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What Brought You To Warframe?


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I found Warframe roughly at the same time through Steam's upcoming games list, and some random MMO Site's Sci-Fi shooter list. I was bored and tired of The Old Republic not working for me, so I was on the search for something new.

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Fellow over on the Mass Effect 3 MP board mentioned it and the first Open window stress test a few weeks back. I was getting pretty tried of over a year of BioWare's B.S. and had said that as soon as someone else came out with a Space Magic Shooter I was out.... So here I am, and for being in Beta and the rather clunky mess of Mods2.0 Warframe is still turning out be a far better Space Magic Shooter. And for a wonder the Devs actually listen to community feedback instead of just giving it lip service.

Oh the wonders of not having to bend over to a publishing loony bin like EA or have to deal with yesteryear restrictions on patches/updates of the console makers.

Edited by Brasten
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Saw a gameplay vid for the closed beta a while ago on youtube. Didn't get around to checking it out for a while.

Installed it a few days ago and haven't stopped since. Also might have mentioned it over in the ME3 MP forums. :D

Edited by Flaming_Snake
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if we had signatures on this forum I would totally steal this for mine.

[size=3]Friend was like "Hey man, try space ninjas." And then space ninjas was tried.[/size]

Think I found it when I was randomly searching upcoming free games while being bored.

Mine would be

Update 7: "Stormbringer"

Any old Mods are super valuable to level-up new Mods using the Fusion system!

With "...Oh really?" at the end

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Google! lol

All I did was search for free to play co-op shooter and this is one of the first ones that came up. I had it installed with a beta key a few hours before it went open beta, and only found it because I all of a sudden had an urge to play something new.

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Fellow over on the Mass Effect 3 MP board mentioned it and the first Open window stress test a few weeks back. I was getting pretty tried of over a year of BioWare's B.S. and had said that as soon as someone else came out with a Space Magic Shooter I was out.... So here I am, and for being in Beta and the rather clunky mess of Mods2.0 Warframe is still turning out be a far better Space Magic Shooter. And for a wonder the Devs actually listen to community feedback instead of just giving it lip service.

Oh the wonders of not having to bend over to a publishing loony bin like EA or have to deal with yesteryear restrictions on patches/updates of the console makers.

I'm actually curious how many people this is true for. I had played the MP for the entire year it was out, and was simply ready to move onto something else. One random thread on the forums with a link to a youtube vid was all it took. Joined during the openbeta weekend stress test and haven't looked back.

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I'm actually curious how many people this is true for. I had played the MP for the entire year it was out, and was simply ready to move onto something else. One random thread on the forums with a link to a youtube vid was all it took. Joined during the openbeta weekend stress test and haven't looked back.

That would be the same for me as well. I'd had enough of the BW/EA business, and I moved to this. Definitely worth it!

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we,, ive seen an ad about 5 or 6 months ago that said register and u might be one of the first persons to try this game

and i watched the trailer and i liked it .... and then i got an email saying that i got my beta key

and i am hooked since then :D

Same here, tho for the life of me I couldn't find that beta key when the email came >.<

Luckily there were 2 sites handing out free keys at that moment, so I got me one of those and sent the site to my brothers and friends.

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