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The Grineer Systems Transmission And U13 Hype Megathread


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Not sure why people are raging. Far as I'm aware, we're getting a major update much earlier than usual.


Didn't vote incase this kind of BS occurred.

Hope it also results in you leaving the community too. Rather have a healthy community.

Edited by Naith
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DE is only giving us catalysts because they want us to have one for our new melee favourites. 

DE is only giving us a reactor later because like previous bosses( water frame drop), the boss wont be available from the first day of release, thus the delayed reactor alert.

DE is only giving us a forma because that is the time we would be done lvling our melee or new frame to 30.

You feel me?

So it's only reasonable that U13 is today.

right ? ; /

I like your thinking. Wish everyone would calm donw a bit. It would be great to get U 13 today but for me it doesnt really matter if today, tomorrow or in 1 month as long as I get Tenno reinforcements every wednesday. ;)

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I agree completely. Its stupid that they tricked their community. Tricking your community is the fastest way to get a bad reputation, no matter how good it is beforehand.


Found it.  Never had it merged before, very confusing.

Shall forever be known as the "Forbidden Number", on the Warframe forums.

If the update is today, it will become a number of trolling.

However if it's in a week, it shall become a number of intense rage.

*sigh I am so tired of DE's hype without deliver.  Can we not just get the content?  Or a post saying "Hey guys, sorry so we have a problem with U13 so we're trying to get it fixed up, but we'll probably deliver it next week" or something like that.  That's all we need.

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DE never said anything about U13 being released today.

You know what gets me whenever people say this? They could have.

They could have just said there was nothing this week and the hype would have kept in check.

"You hyped yourselves" - I'd agree with this if this was a baseless hype as it had happened times before, and even then DE walked in and said nothing super special was going on. However with this, with this they gave us a teaser that was clearly about U13 and it updated each day to a coundown that would culminate in a wednesday - an update day. Yes nothing said that it'd definitely be today but there was a lot that backed the notion that it'd be, considering nothing like this had ever been done before.

Furthermore just look at how much the hype train grew, DE let it grew. They could have just easily walked in and calmed it down but they did not after al this. I'm just going to assume something happened and it was intended to be today but something happened because that was quite a d*ck move.

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Nope I am sticking to the trolling theory... There are just too many smart people at DE to do something like this... The 7 day countdown is not for the update I am assuming it is for the badlands...To make a countdown BEFORE the countdown especially regarding something the community has waited so long for does not make sense.. you would have to know that it is a bad idea. I look forward to an awesome update today... 3 alerts are not going to tide us over SOMEONE over there knows that I am sure. Whoever ignores that person shouldn't make any more decisions over there....

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Either 7 days, 7 weeks, 7 monts, 7 years. Or If the terror is over with the wait, there are 6 hours until lauch. And it's comming hard... Biggest one to this date in my book.

Good sir, if it was 6 hours i would S#&$ my pants and hug my computer.  Unfortunately, that doesn't line up with DE's update schedule.  They've made an incredible game, and I love it to death but they have to deliver when they hype everything up.

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this is pretty ridiculous. It's almost impossible to believe that a company would do something like this seriously.


you hype an update, you don't hype a damn countdown.


Yeah. I don't care if it is today. Don't hype a countdown. They should have just shown the last image without the countdown IMO.

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What an &#!.


How very childish. "I didn't vote so I could spite DE if Update 13 didn't launch on Wednesday."

So by your logic, if a game executes something terribly then I would be in the wrong for not applauding them? I would have/will vote if they go for the logical approach and actually release something at the end of a countdown.

EDIT: and don't get me started on the whole lack of communication about this huge mess.

Edited by Paddon
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this is pretty ridiculous. It's almost impossible to believe that a company would do something like this seriously.


you hype an update, you don't hype a damn countdown.

I'm ordinarily in the de can do no wrong camp. Not for this, if it means what it seems it broke my heart a little. Bad form DE very bad form.

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they said earlier today that with the new livestream they are going to be playing everything update 13

they did say this.  on one side it could just mean they're showcasing it all.  preferably it means they are just reviewing it and explaining and discussing that which they couldnt because earlier secrecy.  

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