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Your Most Hated Weapons


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Hind for me, I want to love that gun, I really do, but every time the fire rate ducks because of my framerate, a part of me dies on the inside (unless they fixed that with burst guns at some point).


Aside from that, I'd have to say Dera. Something about it just feels...off to me. Maybe it's the lack of recoil considering I main a Grakata in most of my loadouts, the lack of kick disturbs me or something XD

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I can't tolerate any of the single target melee weapons. My list of disliked ranged weapons would be Torid and Supra.


I do not like Torid because it plays like an unfinished weapon. It seems like it was meant to be some sort of trap-gun, but all it does is sticks a barbed stink bomb either on the floor or on a durable target. This is a weapon that could have been truly interesting, but feel rushed and unfinished. Also, it shares a model with Ogris, and that just make it look like a place holder.


I do not like Supra lack of tap fire first shot accuracy, I could careless about its other faults.

Edited by LazyKnight
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I hate all the Stalker weapons because they are all so damn hard to get and when you get them they aren't worth it! All of them have better alternatives or just not worth getting... The Dread has good crit, I'll give it that but other than that the Paris Prime is just... Better, plus I don't really like the way it looks.. I don't know what it is but, its the badass Dread Dark bow... Shouldn't it be a bit better designed than a slightly different Paris? The Despair are probably the best out of all the Stalker drops... And also the rarest... It still got kinda nerfed in Damage 2.0 though... Also, Hate... One Word... GALATINE! (or Reaper Prime :P) 

*Rant mode: Off*

I also hate how Stalker only appears when on lower level frames and weps....

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I'll say the Tetra for my cousin(he absolutely hates the gun).


Mine would be Latron. It was Paris before, but the recent buff made me love it.


Also you could say that I hate all the secondariness in the game. They are just useless to me. Either they have high DPS, or very low fire rate, or they have low DPS and extremely high fire rate. I'll have to try the Stug out as it looks promising.

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Pretty much anything melee with only a few exceptions. My approach to leveling melee (as far as I care glaive isnt really a melee weapon, since with it and kestrel I always used the thrown attack) has always been to just leave it equipped and let them leech XP off of clanmates. I'm really hoping that Melee 2.0 fixes them.


As for guns, I dont think I hate any in particular.. I love having fun with the Penta, but hate how it interacts with multishot [cap on grenades fired] but its still my favorite for the fun of its gameplay, I was getting hand pains from using semi-autos so I macroed that to an extra mouse button to avoid carpal tunnel issues, and certain weapons I feel run out of ammo way too quickly. Sure I could slap forma on there and go on my merry way, but I've got other, better, weapons vying for that forma, so they end up sitting around and collecting dust until I decide to use them for a change of pace.


Any weapon with colorable projectiles is automatically hate-exempted, because that redeemed even the spectra for me (My ignis wants its colorable flames back).




As for Sentinel weapons, the power creep has been insane. We've got the sweeper, stinger, deth MG on the useful end of the spectrum, and then the laser rifle and pistol which have abysmal base damage, and tend to perform worse than the new weapons even in terms of actually landing hits or doing anything really. They cant even be colored, which disappoints me greatly.

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Dont hate anything, but I find the Stug effects highly annoying and ugly. Levelled and stopped using it cause of how ugly it is, dont care if its one of the best secondaries.

Im sick of Soma sound (it was my most used weapon and many others use it too)

Noobs who kill themselves with Penta/Ogris spam make me facepalm all the time.

Some weapons design is ridiculous, disproportional and nonsensical (Galatine for example) but I can live with that.

Oh yeah and MK1. After making new account to refresh my memories how it feels to be a noob I can say for certain that I hate MK1.

Wait, I forgot Supra, was pain to level up for how ineffective it is. 

Edited by Monolake
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The Miter. So very much the Miter.


What makes it even worse is that Eviscerators seem to have no problems horribly murdering me with it.


What annoys me about this is that the Eviscrator is using the Miter like it's inspiration from Unreal Tournament. Meaning a semi-automatic rapid fire gun that shoots sawblades. This works for the Eviscrators because apperently they use an entirely different gun than OUR miter since it has a very high proc chance and high bleed damage.


Meanwhile we as players are reduced to using it as bows, since using it as rapid fire weapon won't work for us because of the low damage.

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#1. Definitely Penta and Ogris.

Why? Cause everyone uses those. It's annoying. They also have OP ammo reserves.

#1.5 Soma.

I like the Soma, and enjoy gunning down crowds of enemies with it, but i hate it at the same time since everyone's using it.

#2. "Bad" melee weapons, such as Lecta, Skana, Bo, etc.

Why? Because soon, after i finish leveling up decent weapons, i'll have to start leveling those. :C

#3. Paris (not Prime, Paris Prime is my 3rd favorite weapon hue).

It's a shame of Tenno craftsmanship.

#0. Nova.

I won't even bother explaining.


tl;dr: Why would you care?

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