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Ugliest Warframe In Your Opinion ?


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'ugly' as objective an 'idea' it can get, probably I'd have to say default helmet Valkyr, because she is supposed to look ugly and scarred. Another contender would be hydroid because his design almost invokes this image that he is melting/liquidating partially, naturally, because of his power. They aren't supposed to be appear sleek or attractive, so they may be ugly, but still be good pieces.
For bad design I would probably have to say Trinity, the skirt is one of the largest pieces that are purely aesthetic, without being all together that indicative of anything. She also has a lot going on in her design in terms of colours, despite being a relatively simple frame. While Zephyr and Hydroid's designs might be busy, their business has purpose and succeeds at it. Trinity's doesn't seem to have any purpose at all. Mag might also be a contender in this category, her proportions seem a little off to me but that might just be a trick of her very unarmoured frame compared to all the others. 

For subjective opinion of ugly, based on personal preference, Mag. 

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Honestly, most of the frames in Warframe look ugly to me in some way or another. I think Banshee, Trinity, and Vauban need a serious rework though. They're just inexcusably bad. Seriously, Vauban isn't even proportional. Trinity and Banshee look like they're from a different game.

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I hate how bony Nekros is... He is super ugly I think his alt helmet is 5x better than his original.


The Raknis Helmet was actually the ONLY helmet I had to buy on day one... because I can't stand his default one... for.. for.... reasons that can't be unseen. :<

Edited by MeduSalem
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Gonna have to go with Vauban. Close second is Banshee.


Oberon has some very stylistic helms and a pretty cool color pattern, so he's out of the runnings.


Ember's default helm is...not pleasing to me. However the rest of her form is. And that phoenix helm immediately makes her one of my favorites. It was the first and only helm I straight up bought (Valkyr's bastet helm's plat was "gifted" to me by a friend, so I don't count it). Ember Prime just straight up murders almost all the other frames beauty-wise.


Though I wanna add; I'm not saying any of those warframes need to be changed. Their artists did a great job. Just saying, in my opinion they aren't as pleasing to the eye as the others.

Edited by SoulEchelon
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Huh. Either I have really bad taste or I just don't fit the mold, because Banshee, Vauban, and Nekros are some of my favorite designs. Only odd thing about Banshee is her feet. Otherwise I think she fits that insectoid theme a few of the other frames have going on like Ash.

I do find it interesting, though, how Banshee's Chorus helm is more or less her official helmet now. Her stock helmet, in my opinion, looks too flat for the rest of her body.


Just... Oh my god I usually leave lobby if somebody plays her.

That's an interesting reason for not playing with somebody, especially since you only get to see another player's frame when you're all standing around at extraction or at the objective anyway. If I left every time I saw a horrid red/white, red/black, or pink/green color scheme, I'd never get anything done in this game. Edited by Noble_Cactus
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Nova Nova Nova Nova Nova Nova Nova


Seriously one fugly frame. Nothing cool, nothing sleek, just a weird egg-shell look with floating glowy pillars and this weird pattern that looks like an argyle sock. Nothing badass, nothing menacing, looks like someone tried to make a person out of antigravity generators and iMac cases.

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#1- Nova. No detail, looks like an ugle eggshell-person.

#2- Mag Prime. Wow that helmet is disgusting.

#3- Trinity. The tail thing is weird, but her helmet just doesn't fit any part of her design. Looks like someone crushed her skull and she's just walking around like that.

#4- Limbo. Get rid of the hat and we'd be fine. But otherwise he looks like the jedi master who has two foreheads.

#5- Nekros. I hate those weird loopy spine things on his limbs. And his head looks really weird from the side, but can be fixed with alts.

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I happen to like Hydroid very much. Maybe not his second alt. helmet, but the first and the default are dope

I like Zephyr too tho her alt helms are far too disturbing and subtract from the general flow of the body.


only frame I seriously dislike are Saryn and Limbo

especially Limbo...

I really don't get the level of failure on the art dept.'s side...

male magician

and female gunslinger.... wow... really really bad call imo


like this level of bad:


Edited by DVAted
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Nova Nova Nova Nova Nova Nova Nova


Seriously one fugly frame. Nothing cool, nothing sleek, just a weird egg-shell look with floating glowy pillars and this weird pattern that looks like an argyle sock. Nothing badass, nothing menacing, looks like someone tried to make a person out of antigravity generators and iMac cases.


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Trinity, I'm pretty sure. There are some other designs that I personally don't like, but at least they still make sense. Several things about Trinity are weird and I'm forced to stare at them now that I decided to use her so much.


The default helmet makes her look "bald", and when coupled with all the different things poking out from her back, shoulders, and skirt, her head just looks so small in comparison.


Since a while ago, I noticed some colors on her are a little washed out, like how it shows up on some weapons where you only get to tint an area rather than color it. My more vibrant colors on her have a little gray to them, and my pink becomes unfortunately magenta.


And then just... lobster tail. Why is it so detailed compared to the rest of her? Why is it there? Help

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I feel like Banshee wouldn't be so ugly if they did something about her feet those extended padels for feet look terrible what would of been cool is if they made her legs appear prosthetic.  Ember I thought was hideous but now that there is more stance animation to choose from its not so bad

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  • 1 month later...

NOVA and NOVA P freaking fugly

He-ey, welcome to the forums!





What the f*** is this?


with Noble Animation     


Each to his own! Mine with the winter skin on a sleek black and purple looks like beauty. Personified.

Edited by Snydrex
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