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Should Older Helmets Get Their Stat Changes Nixed, Or Should Stat Changes Be Added To New Ones?


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Right now we have a bit of an odd dilemma. Every single helmet until Nova's Flux helmet gives stat changes to the Warframe it is equipped to. The helmets previous acted similar to a corrupted mod, with one stat boost and one stat drop. For some, these helmets are used to maximize their frame to its fullest potential. But then after Nekros was released, we haven't seen a single helmet yet with stat changes included. This is a bit strange, to say the least. 6 helmets now do not have any stat boosts accompanying them. True, there are 30 total helmets, and this is a bit of a small amount, but it makes things a bit tough. For one, what about players that wanted stat changes for their Nekros, Valkyr, Oberon or Zephyr? They don't get any of that. Or what if some players want an alternate helmet for a frame, but they don't like that there are stat changes on them? I know that we can't make everyone happy, but the fact that all frames post-Nova do not have stat changing helmets is a really strange design choice from DE. I don't know what they plan on doing for it, but for now there is a growing gap between frames before Nova, and after. Nova is the only frame with a helmet that affects stats as well as one that doesn't. Maybe that's how DE should take care of it? I can't say for sure.

What do you think? Should we get rid of all stat helmets, or make all of them have stats, or have a mix of both for all frames?

Edited by 8bit_Ghost
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If I had to choose between all helmets having stats or no stats, I would wish for the latter. Don't get me wrong, some of the stat bonuses are welcome on some of the helmets, but others are less than sensible. I feel like the helmets should be a purely aesthetic decision.

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I say put the stat boosts/drops of helmets into their own category and have all helmets become statless.


Remove the stats from helmets, add them to a pool, allow us to pick and choose which stat to apply to our helmets.


just needs a toogle button

These responses remind me exactly of how it works in a game called Spiral Knights. You can wear the helmet for the stats it gives you, but then you can also wear an "appearance" helmet that is worn "over" your armor one, like a skin. So yeah, that pith helmet gives you good stats but it's kinda ugly. So now you can wear a different helmet over it for the looks. Now I know this doesn't work for Warframe, but if helmets got their own little pool of pre-set mods that you can opt to equip or not, that might solve a lot of problems. Though it would just add to the mess of mods we need to go through already.

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Either separate the stats and helmets so the helmets can be used cosmetically but the stats can still be used for min-maxing. Or, give stats to all helmets and make them toggleable.


Some of the helmet stats are way too nice to give up. Vanguard Rhino, Hemlock Saryn, Pendragon Excalibur, Storm and Pulse Volt, Essence Loki, Vespa Nyx, Coil Mag, all the stats from those helmets are really useful, and add a great addition to the frame that makes them just that much better to use. If they were suddenly removed, I imagine a lot of people would be very upset, myself included.

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I think it would be unfair to remove the stats from old helmets or to give random stats to the helmets they've released without them. those should all be left untouched at this point. these helms have grown to have their associations, and they let other players know what kind of build you're going for


I think the issue was that nova just came out, and then her new helm was released, and suddenly everyone has a problem with stats on helms. why? because a lot of season 2 helms boosted stamina, which DE was still pushing for. this included nova's flux helm. I really don't think it was a coincidence. people wanted to play nova, but they didn't want a useless alt helm. it DE stuck with HP, shield, armor, speed, energy, range, strength, duration, and efficiency boosts/drains, helms would be fine. but they throw in stamina, and stuff like gambit and flux are useless, they only give you the negative. then again, banshee's chorus helm is all positive (+efficiency, - stamina. I think I speak for everyone when I say "who gives a S#&$?"), which is great


if DE just released more helms, we could have so many more options, and you could decide which stat you want a little bit extra out of, and equip that helmet. but right now, we only have 2 options with stats at most, and very few frames have one or more useful alt helms. but some are lucky, and some helms really help you out a lot (vanguard rhino, aura trinity, coil mag are some big ones). but you still have to consider the aesthetics of the helms themselves. some helms have good stats but look bad (essense loki comes to mind. luckily swindle is a good one too, though), and some look good with bad stats (gambit is pretty stylin, but again, boosts stamina. useless)


then again, now I can completely dismiss new helms like oberon's deer head, because it doesn't potentially give him some good stat boost, it just looks awful. so I'll never consider making it. some people like that customization, but I like the stat customization. I can't say DE's losing customers with this decision, because they're probably gaining some as well, so it balances out

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DE just needs to add a costume helmet slot. Any helmet in this slot is what your warframes head will look like. Any helmet in the normal current slot we have will add the stats of that helmet. If you want the appearance but not the stats you equip it in only the costume slot.


This way DE can continue to add stats to helmets and every play can pick what they want to look like without being worried about the stats (unless they want to add the stats). Its a win-win for everybody.

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1. Give all helmets stats.


2. Tweak the current stats. Some helmets are useless (Gambit), and some helmets don't have a strong enough downside (Essence).


3. Allow helmets and their stats to be equipped independently of each other (e.g. Default Loki Helm, Essence Loki Stats)



It has been months and months since this was first suggested. I have yet to see somebody, even once, point out a major flaw with this system.

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1. Give all helmets stats.


2. Tweak the current stats. Some helmets are useless (Gambit), and some helmets don't have a strong enough downside (Essence).


3. Allow helmets and their stats to be equipped independently of each other (e.g. Default Loki Helm, Essence Loki Stats)



It has been months and months since this was first suggested. I have yet to see somebody, even once, point out a major flaw with this system.

I just think that being stuck wearing the Essence loki helmet is part of the downside, for example, and removing that is similar to just removing negative stats from helms. then you could wear saryn's normal helm, and have the speed boost from hemlock, without having that weird bulb sticking out of your head. the helm is the whole package, to me. I do think that the stamina-related helms should be tweaked, unless melee 2.0 brings back stamina to the forefront (who else remembers how that went over last time? DE should either stick to their guns, or give up trying to push stamina)



DE just needs to add a costume helmet slot. Any helmet in this slot is what your warframes head will look like. Any helmet in the normal current slot we have will add the stats of that helmet. If you want the appearance but not the stats you equip it in only the costume slot.


This way DE can continue to add stats to helmets and every play can pick what they want to look like without being worried about the stats (unless they want to add the stats). Its a win-win for everybody.

that being said, I'm actually ok with the costume helmet slot idea (also suggested a while back. but so has all of this, so). because the helms themselves still have their associated stats. as long as you can see that someone's wearing thrak rhino helm as a costume, but using the vanguard helm underneath, it's fine. but if you can essentially disregard the helm and take its stats and put them on a cooler looking helm, the original helm is just useless


maybe frames should be referred to by their extra stats in the squad screen, for example. so instead of Trinity Primary Secondary Melee, it'll say Aura Trinity Primary Secondary Melee. then I could be wearing the meridian helm (who would do that, though? ew), but have the duration boost still. I think the extra stat boosts should put them in a separate category. thrak rhino and vanguard rhino are two very different frames. I think that would be great, as long as the stats are associated with the name still


and we really need more choices for the helms' stat bonuses. some frames have no good helms, and some have multiple. eventually, I'd like it if every frame had at least one alt helm for every major stat that could be boosted (HP, shields, armor, speed, strength, range, duration, efficiency, energy, possibly stamina if it becomes useful), and you could have your pick to get just a little bit extra out of your frame. but this isn't hatframe, so it's wishful thinking at this point. maybe someday. I think 4 choices would almost guarantee that at least one would be useful to your frame

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I just think that being stuck wearing the Essence loki helmet is part of the downside, for example, and removing that is similar to just removing negative stats from helms. then you could wear saryn's normal helm, and have the speed boost from hemlock, without having that weird bulb sticking out of your head. the helm is the whole package, to me. I do think that the stamina-related helms should be tweaked, unless melee 2.0 brings back stamina to the forefront (who else remembers how that went over last time? DE should either stick to their guns, or give up trying to push stamina)

You're assuming that the appearance of the helms is an intended downside, when it's all just a matter of opinion. Some people like Essence, some people like Vanguard, some people hate Thrak, some people hate Avalon. The appearance is not a stat, and should not be treated as such.

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 When the Focus system is finally added to the game that may turn out to be the appropriate time to turn all helmets purely cosmetic.


 I'd rather they just leave it as-is until a point like that. Focus is supposed to mean much more interesting and extensive Customization of maxed out Frames and such so I wont mind Helmet stats retiring when that is added into the mix.


 Removing it now might negatively effect the fun factor on people's favorite frame. This should be avoided unless it is absolutely necessary. Helmets with stats aren't on the verge of destroying the point of the game so there is no harm in leaving them be for now.

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i want more alt helm... no stats pls...!


while at that, gives us alt body suits!!


You wouldn't have entire alternate chasis.

I'd imagine it would be like the armor pieces in PSO. You have a a whole costume, but you can put on pieces to attach to your arms, legs, and back. Things like that. Doesn't sound like much, but in PSO you can reeeally set yourself apart with the way they were designed.

Edited by SolidSp33d
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