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Coming Soon: Devstream #26


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Hope mate in the next few updates they will add this better customization option at least change parts and costume-s. But i think while they get enough money from cosmetic they won't change anything. Also we need a gender swap option to double our frame park and every player can play as either gender what they want. Less stress more options and better popularity.

They said they will never do a gender swap option.

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No. It clearly states 'tune in Friday to get a preview/commentary on all things Update 13'. 


Pretty clear. 

Yea, but if they're gonna be playing it doesnt it need to be out? They always go over and play the new update on the stream

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In relation to Endgame content, you mentioned in the previous livestream that you wanted to introduce T4 keys. Do you have any specific plans for them that would make them distinct from other tower keys? Plans such as Orokin Bosses (HINT: Gold Dragon!), or would they simply include higher level mobs and different prime rewards?

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4) Endgame Projects  FTW!... also i wish to se esomething CHALANGING(and rewarding or people just skip like high wave runs) where u can start straight without running  to point a then to point b then to point c etc, boring, not chalanging , everyone rushing through anyway.

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1) How do you intend to manage the removal of helmets with stats? 

Will we be able to e.g. use Forma to switch between 3 slightly different stats of a warframe, or just give the early adopters who built the helmets an advantage? If you remove the helmet stats from everyone, what kind of compensation can we expect?


2) How about territory control on clan vs. clan? I don't appreciate the idea of smaller clans having to ally with larger clans to stand a chance. I think that there should be territories for each clan size, and alliances may give an edge on territory battles, but larger clans shouldn't trample everyone else. 

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QUESTION!!! Actually, two. Two Questions.


1)Would there be more stances in the future? I don't mind when because there are now other stuffs you have to do after U13. Just wanna know if there will be more stances if the number of it right now can just be counted by hands.


2)Would there be likely a unique stance for certain melee weapons like Bo, Orthos and Jat Kittag. I think they can have different, unique-to-one-weapon stance.

Something like Stug's goo shot, Drakgoon's adjustable spread, Ignis itself, and Penta's grenades... all other weapons just shoot bullets if not nails or knives.

Edited by faustias
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Lame, an implicit countdown to a explicit countdown. A countdown for a countdown. I'm of two minds of this,


1) If they need more time they should take more time. Do not rush something out that is not ready.


2) Do not tease something coming out especially with a countdown unless you are really to intend to release. The longer DE delays the higher the expectations players will have for Melee 2.0 since DE has taken more time to polish it right?


DE kind of shot itself in the foot. Especially now, when the community is in high moral we seem to have railed together for that MMO voting contest. I wonder how this snafu will impact the voting for the title for best f2P indie.

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Since melee 2.0. is on the way I was wondering if any of the devs thought of having certain moves that tie in with the warframes using their abilities? Something like ash having a skana equipped and using his teleport ability to teleport to an enemy and do a ninja gaiden ryu haybusa izuna drop on the enemy.

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Well, I'm disappointed by this latest revelation. But, eh... Not much I can do.

However, I do have a question that it'd be nice to have an answer to:

Specifically, when are we getting more lore in the codex? There's a lot of warframes, weapons, enemies, and even terrain pieces that could use fleshing out there, but which have languished pretty much since the codex was introduced. I really liked Ember, Excal, and Stalker's entry, and I suspect I'll like the G3 entry when I've scanned them, but that's pretty much it.

Also, speaking of lore in the codex, is there any chance we'll get the original basic faction lore entries from the original codex implementation back? Those really helped give new players a sense of the factional flavors. Seeing the grineer oppressing people, the corpus with that huge robotic army of moas, accompanied with the text...

Edited by Cpl_Facehugger
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This whole situation is like saying that you'll babysit for someone, and telling them you'll have their kids in bed by 8 PM. But then when the parents come home, the kids are having a caffeine/sugar rush and won't sit down for more than half of a second.

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Question 1:Back in Damage 1.0 Fragor,Bo Amphis made grineer fly like pigeons will you bring this fun feauture back?

Question 2:Are we going to have awesome cut scenes of us entering the levell?rather than us kicking an Grate and landing?do you have anything to show?

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A way to play with your player base nerves, not the most clever thing to do, even on April... I'm bored with these little games, I'll be back next week, or will there be another countdown ?

Edited by kebra
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How about the brouhaha on prime warframe stats? Rhino has a permanent stat buff (speed). Polarities are not endgame advantages, any warframe can be polarized to a final polarization state. Players want to either give all primes stat buffs, or remove them from all primes.


Personally, I think that Primes should have slight buffs (not only polarities)

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