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Excalibur Radial Blind Needs A Slight Nerf


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I said in a radius, since your ability effect things around you in a 48m and 58m range,,,  which is a 96m RADIUS, and a 116m RADIUS.

I assume by all the posts here that, I am experiencing some sort of bug, as I have yet to take damage from blinded enemies.

 Do you mean diameter? I could see diameter, radius makes no sense....

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I said in a radius, since your ability effect things around you in a 48m and 58m range,,,  which is a 96m RADIUS, and a 116m RADIUS.

I assume by all the posts here that, I am experiencing some sort of bug, as I have yet to take damage from blinded enemies.

Hum, not trying to look pedantic, but you're describing the DIAMETER here, not the RADIUS. Good question though...


I've been wondering for a while now what that meant... "Radius"... "Does x damage/effect in x meters radius around the player."... What do they mean by "radius"? The diameter or the actual radius, which basically means you have to multiply the numbers by 2 to reach the real diameter? Because "radius" does not mean diameter, let's be clear on that. If they actually mean the radius, then a 25 meters radius means a 50 meters diameter, right? OR by radius they actually mean the diameter, in which case when a description says "25 meters radius", it should rather say "25 meters DIAMETER"...




I am...

Edited by Marthrym
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No, i'm not confused, its pretty straight forward:

A skill with a range of "X" meters means it have a range of "X" meters around the caster (or the point where it was cast, in some cases)

The fact that several people in the posts above are "discussing" whether "radius" means what it's supposed to mean or is used where diameter should be used tend to discredit your "it's pretty straight forward" statement... Just saying...


Oh and : "Excalibur raises his weapon high into the air and channels energy into it, resulting in a blinding flash of light that strikes all enemies within 8 / 12 / 14 / 25 meters, initially stunning them for 5 seconds and then leaving them blinded an additional 2 / 5 / 7 / 10 seconds."


I don't see any clear "around the caster" anywhere... Might be my eyesight going bad.

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You know they still shoot you based on where you shoot them from right?


Honestly, stupid, ill thought suggestions like this are what's going to make metagame obsolete.


Sorry for getting angry, but this damn near sent me off my rocker.

I think this is a genius satire of the nerfducks. Absolutely genius.

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The fact that several people in the posts above are "discussing" whether "radius" means what it's supposed to mean or is used where diameter should be used tend to discredit your "it's pretty straight forward" statement... Just saying...


Oh and : "Excalibur raises his weapon high into the air and channels energy into it, resulting in a blinding flash of light that strikes all enemies within 8 / 12 / 14 / 25 meters, initially stunning them for 5 seconds and then leaving them blinded an additional 2 / 5 / 7 / 10 seconds."


I don't see any clear "around the caster" anywhere... Might be my eyesight going bad.


Dude, you are making something really simple sound complicated.


You know Radial Blind, you know its around the caster.

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Is this a joke topic...? I don't even know if I should even bother retorting to the OP. It is beyond stupid as s/he has no idea how Radial Blind even works. Also, your numbers for range are completely off.

Edited by SicSlaver
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All frames should be nerfed, game is too easy.

yes the game is too easy but we don't have real endgame anyway so there is no sense on nerf a character based on a lackluster content (but fortunately DE is working to add new content and other improvements).
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@OP, radial blind doesnt need nerfed, its all hes got thats efficient, however in the OP's defence, radial blind does idd stun for 5 seconds then afterwards blinded targets do not shoot at sounds they run to melee them atm, easily "solved" by using a bow/kunai (and for some reason the "silent" ogris?).


but there are far more "OP" frames and ability combo's than excal, at least excal is only incapacitating them as opposed to nova who does 4 epic/useful buffs/debuffs in 1 move that just happens to also chain explode.


its great that people find a use for excal later game, lets be serious here if someone finds a useful build on a frame thats rarely used in "endgame" by high ranked players, ist that a good thing?  just because excals a "starter frame" doesnt mean he should be abandoned/forgotten later on, its good that people have found a useful build.

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a few pointers:


range is capped.


maps are way larger than 100m.


enemies do fire back and throw grenades.


and if you have ANY FRAME with multiple forma, a generator, maxed mods, and the right weapon (yes a bow or silenced weapon makes blind people to stop firing to no ones surprise) and you aren't OP as hell, you need to go back to the tutorial.


if anything try a power build (which doesn't scale well at all) or go full meele if you want more challenge but don't push the blame on the frame.


P.D.: most people stop using excalibur around jupiter because they have many other frames to train and excalibur by then should have 2+ stars already

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Excalibur is probably one of the very last frames that needs any kind of nerf. If anything, he needs a buff.


lets nerf loki while we are at it too.  Enemies don't target him while he is invis and all it takes is a good amount of efficiency + invisibility and energy siphon and you don't have to worry about mobs targeting you at all, lets neglect the fact that loki is also one of the frailest warframes too just because a skill preforms well.

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If you're going to take a position that most people don't usually support, at least get your analysis and facts right.


Clearly, your math is incorrect, your builds make Excalibur a one-trick pony (contradicting the fact that all four of his abilities are useful in some manner), and combat isn't necessarily removed (at best, you're removing combat for the stun animation).


I would appreciate a buff to Excalibur, but there are many more things that need a nerf.

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I thought this was a satire thread and was about to point out what a good point you had until this.


This is like having a 100m Bastille that has no target cap, for 25 less energy? +damage bonus in melee


Like... wow, you're actually serious. There's a crapton of gamebreakingly-broken Abilities out there that need a really good looking at, but RB isn't one of them.

I thought the point of this thread was "If Excalibur is potentially this gamebreaking when decked out with mods, then what does that make Rhino, Nova, and Trinity?" or something of the sort.

Edited by SortaRandom
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Instead of getting stuck on how ludicrous nerfing cal is, I'll explain to you why you're wrong and what you missed. 

The main reason why you're wrong is because it doesn't matter how long radial blind lasts unless it blinds every enemy that comes within the initial radius. What do I mean by this? it doesn't matter if everything in the blind radius is out of action for 22 seconds because more enemies will spawn or enter the area before those 22 seconds are up. To completely disable combat, cal would have to use RB every time an unaffected enemy entered the area. This is a huge hole in your reasoning.

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I know this must be a troll post...but to solve everyone's issues with abilities. Clearly stated by DE no ability 2.0 (CLEARLY). 


Just give everyone a excalibro with no abilities on warframe or energy or stamina issues. It will just be plain old COD gameplay. Problem solved. No one is feeling anyone is "cheating" by actually doing some math and configuring their warframes to their liking. Just give everyone the same thing, and a MK1 Braton with no mods. I am sure...that will be fun :)

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hmm still working for me.

I can stop anyone from shooting in Void defense.

It could be some sort of bug with the way the build is setup. Its possible mobs only shoot at sounds if they where hit by blind inside a certain range, and if they are blinded outside of the range of there weapons it somehow breaks them and stops them for using weapons, melee, knockdowns etc??


All these groups using Frost snow globe, Loki radial disarm and Vauban Bastille, I can so with 1 frame and little effort, to a limitless wave count.


I haven't taken this beyond t3 void defense wave 55, because people got bored, and we where manly leveling guns and the new sentinel, no shots where fired at us.


As for range, Standing by the core in void defense, it hits mobs entering the main swivel door under the trees, it seems to be outside there engagement range as nothing shoots.



I do agree that Trinity keeping a group immune to damage with 100% uptime is also an issue, and rhino to a lesser extent.


All I think that need changing is, add, Power in progress to Radial blind, Like Nekro Fear, Nyx Chaos, Rhino Stomp,  or fix whatever bug is preventing combat for me.

Edited by Tatersail
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