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Coming Soon: Devstream #22


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1. Is there an estimated time of when we will get a Dojo "Test re-play" room?


2. Will there be a Dojo firing range where we can test new weapons? If there will be one then when will it be released?


3. Will we be able to use the environment to stay stealthy (like in the forests.. Will we be able to hide in plants and not get detected)?


4.  Will we be able to use our colors in order to manipulate enemies and stay stealthy (like in the deserts.. Will we be able to paint our Warframes and weapons with desert looking colors so we wont be detected)?

5. Will we be able to lay down or "go prone"?



Edited by Smokey-HQG
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Is there any chance to expect :


1)  a more Stealthy/ninja playstyle?Many users including me need this. (Other narrow ways to complete a level undetected and assassinations using the environment,distracting enemies,a special type of mission, special rewards)


2)  more Destroyable environments (a structure falling and killing grineer for example)


3)  More AI behavior, 'cause they are sometimes really predictable?


4)  More variety in the enemies (Corpus crewmen for example,who look the same without colorswap,or enemies taking vehicles!!)


5)  More different animations for melee, and Nunchaku's :p ?


6)  Alternate sets of warframe abilities (4 that require the same amount of power, but a little rarer)?


7) A way for free users to access customization/colors (the hard way)?


8) the ragdoll effect back (like when fragor killed opponents earlier)?


9) The ability to switch dialogue animations on/off(for performances)?


10) The possibility to choose between easy/normal/hard mode for a better replayablilty (regarding the non - nightmare nodes)?

Edited by unknow99
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Situation: There are still several warframes which are in need of updates and reworks and there is a tendency of things getting more complicated as new warframes and content get added to the mix. Although progress is being done, it seems like making the reworks catch up with the new releases is becoming increasingly difficult. By the time a single warframe has been reviewed, another two warframes have already been added to the game, thus causing older warframes to require additional rework in order to keep up with the new ones. There doesn't seem to be and end to it.


Question: Is there something that can be done about this situation? Perhaps a different approach on how to re-balance warframes could help? Organizing them into groups and re-balancing the entire groups instead of working on individual warframes?

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1) Is there a balance you are trying to keep when you release warframes? If so, I really enjoy it.

2) You've mentioned previously about reusing the same element/class of frame in a different manner than the first for future frames, how many elements would you like to have before you start this process?

3) I love the Prime/Vandal/Wraith purest form idea! What form can we expect to come from the infested? And is Stalker in itself the purest form of his category gear?

4) We have traditional tenno warframes and their prime counterparts to come, but what about frames like Valkyr who have a dual lineage? It seems like she would instead have a Vandal form or a hybrid between vandal and prime.

5) Are hybrid forms the next thing to come after? Is the stalker and his gear a hybrid form o.O that would make sense.. prime/infested

6) Any chance for prime/vandal/wraith color palettes?

7) Are there any new factions on the horizon?

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- Will players with Prime frames ever be able to put the un-Primed base helmets on as alternates?


You can already place the normal Mag helmet on Mag Prime, I've seen it happen.  Not sure about the other two (or three, depending if founder or not) though.

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i don't think that there is a need to revamp ash just take his smoke screen and make it a skill that work on the whole team when in a mission that way its more group orientated and more ppl will use it for deception and rescue missions  

If you read any of the posts that I make reference to, that is one of the ideas/tweaks heavily discussed in almost all of them. I was going more for a general question using Ash as a specific example. It wasn't a call for an opinionated response in a thread that is not meant for such a thing to begin with. I was trying to get the DEvs to answer something that they have been skirting for a while, but thanks for ruining it.

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Will the new end-game include high skill/team-based content?

At the moment, the end-game for Warframe doesn't require any greater degree of skill, teamwork, or coordination than most of the lower level missions.  Running Nightmare Mode, Void missions, and Survival/Defense only requires that you have high end gear and know how best to abuse the "broken" powers of certain warframes.  There's no real skill to it and the amount of teamwork involved is minimal.  


Will the new "Badlands" missions rectify this?  Or will it simply be more and higher level enemies?



Have power combos ever been considered for the game?

Seeing Zephyr's new tornado taking on the elemental damage type reminded me of a system used in Guild Wars 2 where two or more abilities can be used together to produce a "combo" -- a specific effect based on the types of powers being used.  For example, a projectile fired through a ring of fire might gain additional fire damage.


Has something like this ever been considered for Warframe?  If so, why was the idea rejected?



Isn't Blessing due a rework?

Given that Snowglobe now has a damage cap and can only absorb a finite amount of damage, are we going to something similar with Trinity's Blessing?  Personally, I'm all for it.  Playing with an appropriately modded Trinity in the group allows you to do high level content with virtually no risk; you're only ever susceptible to damage for a handful of seconds every minute.  It's one of the most boring experiences you can have playing Warframe.  


Are we going to see Blessing get a rework like Iron Skin and Snowglobe both have?

Edited by DEDENX
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Two related questions:


Question a) Will focus mastery points be retroactive (accumulated xp shows in our profiles per weapon/frame)


Question b) there was talk prior of getting rid of the base dmg mods like serration. what will become of our efforts / plat (in the event of a purchase) used in maxing those 10rank mods?

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Two related questions:


Question a) Will focus mastery points be retroactive (accumulated xp shows in our profiles per weapon/frame)


Question b) there was talk prior of getting rid of the base dmg mods like serration. what will become of our efforts / plat (in the event of a purchase) used in maxing those 10rank mods?


accidental double post. afraid to delete.

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