now focused on being a damage dealer. Prior to all these changes she was a better tank than Rhino and could deal some of the highest single target damage in the game. Kinda glad DE chose to focus on one route.


nuff with the go play rhino comments. ember was better than rhino as a tank and that's why she got changed. just wish her replacement ability had actually been defensive or utility instead of a pretense at a stun and more damage.overheat was all that let ember survive higher level play without stacks of defense mods... don't compare her to other soft frames either.... there all either cc kings or "nothing can hurt me if there dead" frames... tbh id rather have a version of null star than this new power


That's the point. She was a better tank than rhino despite being intended as a dps frame. Not every frame has to have CC, ember is built for DPS. So I'd say she fits into that latter category of soft frames.

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That's the point. She was a better tank than rhino despite being intended as a dps frame. Not every frame has to have CC, ember is built for DPS. So I'd say she fits into that latter category of soft frames.


 She was a better tankyframe then she is a damage frame now. 


 They should have taken her the Tanky route.


 The recent changes to her aren't horrible - but she is still nothing like her highest point.



 And I do mean that. Her high point. The point were I was seeing the highest amounts of positive talk about her as a Frame. The point where the most people seemed to be saying "This is as much fun as I've ever had with her."



 I wish DE had chosen to simply adapt the Frame to the playstyle her skills ended up creating instead of popping her fans in the mouth and saying "You aren't playing with your toy the way we want you to."

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 She was a better tankyframe then she is a damage frame now. 


 They should have taken her the Tanky route.


 The recent changes to her aren't horrible - but she is still nothing like her highest point.



 And I do mean that. Her high point. The point were I was seeing the highest amounts of positive talk about her as a Frame. The point where the most people seemed to be saying "This is as much fun as I've ever had with her."



 I wish DE had chosen to simply adapt the Frame to the playstyle her skills ended up creating instead of popping her fans in the mouth and saying "You aren't playing with your toy the way we want you to."


Of course she was, at her high point (as far as tanking goes) she was THE tankiest frame after Trinity's lolgodmode. She was the only frame that couldn't be oneshotted by Ash in conclaves (again, ignoring lolgodmode). That was at complete odds with her image as a dps frame. It would be extremely hard to make her damage dealing capabilities sit on par with her former tanking abilities.


I don't see why people are acting like she's weak all of a sudden... She does quite a lot of damage, and accelerant seems to boost that damage. But I guess there are always those who like a change that (seemingly) everyone else hates. I'm thinking that in time people will come around to my side. As they did with the last stage of the Iron skin 'fix', as they did with the corrupted mods that screwed up accuracy, it's not like these changes have made her useless.

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I don't think people play the same game here. Are they not aware that Accelerant is literally a mini-Molecular Prime and Ember now has gauranteed proc chance on her Fireball and Fireblast which means a mini-panic/stun. Defense and utility right there.


Also apparently Ember has no survivability despite having average shield, health, and speed. As far as energy and armor, it's a common trend, if the Warframe has medium or high armor, they have less energy. If the Warframe has light armor, they have more energy. The armor formula got nerfed recently supposedly, so armor didn't matter much before and now it doesn't matter at all.


Furthermore no @ whoever said Fire damage is used more than Blast damage. Hellfire and Wildfire for Rifles. Incendiary Coat and Blaze for Shotguns. Enough said.


Accelerant is a waste of 50 energy, you're only using it to affect one pack of mobs which die in a few seconds even without Accelerant.


I used Ember in a 1 hour survival with enemies topping lv115 but I still didn't see any use for Accelerant. Yes, it made World on Fire tick for 4500 damage which is hell of a lot, but the enemies still died too fast to justify the skill.


Fireball and Fire Blast are useless in my eyes also, World on Fire does all they do much better.


So, Ember is now a weak full dps World on Fire spammer. Doesn't sound as fun as it used to be with Overheat.

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I don't think people play the same game here. Are they not aware that Accelerant is literally a mini-Molecular Prime and Ember now has gauranteed proc chance on her Fireball and Fireblast which means a mini-panic/stun. Defense and utility right there.


Also apparently Ember has no survivability despite having average shield, health, and speed. As far as energy and armor, it's a common trend, if the Warframe has medium or high armor, they have less energy. If the Warframe has light armor, they have more energy. The armor formula got nerfed recently supposedly, so armor didn't matter much before and now it doesn't matter at all.


Furthermore no @ whoever said Fire damage is used more than Blast damage. Hellfire and Wildfire for Rifles. Incendiary Coat and Blaze for Shotguns. Enough said.


I tried using accelerant with Fireball but ended up killing myself. So I stopped using it.


Accelerant is a waste of 50 energy, you're only using it to affect one pack of mobs which die in a few seconds even without Accelerant.


I used Ember in a 1 hour survival with enemies topping lv115 but I still didn't see any use for Accelerant. Yes, it made World on Fire tick for 4500 damage which is hell of a lot, but the enemies still died too fast to justify the skill.


Fireball and Fire Blast are useless in my eyes also, World on Fire does all they do much better.


So, Ember is now a weak full dps World on Fire spammer. Doesn't sound as fun as it used to be with Overheat.


I don't see people levying this complaint at Rhino, Nova, Ash, Oberon, Vauban, Nyx (but with Chaos), most frames actually... Overheat didn't 'help' the situation any, it just made you tankier. I don't see how being less tanky makes doing tons of damage any less fun.

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if you can't adapt to changes or if you are just to lazy to try new things, then yes, sell the BPs/frame

You realize that not all changes are good changes, right?


Ember got gradually worse, and now we have Accelerant, which scarred her even further. A fire-only damage multiplier isn't going to save you from tens of corpus/grineer shooting you from afar, unlike Overheat.

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One thing I don't understand. If she wasn't meant to be a tank why did they give her a damage mitigation skill in the first place? I'm curious as to the thought process involved in that.

Also I play ember a bunch and love her (I love all the frames, ALL of them) to the people complaining about survivability. What do you do? Stand still and pivot firing blindly. I have no problems with survivability, I don't know what you are doing but you may need to re-evaluate your approach.

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As you say, they are afar (as in, not close, thus low accuracy and slow projectiles are ineffective). Unless you plan to stand still out in the open, you should be able to take cover or dodge when necessary. Any Warframe can do this and it doesn't require casting an ability.


That would be fine if there was only one enemy around and not a bunch of scorpions, napalms, heavy units, and all that other annoying stuff that makes you completely immobile for a while and that drain your health fast.

Edited by Incursum
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She's good now.


She would be in a bad place if there was another Warframe with better damage dealing/debuff/mobility abilites and

higher base speed/armor with a slight tradeoff on shields.


But as long as such a Warframe doesn't exist I'm sure we will see a lot of Embers, especially with so many infested missions everywhere.

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