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March 21St: Community Hot Topics!


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Can you guys explain removing stats from helmets? I did not see an explanation of this anywhere. They tried to slip this into the end. You are telling us this is a good idea? WTF DE! NO. Leave this how it is please. The visual glitches are not our main concern here. The stats are valuable and work with our builds.

Edited by (PS4)PD_33
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Void Drops: Still Bugged?

There’s no doubt that receiving 2500 Credits after 40 minute Void Survival is frustrating. Sheldon has immersed himself into the Void Drop Tables and is testing them without Credits being a reward. This is just a path that we’re exploring and further testing will be done.


There's no need to immerse anywhere, just remove credits or add a "0" to 2500 and we'll be fine

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Thanks for the update, DE! I guess I'll give some feedback too:


arc traps

DESIRE: DE wants to add some more hazards to stages to increase the challenge / frenzied gameplay.

SOLUTION: Add wind up time to arc traps with audible cues.

REASON: Many people before me have noted this and it's a great solution. Reacting to arc traps should be more of a tactician's tell than a panicked scramble to re-obtain cover. I at least would panic less at hearing a wind up from an arc trap compared to getting zapped with barely existent shields.


credit cache rewards

DESIRE: Newer - comfortable players need proper survival money, vets have too much.

SOLUTION: Scale survival cache rewards with time survived in T1T2 keys, while completely removing cache rewards from T3 keys.

REASON: I like how I keep seeing the trend: the world's your oyster at first and you need loads of money to up those nice mods to survive in the tougher environments, while vets are sick of seeing it! We can assume that people who are doing T3 keys and can survive in them are seasoned enough, so they probably don't need credit rewards at this point. Let's take them out of T3 keys!


alt helmets

DESIRE: Players want to swap helmets around for aesthetic purposes, DE wants to reward beta players.

SOLUTION: Wipe stats on all helmets, reward beta players with a set of new beta helmets as thanks.

REASON: We're use to short lived rewards not all of us can attain (excalibur prime, some founders stuff, event stuff). I would become overjoyed for some special helmets to commemorate the switch. Honestly keeping stats on the old helmets would just cause a slight divide in future players and create these weird market trends where these helmets would become rather costly items for traders. Not to mention the UI work, allotting spaces to differentiate stat'd vs. non-stat'd helmets and descriptions so players don't accidentally trade off the rare helmets.



DESIRE: DE wants users to desire the primes and users want to feel like the struggle was worth it.

SOLUTION: Increase stats on primes vs non-prime counterparts, possibly add aesthetics to prime powers.

REASON: This has been said a lot so you know where this is going. Frankly I was shocked when I was told non-prime versions were practically the same. I say increase the stats slightly, give that polarized slot, and maybe add extra visual effects to some prime powers, then I'd feel compelled to keep my gold potatos and grind for that delicious prime frame. (I'm a completionist so I'll be doing it anyway)


Have fun y'all! Regardless I'm eager for the coming changes and what happens. :)

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i don't know, i'm not really good at programming, but one thing for sure, it's not easy to change something on a game as you wish. moreover with lots of ideas and such.

Just want to say thank you DE, and keep up the good work.

Edited by Shalnark91
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My Solution to Ability Mod Topic


I think if you made Ability mods available in the market for 500 cred common ability (slash dash) 1000 creds for uncommon abilities (Terrify), and 2000 for rare mods (molecular prime), Via an ability tab in the Warframe section could be a good solution if at all possible. Just shrink down the size of the featured item or squeeze it somewhere... Also make a tab for sentinel mods like Thumper and vacuum... Would solve a lot of player issues with getting hundreds of these mods with little reason to get them. :D 


that wouldnt be so great for rare and uncommon mods as they could be obtained way easier and be used for transmutation of other rare mods. But for common mods that is a great idea.

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Alt Helmets revisited


Cosmetics is not the (biggest) problem with alt helmets. It's their stats and the newest position you have on them: Old players get to keep stats on them, new players can only get statless helmets!

THAT is by FAR a bigger exclusive bonus than any other ones before. Lato/Braton Vandal, fine, there are far better options than them and only grants you some bonus Mastery Points. Same with Founders gear. But the helmets having the bonuses remaining for old beta players only? Wow, that's a HUUUUUGE benefit! In particular the Vanguard helmet and all Power Efficiency helmets (Essence, Vespa, Chorus) have a HUGE impact on actual gameplay.

Just remove ALL stats on ALL helmets, new and old. It's the simplest and most fair solution to this dilemma!



As a person who doesn't really care about aesthetics, and already owns all the stat helmets he really cares about, I put forth this suggestion. Yes, remove stats from alt helmets. BUT, allow the stats to be an unlockable boost through the new "FOCUS" feature that has yet to be implemented. Something unlockable that requires no mod capacity, but still some investment into the game, available easily to all players without disrupting their choice of aesthetics!


Does anybody else think this is a good idea? I might just be stupid.

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My Solution to Ability Mod Topic


I think if you made Ability mods available in the market for 500 cred common ability (slash dash) 1000 creds for uncommon abilities (Terrify), and 2000 for rare mods (molecular prime), Via an ability tab in the Warframe section could be a good solution if at all possible. Just shrink down the size of the featured item or squeeze it somewhere... Also make a tab for sentinel mods like Thumper and vacuum... Would solve a lot of player issues with getting hundreds of these mods with little reason to get them. :D 



that wouldnt be so great for rare and uncommon mods as they could be obtained way easier and be used for transmutation of other rare mods. But for common mods that is a great idea.


Make ability mods available on the market but don't permit them to be used for transmutation (only the ones bought from the market). solved!

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I *really* enjoy alternate helms for the frames.

I don't think it's very balanced yet where some frames have several helms that give stat changes, and other frames just have asthetic changes.

What I would love to see is a more balanced distribution of helms with stats and perhaps have other 'asthetic' helms with stats boosts.

Sometimes I love wearing a helm just because I love how it looks opposed to another. Sometimes I wear them simply for the benefits for stat boosts.

What would be neat would perhaps be the ability to wear a 'normal' helm with a prime frame and suddenly finding that helm with "prime" asthetics like the gold trim and all. Sometimes it seems a little wierd to have a gold-framed decked outfit, with a plain colored head. (This works with -some- frames, however.)


I think that frame ability mods (now that they're automatically given to you when a frame is made) should be available for credit purchases in the market as MetalSnakeSolid up there suggested (and I'm sure others have) as well!

Thoughts! Also can't wait to see the drop tables in the voids changed. I know it is a bit frustrated to see credits and resources as rewards, especially when I see them repeatedly at the same waves.

Keep up the good work you guys!


Edited by Lightwire
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Thanks for the update, DE! I guess I'll give some feedback too:


arc traps

DESIRE: DE wants to add some more hazards to stages to increase the challenge / frenzied gameplay.

SOLUTION: Add wind up time to arc traps with audible cues.

REASON: Many people before me have noted this and it's a great solution. Reacting to arc traps should be more of a tactician's tell than a panicked scramble to re-obtain cover. I at least would panic less at hearing a wind up from an arc trap compared to getting zapped with barely existent shields.

I support everything else you've commented on in this post, but honestly, I don't think audio cues and delays would fix this. The arc traps are still small, likely to not be noticed until you stumble over them, and randomly placed. They also lack the visceral feel I'd expect from all other Grineer technology - I'd like to think 'Tesla' when I see them, not 'landmine'.

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I support everything else you've commented on in this post, but honestly, I don't think audio cues and delays would fix this. The arc traps are still small, likely to not be noticed until you stumble over them, and randomly placed. They also lack the visceral feel I'd expect from all other Grineer technology - I'd like to think 'Tesla' when I see them, not 'landmine'.

Wait for a new sentinel that will let you detect the traps in advance with visualization like the codex scanner. If you put in some crap mod ranked up, it will even disarm the trap for you when you get within range.  Add in another crap mod and it will even hack the consoles for you when you activate them.

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OK, I will line up to bash the 'no plans to revisit other primes' statement. 


A Basic Stat buff is a permanent thing which gives the warframe leverage. 

A polarity slot change is not a permanent leverage. You can eventually level the playing field, with only a bit of more work. 

If the Rhino Prime has a small stat boost which can't be achieved in any other way, other prime frames should have it too. 


Polarity changes are not an exclusive advantage. An increase on the base speed stat is. 


So... buff Loki speed! ;-)


And revisit other primes, give them a little bit of an exclusive stat bonus - not just polarities.


And puh-lease disable arc traps when life support runs out on survival missions.

Or add to them a DISTINCTIVE STRONG STROBE BLINKING LIGHT only when life support runs out, so that players racing towards the exit can spot it to avoid the one-hit kill. 

Arc traps should have a humming sound to warn the players and shouldn't exist in the 3 tiles closest to a survival exit. 

Edited by BrazilianJoe
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My Solution to Ability Mod Topic


I think if you made Ability mods available in the market for 500 cred common ability (slash dash) 1000 creds for uncommon abilities (Terrify), and 2000 for rare mods (molecular prime), Via an ability tab in the Warframe section could be a good solution if at all possible. Just shrink down the size of the featured item or squeeze it somewhere... Also make a tab for sentinel mods like Thumper and vacuum... Would solve a lot of player issues with getting hundreds of these mods with little reason to get them. :D 

This solution sounds pretty reasonable, but you'd have to put restrictions on it. People could just buy them for fusion fodder.

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Why not attatch credit caches to the rest of the rewards in the void, instead of keeping them as independant rewards or removing them?


So for example, in a void survival mission, every 5 minutes would have a fixed value credit cache reward, in addition to an appropriate random item from that mission's drop table (Like a blueprint, key, or prime part, but NOT another credit cache).

you get my upvote.

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Topics still hot: Buffs to Primes

Giving Rhino Prime a small boost in speed has provoked the question of whether we will buff stats on previous Primes. We know it’s being discussed in our community, and when Dev has no plans at this time to revisit older Primes at this time.

The devs should definitely revisit older primes. There is no reason not to. Simply giving them all slightly more stamina or speed will do. They just need that little something extra that Rhino prime has.


Consistency please.

Edited by Kaidinah
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