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The Exclusives Megathread (The Eternal Struggle Of Giving A Damn And Not Giving A Damn About Event Items)


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I agree with your point but I would like to make a note of the fact that I've seen PLENTY of threads complaining either about the exclusivity, price, or availability of the Misa. It's a moot point now because as of about an hour ago it's no longer available.

Strange, I haven't seen a thread about it but I'll take your word for it.
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IIRC DE has already said that Founder's rewards are exclusive. That means if you didn't purchase the founders packs you missed out. You can call me every name you want, it doesn't change the facts. I don't even have the items, so this isn't a case of me wanting to hold on to my exclusive items. I just don't want to see DE spit in the Founders' faces by re-releasing those items.

"Founders" are one thing, people who just baught the packs long after the game is under way is another. I could care less about the weapons themselves. i dont want any of the "founder' pack items. Only thing i wish i had was that 12k mastery rank. Believe it or not, some of us would just like the gaps filled in. Give me a Lato_1 Skana_1 and Excalibur_1 that i can just rank up for the hell of it and i will be happy. Nothing special, nothing exclusive. Let me put the effort into ranking them up without crashing your exclusivity parade.  unless ofc you need to have a higher mastery rank than everyone else. Sure, im missing out ona few event items, but theres a good chance that we will eventually get a chance at those too. A extra extractor makes a difference to some of us.


I just find it obnoxious that the event ended 2 weeks ahead of ps4 release, and everyone is acting like that makes a huge difference in reality. Those items should have been restricted to kickstarter.


If i cant have them, its whatever. not going to lose sleep knowing that im on equal terms with the rest of the ps4 users. Im just explaining my thoughts on the matter. 

Edited by (PS4)MyTagForHalo
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of course people would pay for the items. i called you a hoarder, but maybe that was incorrect. i should have just said "my precious"


BUT this has gone off topic now, it was about event items being made available to new players through events. which i believe is a good course of action. if everyone takes a step back and realizes this is video game and should be equally enjoyed by all who play it, then it makes sense.


I don't have the items, so 'my precious' doesn't apply to me.


"Founders" are one thing, people who just baught the packs long after the game is under way is another. I could care less about the weapons themselves. i dont want any of the "founder' pack items. Only thing i wish i had was that 12k mastery rank. Believe it or not, some of us would just like the gaps filled in. Give me a Lato_1 Skana_1 and Excalibur_1 that i can just rank up for the hell of it and i will be happy. Nothing special, nothing exclusive. Let me put the effort into ranking them up without crashing your exclusivity parade.  unless ofc you need to have a higher mastery rank than everyone else. Sure, im missing out ona few event items, but theres a good chance that we will eventually get a chance at those too. A extra extractor makes a difference to some of us.


I just find it obnoxious that the event ended 2 weeks ahead of ps4 release, and everyone is acting like that makes a huge difference in reality. Those items should have been restricted to kickstarter.


If i cant have them, its whatever. not going to lose sleep knowing that im on equal terms with the rest of the ps4 users. Im just explaining my thoughts on the matter. 


So you're requesting that DE give you a set of exclusive items? What are you going to do to get these exclusive items?


Obnoxious? Lol whatever.

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Of course it's people who already has the Brakk that doesn't want Brakk to come back. I HAVE MY SPECIAL GUN NOONE ELSE SHOULD HAVE IT NUH-UH


Seriously, want unique rewards for events - that's fine. But at least keep it to cosmetic only. Badges, Scarves and Special weapon skins are all good. But limiting certain weapons that has unique stats just isn't fair new people, especially if said weapon has amongst the top stats in the game for its category.


to be 100% fair, while that would probably reduce the level of whining, we'd still see threads like this pretty regularly. I point to any other game with 'limited' or 'exclusive' items in them- people will always whine when there's an item they can't get, regardless of what the item is, cosmetic or not. Or regardless of why they can't get it, though that's a whole different argument entirely. 


That said, I tend to agree. Bring the brakk back, whatever. But it's still a temp fix- as the game grows, more new people will come in who missed the last Brakk event, and will have to wait till the next. Assuming DE never sets down a schedule for when these weapons are going to have their events, threads like this will either never go away or will just morph into whinging about "DE needs to hurry up and release a brakk event" you know? 

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I think it's more an issue of usability.  Admittedly some weapons are just crud and need buffs, but mostly all weapons will be the best for the job in certain conditions.  Weapons like the Brakk and Soma are basically good for any situation so they are praised as superior weapons, but they have their limitations.  I guess a lot of weapons, in my view, fill in the for the niche roles for which these weapons are unsuited.


To demonstrate this just imagine a whole squad just  using Somas and Brakks.  They'd do far better as a group with a wider variety of weaponry.

The underlying issue is beyond just usability though. The underlying problem is our greedy milk for kills (Huehue). A majority (A MAJORITY I DARE SAY) want to rack up kills because we want to look cool. Yes. This is the true issue at heart. 


People don't want to use Vectis (even though it's friggin' strong) because the kill rate is super slow. It has spectacular damage, but barely anyone wants to play the support guy (pretty much for every game). Everyone uses Synapse/Soma because it's OP as a firearm and the player wants to be satisfied with their kill score. 


It's the truth, and the only one at that. This is the bigger wound (the playerbase's mentality and not the weapons) that creates more and more infections. I admit that I'm a victim of this too. 

Edited by ikillyou8196
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I seriously do no understand the anger over the Brakk being rereleased and I did 200 missions so that I could get the slot/catalyst with my Brakk.


I don't care if the Brakk is able to be gotten in a single mission, I just want more people to have this awesome weapon. New people getting it doesn't somehow invalidate your Gradivus grind.


I feel the same way about all my event weapons.

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Brakk is BIS? Wut?


Maybe if you're doing a burst DPS test against a very easy boss, but otherwise, no. Tiny magazine, damage falloff at range, and bullet spread make it a situationally limited weapon like any shotgun. Getting headshots with other sidearms will put out higher DPS at far longer range without exposing yourself to essentially one shot kills against high level enemies.


As far as exclusivity goes, I think event rewards should remain exclusive to those people who supported Warframe during that time and helped beta test new content. The initial survival event had waves of dozens of level 100 enemies in the first 10 minutes during a time when enemies essentially became immune to everything except serrated blade damage at high levels, and it took place on a tiny map with no choke points. It would essentially be impossible to replicate the same event in modern Warframe where people are one shotting level 1,000+ enemies.


Event exclusives are basically reverse vet rewards, handed out at the time you're playing instead of a year later. Guild Wars 2 does the same thing and you never hear all of this crying and sobbing about how new players can't get old event rewards. In GW2 I've been asked a hundred times "how do you get x item?" and the response 99% of the time when I tell them it was a one time event exclusive is "oh, thanks."


Maybe F2P just naturally attracts a lowest common denominator style of gamer.

Edited by Caffynated
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What kind of reasoning is it to say that another chance at event exclusives for those who missed it is greedy? The word entitlement usually means the person doesnt want to work for it by the way. Why is it greedy to want the same cchance to earn something that everyone else already has, and takes for granted? By that logic those starving kids in Africa are officially the most greedy people on the planet. Those people who are homeless and want jobs are runners up. When did it become legit to use personal jabs as a leading arguement? Can you imagine what we could presume about you by your veiw point? What if I told you it sounds selfish to think that because you "earned" something in a game, you should be treated better? What if its vain of you to use a fancy weapon to boost your personal pride? Maybe its sadistic? Maybe its shortsighted? Just maybe I make a comparisson between you and the Nazi's thought process. It wouldnt be fair of me, and it wouldn't benifit the debate for me to do any of that. So why are you?

Please note that this is simply a call for civility amongest tenno and any insults where for educational purposes only.

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Due in part to the factor that exclusives in every other game pretty much stay exclusive. It's funny how people are yearning for these past event exclusives and the like when that doesn't seem to happen in other games that offer the exact same things. Trinkets 'earned' through events, holidays, etc in other games are produced and passed out to those present. You either had your chance, or it was before your time.


Starving children in Africa? Yeah, not a great comparison to the first world problems of those absent from the limited-time special events that occurred.


What really bothers me is why people keep creating threads about it. Whether you are on one side or the other, just keep it all in the same thread and save us from this spam. Then we can finally get to more important threads, like why Rhino looks like a fish.

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I actually could make a arguement for each of those insults.... Like i said thats not my point though.

Your point is functionally that you think it is unfair that people who weren't there for the event or weren't able to meet the conditions for the reward did not get the reward awarded to those who were there for the event and met the conditions for the reward.


I think you may not understand what the word 'exclusive' means. And please, don't try to pull Godwin's Law on the argument. I honestly don't care whether items get rereleased because I don't think there was ever really any pride attached to them, and it'll make you look silly more than it does anything for your credibility.

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I don't particularly care if other people want an old event item, I'd just always rather have a new one.

The answer is of course to have a choice at the end of each event, between the new item or an old one.

Specific non-event rewards I would consider an exeption. Founder gear was a limited time offer and the Lato and Braton Vandal where rewards to show closed Beta players some loyalty, so those should stay exclusive. For the record I missed the Brandal, so it's not just me saying that because I measure my epeen by what weapons I have that others don't.

Also, OP you might want to lighten up a bit. You make your own argument look bad with those kind of shoddy debate tactics.

Edited by ValhaHazred
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In a game like this, you have a bubble of event exclusives (brakk, snipetron vandal) for those that worked for it, and a bubble of flashy items (misa syndana, lato prime) for those with fat wallets. At no point should either bubble overlap, because then you're either stomping players work into the dust and making it worthless, or denying yourself a source of revenue.

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What kind of reasoning is it to say that another chance at event exclusives for those who missed it is greedy? The word entitlement usually means the person doesnt want to work for it by the way. Why is it greedy to want the same cchance to earn something that everyone else already has, and takes for granted? By that logic those starving kids in Africa are officially the most greedy people on the planet. Those people who are homeless and want jobs are runners up. When did it become legit to use personal jabs as a leading arguement? Can you imagine what we could presume about you by your veiw point? What if I told you it sounds selfish to think that because you "earned" something in a game, you should be treated better? What if its vain of you to use a fancy weapon to boost your personal pride? Maybe its sadistic? Maybe its shortsighted? Just maybe I make a comparisson between you and the Nazi's thought process. It wouldnt be fair of me, and it wouldn't benifit the debate for me to do any of that. So why are you?

Please note that this is simply a call for civility amongest tenno and any insults where for educational purposes only.


This is a video game, dude.

If you missed something you are not going to die, ok?

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