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Retune *all* The Frames! (11/19: Wildfire)


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Hydroid no longer needs to tank the usefulness of his other 3 powers to have a useful Pilfering Swarm. Altogether it's a net gain for Hydroid being able to contribute to loot drops while also contributing useful CC since Tempest Barrage and Tidal Surge remain potent.

Still wouldn't take it over Curative Undertow, though.

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Still leveling Equinox, not ready to say anything official yet, just some observations:


I keep being informed that the "brightness" of my energy color affects what form my Equinox starts the mission in... but in spite of using the brightest red in the Halloween color set, I keep starting missions in Night form. Would be nice if, like with Chroma, the Energy Color swatch in the loadout menu was marked with a moon or sun (Conclave symbols?) based on what form it will interpret that as.


I completely understand the complaints about Mend. Compared to Blessing, we have a more costly ability that takes longer to charge, has a more limited range and provides no other benefit to players upon activation. If it's ever discovered that Mend's ability to heal defense objectives is a bug, it'll really have nothing going for it.


In spite of the potential synergy for her abilities, I'm also finding that using Metamorphosis sort of... stops the momentum with her abilities, and not simply because of the cast time. Tapping Maim and then swapping to Night form just ends Maim. It would understandably be overpowered if you had both effects running simultaneously for no additional cost, but I don't see an issue with pausing one effect to start the other, or even just fully transferring the stored charge of one into the other, given that Metamorphosis itself bumps up the cost.

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If it's ever discovered that Mend's ability to heal defense objectives is a bug, it'll really have nothing going for it.

This was already fix'd in a recent hotfix a few days back I believe so it truly has nothing going for it.

Edited by Darkmoone1
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The trick is finding out what Mend could use as a bonus to match up with Blessing, without being too powerful as a toggled skill.


I think the best we can hope for is some kind of short radial CC like Maim gets, or more likely some kind of application of Overshields.

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we have OverShields, but OverHealth is an obvious extra thing as well.

why not OverHealth? :p

could then act somewhat like a radial version of Well of Life (in an ideal where Well of Life isn't useless that is, i.e. allows OverHealth).

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So... literally just bonus health?

... Isn't that part of Chroma's shtick?

that can allow OverHealth as well.

the point is we have OverShields and Abilities interact with that, so it seems logical to have OverHealth to me for the same reason..

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How does over health even work, realistically? You can overcharge a shield, but how do you overcharge flesh?

The... same way Chroma magically adds health to your total with Elemental Ward/Fire? I don't know, maybe it makes the Warframe more resilient?


That said, thinking about it again, Overhealth would have the same problem overshield does in later game - namely, that no amount of health stacking can possibly stop the oneshot train after a while - but a little less so on armor-stacking frames like Valkyr. On someone like Vauban it wouldn't do very much. Still, there isn't much better for the healbomb, and it would be one solid part of a Mend retool.

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Overshield is okay to implement because it's the first resource to be drained when attacked (unless NM mode). Overhealth, would probably be OP and abused like hell.

Er, how/why would it be OP?


Keep in mind that unless you have mountains of armor, health is just as paper-thin as shield most of the time - in high levels, a few thousand points of overheal will last you maybe half a second extra. Especially on a frame like Equinox whose armor total is tiny (100 might as well be 0 past the second rotation of a Tower).

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How does over health even work, realistically? You can overcharge a shield, but how do you overcharge flesh?


Space Magic.

it's ridiculous to even talk about how you achieve it.

how do you achieve FTL?

how do you achieve Energy Shields?

how do you achieve Encapsulated Plasmatic Projectiles?

how do you achieve molecular printing of literally anything?

how do you achieve gaining momentum pushing off of thin air?

how do you achieve carrying 600 rounds of conventional Ammunition without any pockets?

the answer to all of it is Space Magic. Sci-Fi is bursting at the seams with bullsnot as it is.

- - - - -

how exactly would OverHealth be Overpowered.... if OverHealth is Overpowered, then so is OverShields.

OverHealth can't even interact with almost any of the current Health based systems. you can't Health Leech through Ability or Augment/Mod to go back into OverHealth, those only interact with your actual Health.

the only interactions with OverHealth that i have in mind right at this moment, is Well of Life, Fire Chroma, and Equinox's... Heal thing.

more can interact with it, but it can't be Overpowered. because it's not real Health. it's extra on top of your Maximum Health.

Edited by taiiat
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I personally think that Ember's accelerant should be turned into a large area-of-effect Gas cloud that increases the damage of fire on afflicted enemies. Should an enemy get ignited (the heat proc) while inside the Gas cloud, the entire area blows up into flames, leaving behind an area covered in flames that damages enemies that walk onto it and has a good chance to heat proc.



Also Zephyrs' first ability, in light of the new Parkour 2.0, should simply be a massive duration buff to all her standard parkour abilities. Meaning Zephyr can bullet jump further, jump higher, wall latch longer, and fall slower. To end this buff, keep her 2nd ability as it is currently but allows Zephyr to proc the knockdown if she's already on the ground.


As for Mag, I think allowing Bullet attractor to be casted multiple times on multiple enemies would make that skill significantly more useful. Pull should levitate and draw in enemies, then on a second cast, violently reject them, ragdolling them (basically doing what Mag does in her Alad V trailer). Her Crush finally should bring all her enemies into the center (so her skill actually looks like her hand motions) dealing massive damage at the end of her animation, as well as ragdolling the enemies when they get dropped.

Edited by Aimop95
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IIRC, it's a relatively weak bonus in the first place due to how it works.

it might be restricted to Rift only(and the Caster only, so super selfish), but it is a 3x Damage Bonus without any Mods to all sources of Damage from you as it stands right now.

Edited by taiiat
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Just filling in some thoughts on Zephyr...


This "Gale Force" suggestion seems too weak on its own. Tailwind should be the skill to get her up in the air, and keep her in the air. Her second ability should be at least some CC.


Tailwind: After use, Zephyr gains a gravity debuff about as strong as Aim-Glide's debuff. She is free to maneuver around in the air as she pleases, but double jumps or bullet jumps break this debuff. Abilities can be cast from this state too, so she can easily cast Tailwind to regain height, re-position, or quickly get back to the ground. Oh, and aim gliding will not add any further gravity debuff.


Divebomb/Gale Force - Wind Tunnel: (Renaming it simply for the sake of differentiating. Gale Force could still work) Anyways, let's give Zephyr some CC. Wind Tunnel puts Zephyr into a channeling mode. She streams out a gust of wind that ragdolls enemies inside the tunnel. While trapped, enemies are quickly pushed toward the end of the tunnel until rocketed out unless pinned up against a surface. Zephyr also loses no height if used in the air while this skill is active. Affected by Strength and range mods

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Do you mind explaining to me why the damage bonus from Rift Surge is reduced when combined with Rift Walk? IIRC, it's a relatively weak bonus in the first place due to how it works.


What Taiiat said: The ability has a very high (3x) damage buff for the Limbo himself. The issue is that the cost of Rift Surge is 5 times that of Rift Walk, so unless we plan to massively increase the cost of our little self-Banish, the boost drops to match.


I personally think that Ember's accelerant should be turned into a large area-of-effect Gas cloud that increases the damage of fire on afflicted enemies. Should an enemy get ignited (the heat proc) while inside the Gas cloud, the entire area blows up into flames, leaving behind an area covered in flames that damages enemies that walk onto it and has a good chance to heat proc.


As for Mag, I think allowing Bullet attractor to be casted multiple times on multiple enemies would make that skill significantly more useful. Pull should levitate and draw in enemies, then on a second cast, violently reject them, ragdolling them (basically doing what Mag does in her Alad V trailer). Her Crush finally should bring all her enemies into the center (so her skill actually looks like her hand motions) dealing massive damage at the end of her animation, as well as ragdolling the enemies when they get dropped.


Ember already has enough area damage.

Casting Bullet Attractor on multiple targets at once seems counterintuitive, since projectiles can only redirect to one target.


Tailwind: After use, Zephyr gains a gravity debuff about as strong as Aim-Glide's debuff. She is free to maneuver around in the air as she pleases, but double jumps or bullet jumps break this debuff. Abilities can be cast from this state too, so she can easily cast Tailwind to regain height, re-position, or quickly get back to the ground. Oh, and aim gliding will not add any further gravity debuff.


Divebomb/Gale Force - Wind Tunnel: (Renaming it simply for the sake of differentiating. Gale Force could still work) Anyways, let's give Zephyr some CC. Wind Tunnel puts Zephyr into a channeling mode. She streams out a gust of wind that ragdolls enemies inside the tunnel. While trapped, enemies are quickly pushed toward the end of the tunnel until rocketed out unless pinned up against a surface. Zephyr also loses no height if used in the air while this skill is active. Affected by Strength and range mods


Hmm... so Wind Tunnel is basically a beam of continuous Impact damage (with 100% status per tick) that deals Blast damage (with 100% status chance) at the end of the beam, and eliminates gravity while active... Could work!

Wind Tunnel's probably the best name, Gale Force is a throwback to Volkovyi's original concept.


A small suggestion for Hydroid:

What if enemies targeted Tentacle Swarm on cast? They don't have to take damage or anything, just shoot at the tentacles. It could be a useful addition when under fire, and would work great on infested.


Hmm... it is a possibility, though it requires some more consideration since the tentacles don't actually take damage. Still, the big issue is that we're casting 100 energy for an effect that simply doesn't work half the time; I don't think adding a mass Decoy effect will change that portion much, although it could grip melee enemies I suppose...

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-spoilersnip because mobile sucks-

What Taiiat said: The ability has a very high (3x) damage buff for the Limbo himself. The issue is that the cost of Rift Surge is 5 times that of Rift Walk, so unless we plan to massively increase the cost of our little self-Banish, the boost drops to match.

Ember already has enough area damage.

Casting Bullet Attractor on multiple targets at once seems counterintuitive, since projectiles can only redirect to one target.

Hmm... so Wind Tunnel is basically a beam of continuous Impact damage (with 100% status per tick) that deals Blast damage (with 100% status chance) at the end of the beam, and eliminates gravity while active... Could work!

Wind Tunnel's probably the best name, Gale Force is a throwback to Volkovyi's original concept.

Hmm... it is a possibility, though it requires some more consideration since the tentacles don't actually take damage. Still, the big issue is that we're casting 100 energy for an effect that simply doesn't work half the time; I don't think adding a mass Decoy effect will change that portion much, although it could grip melee enemies I suppose...

If it has to take damage, maybe it can work with it. Something like if a tentacle gets shot too much that tentacle drops the enemy it's holding and disappears, and another tentacle spawns on the opposite side on the affected area or something. Or give affected enemies a Radiation proc and let them do the rest.
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Thought that occurs: What if Mend dynamically healed the party?


At first I was thinking "what if the damage stored in Mend contributes to their effective health", but that would be impossible to balance once you have a Nova in the team churning out 100k finishing blasts to divide amongst the party.


But what if for every second Mend is active, a staggered amount of healing is released? Like Renewal, but you toggle it off for the big heal. It isn't affected by Duration, but is affected by Range and you still have to generate it. Thoughts?

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I think that Volt's overload should do one of the following:


-Spread out shocking arc traps in the radius which deal 70/80/90/100 dps during overload's duration


-Cause enemies to be knocked down and open to finishers during the duration of overload, kind of like shockwave moas


-Buff allies shields with 35% damage resist/ 40% more capacity.

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Thought that occurs: What if Mend dynamically healed the party?

At first I was thinking "what if the damage stored in Mend contributes to their effective health", but that would be impossible to balance once you have a Nova in the team churning out 100k finishing blasts to divide amongst the party.

But what if for every second Mend is active, a staggered amount of healing is released? Like Renewal, but you toggle it off for the big heal. It isn't affected by Duration, but is affected by Range and you still have to generate it. Thoughts?

That sounds pretty great, actually. Will it have any effect on enemy procs?
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With Limbo's bowler hat going on alert a few days ago, I decided to try him out again. I'm a bit sad to remember how lack luster he is - he definitely needs a polish. My initial idea for him was tweaking rift surge so it works like so:

Limbo manipulates the matter around him, each disturbance working differently in each plane. Normally, since this plane is more stable, rift surge grants limbo damage reduction. In the much more unstable rift, a damage boost is granted.

His 4th needs tweaking, but I'm not sure what. It needs to be more than his 1st ability over a larger area though, I can say that much! They do the same damage even!

I just love how limbo looks and it saddens me to see him perform so poorly :c

Edited by Cyv001
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As for Mag, I think allowing Bullet attractor to be casted multiple times on multiple enemies would make that skill significantly more useful. Pull should levitate and draw in enemies, then on a second cast, violently reject them, ragdolling them (basically doing what Mag does in her Alad V trailer). Her Crush finally should bring all her enemies into the center (so her skill actually looks like her hand motions) dealing massive damage at the end of her animation, as well as ragdolling the enemies when they get dropped.

Check out some of my suggestions: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/509603-request-for-some-ideas-for-mag/

Edited by TGKazein
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