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The Melee 2.0 Anticipation Megathread


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I know people have mentioned that they talked about melee 2.0 in the previous livestream, and at this particular point in time I don't feel like sifting through over an hour of video.

Can someone please give me a basic run down of what it will be like?


Summary so far, credits to Regierung:


Current Released Melee 2.0 News from DE:

Information on Melee 2.0 has been slowly released to the community slowly over time.The first good look into the future update was on the Dev Livestream #19, at the end of the year of 2013. The Dev team showed some alpha footage of the new system with the player holding a sword in combat and some in an idle stance. Rebecca confirmed that new stances with melee weapons equipped will be a thing plus a combo system to go along with it. Geoff also states that blocking will become more useable along with the update, while making right click with your melee weapon out resulting in blocking stance. The grip style of each weapon will dictate how the animations of the weapon work. (Side Note: They also confirmed shortly after that Melee weapons will be getting an XP bar of their own at some point.)

Dev Livestream #19: http://youtu.be/J3pkHkNPJYU?t=20m50s


In Dev Livestream #20, Geoff comes back, letting us know that the weapon stances along with some movements have been made, including parrying. A new attack will be introduced to break enemy defenses (forward thrust, most likely something akin to Fencing). AI will be giving reactions to melee attacks, with them unique to their respective faction. Upcoming melee enemies will also have deeper melee systems attached to them with readable patterns to how they fight. Also confirmed is that the current melee system (dubbed Quick Melee by Geoff) will stay in the game, melee in general will be buffed, and bullets can and will be blocked.

Dev Livestream #20: http://youtu.be/r9bQiZv99LA?t=37m22s


Sheldon comes in next on the forums giving a release window of in one month's time (This is on January 22, for the sake of knowing who gave the date out too early first).

Forum Post: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/166937-a-peek-at-the-horizon-january-22-present-future/


On Devstream #20, Geoff returns from his den to inform us that there will be mobility added to equipping your melee and running around in a buffed melee state (unsure what he means by adding mobility to equipping melee; his words, not mine). Parrying, previously known as blocking, will include a counterattack system that will auto-kill enemies with finishers. Finishers will be unique to the stance. Transition attacks are confirmed to be a thing, giving follow-up attacks to jump and slide attacks. He follows to break everyone's heart and says Melee 2.0 will not be with Update 12, but very shortly after it (more sadface cause he did not follow through with that, either). Later added is that Loki and Ash will not lose their additional melee buff when cloaked.

Sorry.” - Geoff, 24 January, 2014

Dev Livestream #21: 


Dev Livestream #22, Geoff gives a new release goal of by the end of February. They didn't make it.

Dev Livestream #22: http://youtu.be/CNtzE7BTUV8?t=12m26s


In Dev Livestream #23, Dorian and Pable give a quick note that all important information about melee weapons will be shown on the UI when the update comes. In a short follow-up to the show, Steve and Geoff come to the couch for a post-livestream chat and announce additional delays to the update, in fear that they are not living up the the hype generated around it. Blocking and heavy attacks will be locked into melee stance only, and the quick melee will be a reactive strike instead. Mods will be introduced to change how melee combos will play out., but certain aspects will come packaged with the weapon, such as daggers having a faster attack speed. Combo mods will also be adding damage along with the overrides (equipping these mods will change how your combo chains will work, allowing for the combo to focus on taking down single bosses or implement crowd control sweep attacks). Possible melee weapon swap will be added to standard weapon switch cycle with UI feedback.

Devstream #23.5: Geoff & Steve discuss Melee 2.0: 


When March 7 came around with Dev Livestream #24, Geoff and Steve wasted no time addressing the state of Melee 2.0 update. It starts with equipping the melee weapon (holding vs tapping to choose what weapon to swap to). A hit counter combined with a combo multiplier will be introduced to help fix the DPS gap between melee-oriented playstyle and weapon-based playstyle. Red pulses on enemies introduced to show which enemies are hit per swing. Pausing in between normal attacks (default E) will allow for new combos to chain in. At least 4 tiers of combos: Normal, second, heavy and Ults. It will never get to the level of Devil May Cry combat with aerial combos and juggling [yet]. Geoff chooses to not leave any release info as to not give out false hope.

Dev Livestream #24: http://youtu.be/db6QCHnWyX8



In summary, the following have been confirmed about Melee 2.0:

-Current melee will become a quick, reactive melee strike.

-Heavy attacks and blocking will be executable only in the melee stance.

-Blocking will only drain stamina when actively defending against bullets and attacks.

-Hit counter will be displayed on the UI with an affective combo multiplier. The higher the hit counter goes, the larger the multiplier.

-More attack variations will be added to smoothly chain attacks together.

-The ultimate goal of Melee 2.0 is to bring melee gameplay to par with gunfights.

-Different weapons will be given buffs when in melee stance, depending on the weapon.

-Melee weapon XP will be shown on UI with update.

-Parrying/Countering enemy attacks will connect to finishers.

-Aerial Combos and juggling will most likely not be a thing.

-New enemies will come with deeper melee systems, leading to duels with AI.

-Mods will be introduced to modify how combo attacks animate.

-Mods will come with damage augments, however will not replace core mods that currently exist.

-Loki and Ash will be unaffected by Melee 2.0.

-Each melee grip will have a unique melee stance , along with movements unique to melee stance.

-A thrust attack exists to break certain ambiguous enemy defenses.


Devstream #26 Summary:


Melee 2.0!
-Polishing animations and stances takes a lot of time! Delay reason
-Stance Mods go into new melee weapon Stance Slots. "Default stance" (no stance mod) has no combos but can do everything else. Combos can be unlocked with Stances.
-IRON PHOENIX STANCE: Fast stance. Shows combos!
-Trainer mode? Potential practice range
-With other weapon equipped, "quick strike" function still works
-Equipping melee weapon: E for attack, zoom becomes block
-Parrying changed: more mobility while blocking, less expensive to perform
-End of combos have effects: sword light combo increases slash proc, sword heavy combo does radial blast, bo-staff combo finishing move
-One-handed, Bo-Staff, fist, Fragor weapons animations
-Stamina builds will help with melee performance (blocking)
-All melee weapons will be useful! "Did Pluto with just the Skana" -Scott
-Melee Channel: Fire button becomes "Channeling" to power up and create openings for finishers. Channeling while blocking. --Mods to affect this; lifesteal while channel, status chance/fire rate increase, damage increase. Every hit with channeling is 5 Energy by default
-New HUD elements for Melee 2.0: COMBO METER. 4-second window between pauses in hit-counter. Damage multiplier at combo of 5, 10, etc.
-Even without the new stances or mods, there's still lots of depth to melee
-"We can't wait to see what combos you guys can reach!" -Steve
-Vs. Melee enemy types, just as badass
-We tested this on both consoles; works great with controllers!
-There's so much to learn once Melee 2.0 hits, take the time to learn it!
-Throwing weapons: Hold to throw still there, but there will be combos as well (SO COOL)
-KATANA Stance! Dangly bits to melee weapons!
-NAMI-SKYLA Dual Cutlass/Dagger!
Edited by Tulzscha
additional details from Devstream 26!
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  • 3 weeks later...

Lately there seems to be a bit of Melee 2.0 fever going on. This is concerning when compared to the enthusiasm for damage 2.0 which was heralded as the salvation for the game. I know I got caught up in that and was in the end let down, don't get me wrong I'm pretty happy with how it turned out but compared to how I built it up in my head the real thing stood no chance. Here we are again though and the unbridled optimism is sweeping the community. Just like last time people will come storming onto the forums raging that feature a.) (not promised by de) and feature b.) (not even hinted at by de) were not included.

To that end I would politely suggest that you not expect grand changes that turn the game into something it's not. Like for example certain character action games that will remain nameless. Ultimately, through the recent livestream I've come to anticipate Melee combat that flows and works better than its current incarnation but that largely functions the same and looks very much the same as it does now. Basically I'm saying incremental not revolutionary.

In the end I know my little topic will probably change very little but I feel better having said it. I'm sure I'll be having fun with the new Melee and might even be surprised. One thing I know is I won't be getting crushed by dissapointment, I'm keeping my expectations in check this time

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I expect melee 2.0 to do exactly what damage 2.0 did.


I expect melee to still be bad at the end of it especially with procs like bleed going on, still.

Expect daggers and swords to finally be useful, to an extent.

But I expect they will overcomplicate the melee system with dodging, parrying, timing, and all this when it's easier to use Penta to blast everything.

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A damage model cannot save a game by itself. That is not its purpose.

What I expected out of damage 2.0 is exactly what I got.

A system that expands the various damage types and resistance types.

As a result I vary my weapons more often and make it a point to prep for enemy types more commonly.

I am generally pleased with it but I am also using my voice to help them progress it to it's potential.

Certain Op weapons still exist and skew the usage so that still needs to be addressed of course.


Melee 2.0 was explained pretty clearly in the last devstream.

Better damage, reactions, linked animations, improved blocking and a parry system.

I think it sounds like a good start to something will act as the foundation to a solid melee system.


I am not prone to negativity or flights of fancy. I stay even on these kinds of things.

I manage my own expectations because I am neither a hater or a fanboy. Just a gamer looking for a good time. :-)

And so far...they do a darn solid job compared to the norm in this industry.


DE has a lot of work to get done before warframe is quite right and starts to show it's true potential.

But overall I am very happy with the game and will continue to support it with both my time and my money.



Wow, did Design Council get a sneak peek at the Melee 2.0?




But I expect they will overcomplicate the melee system with dodging, parrying, timing, and all this when it's easier to use Penta to blast everything.

Popular shooting combat models (from unreal to cod) are vastly less complex than the popular melee combat models (from dmc to gow).

People looking for deep melee systems want it to be complex. that is the point.

People looking to do what is "easiest" and just blow stuff up aren't stopped from doing that.

Ideally DE will please two very different types of action gamer.

Not every thing input is for every one of us. 

Edited by Ronyn
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But I expect they will overcomplicate the melee system with dodging, parrying, timing, and all this when it's easier to use Penta to blast everything.

Pretty much this.

I think DE needs to stop with the secrecy and talk to the players more, have more polls, release stats on weapons before Reinforcements so we can tell them exactly what we want and save them a few hotfixes. With melee 2.0 they haven't told us exactly what they're doing and the new features and asked the community what they want to see what options they should keep or not.

I think the best step is communication.

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They are making the game they have been wanting to make. It may alienate some specific groups. Like the "I just want to point and kill things" casual who don't want to worry about resistances and efficiency.

They could water it down to the most basic of functions for the broadest audience possible for the best possible source of revenue. Or make what they want to try and fill a nitch people cant find elsewhere. Right now its still pretty generic, I for one welcome more complexity.

If it goes more toward something I don't like, I'll just play less and less tell I just move on. Like any other game I've played for the past 25 years.

Edited by Firetempest
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Like damage 2.0, it is the long way around for damage numbers and enemy defenses to be the same.  It is like going from the equater to the north pole and by way of the moon's gravity.


The only thing that may actually be something improved is equipable melee weapons/special attacks.  The numbers and stats will equate out to the same thing as before but be so convoluted that it will take a PhD in mathmatics to figure out how exactly they got back to where they started by changing so many numbers.

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ah. Well, OP did a great job in making it sound like he knows exactly what we're getting. 


We aren't 100% sure how this is gonna turn out. As long as melee doesn't stay as mindless "E" button mash (and occasional button hold!) I think we're gonna be okay.

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I know people have mentioned that they talked about melee 2.0 in the previous livestream, and at this particular point in time I don't feel like sifting through over an hour of video.

Can someone please give me a basic run down of what it will be like?

The ability to equip your melee, which will give you a buff while just using it. there will be combos and sort of different attacks. uhh A.I melee will be getting a bit of an overhaul so they will try to dual with you instead of just running at you and hacking you like chopped wood.

um, youll be able to parry bullets to reduce damage and uhh...left mouse button is attack, right is block. if you attack right after blocking an attack you can do a special finisher(I.E, the reaper prime allows you to whip around and stab the enemie in the back.)..


cant remeber what else.

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The ability to equip your melee, which will give you a buff while just using it. there will be combos and sort of different attacks. uhh A.I melee will be getting a bit of an overhaul so they will try to dual with you instead of just running at you and hacking you like chopped wood.

um, youll be able to parry bullets to reduce damage and uhh...left mouse button is attack, right is block. if you attack right after blocking an attack you can do a special finisher(I.E, the reaper prime allows you to whip around and stab the enemie in the back.)..


cant remeber what else.


And if we cant snap apart the orthos to go into a twin bladed omnislash of death EPIC FAIL! /sarc xD

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The ability to equip your melee, which will give you a buff while just using it. there will be combos and sort of different attacks. uhh A.I melee will be getting a bit of an overhaul so they will try to dual with you instead of just running at you and hacking you like chopped wood.

um, youll be able to parry bullets to reduce damage and uhh...left mouse button is attack, right is block. if you attack right after blocking an attack you can do a special finisher(I.E, the reaper prime allows you to whip around and stab the enemie in the back.)..


cant remeber what else.

Damage values of melee weapons will be changed, presumably buffed.

More swings and animations for all weapons coming, charge won't be same old boring slash every time.

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