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The Prime Parts Trading Discussion Megathread


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to an extent I understand why they made bps tradeable, they need money. We buy plat, plat keeps the game alive, kids will buy the truckloads.






to be fair, those people have have 300+ hours logged to get their hard earned gear... I feel for them.




It is a pay for 'convenience'



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Currency remains between users. This enables a player who can grind to earn their platinum, while a player who has no time to grind, but wants an item, can buy it.


They basically made the game better by adding another way for players to earn platinum in the game, from other users.

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Yes people will get used to it, but it still doesn't change the fact without having to grind for primes, Warframe is going to become very boring very fast now. 

I hope they've got some endgame content coming soon. 


Let me give you an example of a contrary reason that SUPPORTS why they did this.


(Before Void drops got rearranged) Over the course of about 2 months, I ran over 120 T3 Defenses. I have not received a single Fang Prime Blade or the Braton Prime Receiver that I need.


Let me say that again: 120 T3 Defenses. No Fang Prime Blades. No Braton Receiver. 


Are you going to look me in the eye and tell me I didn't grind for those parts? And for what? No progress whatsoever. 


And my situation is by far not the worst people have experienced. Many more have suffered far much more than I have.


So, maybe people like me are willing to spend a little plat to buy one of those Fang Prime Blades that some random guy has 20 of and can't do anything with to finally have a little peace.


Have I not done my fair share? Have I not worked for even just a little give on RNG?

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Because the other blueprints are relatively easy to get compared to prime stuff.


Still doesn't make sense to me. If so, why not make all BPs tradable? Also, ruins the whole "endgame" part of prime weapons.


Also, detron is damned hard to get because of that RNG. I've had 4 barrels and 3 recievers and NO BLUEPRINTS


I need to go and cry in a corner now, excuse me.

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I got all the prime items before this update and I like this change a lot.

You have no idea how many tears of blood I had to shed to get them and if DE decided to spare my eyes from going totally blind when the new primes roll in, I'm not complaining.


If you like endless grind, you still have the option to do so, but lets not drag everyone into this madness.

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