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Malfunctioning Lights And New Laser Doors = Anti-Rushing Mechanic?


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Some of you may have run into a new green laser door on one or more Grineer tilesets.  A small sensor above the door has to be destroyed to deactivate the lasers.  Walking through the lasers without deactivating them will fully drain your energy pool.


You may have also encountered the new malfunctioning lamps that arc electricity when you get close and also blind you for a split second.  The electricity damages your shields and eventually health.  Some people have reported this as "being hit by lightning".


It hit me the other day -- not the lightning, but a thought -- that perhaps this is a new and creative way to combat people who rush missions.  The people who equip the fastest possible frame and ignore most of the enemies on their way to the mission objective.  You know who you are.


Rushers are highly dependent on survival and energy reserves.  They need to withstand any damage enemies deal to them to keep moving; rushing doesn't work if you're dead.  In some cases they also rely on energy to cast such powers as Volt's speed or Loki's invisibility or Zephyr's Tail Wind, among others.  With these new traps, the faster a player moves through a mission, the more frequently he/she will be zapped, lose shields, health, and energy.  Less time between traps means less time to regenerate, resulting in higher chance to die.


Given DE's past publicly stated dislike of rushing (one major reason they removed Raid missions a while back), it would logically follow that these new traps are the next step towards making rushing not viable, or at the very least discouraging it.


There are of course some unintended consequences, as even a moderate-paced jog can get you zapped plenty of times -- not a good thing if you've just got your new frame or repolarized an old one.  The blinding flashes are also rather annoying.


Can't say I've personally settled on a verdict concerning these traps, but i can see some potential after a bit of balancing.  Now if only they can add a couple of broken lamps at mission spawn to combat AFKers....  ;)

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I think this is why they did it too. The problem is this is not the right way of stopping rushers, because it's also annoying for "normal" players. This isn't the solution. And it's horrible for new players too: good luck surviving with your 75 shield, 75 health Loki while your health is constantly being zapped away. And as a new player, you probably have no idea where it comes from or what you can do against it.

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Rhino's Iron Skin, Loki's Invisibility with duration Mods and so on and there's is no problem to rush. Its also my favorite way to do mission's (fast and effective). I dont like this new "feature's" but they will not prevent me to rush.

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Rhino's Iron Skin, Loki's Invisibility with duration Mods and so on and there's is no problem to rush. Its also my favorite way to do mission's (fast and effective). I dont like this new "feature's" but they will not prevent me to rush.

Pretty much this. I don't use any energy while running through areas with Nova and I don't even run any shield or health mods.

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the frequency appeared to be reduced after the hotfix.


i did that grineer defence thats inside a ship. all the outside walls were lined with broken lights. you could not walk anywhere in the downstairs area.


as an anti rushing technique it's appalling, if you have sufficient weapons or sufficiently low enough enemies then you can kill everything and still move through the map fast enough to get zapped every 3-5 seconds. mobile defence has become a nightmare to get into and out of the defensive zones.


the energy drain doors are an ok addition, the broken lights are infuriating. at the very least make them a little more obvious what to shoot to disable them. i've taken to just spraying bullets into the arcs until they stop arcing. some of the arcs can't be seen due to being on the opposite sides of doorways, this is just plain unfair on the player. traps should always be avoidable they should only punish careless players. being forced to clear every doorway with a penta is ridiculous.

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I think this is why they did it too. The problem is this is not the right way of stopping rushers, because it's also annoying for "normal" players. This isn't the solution. And it's horrible for new players too: good luck surviving with your 75 shield, 75 health Loki while your health is constantly being zapped away. And as a new player, you probably have no idea where it comes from or what you can do against it.


I survive with Loki's base shields and health just fine. These doors do not really impact my playstyle while rushing because I don't spam invisibility. 

OP: I'm not sure what rushers you've been talking to but I do not rely on my energy. I rely on my gun's ability to kill enemies with a glance so that I can maintain at least my walking speed while slaughtering them. If the gamemode isn't one that requires me to kill enemies I don't even have to worry about that.


The broken lights don't do nearly enough damage (IIRC) to be worth complaining about.

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Ya- rushing missions(rushers), is a total turn-off, but not much one can do about those involved. Personally, idgaf and let them do all the work and I collect the drops :) If they die I walk to them and rez them if I get there in time. Usually they're so far ahead I can't get to them and they die, bummer(sarcasm) I don't run a lot of missions anymore because of this - I just do survivals and keep trying to get my time in them longer. Kind of a meta-game for me :) Meh, when I started out I used to hollar in chat, slow down, did it help? Naw, they yelled back to hurry up like they're times more important then mine is, selfish wankers, go play solo then. I don't know, I think one has to be in a clan to get a nice group and pace in missions, especially higher level ones, to get a good group set-up. But if you just "pug" missions, not a lot you can do. All games are like that, and for some reason, Dev's dont even think about it. I'm not a veteran player but I keep in the back of my mind at all times when playing, >it's "Beta"<. Stating that, I think the games come a long way even in my short play/life span in WF :) I enjoy the hell out of this game :)

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I play missions at my pace. I don't leave teammates behind (when I have them) so why punish me for enjoying speed?


Answer: they can't. These new "obstacles" are split second distractions for my Grakata and then it's back to destroying everything in my path.

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They should just really give us the option to click on party requirements so rushers can group together while the folks that dont end up with folks that dont. I do like these things because it brings a new things to pay attention to but if they end up just toning it down and eventually just taken away like the zapper balls because of rusher complains, what was the point in the first place?

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If they die I walk to them and rez them if I get there in time. Usually they're so far ahead I can't get to them and they die, bummer(sarcasm)


That works both ways. Maybe next time I'm rushing I wont bother to turn around and revive my teammate. His blood will be on your hands.

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I don't like the electric lights. I always run into 2-3 at a time, and I solo. A lot. They also hit through my invisibility (among other things).

electrical arcs are not sight oriented. it's a long held annoyance of mine when electrical attacks exist in games but


electrical arcs can ONLY occur if you complete a circuit with a positive and negative charge. various mediums offer greater resistances and regular atmosphere takes about 10K volts per CM to arc. our likely metal warframes or at least conductive warframes would cause an arc. the shield itself would probably be a contributing factor.


on the same token our warframe and shield would also take the charge to ground with no effect on the internal user. there is enough surface area to conduct the electricity to ground we should have no real ill effect apart from maybe our shields shorting out. so the health damage really shouldn't happen.

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electrical arcs are not sight oriented. it's a long held annoyance of mine when electrical attacks exist in games but


electrical arcs can ONLY occur if you complete a circuit with a positive and negative charge. various mediums offer greater resistances and regular atmosphere takes about 10K volts per CM to arc. our likely metal warframes or at least conductive warframes would cause an arc. the shield itself would probably be a contributing factor.


on the same token our warframe and shield would also take the charge to ground with no effect on the internal user. there is enough surface area to conduct the electricity to ground we should have no real ill effect apart from maybe our shields shorting out. so the health damage really shouldn't happen.


WrothBog, here to apply science!

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 I just see it as DE catching Grineer ships/bases up to Corpus ships/bases.


 Grineer have had 0 security obstacles in their tilesets. DE finally got around to adding some.

Sadly, the main effect I've seen with the new "security" is even more gently turning AFK'rs that never leave the start zones.

It's a bad idea, and poorly implimented with it, in my opinion of course. Then again, I played Buggy Sector and DE's Star Trek game, "Buggy as Hell Trek", so it wasn't much of a surprise :P

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Sadly, the main effect I've seen with the new "security" is even more gently turning AFK'rs that never leave the start zones.

It's a bad idea, and poorly implimented with it, in my opinion of course. Then again, I played Buggy Sector and DE's Star Trek game, "Buggy as Hell Trek", so it wasn't much of a surprise :P


 Like all things they'll keep tweaking it till it works out.


 It is clear enough the goal was to add security options to the Grineer tilesets that were unique in function from the Corpus tileset counterparts. 



 We've got the start of what they wanted to do with it now. Just like Camera's and Laser Grids in days long past this new stuff will keep getting worked on until they are set up well enough.

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Great idea. Thing is, humans adapt. What I would suggest as one possible idea is that you need to kill a certain enemy to get a keycode, once it has been obtained, you are able to pass the door. There is no specific indicator on who the enemy is or who the enemies are that carry the key but it is always within the map before this locked door exists so you may have to backtrack to find the enemy or enemies that carry the key if you have rushed trough the mission. Easy as that, simply force them to hesitate on rushing.

EDIT: You could also release a bypasser consumable to the market that has a hefty cost but you can potentially use it at times if you are too frustrated to continue. This cost would be significantly higher than normal mission reward. From 10k-20k so while it is certainly doable, it is somewhat risky and not worth it in the long term play. However, this could make event completion easier and they would be very popular at the events.

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 I just see it as DE catching Grineer ships/bases up to Corpus ships/bases.


 Grineer have had 0 security obstacles in their tilesets. DE finally got around to adding some.


Electricity and lasers always seemed like more of a Corpus thing.  DE needs to get more creative.  Bone-crushing walls, limb-chopping fan blades, and directed flame exhausts come to mind.

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IMHO the new grineer security measures are a great addition to the game

dont want to get zapped? simple solution: pay attention to your surroundings (you can still move quickly, but blindly rushing has always been a foolish "tactic")

in no way whatsoever is DE's design choices CAUSING players to AFK or troll others, the lack of logic in such a statement is appalling

Edited by CY13ERPUNK
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I hate those malfunctioning lights. It's one thing to have an obstacle that slows the player down but can be circumvented (like shooting the Corpus cameras to disable the laser grids), it's another thing entirely to have an obstacle that just randomly damages you without any warning at all.

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Great idea. Thing is, humans adapt. What I would suggest as one possible idea is that you need to kill a certain enemy to get a keycode, once it has been obtained, you are able to pass the door. There is no specific indicator on who the enemy is or who the enemies are that carry the key but it is always within the map before this locked door exists so you may have to backtrack to find the enemy or enemies that carry the key if you have rushed trough the mission. Easy as that, simply force them to hesitate on rushing.

that turns every map into exterminate x 5-6 plus mission objective. the enemies glitch into the ground or outside the map and your boned.


rushing is a minor problem in the scheme of things, friendship doors do alot to minimise it. these genocide doors your suggesting would slow down everything as all players get rerouted to finding a key that dropped somewhere on one of the mobs somewhere between the start and the door. we'd be far better served by simple coded locks that need hacking.

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Great idea. Thing is, humans adapt. What I would suggest as one possible idea is that you need to kill a certain enemy to get a keycode, once it has been obtained, you are able to pass the door. There is no specific indicator on who the enemy is or who the enemies are that carry the key but it is always within the map before this locked door exists so you may have to backtrack to find the enemy or enemies that carry the key if you have rushed trough the mission. Easy as that, simply force them to hesitate on rushing.

EDIT: You could also release a bypasser consumable to the market that has a hefty cost but you can potentially use it at times if you are too frustrated to continue. This cost would be significantly higher than normal mission reward. From 10k-20k so while it is certainly doable, it is somewhat risky and not worth it in the long term play. However, this could make event completion easier and they would be very popular at the events.


This could create some huge problems. Especially for groups that don't have a Radial Nuker to walk around spamming its Ult.

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