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The Grineer Systems Transmission And U13 Hype Megathread


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Seriously DE, you are some of the nicest devs I know, if not the nicest, but you SUCK at crisis management. Seriously, hire a professional, because this is hurting you big time.

I can get that there was a huge problem shortly before the last teaser reveal, maybe less than an hour. I dunno, maybe Steve's computer spontaneously burst into flames, or the Stalker formated Scott's hard drive, stole the backup, and left some rule34 of himself on Rebecca's desktop before teleporting away. I can picture the emergency meeting, and the moment you decide that there's no way you can roll out the update today, you need more time.

And at this instant, NO ONE went and told "we need to tell the community immediatly"? Like "Rebecca, log on and tell everyone what happens and why U13 is not going out today, NOW"? You know, the sensible solution.

But noooooooooooooooooooooo, you slapped together another countdown, put it with the last teaser that went out at noon (local time), you posted an ambiguous message about the devstream, and only an hour after the last teaser reveal we have a confirmation that U13 is delayed.

At which point the already boiling forums understandably go ballistic, and you react in the worst possible way: you bunker up and shoot down everything that looks remotely hostile.


Yeah, you planned to make an explanation and public excuse, that's great.


After letting the community rage and simmer for three consecutive days.


That's utterly unprofessionnal. Everything you're planning to say in that livestream should be on this forum three hours ago, not bloody friday.



I'd play the F*** out of this. It would be funny.

 For a while anyway. Until the hotfix.


I can agree with DE needing to actually tell us what's the deal. The bonus countdown was the wrong way to go.


We're not afraid of the technical details DE. Just let us know what went wrong.

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I can get that there was a huge problem shortly before the last teaser reveal, maybe less than an hour.

I can picture the emergency meeting, and the moment you decide that there's no way you can roll out the update today, you need more time.

And at this instant, NO ONE went and told "we need to tell the community immediatly"? Like "Rebecca, log on and tell everyone what happens and why U13 is not going out today, NOW"? You know, the sensible solution.


But noooooooooooooooooooooo, you slapped together another countdown, put it with the last teaser that went out at noon (local time), you posted an ambiguous message about the devstream, and only an hour after the last teaser reveal we have a confirmation that U13 is delayed.





All of my yes.

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I just want to know what went wrong

Yeah D.E. , what is going on? A simple explanation will perhaps calm down all the remaining ragers and clarify the situation for those who think that it probably is a big coding mistake.

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Or if they explained what happened, and why it was delayed.

This. I ain't even mad, just disappointed. But the biggest disappointment is that they are going to wait until Friday to explain why. Why the last minute delay of a week, what happened? Why do we have to wait a couple days to hear why? Even if it is just "we were not ready like we though we were" or something simple like that would be better then having to wait until Friday.

Edited by HandsOfnArtist
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even if it was a big coding mistake how could it be that big that it would take a week

Noooo idea bro, maybe a database error that could bring everyone to an unranked excalibur with his mk1-braton,his bolto & skana?...


Which is why an explanation is widely welcome....

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so is Adam, darryl, and gefu.


my bet is they found a potentially game-breaking mechanic they wanted squished before it went live.


something Anime-esque. Like swinging a weapon and rendering the remaining portion of a map untraversable. or doing more damage in a 5 hit combo than the Soma can with a full magazine.

Or the stalker chain-pwning his way through a cell.


lord knows what it could possibly be.... all because one letter in a random line (out of potentially 1000 lines of code) wasnt capitalized



Agreed with for sure..

Edited by Regius-Knight
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*Asks question*

*Gets this*


They still have better communication than most companies.

100% I have never played a game where the devs communicate THIS MUCH... and I mean THIS is a lot... At least we know someone is alive in DE every week.

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When the hell do updates ever launch this early anyways...


Actually the update for today is delayed because of a major screw up DE did at the last minute.


So update next wednesday.

There is still an update for today. Please don't invent facts to get people even more riled up.

Edited by Dominus_Tenno
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