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We Want A Railgun Megathread!


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If the railgun turns out to be big then i want it to have a bipod like thing so you have to either stop moving or move at walking pace to use it. For its cooldown it should have two fully charged shots then the rails should melt which means you need to change them, giving you a cooldown. Quick shots could just generate some heat so you need to wait a shorter time for the cooldown. Thats all from me for a few design ideas i suppose. Love railgun idea.

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I liked this one best for the design:




and I think it would go great with the game if a similar design could get added without being "antiqued" or made lower tech style like the majority of tenno weapons. The tenno really need some new stuff that actually fits better with the times instead of only ancient style weapons given a tech upgrade (well, ancient by the timeline technology available anyway). Don't misunderstand me, some of them are neat, but they don't fit the timeline hardly at all. The corpus and even the grineer with their varied gun shapes got that nailed better than the tenno do. Surely they could learn to adapt to newer technology for there own weapons and build better, higher tech, designs?


Anyway if that were to be considered for adding in, keeping it somewhat modernized and decently shaped, that would be great! I'm all for a railgun being added in the list, even if its put in the tenno lab due to the type of projectiles used. Even if I had to use a forma to build that, to me it'd be worth it.

Edited by Cmdr_Forge
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Nice to see this thread resurrected!^^ For those to find the time to go through all the pages there is an astonishing amount of Information on Railguns and amazing suggestions on how to implement one into the game. I did my best to collect most of the information in the main post but if you´re interested you really should go through all of it.


And ofcourse.... The Lanka is still NOT a Railgun!!!


Keep this one going guys.^^ WE WANT A RAILGUN DE!!!!





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Was looking at some forum threads yesterday and came across the link to this one, kinda glad I did as it now added a 4th gun I wanted to see put in game. The other 3 were 2 new rifles (one auto, another a 3-round burst) and a shotgun with the barrels lined vertically. If it gets added in, I hope they keep the design modernized. The tenno are behind the times when it comes to the technology. The corpus and even the grineer are closer to the actual level of technology available in that timeline as evident by their weapon designs, and the tenno need to get an upgrade in that area.


They are not in the past anymore, its a future era of technology. Its time the tenno learned to adapt and build better, higher tech, weapon designs instead of just bows, crossbows, and old guns. Besides, we need a worthwhile use for the later mastery ranks anyway.

Edited by Cmdr_Forge
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and I think it would go great with the game if a similar design could get added without being "antiqued" or made lower tech style like the majority of tenno weapons. The tenno really need some new stuff that actually fits better with the times instead of only ancient style weapons given a tech upgrade (well, ancient by the timeline technology available anyway). Don't misunderstand me, some of them are neat, but they don't fit the timeline hardly at all. The corpus and even the grineer with their varied gun shapes got that nailed better than the tenno do. Surely they could learn to adapt to newer technology for there own weapons and build better, higher tech, designs?it.


The Tenno have old school guns for lore reasons. The sentients could control Orokin technology, so all Tenno guns are strictly mechanical. I wouldn't mind seeing a Grineer or Corpus railgun though, or some sort of Orokin prime-only weapon.

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The Tenno have old school guns for lore reasons. The sentients could control Orokin technology, so all Tenno guns are strictly mechanical. I wouldn't mind seeing a Grineer or Corpus railgun though, or some sort of Orokin prime-only weapon.

Is that why the tenno are stuck in the old style of weapons? Can't they learn how to make better weapons on their own instead of just antique style weapons? It doesn't have to be "orokin" to be higher tech or more modernized after all. It can still be mechanical and more advanced. Take concepts ideas such as these for example: 


BR85HB SR Battle Rifle: http://halo.wikia.com/wiki/BR85HB_SR_Battle_Rifle


MA37: http://halo.wikia.com/wiki/MA37_Individual_Combat_Weapon_System


M90 Shotgun: http://halo.wikia.com/wiki/M90_Close_Assault_Weapon_System


These or even concepts based off of what we have today would fit better with the timeline than the majority of tenno weapons. Also, have a look at the archwing they showed in the stream that's coming in U15. That is even more fitting of the time as well. They don't need "orokin" stuff to have more advanced weapons built, not if they could finally learn to adapt to the game's present time and level of technology instead of being stuck in the past only.

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Is that why the tenno are stuck in the old style of weapons? Can't they learn how to make better weapons on their own instead of just antique style weapons? It doesn't have to be "orokin" to be higher tech or more modernized after all. It can still be mechanical and more advanced. Take concepts ideas such as these for example: 


Lore-wise, anything with electronics is a no go for the Tenno. I also wouldn't expect them to be able to build new weapons, they're soldiers after all. Most marines probably couldn't design an assault rifle. Of course, their guns are still quite advanced even with the old school styling.


Design-wise, hopefully we will never get anything that looks like a Halo gun. One of the best things about this game is its unique art direction, hard sci-fi shooters are a dime a dozen these days. Part of Warframe's charm is the unique styling each faction has.

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I didn't say it had to look like halo guns, its a design CONCEPT. And why is it they can't handle anything electronic for their own weapons? They can research, build, and use corpus technology, I'd call that being capable of handling electronics. I'm not saying all the old styling should stop, but I am saying it might be good to have something of a newer age design for better variety now and then. What's to stop ordis' foundry or labs from getting upgraded and learning newer mechanical designs that don't require old styles? Will the grineer and corpus get more advanced while the tenno just stick around with their old ancient style weapons cause neither them or who/what they work with can learn something new?


*EDIT: isn't the new archwing that's coming a piece of technology the tenno have that uses electronics in it? Also I haven't found anything yet saying they were in any way limited to only mechanical style weapons.*


Having a new set of more modernized style weapons, with or without some kind of non-orokin electronics system integrated into it, could also bring some use to the higher mastery ranks even. Right now there really isn't any need to go beyond rank 8 or 9 anyway, other than just to complete stuff.

Edited by Cmdr_Forge
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I honestly have no idea of the anatomy of a gun, let alone railguns, so please bear with me if I made any huge flaws. I'm not experienced in this area. However feel free to nitpick and edit my image to point out the problem areas!


The barrel section looks nice. Just eyeballing it though, you might want some more room behind the grip as it looks a little short. If you're going for a Corpus-esque design, you may also want to make the grip vertical instead of tilted.


Off-topic, what program do you use for your art?

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The barrel section looks nice. Just eyeballing it though, you might want some more room behind the grip as it looks a little short. If you're going for a Corpus-esque design, you may also want to make the grip vertical instead of tilted.


Off-topic, what program do you use for your art?


Done and done.



Also, I use Paint Tool Sai.

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Done and done.


Also, I use Paint Tool Sai.


It still needs a little faction aesthetic, something to make it a little more Grineer or Corpus or whatever...man, I always feel so bad critiquing people's art D:


And I might give that a try. I'm decent at hand-drawing stuff, but computer art continues to elude me.

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It still needs a little faction aesthetic, something to make it a little more Grineer or Corpus or whatever...man, I always feel so bad critiquing people's art D:


And I might give that a try. I'm decent at hand-drawing stuff, but computer art continues to elude me.

I can certainly do that.


I wouldn't feel bad. You gotta see the flaws in something to improve it.

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I can certainly do that.


I wouldn't feel bad. You gotta see the flaws in something to improve it.


True. Anyways, faction elements are the hardest part...all the factions have a very distinct feel, which can be really hard to capture sometimes. I tried to doodle a corpus-themed railgun when I first saw this thread and it did not look anything like a corpus weapon.

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