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Toning Down Soma


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Boondorl, you have a point, the SOMA is ridiculously strong, I've been many times in situations with rusher noobs with SOMAs, and they simply destroyed everything before I could land a shot from my KARAK(wich is funny how bad it is at endgame, altough it's damage is way higher than SOMA's... it needs a buff), these people ruin your fun, and SOma doesn't even has recoil!!! DE could reduce its accuracy and crit chance just a bot more(accuracy needs a GOOOOOD nerf, based on its fire rate).

Sorry for any typos, my mother languege is not English

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Is everyone just blatantly stupid or does everyone have to purposely ignore why certain weapons may need to be nerfed. Replying with, "Then just don't use it then." how the hell is that advice? The problem is that if you have such a powerful weapon then there's no point in using other weapons.


Put it like this, the game has heavy customization and yet there is a weapon that outclasses everything else.

This makes people wonder why they should bother spending time with other guns and it means that pretty much every *new* weapon will be untouched when it comes out because it's "no soma". If DE really want us to spend plat then they should be encouraging a wise variety of things for us to enjoy and keep the game interesting. Or you have people who have plat and say to themself, "Oh look, a new weapon...but is it better than the soma?" Ans: Probably not. The person then sees no point in paying for new weapon slots or the risk of deleting a good weapon for a worse one. 


I know that the boltor prime is just out and is better than the soma in terms of damage but suffers on other things. I don't really know how to combat this but instead of making most weapons all have the same damage, just have them with better and more noticeable benefit to them. Like how about a rocket weapon that does 1/4 the damage of the ogris but it seeks out targets, a bit like what the jetpack grineer has. I could see people using that rocket over the ogris from that advantage. 


Anyway, this is kinda how I feel about new weapons, when they come out i'm always skeptical of using them from day 1. I'd really like to see a greater variety of weapons from different people. 


The best idea I can come up with is weapons having an additional level and they get upgraded based on your mastery rank so you get new perks for every new mastery rank or the weapon gets an upgrade when you reach 4 stages in your mastery rank.

For example: Skana has 4 mastery rank perks to gain.

Reach mastery rank 1 - perk: Increased damage on first strike.

Reach mastery rank 3 - perk: 3 consecutive hits on an enemy initates a combo move which deals 2x damage.

Reach mastery rank 5 - perk: Skana can disarm weak enemies. Each disarmed enemy boosts the weapon's attack rate by 0.5x 

Reach mastery rank 8 - perk: Skana can disable weak enemies, once disabled, they can be decapitated granting an instant kill.


If you did this for the majority or all the weapons in a big update it could be an awesome update and people could use weapons that they actually want to use or experiment with others. I can see people saying in the future, "the soma is amazing, why would you use the braton?", "well I use the braton because ive reached the 4th mastery rank perk for it because im mastery rank 7. I have only unlocked the soma now but my braton can now let me do (x). Can your soma do (x)? Didn't think so."

Edited by (PS4)Bigfsi
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Is everyone just blatantly stupid or does everyone have to purposely ignore why certain weapons may need to be nerfed. Replying with, "Then just don't use it then." how the hell is that advice? The problem is that if you have such a powerful weapon then there's no point in using other weapons.


Put it like this, the game has heavy customization and yet there is a weapon that outclasses everything else.

This makes people wonder why they should bother spending time with other guns and it means that pretty much every *new* weapon will be untouched when it comes out because it's "no soma". If DE really want us to spend plat then they should be encouraging a wise variety of things for us to enjoy and keep the game interesting. Or you have people who have plat and say to themself, "Oh look, a new weapon...but is it better than the soma?" Ans: Probably not. The person then sees no point in paying for new weapon slots or the risk of deleting a good weapon for a worse one. 


I know that the boltor prime is just out and is better than the soma in terms of damage but suffers on other things. I don't really know how to combat this but instead of making most weapons all have the same damage, just have them with better and more noticeable benefit to them. Like how about a rocket weapon that does 1/4 the damage of the ogris but it seeks out targets, a bit like what the jetpack grineer has. I could see people using that rocket over the ogris from that advantage. 


Anyway, this is kinda how I feel about new weapons, when they come out i'm always skeptical of using them from day 1. I'd really like to see a greater variety of weapons from different people. 


The best idea I can come up with is weapons having an additional level and they get upgraded based on your mastery rank so you get new perks for every new mastery rank or the weapon gets an upgrade when you reach 4 stages in your mastery rank.

For example: Skana has 4 mastery rank perks to gain.

Reach mastery rank 1 - perk: Increased damage on first strike.

Reach mastery rank 3 - perk: 3 consecutive hits on an enemy initates a combo move which deals 2x damage.

Reach mastery rank 5 - perk: Skana can disarm weak enemies. Each disarmed enemy boosts the weapon's attack rate by 0.5x 

Reach mastery rank 8 - perk: Skana can disable weak enemies, once disabled, they can be decapitated granting an instant kill.


If you did this for the majority or all the weapons in a big update it could be an awesome update and people could use weapons that they actually want to use or experiment with others. I can see people saying in the future, "the soma is amazing, why would you use the braton?", "well I use the braton because ive reached the 4th mastery rank perk for it because im mastery rank 7. I have only unlocked the soma now but my braton can now let me do (x). Can your soma do (x)? Didn't think so."

I think I'm going to move this idea to a new topic so people can thoroughly about that idea for future updates.

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Let's get this out of the way now. Yes, I know DE said they wouldn't change the Soma. No, I don't care. They've changed their mind before, and this gun is in dire need of rebalancing.


I'm sure by now we all know the Soma is OP. However, I'd like to offer some actual feedback on how to tweak the Soma without nerfing it into the ground.


A straight up base damage nerf is not needed. This thing does 10 damage per shot. That's more than low enough. However, its real problems lie in its crit damage multiplier and magazine size. I'm not sure why they chose to make this thing an LMG, but it definitely shouldn't be. So, how do we change the Soma without destroying it?


First, the magazine size should be reduced to 50. This thing definitely doesn't need 100 shots. 50 is more than enough.


As a result, the wind up time should be removed making it act like a regular AR, and the reload speed should be decreased to 2.4s instead of 3s.


The accuracy isn't so much of a problem. What it could use, however, is some more recoil. Grakata has the same accuracy as any other AR (aside from Boltor), but is more weighed down by recoil. This promotes bursting for longer ranges and keeps the spammability up close. Soma should act in a similar way, and the lack of wind up time would make bursting doable.


Crit damage is an entirely different beast. Currently, 3.0 is way too high for this gun. That just makes it scale outrageously well, too well in my opinion. However, I think anything beyond 2.0 is simply too high for any weapon that's not a sniper or bow. I think Soma's crit damage should be brought down to 2.0, but I also think Latron Prime's should as well. Regular, non-crit rifles should get a 1.5x modifier, crit rifles should get a 2.0x modifier, and bows and snipers should get a 2.5x modifier. Regardless of whether that's changed or not, Soma still needs to be brought down to something like 2.0.


Maybe give a slight base damage buff to compensate. Something like 15 instead of 10. That way it still does the same damage when critting at base, it just won't scale so outrageously well.


Soma needs to see some changes. It's simply not a justifiable MR6 store-bought weapon. It's more like a MR12 clantech weapon at this point.

So ... you want a toned down soma?

Go use a braton prime problem solved

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Is everyone just blatantly stupid or does everyone have to purposely ignore why certain weapons may need to be nerfed. Replying with, "Then just don't use it then." how the hell is that advice? The problem is that if you have such a powerful weapon then there's no point in using other weapons.


Put it like this, the game has heavy customization and yet there is a weapon that outclasses everything else.

But only up to a certain level. Which is the where the problem lies, as I said above. The Soma is @(*()$ fantastic for lower to medium levels, and indeed OP for that content. You just sweep and kill instantly, with no real thought. After a certain point where mobs have scaled up, it's just one of many viable guns, and has a drawback in that it suffers from ammo inefficiency issues. When higher level mobs are the norm, the Soma could potentially be perfectly balanced. It depends on what sort of level range DE decides to release their new content at.


I would wait until DE releases their T4/Badlands/Faction stuff before calling for a serious rebalancing of weapons, since that content is "supposed" to be their real end game. And even then, DE would do well to do a good balancing of the mod and enemy scaling system first as well.

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Is everyone just blatantly stupid or does everyone have to purposely ignore why certain weapons may need to be nerfed. Replying with, "Then just don't use it then." how the hell is that advice? The problem is that if you have such a powerful weapon then there's no point in using other weapons.

Except there are a bunch of other equally powerful weapons.  And so there is a point to using other ones.  Heck, most people use Boltor Prime these days, not Soma.  And before Accelerated Blast got "fixed", Phage was what people were packing, and even now that it has been fixed, you still run across plenty of Phages.  So the whole "no point to using other weapons" doesn't fly anymore than "just don't use broken stuff".


And again, as multiple people have pointed out, the problem isn't the weapons.  It's the mod system and how much it scales up damage.  It means you can't make a weapon that is fun to use at rank 0 and not overpowered at rank 30 with Catalyst and formas.  For that matter, the damage gap between rank 30 with and without Catalyst is nuts.  It has painted DE into a corner when it comes to weapon design.


And that's why that needs to get fixed.  Well, that and the extra damage for critical headshots.

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Unfortunately, I don't think we'll be seeing a mod fix from DE any time soon.


What I'd like to see is an actual roadmap that DE can use to change and fix ideas. A roadmap that everyone has access to, and the ability to upvote or downvote ideas, similar to Planetside 2. However, unlike Planetside 2, I'd like to see this one actually be used for feedback.

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Except there are a bunch of other equally powerful weapons.  And so there is a point to using other ones.  Heck, most people use Boltor Prime these days, not Soma.  And before Accelerated Blast got "fixed", Phage was what people were packing, and even now that it has been fixed, you still run across plenty of Phages.  So the whole "no point to using other weapons" doesn't fly anymore than "just don't use broken stuff".


And again, as multiple people have pointed out, the problem isn't the weapons.  It's the mod system and how much it scales up damage.  It means you can't make a weapon that is fun to use at rank 0 and not overpowered at rank 30 with Catalyst and formas.  For that matter, the damage gap between rank 30 with and without Catalyst is nuts.  It has painted DE into a corner when it comes to weapon design.


And that's why that needs to get fixed.  Well, that and the extra damage for critical headshots.

I did say about the boltor prime but in general the majority of weapons aren't really used at all and there's a lot of new weapons like the karak that don't compete with others. The problem is that instead of patching so they all have the same damage or something better in stats, each weapon should have unique benefits to it and I think the skana example was a good start. Sure i could use another melee weapon but the skana is a classic and the 4th mastery rank making me decapitate their head off? Well thats just badass.

Thats the sort of thing I can see happening so people don't pick weapons based on their damage output, they may consider other weapons for their uniqueness or "wow" factor. Like there are weapons out there that I would like to use but I'm just never going to touch them since they are outclassed. If they had a "wow" factor or had perks that are actually useful, I'd use them.

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I did say about the boltor prime but in general the majority of weapons aren't really used at all and there's a lot of new weapons like the karak that don't compete with others. The problem is that instead of patching so they all have the same damage or something better in stats, each weapon should have unique benefits to it and I think the skana example was a good start. Sure i could use another melee weapon but the skana is a classic and the 4th mastery rank making me decapitate their head off? Well thats just badass.

Thats the sort of thing I can see happening so people don't pick weapons based on their damage output, they may consider other weapons for their uniqueness or "wow" factor. Like there are weapons out there that I would like to use but I'm just never going to touch them since they are outclassed. If they had a "wow" factor or had perks that are actually useful, I'd use them.

Well, I don't think they all should have the same stats.  If that happened, people would get a bit bored.  Plus there's the whole Mastery level thing, which is a silly form of progression, so that needs to be accounted for as well.  Even if it is poorly and inconsistently applied.  It is another thing they need to go back to and nail down, laying the ground rules for how much damage each tier should be able to do, how AoE should compare to single target, slow firing weapons to fast firing ones, etc.  There should be tiers of weapons though, with variety in them.


It would be cool to have some way to level up the Skana.  It is supposed to be the Tenno sword after all, so it doesn't really make much sense for it to just be a newbie weapon.  Maybe with the focus system or something?  Some sort of Mastery Rank capped way to increase its base stats...

Edited by Axterix13
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Soma's not too bad, honestly. The issue isn't in the base damage of the weapon, but in the absurd damage bonuses provided by mods.


A well-modded MK1-Braton can hold its own against a well-modded Soma just fine in T3 Defenses and the like. Both, however, trivialize all other game content, and that is the real issue here.


The Soma is a bit overkill for fighting mid-level enemies and below, but so are most of the top tier weapons.


dude, the soma is for people that like strong weapons, yes it is op, but if you got a prob with with it then use a diffrent gun, i always want a challenge so although i am not a fan of the soma i dont think it should be nerfed, people that like that sort of Opness, so let them be


This argument is just going to make him want to argue the point more, as he's continued to do so after your reply. Regardless, telling someone not to use a good weapon is a poor excuse for arguing it's fine. Though I feel the Soma is in an okay spot right now.


1) "If you don't like it don't use it."


I don't use it. What does this have to do with balance? If this is your logic, then no one is allowed to complain about Nova or Rhino anymore. If you don't like them, simply don't use them.


2) "But it's not OP!"


Yes, yes it is. Level 40 is this game's rough cap. The only time enemies of higher level show up is in long defense and survival, which DE said they do not balance for. If that's the case, why does this gun exist? It absolutely destroys everything at level 40 still. If DE is balancing around this level as the end game, why did they already release a weapon that destroys it?


3) "But Mk1 is good with formas!"


a) No, it's not.


b) What does the power of Braton have to do with Soma being OP? These two are completely unrelated. Don't derail the topic.


Also, oh boy! They lowered crit chance! 30% instead of 35%! It's completely 100% balanced now! Except for the fact it still has a 74.5% crit chance with a max Point Strike. That 3.0x damage multiplier needs to go if they're giving a gun that high of crit chance.


Honestly man, while I agree, it is overkill for lvl 40 enemies, it does really fall in line with other weapons when we get to the lvl60+ enemies. No longer the strongest gun then, instead we have the Burston Prime, Boltor Prime, Paris Prime, Latron Prime, Lanka, Ogris, I could go on. The Soma really isn't the best thing in this game, it's a solid all-rounder weapon to carry with ya everywhere when your other weapons are recently forma'd and you need something reliable for a high level alert or something. 


Sure it's main draw back is ammo which is easily overcome and you can rightfully argue that its accuracy without Heavy Caliber is a bit much, but at the end of the day not only will you rarely need that kind of range in the current tile-sets, the other top tier weapons that surpass it in damage will do so in spades. 


It's been so long now, I just don't see the problem with this weapon. When modded well, it does excellent, yet other harder to get weapons do much better. 


Why can't we leave it at that?


At most I wouldn't mind if they took down its accuracy a bit, but really, I don't see the need to.

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  • 2 months later...
A straight up base damage nerf is not needed. This thing does 10 damage per shot. That's more than low enough. However, its real problems lie in its crit damage multiplier and magazine size. I'm not sure why they chose to make this thing an LMG, but it definitely shouldn't be. So, how do we change the Soma without destroying it?


First, the magazine size should be reduced to 50. This thing definitely doesn't need 100 shots. 50 is more than enough.


As a result, the wind up time should be removed making it act like a regular AR, and the reload speed should be decreased to 2.4s instead of 3s.


The accuracy isn't so much of a problem. What it could use, however, is some more recoil. Grakata has the same accuracy as any other AR (aside from Boltor), but is more weighed down by recoil. This promotes bursting for longer ranges and keeps the spammability up close. Soma should act in a similar way, and the lack of wind up time would make bursting doable.


Crit damage is an entirely different beast. Currently, 3.0 is way too high for this gun. That just makes it scale outrageously well, too well in my opinion. However, I think anything beyond 2.0 is simply too high for any weapon that's not a sniper or bow.


So, a crit of 3.0 is too high, but if it were a sniper or bow, that would be ok? Hypocrite.

Weapons can have stats as they want. There is no logic behind it.


The Soma has a clip of 100 and max Ammo of 540, right?

Reload 5 times aaaand its empty, so it has very poor ammo economy.

Changing the reload time from 3.0 to 2.4 would actually BUFF the Soma, so hey why not? Do it, so I can fire more Crits!


The Soma has a spin-up. After 8 Shots, it will reach its maximum - firing only 42 bullets by 15/sec after your glorious nerf.

In other words, you'd have to reload 3 every seconds for 2.4 seconds, lol.

While right now, the full potential of 92 bullets and 6 seconds by 3 second reload apply.


DE has their reasons, why the Soma is how it is now, it was nerfed already, so quit your complaints.

People use either the Penta or Ogris to deal WAY more DMG (including AoE), are you planning to complain about that, too?


Warframe is Warframe and not Call of Duty, where every weapon is horribly imbalanced. (Knife beats AK47, lol)

Warframe is not a game, where you can tell others what weapon they have to use, only because you don't like their choice of weapons.


IF DE would make an enemy, where only crit DMG would hurt it, this topic wouldn't exist.

You'd be glad, the Soma existed.




1) "If you don't like it don't use it."


I don't use it. What does this have to do with balance?


You should use it then.


Each person has different taste or in fact different views of "balance".

Consider things "as-is" not "they-should-be".



3) "But Mk1 is good with formas!"


a) No, it's not.


b) What does the power of Braton have to do with Soma being OP? These two are completely unrelated. Don't derail the topic.


a) Did you even try?

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i can't really understand why people always keep picking on the soma when there are a lot of weapons that outshine it extremely badly, actually soma doesn't even come very close to stuff like dread/paris prime,  amprex/synapse or  latron prime, so people should stop complaining just becouse it's good and it's relatively cheap compared to other good crit weapons

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i can't really understand why people always keep picking on the soma when there are a lot of weapons that outshine it extremely badly, actually soma doesn't even come very close to stuff like dread/paris prime,  amprex/synapse or  latron prime, so people should stop complaining just becouse it's good and it's relatively cheap compared to other good crit weapons




The Soma hasn't been the biggest fish in the sea for a while.

And it's certainly not the only easy-to-aquire viable option anymore.

It's now a barracuda in a world of sharks.



The only thing that needs 'toning down' on the Soma is it's sound.

That thing is friggin' deafening. When I can hear a gun from 5+ rooms over, it's TOO DAMN LOUD.

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For the record, it can. People blowing up entire maps before you can land a single bullet is not fun in any way.


That said, though, I repeat: it's more a problem with mods than base stats of individual weapons.


The ENTIRE point of this game is to blow up entire maps. If I am doing it faster then you, it's not my problem, and obviously your problem is that you are not optimized for blowing up entire maps, but are gimping yourself in order to balance out what your definition of "fun" is.


Apparently you are having less fun with random groups that use say, Rhino's with Soma's. I would strongly suggest you create private sessions and only invite friends.


Do I think this game is too easy when you start min-maxing mods and Forma'ing guns? Sure. Do I want it changed? Hell no.


What I do want is to have new content added that allows us to get challenges in other ways other then use simple brute force DPS on mobs that run straight at our guns.


When I ran LAN parties at the computer stores I managed, I used to use cool combinations of UT mutators on certain maps to make them new and interesting. I had "Speed Assault" which was the submarine map but with Low Gravity and only 3 guns allowed, and had "Speed Stealth Instagib", which I'm sure you can figure out on your own.


"Balance" does not just mean nerfing damage to fit the current situations, it also means creating scenarios that make extra damage irrelevant, and put more focus on how players adapt to the battlefield.

Edited by DSpite
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Let's get this out of the way now. Yes, I know DE said they wouldn't change the Soma. No, I don't care. They've changed their mind before, and this gun is in dire need of rebalancing.


I'm sure by now we all know the Soma is OP. However, I'd like to offer some actual feedback on how to tweak the Soma without nerfing it into the ground.


A straight up base damage nerf is not needed. This thing does 10 damage per shot. That's more than low enough. However, its real problems lie in its crit damage multiplier and magazine size. I'm not sure why they chose to make this thing an LMG, but it definitely shouldn't be. So, how do we change the Soma without destroying it?


First, the magazine size should be reduced to 50. This thing definitely doesn't need 100 shots. 50 is more than enough.


As a result, the wind up time should be removed making it act like a regular AR, and the reload speed should be decreased to 2.4s instead of 3s.


The accuracy isn't so much of a problem. What it could use, however, is some more recoil. Grakata has the same accuracy as any other AR (aside from Boltor), but is more weighed down by recoil. This promotes bursting for longer ranges and keeps the spammability up close. Soma should act in a similar way, and the lack of wind up time would make bursting doable.


Crit damage is an entirely different beast. Currently, 3.0 is way too high for this gun. That just makes it scale outrageously well, too well in my opinion. However, I think anything beyond 2.0 is simply too high for any weapon that's not a sniper or bow. I think Soma's crit damage should be brought down to 2.0, but I also think Latron Prime's should as well. Regular, non-crit rifles should get a 1.5x modifier, crit rifles should get a 2.0x modifier, and bows and snipers should get a 2.5x modifier. Regardless of whether that's changed or not, Soma still needs to be brought down to something like 2.0.


Maybe give a slight base damage buff to compensate. Something like 15 instead of 10. That way it still does the same damage when critting at base, it just won't scale so outrageously well.


Soma needs to see some changes. It's simply not a justifiable MR6 store-bought weapon. It's more like a MR12 clantech weapon at this point.


What you asking about is to make a new crit riffle.


The design of a weapon is not only its skin, it is also its way of function. Soma is not OP, in this game there are tiers of weapons to bring when you going in a mission. Soma and boltor prime are the go to riffles in T4 missions because you won´t stand a chance in the 40 minutes with a regular boltor and if you could the costs of ammo and time to kill enemies won´t be worth to keep you runing.

Just keep in mind that it is a weapon designed for that job, it´s not OP when you are in the minute 35 survival surrounded of enemies, soma won´t save you without your warframe abilities and the brain to know how to sinergize with your Gear.


Of course top tier weapons look OP when you bring them to regular- low level missions, what you have to do, if you like it of course, it´s changing your gear depending on the mission type and level. This game encourages you to do that, but lot´s of players take the same gear to every mission and don´t work more kinds of builds and combinations.

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You people want a nerf because you use low level weapons at end game. You have no fun because someone in your team is faster /better.

These arguments are not enough.

Besides weapons stronger than soma are available.

Gear up!

Totally agree¡¡

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I think I have a solution that can satisfy both pro- and anti- balance people.


Step 1: Balance all the weapons in a reasonable way - yes, that does include nerfing a few weapons which are flat out better than the other prime weapons.


Step 2: Introduce a new gun, let's call it The Prime Prime.  It has a million bullets in the clip, does infinte damage, and kills every enemy in the whole mission every time you fire it.  It's MR 0, so everyone can use it, and it cost 1 credit in the market, so no whining about "only clan people can get it", or "I have to grind for it".  That way, anyone who wants to sit for 2 hours doing a T3-4 Survival can still do so, and the rest of us can have balance.

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Let's get this out of the way now. Yes, I know DE said they wouldn't change the Soma. No, I don't care. They've changed their mind before, and this gun is in dire need of rebalancing.


I'm sure by now we all know the Soma is OP. However, I'd like to offer some actual feedback on how to tweak the Soma without nerfing it into the ground.


A straight up base damage nerf is not needed. This thing does 10 damage per shot. That's more than low enough. However, its real problems lie in its crit damage multiplier and magazine size. I'm not sure why they chose to make this thing an LMG, but it definitely shouldn't be. So, how do we change the Soma without destroying it?


First, the magazine size should be reduced to 50. This thing definitely doesn't need 100 shots. 50 is more than enough.


As a result, the wind up time should be removed making it act like a regular AR, and the reload speed should be decreased to 2.4s instead of 3s.


The accuracy isn't so much of a problem. What it could use, however, is some more recoil. Grakata has the same accuracy as any other AR (aside from Boltor), but is more weighed down by recoil. This promotes bursting for longer ranges and keeps the spammability up close. Soma should act in a similar way, and the lack of wind up time would make bursting doable.


Crit damage is an entirely different beast. Currently, 3.0 is way too high for this gun. That just makes it scale outrageously well, too well in my opinion. However, I think anything beyond 2.0 is simply too high for any weapon that's not a sniper or bow. I think Soma's crit damage should be brought down to 2.0, but I also think Latron Prime's should as well. Regular, non-crit rifles should get a 1.5x modifier, crit rifles should get a 2.0x modifier, and bows and snipers should get a 2.5x modifier. Regardless of whether that's changed or not, Soma still needs to be brought down to something like 2.0.


Maybe give a slight base damage buff to compensate. Something like 15 instead of 10. That way it still does the same damage when critting at base, it just won't scale so outrageously well.


Soma needs to see some changes. It's simply not a justifiable MR6 store-bought weapon. It's more like a MR12 clantech weapon at this point.

This gun don't need a nerf. If it is nerfed it will join the collection of broken weapons that was nerfed in warframe. Ex Gorgon. Need I say more.

Edited by OrphanMaker
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