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What Do You Dislike About Warframe


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No game is perfect they have their problems, glitches, and other crazy things in this game. Don't get me wrong I like this game. 


Getting the same prime warframe part three times in a row in survival in the same match (mag prime helmet)

Phobos grineer flying enemies with rocket launchers (kill me and/or my sentinel every time)

Players who watch you bleed out (not a game problem but why do they do that  idk)

players who let you bleed out because you revived someone else and not them (I can't saving everyone unless there's a warframe that revives everybody)

Lech Kril on phobos sponges bullets and won't die unless you're out ammo or something then he starts taking damage

Oxium osprey on nightmare no shields open a door and i'm dead on solo revive or forfeit forfeit

snow globe on the conclaves op and instants lost of round and still in effect after round the first round (iron skin Too)

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I can answer one of these dislikes "Players who watch you bleed out (not a game problem but why do they do that idk)" I let people who bring unranked frames to Kiste bleed out because well simply put im not running it to carry them. They wanna level an unranked frame go back to Kappa.


On to things i dislike about the game...hmmmm

The Forum community (Mostly full of trolls and whiners)

Oxium Farmers in Kappa
Getting the same warframe part 3 times in a row...(Damn Frost Prime Helmet)

The spawn rate and drop inconsistancy of Stalker/Harvester/G3

DEs weakness to not leaving things exclusive


Probly think up more later but thats it for now.

Edited by DarthRevan84
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Why all the negativity would it not be better to make a thread asking what people like about warframe rather than being negative.


Well spoken. I see this thread becoming a flamewar within the hour.

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The game is very limited in gameplay and revolves heavily on farming for things being artificial game time lengtheners. If the game truly wishes to last the devs need to consider expanding on better gameplay options. One of the issues is the maps for the most part are heavily linear and limited. I stated previously that their invasion game mode could be heavily improved if they mixed it with interception and made a good KOTH/Capture the node type game mode like Star Wars Battlefront series. That would give the mode a lot of life and fun if there was some actual challenge where our weapons and abilities are forcefully toned down to play conservative and tactically.  

Edited by GSDAkatsuki
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This game shouldn't be about the extra grind, sadly it is. This can't be denied.


That's why when the devs start storming in lore, they should keep taking the game away from grind and countless hours of farming instead of having fun.


Prime Trading was a step to make it easier to obtain items, yes some people might disagree saying that they worked so hard to get something but now people just trade for it, i understand, i was burned to get Ember Prime but it's okay since the game is less grindy.


Devs know how to optimize it better than i do, they can do it.


But other than that, the game is 312.43% fun and amazing, and i love it.

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1: The people who max out weapons and mods and then sit on forums and complain that all the weapons are OP. InsteAD Of pushing for bigger content updates and more high end game play options, which is what they really need. 


2: Grinding for hours to get something on a map and only getting repeated drops of the same stuff.


3: The people who run around with unmodded warframes or mismodded warframes and complain that lights kill them, and then get mad at you for pointing that out. 


4: going into public maps and  finding no one on the entire  world, But people swear its a coop game. 


5: Rushers- people who leave behind the entire team and act like its our fault they've died in some corner somewhere.


6: Grineer running away constantly, and hiding behind eveerthing. (they arent taking cover if evvery time you get near them they retreat, they are hiding in fear)


7: lag issues on maps.

Edited by Babell
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The game unlike many others lacks an objective. There is no clear "End Game" activities. a rank 1 could instantly jump to do high ranked missions with no restrictions whatsoever, Which in the end make them miss out on lots of content.


I can't count the times where I invited a clueless player to a Vault Run, Or a player who just bought Vauban off the Market and had no idea whatsoever on how to mod or play a specialized warframe like Vauban.


What the game needs is a proper progression path with better introductions to ( Planets, Bosses, Warframes ) and even some weapons.


Adding a few restrictions might enhance the experience for everyone for example :


1- A warframe cannot be obtained or purchased before killing the specific boss that drops it's parts at least once. ( Might even add some lore where you "Rescue" that specific warframe ).


2- Add an introduction course to each warframe " A tutorial" on all of it's skills after obtaining it.


3- Highly specialized warframes require higher mastery ranks.


4- No more taxis.


Apologies for the long post, the game in its current state is a little chaotic in my opinion.

Edited by Ultarion
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This community is bad? i must do more searching

Go ahead. I'm only focused on Warframe right now, so its fair to not compare it with any other game's company. With the popularity of the game, comes the inevitable flood of immature players. Mind you, I was one of those players, but I realized the unwanted stress for both the devs and those sorts of players and have mended my ways to an extent. My first post still stands. Hyper-competitive, unsatisfiable, and pessimistic.

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Players who watch you bleed out (not a game problem but why do they do that  idk)


Sometimes this is due to lag. I've had plenty of gut-wrenching moments in laggy games where I'll run up to a downed teammate, hold C.... and nothing happens. Then 4 seconds later I start reviving them. Occasionally they die because of the delay and I apologize.

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1: The Annoying Overly Competitive jerks in this Community. (which is about 80% of them)


2: There not being a Single player on 90% of the star chart


3: How Warframe seems to Attract the Biggest, Stupidest and Loudest People on the Planet...(And i thought Kids on COD were bad)


4:  Nerf Squads...People who just go around calling everything OP like those darn VET players who MAX everything and think its OP for everyone else to





Seriously those things annoy me more then RNG, In a sense the game is great, Just the people on it that are the Problem.

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When I did invasion missions for 5 times (for Catalyst reward) and game only count 4 runs and i get nothing (because there's no time for another run). That happend yesterday on Titan. Things like that really piss me off. Warframe have a lot of buggs, I hope that DE will fix them soon.

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