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The Grineer Systems Transmission And U13 Hype Megathread


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You people are literally the worst. Rebecca just gave a explanation and you guys just take a dump all over it. They were ready to release it today but guess what, life got in the way and even DE are dissapointed. They're giving free potato's for everyone and you entitled whiners still keep up your endless tears. How about everyone stops acting like a 5 year old that got their candy taken away and waits patiently for next week. Wow never seen people so pissed for 1 week delays. Kindly look at valve and their lack of communication if you want to see delays.

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I completely agree with this, I'd much rather it take another week and be in a working, ready condition than be rushed to go live an have 1230871230+ bugs and not work as they intended. Patience is a virtue folks!

DE do not be discouraged and keep up your hard work! 

You have created something awesome, and it's only going to get better!

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first of all, please do not merge this with the hype thread as this not about the update itself but rather the action and choices made by DE.


so i was going to wait until later tonight to post this to avoid the risk of ending up with egg on my face later on. but, i wont be around most of the day so ill drop it now.



So, i want to say that outside of recent events i am in full support of DE taking as long as they need to release Melee2.0/U13. with the quality of what they've shown us im fine with them taking the time to make sure the product shipped matches the expectations. 


however, what im not okay with is feeling ive been lead on or toyed with by the Devs on a topic that i think all of use are vary excited about.


you start an 'out of game' event dubbed the Grineer systems, a 6-day long countdown; each day containing new information regarding U13 and ending on a patch day


so again, you started a U13 themed countdown ending on a patch day......most people would draw conclusions about that said patch day based on the context of the countdown.


but at the end of the countdown we get another countdown.....


again DE; im looking forward to the patch and im fine with it taking however long it takes but im not enjoying being lead along. 








as always, keep up the good work DE. love the game, love the company!


the fact that it was not planned this way changes my opinion on the matter entirely and was just the info i was looking for, i no longer feel lead on in any way. you guys take the time you need and keep up the good work!

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So it's not coming today :\



Well I'll take a week off, burning out on things now and on the wait. We were told early March and now it's April  :(


It's beta anyway, give it to us and fix bugs as we go, ppl will always complain   =D #TeamIrony


Wish they had told us sooner, I had been looking forward to today, for nadda.


Don't take a week off. Because chances are, it's going to be delayed again. People aren't just po'd that it's delayed for a week. This isn't a week delay. It's been delayed for 1-2 months now. It's obviously too ambitious, and obviously the addition of badlands makes it even more ambitious. They should just release Vay Hek now. Then the new frame. Then Melee 2.0/badlands, which ever one is more ready, and then the other later.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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nah, is a game for us and a business for them.


i will not explain to you why keeping your word about deadlines and products being delivered when doing business is important, you should already know.


anyway the hype train is wrecked and in flames, time to move on.

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Well, now we know what's going on at least.  If they need more time, they need more time.  I'm sure the devs feel just as bad about crashing the hype as we do not being able to experience the content yet.


We've waited this long, right?  What's one more week? :3

whats one more month?  or two? like the previous ones?     im kinda , well not mad but , actually yes im mad scince im waiting for so damn long i mean i Can understand that its  ton of work to fulfill but seriously  im slowly getting tired of waiting :(

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Did DE originally intend a last minute second timer? No.

Do we want to trust Dev that they need just 1 week more time? Yes.

For those of you we've let down, see you next Wednesday and please play the apology alerts if they appeal to you - otherwise, see you Friday for a playthrough on the stream.


Though I don't mind the extra week, I felt mislead with the Grineer Systems weblink. 5 monitors for 5 days till Wednesday, only to see that the 5th slot suddenly mutated and grew 7 spinning mechanisms that Im sure mean Update 13 in grineer  (U.P.D.A.T.E.13.) 

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Did DE originally intend a last minute second timer? No.

Do we want to trust Dev that they need just 1 week more time? Yes.

For those of you we've let down, see you next Wednesday and please play the apology alerts if they appeal to you - otherwise, see you Friday for a playthrough on the stream.


Thanks for the answer Rebecca. Much appreciated. Thanks as well to the team for polishing everything until it's all perfectly tuned.


I wanted to ask, then, if we're getting anything at all today. I guess not (besides perhaps bug fixes) but just to know :P


Thanks again guys :)

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But that is just it, A development studio isnt a NATURAL DISASTER or A THIEF. People work there. They ARE in control.

You'd be surprised how quickly things can become out of your control completely when working on films and games.

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Did DE originally intend a last minute second timer? No.

Do we want to trust Dev that they need just 1 week more time? Yes.

For those of you we've let down, see you next Wednesday and please play the apology alerts if they appeal to you - otherwise, see you Friday for a playthrough on the stream.


pretty cold and unusual message.... mhmmm



as much as i want to trust it, something sound wrong in it -_-

Edited by Tsoe
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Did DE originally intend a last minute second timer? No.

Do we want to trust Dev that they need just 1 week more time? Yes.

For those of you we've let down, see you next Wednesday and please play the apology alerts if they appeal to you - otherwise, see you Friday for a playthrough on the stream.

Well thanks for your honesty.  That's all we have now.  No, the "apology" alerts don't make up for anything.  If you hype, you deliver.  You must learn this lesson.  Right bloody now.  Do not make this mistake again.  Have the update ready before you start the hype.  Period.  Otherwise, it's all for not.  The enragement will not end due to this post, but I want to be 100% sure you understand my meaning. Do. Not. Do. This. Again.  One mistake is all it should take.  You took your loyal playerbase, hyped them up to hell, and then didn't deliver, and although it was for a legitimate reason, you waited until the LAST SECOND to tell us this.  Tell us publicly, swallow your pride, and never do this again.  You have no idea how loyal your playerbase is, and we will forgive you this time, but if the same thing happens with Update 14, you're going to lose a lot of paying customers.  I've played for a year and this whole S#&$storm has enraged me almost to the point of leaving.  I've waited for the new content for so long, it's not even funny.  If you needed more time to get it right, then you should have told us.  NOT let us just freak out over it.

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For the majority of you who are taking your anger out on the DE, please do realise that they are probably trying to get U13 done as fast as possible. I believe they didn't wanted to delay this either....

We are all hyped for the new update, I am hyped for the new updated as well, I am as disappointed as most of you on the forums now. Nevertheless I don't think we should react that way.

Another thing is about the apology alert, most of you are complaining that is it not enough. What is enough then? Release an unpolished update to be flamed once again? Think about it in a more collected manner, do you wish to see that happening? I am sure you don't, correct? Unless you do then I've got nothing to say.

"Don't expect, it's better to be surprised than disappointed." I guess this quotes really fit in now for the majority of you.

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Im away for this week so i don't really mind the delay, but id rather wait a week more and get a finished melee2.0 than a buggy release today. And please dont complain that the alerts aren't eneough, that's 60 plat worth of stuff you greedy a$$es

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To all the DE's viewing this thread... we wouldn't be this mad if we didn't love you all and the game you have created so much... remember that.That being said do-not-feed-the-trolls.jpg from here on out k? It would have been a better idea to do the original countdown next week not a week before the week. (if that is even the case cuz I still think you guys are trolling hard right now)

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