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Newb Gear Ftw


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Let's see what happens if you try this in the Derelicts.


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Ambulas is a piece of &!$$!


But yeah kudos, try soloing the mission with just a skana in melee 2.0 like our beloved pro DE staff!


I think I'll do just that once Melee 2.0 comes out. Although this Skana (tater'd, unforma'd) is actually quite decent even now in Pluto.

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I should make a note that I have actually used up all my revives for Excalibur before taking on Ambulas (All those revives wasted by Napalms and Stalker earlier today).







Now kill all the bosses with that gear c:


oh and take screenies too






Suck on that Alad V, suck it hard.

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Hehe, I kinda wanna get in on this with more "rookie gear" tenno, would certainly be much more fun than all those roflcoptering rhino prime vanguard iron clad players out there.


Well, playing with only starter gear at higher levels definitely gives you a good perspective on the power levels of the different weapons and abilities in the game. Ambulas took required me to dish out two Team Ammo Restores to kill, whereas I believe my Boltor Prime would've made short work of it using only a quarter of the bullets.  


So the next boss in my challenge today got very, very hairy, since as I noted earlier my Excalibur has 0 revives for today. Took multiple screens just to show how hairy:






Much curses were thrown around this fight, but my Excalibur and his trusty Mk1 beat them all the same.




So, who's next I wonder...

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Continuing with Noioiy's challenge:




The Lato actually still works to conserve the Mk1's ammo by shooting at that weakspot...




And I struck down Lech Kril with great vengeance and furious anger!

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Noob gear.

noob =/= newb

noob=lamer, guy with no skill even after playing a lot of time, and that whines constantly about stuff like broken gameplay of lag or difficulty while swearing and not giving proper feedback, also tends to call other people noobs

newb= new guy who has no idea about how the game works, and therefore, he's not skilled and/or doesn't have advanced gear

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noob =/= newb

noob=lamer, guy with no skill even after playing a lot of time, and that whines constantly about stuff like broken gameplay of lag or difficulty while swearing and not giving proper feedback, also tends to call other people noobs

newb= new guy who has no idea about how the game works, and therefore, he's not skilled and/or doesn't have advanced gear

I used noob for obvious reasons.

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Tyl Regor, you have been found unworthy of wielding the Skana in my presence. I hereby revoke your right to exist.





I have cut another useless thing.


Looking forward to doing this again with Melee 2.0.

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