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New Hud Feedback


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Ok, first off, the UI is fine. If it had been released from day one, I don't think we would have people screaming their head off. This here usually only happens when something old is removed and something totally different put in.


Just look at Windows 7 -> Windows 8. I have met tons of kids that picked up Win 8 tablets, then went to PC and didn't even think twice. Adults were screaming all over the place.


On that note, I just want DE to remember that many of us have some issue with vision, or sensitivity to movement, or issues with contrast, which means that even though we can learn to adapt rather fast to a "static" interface even when the colors or sizes of objects are hard to see, when you bring in interfaces that "move" then new issues can pop up.


With the in game HUD during missions, I set Hud Motion off, Hud Scale to Max, and Hud Margins to be right into the center. This simple change lowered my eye strain dramatically, in mission. Some slider options to also customize the new UI would also be great.


Anyway, it will be interesting to see what other people say, and see if some compromise can be found.

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Ok, first off, the UI is fine. If it had been released from day one, I don't think we would have people screaming their head off. 

No.  Quite a few iterations of the UI have been greeted with criticism, but they were usually solved by restoring some lost functionality and tweaking some of the more obnoxious graphical things -- like an "off" switch on sliding/shaky elements.

This is Clippy, Vista, and Eve Incarna all rolled into one.  It's bad, and the number of people it had to have passed through to get to us is rather appalling.

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Just look at Windows 7 -> Windows 8. I have met tons of kids that picked up Win 8 tablets, then went to PC and didn't even think twice. Adults were screaming all over the place.


Well yes, we had work to do.


There's a reason Microsoft is backing off their "Modern UI", rapidly.

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Inconsistent Mouse Scrolling direction in Nav menu


In solar menu, when you scroll down with mouse wheel, it rotates counterclockwise (new item comes from left).  Another bug is if you move the mouse after scrolling, it will reset back to Mercury when you scroll again. 


In planet menu, when you scroll down, it rotates clockwise (new item comes from right). This should be the more intuitive way, as we are more used to read from left to right (most languages), analogous to reading from top to bottom as we scroll down.

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In the dojo when you enter a trade, the new UI adds Prints option. When I opened it to see what it was, it opened a grey screen with an exit button which didn't work. Escape key did not pull up a menu and none of the other keyboard keys did anything. Chat was accessible during this however and I was able to regain control via chat, having the other party to the trade to cancel and close the trading session.

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Ships are a neat idea, but maybe as a place to visit, like a dojo. For it to completely replace the UI, that seems a bit much. Perhaps a lot of players were asking for ships, but I wonder how many were asking for ships that totally revamped the UI. I suspect most envisioned something more akin to player housing, a place where it was more for customization/a personal dojo where you can swim in your mountains of Alloy Plates a la Scrooge McDuck while watching your Argon Crystals decay.

I hate to admit it, but I feel rather claustrophobic in these new ships. Most of my field of vision is framed by the cockpit and the world feels smaller since the focus shifts to the ship rather than the planet I'm trying to "save".

The old UI was great. I started playing only a few months ago, but I was really impressed with the elegant efficiency of the old UI. I also loved the feeling from the previous UI that I transcended space and literally watched over the solar system, like some sort of guardian. With so much information so readily available and cleanly displayed, there was also a degree of omniscience. Now, I'm just some silly tin man in a tin can, just like all the other tin cans/space centipedes floating outside my window. It feels like I'm sitting in an orbital parking now waiting for someone to leave so I can take their spot.

To be perfectly honest I don't want to spend more time in these new ships. I played warframe to be on the ground, running and shooting stuff, scanning the pretty pinecones, bleeding out, not walking around a small, metal closet for the sake of what, "immersion"? It doesn't add anything productive for me, but rather slows down a game built around speed.

The old UI helped attract me and keep me in the game. Finally, a nice clean interface that was remarkably intuitive and free of excess fluff. Now... yeah....

Sorry folks, wanted to really like the update but just can't past the UI.

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I like where the new UI is going.  It mostly look fantastic.  However, it can be inconvenient and needs improvements.  These are my personal gripes:


  • I don't like that I have to press a button to bring up the menu.  Previously the menu sat neatly at the top and I could navigate directly to my destination.  Yes, it's one extra step, but it's a tedious extra step. 


  • Mods are too small when selecting what to upgrade on my warframe.  I have great vision but I still squint a bit and lean forward.  I'd be fine if they were just larger, or if there were an option to make them larger, in the scroll menu.  I love the way the UI looks when upgrading in general.


  • When in a party I have to bring up the menu to see the squad loadouts and ready up.  This would be a lot better if I could do both of these things without opening the menu.
  • Please put the planets' names above them at all times, not just when they're selected.  I am not familiar enough with all of the planets to just select them without scrolling   And scrolling is very tedious.. I mean yeah some are immediately recognizable, but not all.

  • Scrapping the view of the galaxy entirely is kind of sad. It'd be nice if that could come back in some form, even if just as an ME-style projection above the navigation panel.


  • It would be wonderful if there were an option to un-ready and stop the countdown.
Edited by LazarusDark
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Some other things:


1) It'd be nice if there were an easy way to see the status of friends so that we can chat with them, easily invite them to our squads, join and derail their missions, etc. ;) The old UI made this easy with the icon at the top. 


2) I keep getting phantom users listed in my chat window. Sometimes duplicated as well. I opened a chat window to Friend A. We chatted, they logged off, then on, then eventually off again. Friend A's chat window has their name listed twice. Opened a chat window to Friend B. Friend B and Friend A are listed as participants in that chat window for some reason.


Earlier, in the squad window, when I was running some of the quests... we had a number of people connect and disconnect...The chat window listed 6 people plus a blank line in the participants list. (Not to mention that we killed everything in the extermination mission but the counter said 8/33 and told us to go to extraction...(We killed way more than 8, so probably killed 33 enemies...))

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- Planets don't have static floaty names until hovered over. Turns into a guessing game which planets are which, they're nearly all the same color save for earth on my screen.  Can't imagine how annoyed color blind people must be with this.


- The mission sector layout per planet makes no sense.  Can't tell what sector leads to the next in this circular puzzle-form layout.


- Alerts/invasions are clunky to locate and differentiate from each other when both are on the same planet.


- Lotus alerts do not show up with any icons or in the alerts window. Have to find the planet by guessing or Twitter.


- Can't turn off the shipboard AI or at the very least his inane audio.  He literally has nothing useful to say, ever.


- The tetrahedron and concentric circles in the planet select screen are annoying and clutter the interface.


- The bouncy icons over the planets are redundant, I can see them just fine without them bobbing up and down incessantly.


- Activating the Foundry/Arsenal/etc from the esc menu doesn't work.  Have to manually run downstairs every time.


- The text in the Arsenal is all horizontally squished as if it was never formatted for non-wide screen monitors.  Still readable but it looks vertically elongated.


- Can't read anything on the left 1/3 of the inventory screen since the avatar insists on being the awesome door that he/she is and stands in the way.


- Playing cat and mouse with the moving icons in any screen where the background moves opposite the mouse movement is just stupid.  It might look cool and is probably flawless on a console where you tap from icon to icon but really, screw consoles. Why anyone wants to play a modern game on a machine using decade-old hardware is beyond me.





- Icons are more responsive and activate faster, at least the ones that actually do activate.


- Extractors are far more responsive.  Still needs some customization where collecting from a full extractor with full health leaves the extractor in place and collecting from damaged ones automatically recalls them and have you select another one. 


- The ship viewscreen is pretty awesome looking into space over the planet.


- *Edit*  I love that the exit game button actually does its job and doesn't take me to the login screen anymore.





- Why after all this time, damage 2.0, melee 2.0, and HUD 2.0 does Warframe still not remember that I prefer my camera over the left shoulder.  I have to activate that in every mission, after every death, and now every time I get back on my new ship.  I expect that the next update will actually force me to rotate my monitors around to get my camera where I want it.


- How is HUD 2.0 less confusing than HUD 1.0? Using static menus was so befuddling that we needed to run to different parts of the ship to get to the same menus ehh?

Edited by Brane_Ded
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While I have comments and complaints about the new UI it's clunkyness and buggyness, I'm going to focus on just the solar map in this post.


First, I suppose, is that I'm not a fan of the 'string of orbs around the tenno' I'd much rather to have had a (mostly) accurate solar map with our tenno sitting in the middle. Sort of like a mix between the old and new with the planets all small beads on their particular orbits until they were selected. It'd have been nice, but I'm not expecting to get it.


Once you've selected a planet, we're treated with various mission tiles spilling out the planet. First off here is I've heard guild members confused as to which tiles were accessible, cleared, or waiting to be cleared. I know, what? It's pretty easy to determine once you know what you're looking at, and I think its more of a problem for people who've already completed sectors of the star chart.


In the Dev Streams leading up to U14 you guys said we'd be able to choose between standard missions, nightmare mode, alerts, and quest missions that were active on a tile/node. Yet according to my guild mates, they weren't able to do so when it came to the Catalyst alert/Kubrow egg acquisition yesterday. So either you guys didn’t deliver, or you deliver and they could find it. I'm not sure which would actually be worse there, but that I think both are equally believable doesn't bode well for my view on the U14 UI.


All that said, I've still got my complaints and issues here. First I had trouble finding an assassination mission because it's icon was covered by the nightmare mode one (Jackal, in cause you're wondering). This made me realize that for all the space on these new tiles you don't really use it. Instead you regulate most of the data that used to be displayed in an easy manner to the little pop up when you could use the tiles themselves to better relay the information at a glance.


-having the selected title blink like a strobe light is really annoying. Please tone it down.


My next complaint is that if I'm in a party and I accidentally click one of the mission tiles (which is particularly easy when you're trying to work the chat menu while another is open) everyone has the vote down the mission to clear it. It'd be nice if the person who brought the mission to vote could rescind it if no one has voted in the positive yet.  

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For the sake of cleanliness and order.


This is what Foundry needs:

Sorting by what given part belongs to, not alphabetically. It drives me insane when Prime parts are randomly put between normal ones.

>Expendable list IF you have a blueprint, otherwise look above. Every blueprint would have [+] somewhere which would expand and show required parts.


Rough concept.



Navigation UI.

Planet names should be always shown.


UI overall.

Can we please make everything smaller (or show more stuff in same place)? It's just feels too much IN YOUR FACE when using 24" 1080p screens, probably much better with 50" while sitting on a couch.

Edited by Mofixil
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IMHO most of the critique (not bugs!) for the new style can be summed up as:


PC players have different needs then console players.


a controller is no mouse/keyboard combo, and a mouse plus keyboard is not a controller. a menu that works fine with one may be a pain to navigate with the other... it takes a lot of thought into creating a GUI that works for both. now, i still believe DE can do it, but it will be a serious task and needs to be taken seriously. if unaddressed these issues may alienate one of the player bases...



there is a free roaming cursor available for the screen. use it, let there be buttons/tabs/icons/windows to click. a mouse is fast, they can be all over the screen. a mouse is used to be able to influence things. nothing is more frustrating then a link/icon that looks clickable but isn't.

two hands! in menus it is very convenient (and PC standard, or should be) to be able to navigate completely with either keyboard or mouse only. not hit <ESC> then navigate with mouse, then hit button again... mouse and keyboard are static in place, precision guidance is easy with hand-eye-coordination of this target group. having a button/icon/text jump away from the mouse pointer is annoying.



you have a single focus that can be moved between large and easily discernable focus groups. submenus, icons, etc. those need to be compact for easy access, fewer focus points win over a cluttered labyrinth on the screen. a dedicated button for back eases the navigation and a well designed grouping minimizes time spent traversing the trees. the controller is in your hands, pressing a button will slightly move it, so a moving display greatly enhances the immersion.


i am by no means any expert in UI design, but if even i can see the problems in forcing one style to the opposite side it sure seems obvious :-)

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It's a good looking UI, I just miss some stuff:


1) Foundry missing info: if you're going to craft an item it's good to know right away (a) how many of those items you already have and (b) the total mats you have so you can make decisions right away. These were specially useful to help you decide if you should craft more consumables or just wait some more.


2) Faster equip changes: changing equips is something you do a lot and now it takes a lot more steps to do it. Here's a suggestion:


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on lobby: great information is in the ESC Menu , heck even the ready button is in the ECS Menu! why is that?

alerts should be shown in Home like it used to be
mod section is murdered (my opinion), also that fade cover on top and bottom to keep the focus on the middle while scrolling should be removed
view mode is useless and should be combined with fusion section like it used to be (to save time)

i hate how my warframe covers the left side in foundry but two columns is a great change

renaming load out would be better if we change the "A", "B", "C" rather than changing the name of the whole load out

the transition of the new codex view to diorama on item selection is awkward but i also have no idea how to deal with it so yeah

i like how the market stayed the same

planets should present info on hover and not just names, so you dont have to select the planet to see important stuff that is currently on the upper right of each planet that you will only see if you select them

things like "HOWL OF THE KUBROW/Lotus/Language/G1Quests/KubrowQuestHint4" should be dealt with

conclusion: some info were buried by multiple selection layers too much

PS: pls shut him up! hes talks too much. im annoyed with ordis more than im annoyed with lotus

Edited by blackstraykitten
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I just had the most frustrating UI experience in years. I was invited to play with a very nice guy . Invite pops up and then disappears. He then says to join him on his map but do you think the UI gives me any easy way to join a friend?! NO. I AM ABSOLUTELY FURIOUS at the moment and am going to bed. Nothing like making a new players experience absolute hell to improve the new players experience.


GOD I feel like screaming. My friend really wanted to help me level up but I just looked like an idiot who couldn't join him or accept his invites.

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I'm not really sure what your goals are for the new UI but i think you missed by a long shot. Adding the ship has done nothing but add a ton of lag,clutter, extra clicking, misdirecting, make it more complicated to create/join and choose maps.  While choosing maps you end up choosing wrong maps, checking codex and items makes it extremely hard to navigate.  This Looking thing... keep it for a first person shooter, not a 3rd person shooter. I also don't know why you changed the way you view the foundry but yet when you check your inventory.. it's still the classic performant clean style? Can't even create games with out being forced back to this cage you call a ship, which is nothing but a useless stage you can't do anything in.

At least in starbound you can build in your ship and it has a purpose.


In all honesty keep this style of UI for a ps4 not a PC. It's flashy yes, it looks cool sure... for everything else ill quit playing until it's changed.


Also you destroyed any luck for anyone who has a low end pc to be able to enjoy the game anymore.

Edited by Yadokai
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My 'frame takes up way to much space on the screen in my ship, and often blocks my view. Using RhinOP his shoulder partially blocks the leftmost column of mods in the mod viewer, as well as the sort dropdown. The tooltips off of items on the ground are virtually illegible; white on black was easier to see.


Overall, the menus look pretty, but are functionally much worse for PC gamers. Form is uterly secondary to function, and you've made the UI much less functional for PC gamers.

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I could prob get around everything except the fact there seems to be some sort of view bug . like it zooms in on my toon so basically I see his head.  Normally I view things from the shoulder ish point of view.

know for some reason I view things like im look out from inside the frame. witch might work for some but I find it rather annoying, plus it makes some defense rooms like impossible unless you turn your look sensitive way up maybe I just missed something. 

AND were did the count on my pre made items go DE it use to say o.o you have 10 formula, made know it just says okay you can make one.

unless there is a  setting I could change. any help would be great. and bring back node progression . it doesn't say 10 /18 or what ever any more.

Wait are these valid reasons to bring back the old ui ? Hum funny how that works


Yes the quiet ninja Stalks silently in the forest...


.ps I like the ship and the dog. reminds me of eve or dust kind of.

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