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Idea On How To Make The Game More Co-Op And Team Oriented.


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I just though of this recently, When i started thinking about balancing the game.


There have been many threads about nerfing and buffing threads.  Many of the players want a better co-op playing experience, for example:

1. people get frustrated about one player, with any frame just running ahead and killing everything,


2. Surival: one or more player not sticking together, hencing spreading spawn rate, not working together, and also dying on the other side of the map where no one can get to them.


3. Defense: peopld going to spawn points and just blowing the hell out of everything, may it by with saryn's miasma, a quick rhino stomp, a mag sheild polarize or cursh, or nova etc.


Here is the idea:


Reward for sticking together, while also punish players for not sticking with each other.

This could be achieved in many ways.  






Punish: For example a person that is too far away from the group and goes down. It is almost impossible to get to revive this person anyways, so, punish players that go far away from the group. players that are certain meters away from the main group or each other will not bee seen IF DOWNED by other team mates, thus they cannot be revived.


Punish PLAYERS that run too far AHEAD CLOSER TO the objective than other players, by, slowing their frame, and/or damage decrease.


These ideas are just ideas and might not be good ideas but these are just examples. 


Reward players for sticking together by benefiting from other players stats:  For example a player with a full serration mod can perhaps provide team mates withing 10 meters to get 5% or 10% percent damage increase to their weapon, scaling with the serration mod of close by team mates.  This is just an example.  But The main idea is the team will be stronger as a group then as individuals running around by themselves. may it be their abilites, their guns, health etc.



One of the main reasons for lack of cooperation is when a rank 0 rank 3 and rank 2 player all join a rank 14 or 15 person in missions, especially in defense and survival. Mastery locking certain planets till a certain mastery is reached can easily accomplish this problem.  




The Entire premise behind all this is NOT TO TAKE MY IDEAS TO HEART, but to TAKE THE MAIN CONCEPT of reward and punishment for co-op teamplay: PUNISH people who don't play together, while reward players that stick together.


Maybe other people have some ideas/examples on how this system could work better, or maybe not work at all.

Edited by -CM-Sean
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I think that this is a bit...too intense, but as for Survival Missions, I DO like the idea of punishment on players too far. So, the best idea is:


If players get too far from Life Support, then the LSP bar decreases faster. Players should stick together in these missions anyways, as higher concentration of players in one spot leads to more enemies being spawned there. Nothing is weirder when players are as far away as possible from the LSP when we're at 30% and I need to go run over to it to activate it...and no enemies are there. I get that everyone is having fun killing stuff but it's detrimental to the group. So some sort of mechanic that keeps players together is always a good idea.


Another idea, for your buffs, is that Aura Mods do not affect players who aren't close to the owner of the Aura. The way this would work is that any player that isn't in the same room/connecting room as the player with said Aura will not get the buffs from it. After all, it's an AURA. Auras are exuded from the body, and should have an AOE. This would reward players who stay close to the person with Steel Charge, and keep your life up when Physique and Rejuvenation are on the field.

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While I could see something as some sort of bonus for staying close to the objective in Defense/Mobile Defense to discourage Hallway Heroes, I don't see anything else in this making much sense.  Heck, in Survival, the best way to get as much oxygen as possible is to split up into two groups of two and go wild on different parts of the map and meet up together as it gets harder.



One of the main reasons for lack of cooperation is when a rank 0 rank 3 and rank 2 player all join a rank 14 or 15 person in missions, especially in defense and survival. Mastery locking certain planets till a certain mastery is reached can easily accomplish this problem.  



No, these people that join these and leave everyone else behind are kinda jerks. I may go solo on survival, but I try to stay close to revive someone if need be.  I rarely ever rush though the level and let the less experience players set the pace.  I also don't go around one shotting everything in my path and leave them nothing to kill.  I try to make it so the lower level players play and enjoy the game instead of just letting uber skilled me do everything.  We're all supposed to be having fun as a group.  If I destroy the fun for someone else to make myself feel like a better person, how much of a better person am I?


Locking map levels behind a grind wall?  No, no, no no no and a million times NO!  I barely tolerate the idea of locking the ability to lock guns behind mastery rank, but it did teach me in early game with rifles to find and shoot at the weak points and appreciate getting criticals more.  Something I would not have gotten if it wasn't for that (and the mk1).

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the doors that require 2 people to open are supposed to stop 1 person running ahead....

It doesnt keep them from running ahead again once it's opened though, and until someone reaches that point, you're spammed with "A teammate needs help opening a door...!"

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As i said before my examples are probably not the best!! So there is not need to criticize. Also many people don't know or care about XP.  I was just looking for ideas on how to make people stay together, if you would rather play this game alone you should play solo!


All this would create is an unfun, "stay close to me or have consequences" sort of game, and I don't want that.


you can always play solo.  besides the radius can be adjusted so you don't have to be in your fellow tennos personal space!!!

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So if one speeds ahead and gets killed he is not punsihed?

Same as in survival, you get seperated, you die.

Sure it's quiet anyoing having one with a very fast frame at the lead who is simply unwilling to let go of the sprint button, but again I am sure he is punished often enough for that.

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I'm not going to yell at you for that...but do watch what you say...

I actually do care about XP very much but others don't know or understand the system, or do not care in general!!! I very much try to stay with the group, as much as i can generally, but there is always that one person going off in surival or in xini/defense to the spawn and just messing up things.

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So if one speeds ahead and gets killed he is not punsihed?

Same as in survival, you get seperated, you die.

Sure it's quiet anyoing having one with a very fast frame at the lead who is simply unwilling to let go of the sprint button, but again I am sure he is punished often enough for that.


1.  if you sprint ahead i suggested a punishment system, which is probably not the best. so yes he does get punished.

2. many people including myself can solo many survivals for extended periods, an NOT die, i just enjoy playing with a team much more, so it can become an issue, even low ranking players can get away from the team in survival and stills survive for long periods.

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The thing about co-op is that it isn't always about sticking together though.


In survival me and my friends tend to stick together in one spot and we have our fastest team member sprint towards the life supports that are on the other maps. A punishment like this would likely make it hell for that team member, with the move speed decrease and damage decrease.

Of course you could argue that we can, as a team, move to the life support. Yeah, that's an option I guess. It might be slower than having one do it, definitely safer though.


Likewise, in most OD missions, we tend to have a team member go ahead and find the vault for us while the rest of us just do the mission and not distract ourselves from keeping our eyes open for a vault door that may or may not be along the path we're going.


Point is, while punishment helps limit people being lone tenno and straying too far from the team, it kind of limits a bit of cooperation that involves having team members far apart from each other.

I personally would prefer encouraging people to stick together for the most part, and I feel they do it rather well with the exp.

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People rush ahead because they CAN. When you literally clear the map with 2 or 3 pushes of one button, there's not just a lack of incentive, but there's little to no opportunity for teamwork. When I play with low levels, I actively hold back so everyone can feel like they're doing something. That modicum of self-restraint is something that a lot of people simply don't possess in life, much less a game where they become near omnipotent beings.


It's not just a matter of scaling, but a disparity between enemy and player design. A couple of guys with riot shields or machine guns may necessitate different tactics in conservative shooter games. But when our warframes can literally shoot antimatter and black holes from the tips of their fingers, none of that means jack.


If you can't grasp what I mean, imagine if the game was changed and you had to play a Grineer or Corpus unit, and had to take down a modded out Rhino or Nova. We can even be generous and assume they only have melee weapons. Now, which non-boss Corpus or Grineer unit would you choose to be, and do you think you even have a snowballs chance in hell against them?

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Wouldn't support this... some of us WANT TO USE OUR GUNS... spreading out is the only way. One person stays next to the pods, another goes to one room on the other side of the main room, another to the other room on the opposite side, and the fourth guy wanders around to far away, and dangerous pods... that's how it works... Usually the guy that wanders off is God Pro... Like Shinigami Nekros Pro!

Edited by Arlayn
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Wouldn't support this... some of us WANT TO USE OUR GUNS... spreading out is the only way. One person stays next to the pods, another goes to one room on the other side of the main room, another to the other room on the opposite side, and the fourth guy wanders around to far away, and dangerous pods... that's how it works... Usually the guy that wanders off is God Pro... Like Shinigami Nekros Pro!

why don't you just play solo?!!! if you want to use guns?


People rush ahead because they CAN. When you literally clear the map with 2 or 3 pushes of one button, there's not just a lack of incentive, but there's little to no opportunity for teamwork. When I play with low levels, I actively hold back so everyone can feel like they're doing something. That modicum of self-restraint is something that a lot of people simply don't possess in life, much less a game where they become near omnipotent beings.


It's not just a matter of scaling, but a disparity between enemy and player design. A couple of guys with riot shields or machine guns may necessitate different tactics in conservative shooter games. But when our warframes can literally shoot antimatter and black holes from the tips of their fingers, none of that means jack.


If you can't grasp what I mean, imagine if the game was changed and you had to play a Grineer or Corpus unit, and had to take down a modded out Rhino or Nova. We can even be generous and assume they only have melee weapons. Now, which non-boss Corpus or Grineer unit would you choose to be, and do you think you even have a snowballs chance in hell against them?

You're in the wrong thread!! what does this have anything to do with teamwork? why are you comparing grineer AI to human?? i just don't understand this post at all.



Wouldn't support this... some of us WANT TO USE OUR GUNS... spreading out is the only way. One person stays next to the pods, another goes to one room on the other side of the main room, another to the other room on the opposite side, and the fourth guy wanders around to far away, and dangerous pods... that's how it works... Usually the guy that wanders off is God Pro... Like Shinigami Nekros Pro!

Again, If you want to go somewhere alone and use your guns, in the map, why don't you just play solo??? its really not that hard!! i keep hearing people argue that they want to be alone and still play in teams how does this make any sense?


The thing about co-op is that it isn't always about sticking together though.


In survival me and my friends tend to stick together in one spot and we have our fastest team member sprint towards the life supports that are on the other maps. A punishment like this would likely make it hell for that team member, with the move speed decrease and damage decrease.

Of course you could argue that we can, as a team, move to the life support. Yeah, that's an option I guess. It might be slower than having one do it, definitely safer though.


Likewise, in most OD missions, we tend to have a team member go ahead and find the vault for us while the rest of us just do the mission and not distract ourselves from keeping our eyes open for a vault door that may or may not be along the path we're going.


Point is, while punishment helps limit people being lone tenno and straying too far from the team, it kind of limits a bit of cooperation that involves having team members far apart from each other.

I personally would prefer encouraging people to stick together for the most part, and I feel they do it rather well with the exp.

This is exactly what i'm talking about why does someone go ahead and run to the vault while you leave others behind, I have seen many games where the alone player dies because of being alone, in OD vault runs, then the mission must be scrapped!! The entire idea behind the dragon keys is for the team to work together, because each person is hindered in some way, so work in teams to move forward!


Just Seeing where in a lot of games there is just a lack of communication and cooperation, 90% of the games i start people don't even tend to cooperate or talk.  This is becoming a big issue, where as 3 months ago it wasn't and there was a huge sense of teamwork.  Right now the game has change to total lack of teamwork.  I might get lucky one out of 20 or 30 games to get a team that actually cooperates, rather than running around like a chicken with their heads cut off, and just complete chaos.

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You just quoted me twice? o.O


Also because its more fun to do it in a group, and go forever. I love going to apollodorus its where I hang out to wait on the new updates. I level all my stuff there, and I destroy everything there... Plus gotta compete with phage for leveling stuff. Also you can't level so well solo... Solo only goes so far...

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Actually, this has been posted before..many responded not liking such idea due to the "restrictions" to their game play experience.

If they want to be a team player, let them be and if they choose to be a dic..ar#e...er...non-team player, let them be. It is their choice afterall.


Hopefully, we can get some sort of reputation/some sort of system to promote "co-op" instead of "forcing" people to do so...in time to come.

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