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Lately, Carrier....well....sucks


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Sorry, but somewhat indelicately stated, lately that's been my impression.


Carrier's only real benefit is that he runs around behind you (figuratively speaking) picking up all the mods and drops that you're too busy dealing death to worry about.  But lately, at least to me, he seems to have been nerfed, both in terms of his power radius, and more importantly in terms of how long we must loiter about in order for him to perform his duties.


DE, if I have to stand around for a couple of seconds until he gets around to sucking things up, I might as well do things myself, equip Deth Qube, and have a real ally at my back.  It seems pretty obvious that a stealth nerf has taken place, and IMHO it was too much.  WF is a fluid, fast-paced game, and forcing players to slow down or else miss out on the drops which are frankly one of the only three bennies of playing the levels (the other two being XP, and the sheer joy of playing the game) is a real detriment to the game.


Please buff him back up, at least in terms of the speed at which he does his thang.

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As far as I can tell, it's something with they net code optimization.


Carrier seems fine when you're hosting. It's when you're not that Carrier... well, stops sucking.


In general, lots of things don't work as well when you're not hosting. :/

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As far as I can tell, it's something with they net code optimization.


Carrier seems fine when you're hosting. It's when you're not that Carrier... well, stops sucking.


Maybe... I play Solo and saw no changes whatsoever with Carrier.

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 WF is a fluid, fast-paced game, and forcing players to slow down or else miss out on the drops which are frankly one of the only three bennies of playing the levels (the other two being XP, and the sheer joy of playing the game) is a real detriment to the game.


You mean like how the game was before Carrier was introduced?

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Yeah I figured my carrier was just moody. He gets really lazy in defenses like wave 15 and up. Down right shuts down on me in survivals when you hit the 25-30min mark. Honestly I don't expect him to pick up to much at the 30min mark. Us PS4 folk have to make a mad dash or we get blue screen. (75% of the time)

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Doesn't Carrier, like all the sentinels, have some kind of energy bar that gets depleted when using an ability? Since survival and defense are always full of loot, the little guy simply runs out of energy to suck and needs time to slowly regain it back. That's just my theory about why the sentinel often slacks off.

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Doesn't Carrier, like all the sentinels, have some kind of energy bar that gets depleted when using an ability? Since survival and defense are always full of loot, the little guy simply runs out of energy to suck and needs time to slowly regain it back. That's just my theory about why the sentinel often slacks off.

Except, Carrier used to be endless regardless of who was hosting.


Now, even early in the game, Carrier will stop sucking for no apparent reason.

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Maybe it's with the netcode? (not familiar, so what do I know).


I've noticed that the efficiency of carrier goes down as lag goes up...


plus i think he can only vacuum if the loot is on the floor and has stopped moving?  so stuff floating in the air due to lag never gets sucked.

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plus i think he can only vacuum if the loot is on the floor and has stopped moving?  so stuff floating in the air due to lag never gets sucked.

No, as a zephyr, I can 100% confirm carrier can grab things out of mid-air.

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