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An Open Letter To De From Your Veterans (The megathread)


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I'm collecting co-signers for the letter for this letter since the individual letters are being merged into this thread. If you're a veteran and wish to have your name listed on the original post please message me here or in game with your in game name, clan and rank in clan.



--collstro-- (Co-Founder of clans 'Spectres N7' and 'X Spectres')

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This letter is designed to express the opinions of a collection of max rank veterans.  We are the individuals who've been with Warframe from the start, the Tenno who've maxed every single weapon in the game to the reasonable limits of acquirement(Detron...).  It is my desire that DE will listen and take our concerns genuinely.  The purpose of this particular letter is to address communication.  While there are a great many problems I'd like to express my feelings on, all issues in this game, I feel, stem from general apathy with the majority consensus of the player base.




In the early days of Warframe, DE pioneered this game by defying the status quo of other games in the revolutionary attitude of listening to its player base.  It was this rare approach towards game development that brought in hundreds of thousands of players.  This community was once a beautiful movement of feedback synchronized with developer response.  We would bring to DE the most valuable feedback of the game and DE acted on it.  Parkour was added to the game because of this, Control Modules developed a reasonable drop rate because of this, and the pay element of the game became a feasible system of dollar to platinum ratio that promised sustainable and ongoing sales for DE.  We developed two staple frames very well loved by the community, Vauban and Nova.  It continued still, with developers like Rebecca, Glen, and Megan interacting with the players on a weekly basis to investigate bugs and issues, to assess player feedback on a more intimate level with voice to voice interaction. 


That was then... this is now.


Now, players bring issues to the developers and they are ignored.  Now, when players help their fellow players out because of the vacuum left by DE on lore and game play information, DE responds by encrypting the information and patching the helpful programs out.  Now, when there is overwhelming consensus on the forums over issues, like the way DE handled the Cicero Crisis, DE acts autonomously of its player base, not even extending the courtesy of consistency or advanced warning.  Now, when players message the developers, we're lucky to get one reply, but never has there been a back and forth since U11.  Now, there is a fundamental departure from the disposition of the game staff towards its invested player base that is in absolute contrast from the friendly personality that made this game so appealing from it's conception through it's growth.  Now... Warframe may as well be operated by Bioware, remembering DE as a once beautiful entity that was in harmony with us in a magnificent game which we all loved.




It was with DE's explicit promise of being sensitive to Founder feedback and gameplay experience that we were lured into dropped hundred of dollars into Founders Packs, providing the startup funds to bring Warframe from a small beta game to enabling it to hire on extra staff and jumping its funding into the 7 digit figures.  DE said being a Founder would make us part of the team.  DE led us to believe that Founders would be given a higher voice in the community, that we would rank above others when it came to feedback.  We were promised a chance to change the game with merit given to our stance by the value of our investment. 


While I do not have the figures to support this, I would say from anecdotal observation, Grand Masters are positively correlated with Rank 14+ Warframe Veterans, individuals with intimate knowledge of the game, of all the frames and weapons and lore of this Technocyte ridden galaxy.  So not only should Grand Masters have merit to their voices by investment, but also by vast knowledge of game play derived from 1000+ hours of time played.  One might feel impressed by such a powerful collective force of knowledge, fandom, and enthusiasm towards the game, so impressed that when the majority of us share the same opinion, that the developers would listen.  Unfortunately, no.  Instead, founders are limited to polls, with a founder exclusive forum, and no differentiation between an uninvested f2p player and a Grand Master $500 or more invested into the game. 


If DE won't listen to us, of all Tenno, THEN WHO WILL THEY LISTEN TO?


It is with my utmost sincerity that I request of you DE, that I beg of you, to bring your efforts in adherence with the players you serve.


With Warm Regards,



We didn't create Vauban (nitpick), but otherwise I agree with your sentiments.
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This letter is designed to express the opinions of a collection of max rank veterans.  We are the individuals who've been with Warframe from the start, the Tenno who've maxed every single weapon in the game to the reasonable limits of acquirement(Detron...).  It is my desire that DE will listen and take our concerns genuinely.  The purpose of this particular letter is to address communication.  While there are a great many problems I'd like to express my feelings on, all issues in this game, I feel, stem from general apathy with the majority consensus of the player base.




In the early days of Warframe, DE pioneered this game by defying the status quo of other games in the revolutionary attitude of listening to its player base.  It was this rare approach towards game development that brought in hundreds of thousands of players.  This community was once a beautiful movement of feedback synchronized with developer response.  We would bring to DE the most valuable feedback of the game and DE acted on it.  Parkour was added to the game because of this, Control Modules developed a reasonable drop rate because of this, and the pay element of the game became a feasible system of dollar to platinum ratio that promised sustainable and ongoing sales for DE.  We developed two staple frames very well loved by the community, Vauban and Nova.  It continued still, with developers like Rebecca, Glen, and Megan interacting with the players on a weekly basis to investigate bugs and issues, to assess player feedback on a more intimate level with voice to voice interaction. 


That was then... this is now.


Now, players bring issues to the developers and they are ignored.  Now, when players help their fellow players out because of the vacuum left by DE on lore and game play information, DE responds by encrypting the information and patching the helpful programs out.  Now, when there is overwhelming consensus on the forums over issues, like the way DE handled the Cicero Crisis, DE acts autonomously of its player base, not even extending the courtesy of consistency or advanced warning.  Now, when players message the developers, we're lucky to get one reply, but never has there been a back and forth since U11.  Now, there is a fundamental departure from the disposition of the game staff towards its invested player base that is in absolute contrast from the friendly personality that made this game so appealing from it's conception through it's growth.  Now... Warframe may as well be operated by Bioware, remembering DE as a once beautiful entity that was in harmony with us in a magnificent game which we all loved.




It was with DE's explicit promise of being sensitive to Founder feedback and gameplay experience that we were lured into dropped hundred of dollars into Founders Packs, providing the startup funds to bring Warframe from a small beta game to enabling it to hire on extra staff and jumping its funding into the 7 digit figures.  DE said being a Founder would make us part of the team.  DE led us to believe that Founders would be given a higher voice in the community, that we would rank above others when it came to feedback.  We were promised a chance to change the game with merit given to our stance by the value of our investment. 


While I do not have the figures to support this, I would say from anecdotal observation, Grand Masters are positively correlated with Rank 14+ Warframe Veterans, individuals with intimate knowledge of the game, of all the frames and weapons and lore of this Technocyte ridden galaxy.  So not only should Grand Masters have merit to their voices by investment, but also by vast knowledge of game play derived from 1000+ hours of time played.  One might feel impressed by such a powerful collective force of knowledge, fandom, and enthusiasm towards the game, so impressed that when the majority of us share the same opinion, that the developers would listen.  Unfortunately, no.  Instead, founders are limited to polls, with a founder exclusive forum, and no differentiation between an uninvested f2p player and a Grand Master $500 or more invested into the game. 


If DE won't listen to us, of all Tenno, THEN WHO WILL THEY LISTEN TO?


It is with my utmost sincerity that I request of you DE, that I beg of you, to bring your efforts in adherence with the players you serve.


With Warm Regards,




We value our fellow veteran's letter and hope none of the moderators deletes it yet again.

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I have a problem here. DE should listen to feedback because it's good. Not because you spent money to have your voice heard above others. 


That entire post from yet another self proclaimed veteran basically came down to "I gave DE money now I want my goodies". Well sorry, but you already got your goodies.


Honestly if you guys want others and DE to take you guys seriously you really need to stop trying to set yourselves apart from everyone else. That just makes you sound like entitled brats.

Edited by f3llyn
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(So, time for mine I guess, put it off long enough)


Communication (esp. livestreams)


This has to be one of DE's worst areas, they almost never give solid details about something, out of the last livestream, we got very few solid facts, hell, the only one I can think of offhand is that we're finally getting polarity swaps. And the crazy thing is that they have plenty of livestreams (once, sometimes twice a week), they're active on the forums (mostly bug reports though from what I've seen), and yet their communication is atrocious! What makes it really bad is that they squander the hour of (potential) info we get from the devs every two weeks. DE, communication has to be the most important thing for you. Without improving your communication skills, you'll end up right back here. (assuming you pull out of this downward spiral you're in.)


So, how can DE improve their livestreams?


Control the devs

(note: the "guest" devs (i.e. art team) are pretty much perfect. Look at one of their livestreams vs a Scott/Steve/Geoff/etc livestream. Art team stays focused, regular devs do not.) It's not that they're bad people, it's that once they get even a little off topic, they start losing focus. DERebecca, you are at least trying to keep them on track, and I thank you for that, but there needs to be something to control them better.


Maybe confiscate their drinks, or only allow them to have one when they successfully answer a question with more than "Soon" or "It's around the corner" or "We're discussing it". Make them give us some details, even if it's just some rough outlines of ideas they have. (note: dead serious here. Something needs to be done to keep them focused. Also not gonna say a little squirt bottle that you might use on cats or dogs when they start doing something they shouldn't is a good idea... but it might not be a bad idea either.)


It's fine to have fun, or make a joke, but not when it starts dragging you guys off topic for every single question.


Give real answers.

This means no more "soon", or "around the corner", unless they've already discussed it somewhere and are giving a time frame. I'm not gonna say pressure them into a release date, but maybe try and get a date where they think at the absolute furthest it'd be implemented by (i.e. "Melee 3.0 will be shipped with U12, which is at most 4 weeks away"). Not getting real answers is what annoys the community the most, we watch, and wait for the livestream to hope we get some solid info. Hell, the detron is clearly a problem, but the most we got out of the devs is that they might become battle pay, and some nonsense hint about how to spawn the harvester which we already knew, and that lasted like, 30 seconds, maybe 45 and it was straight back to jokes and giggles.


Again, it's fine that you guys have fun, or make jokes, but something like "wurt sturker hurr hurr" isn't funny, especially when players are asking for information.


Post more.

I don't expect a reply to every single post, but maybe when you read through a thread you liked, leave a comment saying even something like "Hm, these are valid points, especially... " or "Hey, I liked these ideas, especially...!". Something simple and minor (maybe highlight a couple details in it) so we know you've at least been there and read the thread. For example: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/52192-the-warframe-market-is-a-joke-and-actively-discourages-impulse-purchases-updated-includes-solution-to-installed-catalystsweapon-slot-on-weapons/ has 1107 upvotes, but AFAIK, no posts from a dev (could be wrong though), but certainly no posts from a dev within a few months. And that's not the only one, quite a few topics pointing out DE's flaws seem completely ignored (offhand Nugget_'s Bitter/16000 words of feedback also comes to mind. Or this thread.) I'm not saying they are ignoring them, but I am saying it seems like it because none of the devs (or community managers) post in any of them.


I don't expect every single feedback topic to get a reply, but by the time it hits 150 upvotes, I kinda expect those to have a reply, not instantly, but within like, 24 hours or so (unless it's a holiday/weekend).


Also, Dev workshops, once a week, no excuses unless it's a holiday.


Run S#&$ past the community before you just throw it in.

I.e. infested removal, stamina changes, mutagen samples etc. 99.9% of this backlash could be avoided by talking to your players about it first. 'Nuff said there. Want to avoid enraging the player base? Run big changes by them first.


Put all changes in the patchnotes, and numbers (i.e. +50% X on Y).

Players hate nothing more than stealth changes, and it's hard to give good feedback without detailed numbers.


Other important topics

I don't feel like writing more about them at this time, but I agree whole heartedly with pretty much every complaint leveled at the topic (i.e. RNG, newb experience, grind, lack of anything beyond said grind, etc)

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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(So, time for mine I guess, put it off long enough)


Communication (esp. livestreams)


This has to be one of DE's worst areas, they almost never give solid details about something, out of the last livestream, we got very few solid facts, hell, the only one I can think of offhand is that we're finally getting polarity swaps. And the crazy thing is that they have plenty of livestreams (once, sometimes twice a week), they're active on the forums (mostly bug reports though from what I've seen), and yet their communication is atrocious! What makes it really bad is that they squander the hour of (potential) info we get from the devs every two weeks.


So, how can DE improve their livestreams?


Control the devs

(note: the "guest" devs (i.e. art team) are pretty much perfect. Look at one of their livestreams vs a Scott/Steve/Geoff/etc livestream. Art team stays focused, regular devs do not.) It's not that they're bad people, it's that once they get even a little off topic, they start losing focus. DERebecca, you are at least trying to keep them on track, and I thank you for that, but there needs to be something to control them better. Maybe confiscate their drinks, or only allow them to have one when they successfully answer a question with more than "Soon" or "It's around the corner" or "We're discussing it". Make them give us some details, even if it's just some rough outlines of ideas they have. (note: dead serious here. Something needs to be done to keep them focused. Also not gonna say a little squirt bottle that you might use on cats or dogs when they start doing something they shouldn't is a good idea... but it might not be a bad idea either.)


It's fine to have fun, or make a joke, but not when it starts dragging you guys off topic for every single question.


Give real answers.

This means no more "soon", or "around the corner", unless they've already discussed it somewhere and are giving a time frame. I'm not gonna say pressure them into a release date, but maybe try and get a date where they think at the absolute furthest it'd be implemented by (i.e. "Melee 3.0 will be shipped with U12, which is at most 4 weeks away"). Not getting real answers is what annoys the community the most, we watch, and wait for the livestream to hope we get some solid info. Hell, the detron is clearly a problem, but the most we got out of the devs is that they might become battle pay, and some nonsense hint about how to spawn the harvester which we already knew, and that lasted like, 30 seconds, maybe 45 and it was straight back to jokes and giggles.


Again, it's fine that you guys have fun, or make jokes, but something like "wurt sturker hurr hurr" isn't funny, especially when players are asking for information.


Post more.

I don't expect a reply to every single post, but maybe when you read through a thread you liked, leave a comment saying even something like "Hm, these are valid points, especially... " or "Hey, I liked these ideas, especially...!". Something simple and minor (maybe highlight a couple details in it) so we know you've at least been there and read the thread. For example: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/52192-the-warframe-market-is-a-joke-and-actively-discourages-impulse-purchases-updated-includes-solution-to-installed-catalystsweapon-slot-on-weapons/ has 1107 upvotes, but AFAIK, no posts from a dev (could be wrong though), but certainly no posts from a dev within a few months. And that's not the only one, quite a few topics pointing out DE's flaws seem completely ignored (offhand Nugget_'s Bitter/16000 words of feedback also comes to mind. Or this thread.) I'm not saying they are ignoring them, but I am saying it seems like it because none of the devs (or community managers) post in any of them.


Other important topics

I don't feel like writing more about them at this time, but I agree whole heartedly with pretty much every complaint leveled at the topic (i.e. RNG, newb experience, grind, lack of anything beyond said grind, etc)


Dude that's awesome.  Real answers would be amazing.

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I`m just going to drop this here. One of the suggestions within has already been implemented on the latest hotfix ( This is a goldmine of suggestions for the developers. 


Not to advertise myself or anything of the sort, but there are ways in which we can help the developers overcome their own issues. In this case, it's pretty obvious that the feedback sections are far too big and massive for the number of devs at DE to read and still have time to actually work on the game so we had to start somewhere.

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I`m just going to drop this here. One of the suggestions within has already been implemented on the latest hotfix ( This is a goldmine of suggestions for the developers. 


Not to advertise myself or anything of the sort, but there are ways in which we can help the developers overcome their own issues. In this case, it's pretty obvious that the feedback sections are far too big and massive for the number of devs at DE to read and still have time to actually work on the game so we had to start somewhere.

So hotfix added... Snow invasion? Pardon me sir but thats doesnt count like "Sugestion been implemented in hotfix" - I am 99% sure that was an overlook from DE side, snow lvl should have been in invasion system to begin with. So no, NIO!


And the fact that "those small changes that would help alot" take forever to implement (if ever) says alot about how concerned Devs about our quality of life.


Also - WTF does "Feedback section too big" mean? You have the hot-topics tech in forum to make basic filtering. Some issues are brough up again and again, again and again, again and again and again and ag.... where was I? Ah! Its not like we got tons of great new ideas all the time - we also constantly rant about old stuff that we want to improve overall expirience. Can atleast some of the older issues be looked at? 

Edited by derclaw
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I have a problem here. DE should listen to feedback because it's good. Not because you spent money to have your voice heard above others. 


That entire post from yet another self proclaimed veteran basically came down to "I gave DE money now I want my goodies". Well sorry, but you already got your goodies.


Honestly if you guys want others and DE to take you guys seriously you really need to stop trying to set yourselves apart from everyone else. That just makes you sound like entitled brat

It is truly sad that you did not have the chance or the money to buy the founders pack, but to suggest that this page has no merit is absurd. I also don't believe that this thread came off as "entitled", but if it did, we have a right to feel this way. I'm not asking for new weapons or new maps or new enemies. Just make this somewhat clunky game a little ironed out. There is a lot of feedback that DE has not listened to for a year now, some really good advice. Everyone including myself wants to see this game become bigger and better, same as DE. And all anyone is saying when referencing the founders is that they supported this game with physical money in the hopes that this will become great, and we just want to see it get there is all. 

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I will not be mentioning any constructive feedback. This is all given as is. I have faith that DE can learn from negative critique.


DE's Goals

There are many valid points in this, however, I would like to clarify my thoughts on the matter.

I do not believe DE sees us as beta testers. At the very least, not 'only' as beta testers.

We are, in the utmost priority, cash cows.

We are here to provide the milk.

For a long while now, Warframe has been slowly changing to encourage the purchase of platinum.

(more availability in market, prime access, plat trade were the more notable additions. most had already existed)


While it's obviously a necessity to make profits, DE seems to be relying on badly-disguised milking methods to encourage the potency and exchange rate of platinum rather than try to give us things we might like to purchase without said milking attempts.

Clearly, simply adding a mountain of plat-only cosmetics would take too much effort, compared to simply limiting it's number and adding an 'exclusive' title to it with a heftier price would yield more. I agree, it has. This method is both sensible and efficient.

However, this is what I will judge DE for. Their methods. I am personally disappointed. That is all.




I never ever considered DE to 'listen' to use when it comes to suggestions.

Aside from their design workload and maintenance teams, I have yet to see the development of this game being more than DE taking steps they themselves approve of. What if we all vouched for the removal of Prime Access in exchange for an alternative, less-milking method that yields slower as well as requires extra development of cosmetics?

Would they do it because WE want it? No. Even if they do it, I would be naive to think that it was done for any other reason than that prime access has milked all it can and that the community ought to be milked the way they are asking for.

We feed DE as a playerbase. Both the paying and non-paying players.

I have yet to see DE do anything as a whole to satisfy it's playerbase for the sake of it's playerbase.

All updates come with the point of satisfying a playerbase enough that they will continue to succumb to the temptations they have set to milk us for money.



A form of badly-set-up exclusive gameplay to please the playerbase. Disappointing, most of the time.

Most clan scores are based on member count.

All solo scores are grind and/or luck based.

All prizes are generalized to keep us playing because we have, yet, again, EXCLUSIVES. Event exclusives, plat exclusives. Exclusives. I will cover this next.



Truth be told, I LOVE having exclusive items. It makes me feel superior or unique.

DE's method of introducing exclusives purely to satisfy people, however, I am disappointed with.

Event exclusives are meant to make people feel better about themselves while they play.

Platinum exclusives do the same, but are limited to payers, so to tempt one into buying overpriced packages.

Gameplay(seniority) exclusives are meant to make the senior players feel better.

While it is DE's requirement to please it's players, the use of exclusives to reward stagnancy rather than progress or success is disappointing.

Even the one, single event-only rank-based exclusive mod was given for an event where the goal is to grind and get lucky.



It grows stagnant.

Here, I will give what I think is constructive feedback.

Stop thinking about how to give the levels and enemies more variables.

Stop adding things just to give it more variables in options.

Think about how to change what the PLAYERS are doing when they play.

Yes, having different tools to do a job is fun!

HOWEVER, using different tools to do the SAME thing over and over again won't last.

The tools alone need to change how we play. Not simply to change what we use to play it with.



I may not have covered the exact topics that collstro has.

This is simply my take on how things looked to me since the last time I played.



On the topic of the original post...

I am in agreement with a lot of what you said, collstro, but, I will not co-sign this 'open letter' as the leader of the CMC.

The clan is it's members and it's members decide what the clan does.

If you change your stance from giving an open message to DE to something that takes more initiative and action, I would like to be given notification on it. It would be much more interesting to consider.





p.s. the best to all of you. this is all the fuel I can offer to the fire.




Founder/Representative of the CMC.

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That's the biggest reason I stopped playing this game.  The complete and utter absence of lore.


I can understand having a weak or completely absent storyline in a game, but you gotta have something to back it up:


1.  Hard end game bosses/instances/raid-like dungeons?  Nope.

2.  PvP arenas with any semblance of balance?  Uh uh.

3.  Clan vs Clan competing over some kind of territory based alliance system or something?  Nah.


So what do you need to keep players?  A damn good story.  The entire reason I left was because it just felt like I was beating my head against a wall with all the new content being nothing but aimless grind for weapons and new warframes that I would ultimately never use because what I already had was better (in most cases).


Players have no real connection to their Warframes because there's absolutely no context; just that you have guns, special powers, and ninja-like reflexes, and there are a lot of enemies trying to kill you.

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It is truly sad that you did not have the chance or the money to buy the founders pack, but to suggest that this page has no merit is absurd. I also don't believe that this thread came off as "entitled", but if it did, we have a right to feel this way. I'm not asking for new weapons or new maps or new enemies. Just make this somewhat clunky game a little ironed out. There is a lot of feedback that DE has not listened to for a year now, some really good advice. Everyone including myself wants to see this game become bigger and better, same as DE. And all anyone is saying when referencing the founders is that they supported this game with physical money in the hopes that this will become great, and we just want to see it get there is all. 


You assume a lot, all of it wrong. I've been playing this game longer than most of the so called veterans in this thread and not as long as others. I chose not to invest in a founders package because that didn't interest me. Doesn't mean I haven't spent money on platinum or supported the game my fare share.


And no you don't have the right to feel that way. Spending money on the game should not give you any advantage over anyone else in the game and that includes not having your feedback heard over everyone elses. That is the very definition of what it means to be entitled.


Second, everyone who bought into GM status got what they paid for. To think you deserve more, once again, fits under the very definition of entitled. No where did DE say buying into the founder program ensures that you're feedback will be listened to over anyone elses or even at all.


I appreciate what you guys are trying to do, I really do. I want this game to be the best it can be just like everyone else. What I don't appreciate is you guys acting like you are more important than everyone else. Dividing the community between "veterans", GMs, and everyone else isn't good for anyone. We are one community here on these forums and the sooner people stop thinking they deserve more because they either play a lot or spent money on the game the better our community will be.


P.S. Also I didn't suggest this page has no merit. All of the feedback is amazing and I hope DE listens. What is in fact absurd is that you think you deserve more than what you already got.

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