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Coming Soon: Devstream #26


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With the edition of melee 2.0, can we expect there to be more melee types or more melee weapons with unique properties?

Also, was really looking forward to the Update, but the reasons for the delay are perfectly understandable and logical. Great work DE and hopefully when the Update drops it won't be riddled with too many bugs.

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Urm... I don't think I said "This needs to see them in a casual outfit is not impossible needs and something cosmetic not. The problem is they or not want or not have rescources to do this and they say to every suggestation a fast no. Always they say because of lore and not fit to their ideas in my reads is *- they just not want to work on it. This is lies because of free to play payment metholds they can earn more money than monthly subcriptions so they could be enough materials to hire new workers to make more complex and help at design and coding. So your needs is real don't worry about it."

I think you may of accidentally typed that in my quote box.

now, to responding to it.

well... when I thought of a casual outfit I thought something similar to the prisoner outfit, just a little more things. It's a future culture, maybe they just like full body suits *Shrugs*

Also they make warframes and their extensive cosmetics, isn't not impossible to make a basic down-time suit and give us cosmetic options over them.


Yes badly not see the line in the side lane that's why i typed wrongly. I mean with customization more than skins. If they want those skins then they should make pack for 50-100 plat and contain 5-8 different skin like tiger, zebra, hides, different combinations. 


For me the best would be in costumization if i can change the height/weight, can change the main parts and of course have different parts for each frame. Then they can be more unique.

The casual outfit is mainly the prisoners outfit and combinations but they afraid to show how we tennos look. 


Ps. Sorry if i made some grammar mistakes i am just tired.

Edited by Sziklamester
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With regards to the new equipment, it looks like there's going to be a crossbow involved. Given that the new frame is water-related, have the devs considered the possibility of a harpoon gun as a bow-style weapon? It seems appropriate for the 'old man of the sea' image that the frame seems to have in the preview image and I'd personally find it hilarious to yank people towards me with a speargun.

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Yes badly not see the line in the side lane that's why i typed wrongly. I mean with customization more than skins. If they want those skins then they should make pack for 50-100 plat and contain 5-8 different skin like tiger, zebra, hides, different combinations. 


For me the best would be in costumization if i can change the height/weight, can change the main parts and of course have different parts for each frame. Then they can be more unique.

The casual outfit is mainly the prisoners outfit and combinations but they afraid to show how we tennos look. 


Ps. Sorry if i made some grammar mistakes i am just tired.

Well yeah, for the casual wear there would be skins and it'd be an easy way to make money, yes.

Oh, that'd be nice, changing the physical tenno within the suits (to a limit I'd imagine).

Unfortunately that would mean that the Warframes would need genders because it'd be odd for the Tenno to be male and wearing Ember gear.

I don't need to see any skin from the Tenno's side, or even their faces, it's not necessary honestly. Maybe a cool facemask like thing would be nice.


It's alright.

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I guess this developer livestream was set up emergency style because of our little community. I mean I am applausing that you do it and it takes a lot of courage to do so, but I can not help but to think why this is. Anyways, my question or should I say, request would be to ask that what you learned from this? What would you have done differently if you would have known all you know now.

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The devs need a notebook to make notes about how many times they failed because of poor communication. Well if i earn a little more money i swear i will buy to them a notebook.


They need learn better or just say wait. That's almost enough and they can solve some problems. Now they just can give circus and bread with potato events which is broken. This is a real fail but this made me smile.

Edited by Sziklamester
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In regards to the End Game,


Will we see improved cut-scenes for bosses?


Also, in regards to the Tenno ship and the dojo...


   - Will the dojo replace the tenno ship when joining/creating a clan? or will you still be traveling between them? Will the Tenno ship have a docking tilset in the dojo? 


   - With the Tenno ship replacing the star chart, how will this change the transition to mission nodes? will we see the ship fly to a planet then into a select node? Details please.



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Why are you hyping the update even MORE!?

You already know and expressed that such actions are self-destructive to yourselves... Hyping the update in this fashion also is a strong demerit in my opinion due to the premature release of teasers before a Wednesday. Should have waited longer before releasing it to a playerbase that has been teased and starved of an update that they have wanted.

All in all, the timing of this preview is in plain bad taste, and has hit the point where it cannot be made up in a proper fashion (even if the release of the 48hour alerts were to compensate for this bad decision, I am not pleased).


Let me give you an analogy to what you have done to us in my own words: Pavlov's dog experiment.

Pavlov rings a bell, then feeds the dog meat powder. The dog salivates in response. This is repeated for a week.

Following that, Pavlov rings the bell one more time. The dog salivates, but Pavlov gives him nothing. The dog has been abused for science and betrayed by Pavlov.


Replace the following words:




Meat Powder>Update

Salivates>Gets hyped up



The rest speaks for itself.

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Why are you hyping the update even MORE!?

You already know and expressed that such actions are self-destructive to yourselves... Hyping the update in this fashion also is a strong demerit in my opinion due to the premature release of teasers before a Wednesday. Should have waited longer before releasing it to a playerbase that has been teased and starved of an update that they have wanted.

All in all, the timing of this preview is in plain bad taste, and has hit the point where it cannot be made up in a proper fashion (even if the release of the 48hour alerts were to compensate for this bad decision, I am not pleased).


Let me give you an analogy to what you have done to us in my own words: Pavlov's dog experiment.

Pavlov rings a bell, then feeds the dog meat powder. The dog salivates in response. This is repeated for a week.

Following that, Pavlov rings the bell one more time. The dog salivates, but Pavlov gives him nothing. The dog has been abused for science and betrayed by Pavlov.


Replace the following words:




Meat Powder>Update

Salivates>Gets hyped up



The rest speaks for itself.


You are right but they still not learn how to handle this. Poor communication and the fact they can't say any simple "when finished". 

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Q1- are the tenno going to be travelling in spacecrafts through the starchart like in "mass effect"?


Q2- can we set a set of colors for the clan members, like they can color their gears with the colors set by warlord if they want to.

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Really?  Freaking really?  You are still doing this, even with the massive rage over U13 not being properly addressed?  Alright well, fine then.  It is what it is, even though 99% of Warframe players are PO'd about it.


In the meantime, QUESTIONS.



Will the Badlands be based off Region, or Globally addressed?  Personally, I feel the need for smaller regions to allow for more clans to have the diversity of being able to maintain a Solar Rail.  And because I am really afraid of 2 massive Moon clans monopolizing the entire thing, or a unification of shadow clans dominating the system.  I want my one little Mountain Clan of 125 to be able to hold a stake the system...without needing to play 24/7 to defend it from the 3 984 member Moon Clans that want to take over our Solar Rail for their own annoying purposes.  Is there going to be something to mitigate this, and give us all a chance to maintain a rail or will it be this mad dash for power?  Only to be won by 800 member Moon Clans???  I ask for balance, please...




Where will we find the Kubrows?  The badlands?  Will we purchase them in the market?  Wouldn't make sense for us to build one with Ferrite and Control modules...They're animals.  Perhaps crafting a special collar or helmet to help to keep the Tenno's control over our lil pups?  I'd like some elaboration about them.  They look like a ton of fun, can we get some details pretty please?


What happened to DE's apology?  In U11, when the void screwed up, Sheldon sent out basically an essay of apology, and the players were given gifts to try to help with the hurt of the changes.  This time, although the screw-up was 100x bigger, we got a 5-line half-explanation post from Rebecca on a megathread.  That doesn't seem quite enough after how well you guys have behaved in the past, treating your players with a ton of respect, but this time it seems like you forgot all about that.  That's why I love DE.  That's why I've stuck with Warframe for 13 months, even when it got dull.  I have hundreds of hours put into this game, instead of pullin' out when it got boring.  It was because DE, and Warframe is something special. Don't become the faceless corporate people you are trying to avoid by being your own publishers.

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Question 1: Will trading ever evolve into something like PSO2 where players own shops or use their ships to enter in items into, some would say, an auction house? This helps trade chat not be so spammy and help trading not be so time consuming. Maybe we could have mastery tie into how much we could put up for sale?

Question 2: I am really hesitant on this Badlands end game. For us who are in small friendly clans that don't really know any other clans enough to create alliances, how will we be affected by the oligopolies that are Moon clans controlling the entire badlands? And how is the Focus end game aspect coming along? I really like the thought of progressing my weapons and frames more just by using them at level 30 and actually getting something out of it.

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Hijack mode was an interesting experience, but the way it was built seemed to very heavily favor a strategy of spamming snowglobes and shield polarize due to the track rooms being wide open areas full of Grineer with hitscan weapons.  Are there any plans to perhaps close in the areas and more heavily involve the environment for providing threats, obstacles, and strategies for the players?

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You are right but they still not learn how to handle this. Poor communication and the fact they can't say any simple "when finished". 


You are correct that this is poor communication and the whole "when finished" thing, however I do not think I can dismiss my statement considering they have had over a year of open beta to brush up their communication skills on the MMO front. They have had ample time to learn this. If it can take me, a full-time university student, less than half a year to learn linear algebra and discrete mathematics as a computer science major, they should know how to communicate with an international community within a year.


Also, I almost forgot to ask questions. I'll put those in later.

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