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The Melee 2.0 Anticipation Megathread


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In the livestream, they only showed a total of 2 combos for the weapons displayed. How many should we expect? More than 2? Less than 2?


I am guessing about 2-3 combos per weapon type for now. :) More will come in the future.

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I am guessing about 2-3 combos per weapon type for now. :) More will come in the future.

Alrighty. I hope they add more as we keep going on but I'm guessing that new melee weapons are going to take longer to implement as they gotta do so much stuff now......

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Since there's no more charge attacks, how's the galatine going to do? It's only good because of its charge attack.


EDIT: I remember hearing on the devstream that there weren't anymore charge attacks with melee 2.0, but my memory may be failing me...

Edited by That_Dalek
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well, if they do it right, it will be just as viable as anything else.

knowing DE however, it will either be the only melee weapon worth using at all or be a total piece of crap.


also, did they ever really say charge attacks are gone?


edit 2:

ninjas everywhere lol

Edited by alchemistjkt
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Well that also means many damage mods will be changed. Different potential will be offered, and the derpiness of Galatine's charge attack may be no more, or replaced by something even more derpy.


We'll see on Wednesday~

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They better do something with killing blow and reflex coil than, corrupt charge etc

well yeah, when they got rid of stun chance, they didn't leave the stun chance mods, they converted them to the new system (although they did leave the updated mods broken and useless outside of the later released event dual stat mods).

Edited by rapt0rman
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