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Melee 2.0 Feedback: Megathread (With Template).


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Weapon(s) used: Ankyros Prime

Faction(s) fought: Grineer, Infested

Mods equipped/Stance used:  Fury, Pressure Point, a bunch of elemental mods, all maxed, Seismic Palm

Thoughts & Experiences: I really like the constant knockdown you can achieve with this weapon, especially considering fists' powerful finisher attack, but the lunge at the end of the basic combo is quite hard to make use of, especially with weapon's short range. Instead of helping me close the gap between me and the target, it makes me miss it completely. It's even more awkward to use with attack speed increased.


Approx. Time Spent: About 50 waves of defense.

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Weapon(s) used: Ankyros, Dual Kamas, Fang, Furax, Jat Kittag, Lectra, Orthos

Faction(s) fought: Greneer, Coprus, Infested

Mod(s) equipped/Stance used: Mods classic Damage,damage and damage / stance: Sinking Talon, Crossing Snakes, Swirling Tiger, Shattering Storm, Shimmering Blight, Fracturing Wind Seismic Palm, Burning Wasp

Thoughts & Experiences:

1) I haven't tested the whole channeling thing yet because a invisible loki does more melee damage than channeling for less energy, but i am going definitely to test the life leech + rage combo.

2) I love the idea that you customize the moves of your weapon but in all that the stance mod i have tested i haven't found one that is really useful to use. I have spend most time with my dual kamas and for those i even stopped using the combo (meaning i equip back the primary weapon) and only use the basic 2 attacks (they do what you need, they hit hard and fast) + the slide attack. The problem with the combo is that i don't feel that i am in control meaning that the leeping forward move never happens wen you need it, and if it happen it is not able to catch up with a fleeing enemy. I like the the whole slide + charge idear because i was in control meaning that if i want to catch up to an enemy i slide and if i want to make more damage/aoe damage i use the charge, now you are just stuck in an animation which never does what you need (but it looks great ;) ) The stances which are the most usable are the onces like Falling Rock from Shattering Storm which provide you with Aoe hits without jumping "randomly" around but since you have to wait 3 hits nothing is alive wen the aoe hammer hits.

3) Really take away the charge of the Jat Kittag you introduced last update...

Approximate Time Spent: >10h

Supplementary Info: Optional (Mouse/Keyboard? Controller? Coop/solo?) Mouse+ Keyboard, Coop+Solo


Weapon(s) used: HEat Dagger & Bo

Faction(s) fought: Grineer

Mod(s) equipped/Stance used: Damage / Failing Branch & Homing Fang

Thoughts & Experiences: I have final found 2 stances which are working for me, both have fast moves and a decent forward lash (not like the other dagger mod ,the sword mod ..) and they have a combo to fight heavy mobs. The 3. combo of  Homing fang is in my opinion a bit to long to be used outside of overcrowded ODD, just a double hit before starting spinning would be more usefull in my opignion.

Approximate Time Spent: couple of hours

Supplementary Info: Mouse/Keyboard  solo

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Things I'd like to point out:

* The lungeattack of the regular spamcombo on Iron Phoenix is nice for mobility, yes, but it isn't optional (and sometimes not optional in other combos either) which makes it really annoying when actually want to stand still and attack, nor is it efficient, speedwise, comparted to unequipped spam. It doesn't even take much to fix this:

1) The stanceless equipped combo, make it the regular combo in Iron Phoenix too (although the horizontal slash needs to look better with the wrist)

2) The Lunge-attack combo currently in Iron Phoenix, make it a EE Forward E combo

That way you can have fast hack n' slash (regular spam, equipped or not), you can have mobility (Lunge-combo), or deal heavy combo damage with a guaranteed proc (Taking Flight combo).

* You are talking about Onehanded swords, one of the few weapons you can still attack with (well, MOST attacks) while still being able to move (Only other weapons I can think of that still retains this mobility is Staves and the new Nikana). But try out a heavy weapon, or dual swords, or dual daggers. Anything else. They are all very immobile while attacking. And the combos in their respective stances are usually even MORE immobile (plus slower, of course).

 1. I actually like that I can spam the lunge attack, since I need to keep moving to hit multiple moving enemies anyway, I can further increase my mobility simply by walking. Having the lunge optional might be nice, but I like Iron Phoenix as it is.

2. My Galatine with Cleaving Whirlwind, Orthos Prime with Shimmering Blight, Fang with Gnashing Payara (considered the stance that slows down attacks the most), my Dual Ethers with Swirling Tiger, and Kama with Sundering Weave disagrees. I just tested out equipped and unequipped attacks, and my equipped melee weapons were still just as mobile as my quick melee attacks, with or without stances. I can walk and attack with my Galatine while using my Akvasto at the same speed as I attack using my Galatine equipped with a Cleaving Whirlwind stance.  And as mentioned, you can in fact perform combos while running, though obviously some combos are better at this than others. All of this without my weapons equipped with Fury for those particular tests mind.

Edited by LGear
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Weapons used: dual swords, longswords, hammer, whip, nikana, fists, polearms.


Factions fought: All of them


Mods equipped/Stance used: all of them, tried a lot of builds. And all the stances for the weapons I used.


Thoughts & Experiences: all right, lets try and keep it short.

1. Channeling is a great addition to the game, really gives synergy to the whole energy system. The channeling mods, not so much. Some of them (quickening, true punishment) really aren't worth the channeling penalty. Some balancing is probably needed here. 


2. Blocking is great. Thanks for giving us (at last) a counterplay to enemy CC's. Would have appreciated keeping the old non-melee-mode "quick-block", just to give some use to my block keybind. 

Maybe just make it so it doesn't mitigate 100% of the damage, but 25% like before (or so, I don't remember) when not wielding your melee?


3. The combo animations are amazing, cudos to the animation team for such a marvelous job.

Buuuuuuuuut...beside the novelty and the "wow awesome" effect, when you start looking at what's happening on your screen beyond your frame doing acrobatics, you realize that they are for the most part, hindering melee gameplay. 

 - Most of them hinder your movements: you're either stuck in place while the combo rolls, or you make sudden, barely controllable, giant leaps all around the place, making it almost impossible to position yourself properly to hit targets, be it one particular target, or multiple ones around you.

When one of the main issues of Melee 1.0 was already that lack of maneuverability when swinging weapons.



 - They are a indissociable whole: some of the moves have a very useful specificity (see above: Iron phoenix lunge attack).

But you have to execute the combo in order to do it.

It's on the third strike, or fourth, or last (like the dual-dive-attack of Tranquil Cleave), not before.

When some of them are perfect gap-closers you wanna engage with, not finish with.

Or when some of them are effective aoe attacks, and you end up swinging in the air with your blade, on that super-ultra-cool-move that would have killed everything around you, had they not been killed already by the beginning of the combo.

Or even cc moves, which come to late, you've already been knockdowned.

As a result, most of those moves, that would have added so much to the gameplay and to the usefulness of melee, are melted inside combos, hidden within, out of immediate reach, and in practice, lose most of their usefulness.


Not saying I want to be able to make that iron phoenix lunge over and over again (but why not? when you think of it, we can already link slide attacks together, they're not locked inside a combo...), but at least make some of the combos shorter, in order to get the full benefit of said move.


 - What happened to the idea of being able to combo in-between moves fluidly at will?

Slide-attack to vertical slash?

Jump-attack to recovery slash?

You showed them in livestreams, have they been shelved?


What about dodge to low thrust?

Running attacks?

Crouch attacks?


Moves that use what already have in the game, and make melee and movement a whole...


4. Stamina starvation is a huge issue. When most frames only have 100 stamina base, most combos will just eat through that like nothing. And if you had to block a bit while closing the gap to your enemy, you're probably already starved. Uh wait, there are still a dozen enemies alive in the room? RUUUUUUUN TO COVER!!!!! oh wait, no more stamina.

So yeah, stamina mods of some sort are now a requisite just to get the full potential of melee while not gimping your basic movements like running and wallrunning. Risk/reward? not really, when you think that going close-combat against guns is already a huge risk of its own, parrying or not. It's not like you can parry while attacking, when you could just the same have fired from covered range. Pretty unfair imo.

Stamina regen is only good IF you stop attacking completely for a while (thanks to Stamina 2.0) and is against the whole combo counter principle. Stamina max is just a larger pool, you're just gonna run out a bit later.

And then you have channeling mods: Second Wind was just a sacrifice of a slot before. It now additionally costs energy to work. Great. Warrior's Grip is...okay I guess, If you like wasting your time blocking everything just to refill your stamina...and it also costs energy.




To conclude, after having tried many and many and so many combinations of frames, weapons, stances, mods, I'm just gonna stick to E-spamming while invisible. Just like I was doing before Melee 2.0. Thanks for the free energy points though.

Edited by Thelonious
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Weapon(s) used: Nikana, Galatine, Gram, Dark Dagger, Valkyr Claws

Faction(s) fought: All

Mod(s) equipped/Stance used: Tranquil Cleave (didn't drop any others that fit)

Thoughts & Experiences: Long F and short F for weapon swap is clumsy.  Making F cycle through the three would be much preferable.  That way a double tap could be used to skip from primary to melee and I wouldn't have to worry about "was that a short enough tap to switch to secondary or am I going melee?"  At the least you could implement a UI option for cycling it... the long vs short F hold just doesn't work for me.


Also, melee attack needs to be primary click when in melee mode.  Too many times, switch to melee, click a bunch and nothing happens...  because attack button no longer attacks.


Combos are difficult to recognize and diffrentiate.  "I hit the buttons... was that the combo?"  On top of this, you can't use weapons or powers in the Dojo (which seems like it would be a good place to go and practice your combos.)  Perhaps some visual or auditory cues for the timing of the strikes would be useful.  Also some kind of subtle cue that what you just executed was the intended combo would be nice. 


You killed my charge attack melee builds with this update and you gave me nothing to compensate for that.  Not like the GOD cores you gave people for @(*()$ up their builds in the past.  I have 2 heavy swords I potatoed to facilitate charge builds and now they are useless.  That is disappointing.


- I feel like Melee 2.0 has potential to be fun and interesting

- weapon balance seems improved

- but it feels poorly executed due to the above mentioned UI issues

- on top of that personal disappointment for making irrelevent my favorite melee builds


Score: C+

Approximate Time Spent: 15-20 hours?  maybe more?

Supplementary Info: Mouse/Keyboard

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 1. I actually like that I can spam the lunge attack, since I need to keep moving to hit multiple moving enemies anyway, I can further increase my mobility simply by walking. Having the lunge optional might be nice, but I like Iron Phoenix as it is.

2. My Galatine with Cleaving Whirlwind, Orthos Prime with Shimmering Blight, Fang with Gnashing Payara (considered the stance that slows down attacks the most), my Dual Ethers with Swirling Tiger, and Kama with Sundering Weave disagrees. I just tested out equipped and unequipped attacks, and my equipped melee weapons were still just as mobile as my quick melee attacks, with or without stances. I can walk and attack with my Galatine while using my Akvasto at the same speed as I attack using my Galatine equipped with a Cleaving Whirlwind stance.  And as mentioned, you can in fact perform combos while running, though obviously some combos are better at this than others. All of this without my weapons equipped with Fury for those particular tests mind.

1. Yeah, optional would still be best, because the lungeattack can actually take you AWAY from enemies if you are already closeby to one.

2. Sorry but, what the hek are you smoking / what version of Warframe are you using? At most, all those weapons you speak about, let you take tiny steps while attacking with the melee attacks. But fully mobile, similar to onehanded swords, katanas, staves or the first 2 regular attacks with polearms? Absolutely NOT!

Seriously, attack (unequipped) with the Galatine and try to chase down a fleeing Grineer at the same time (notice: WITHOUT using sprint, since that helps a tiny bit against it). Notice how you barely move forward at all? Now try it with the regular Skana, also unequipped. You can move completely freely with that weapon.

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My feedback does not really fit into your general thread stucture, so I'm going to skip right down to:

THOUGHT AND FEEDBACK: It is difficult in combat to determine what stage of a combo you are on given the chaotic nature of warframe and the repeating animations of melee weapons. Consider adjusting the UI to provide a hit counter near the character's reticle to better help keep track of where the user is in their combo attack. 

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Might do multiple iterations of this over time, just so I can speak about several weapons.


Weapon used: Dual Zoren


Faction(s) fought: All, primarily Infested


Mod(s) equipped/Stance used: Fury, Berserker, crit and elements; Swirling Tiger


Thoughts & Experiences: I had always enjoyed Dual Zoren before Melee 2.0 for more than just the zorencopter; it was the first melee weapon I picked up after capping Skana simply because I wanted handaxes. I will admit I went through the five stages of grief when I heard that my Zoren's speed had been reduced from 3.2 to 1.5, but once I picked up the Swirling Tiger stance I realized I had way more fun using this setup than the past year of mixed Zoren combos (and it still feels incredibly fast! I guess 2.0 was just standardized as 1.2 for dual weapons...). Once I realized that pause attacks scaled incredibly well with speed, I started using my Volt in tandem with the Zoren; thinking of naming the mod combo, but Thunderbolt Zoren would probably be the most apt, simply because almost every combo ends with a thunderclap that feels more powerful than any Slash Dash I've ever seen.

Two relatively rare frustrations with it: One, the big one encompassing all melee, is how easily enemies can stun you and interrupt your combo count - meaning you can barely hold double-digits for more than a few seconds even when you're cranking out a half-dozen hits per second (it might be counter-intuitive to say that melee damage scales through combos when everyone you need to combo on has a Radial Blast). Two, I find myself accidentally slingshotting over cliffs and into pits a lot - but that's more of a speedrunning hazard and poor timing on my part than a fault of the build.

Sidenote: They do feel just a little bit dull with only two combos. I would not object to getting a new one for small variety, so long as it does not interfere with my Winding Claws in execution. Perhaps a Block combo?


Approximate Time Spent: Unknown (it's my most-used weapon); In the ballpark of an average 2 hours/day since Update 13.


Supplementary Info: Mouse and keyboard, played in a group.

Edited by Archwizard
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Weapon(s) used:  Bo, Dakra Prime, Dark Dagger, Dark Sword, Dragon Nikana Dual Skana, Dual Zoren, Fang Prime, Fragor, Furax, Galatine, Glaive Prime, Gram, Hate, Jat Kittag, Kogate, Magistar, Mire, Nami Skyla, Obex, Orthos, Pangolin Sword, Plasma Sword, Prova, Reaper Prime, Scindo, Skana, Skana Prime. (28 Total Melee Weapons)



Faction(s) fought:  Grineer, Corpus & Infested.



Mod(s) equipped/Stance used:  No Mods & No Stance.



Approximate Time Spent:  24hours+ of in-game time.



Supplementary Info:  Mouse/Keyboard, played solo & co-op.



Thoughts & Experiences:  Melee 2.0 is a HUGE improvement over Melee 1.0, but the one thing that i feel is really holding it back from being as awesome as it should be is the default stance Quick Strikes & Equip Strikes. This is something i feel like should be worked on ASAP.


As you can see in the pictures below, i went ahead and used all my melee weapons and counted the number of Animation Strikes each weapon did while using them non-equipped & equipped. 22 of the 28 melee weapons i have has a QS (Quick Strike) of only 2. I honestly think this is unacceptable, this really makes melee feel VERY repetitive when using quick strike, especially when using faster melee weapons.  


Yes, i understand that not having your melee weapon equipped is supposed to be a bit of a downside, but only having 2 QS is just too repetitive and doesn't help with the feel of the new melee system. At the least, I think every melee weapon should have a minimum of 3 QS. It would really help in making melee feel even more fluid.


An example of how it would be changed is with the Skana & Skana Prime. The Skanas QS(Quick Strike) is two diagonal slashes making an X. The Skanas ES(Equip Strike) is the same as the first, but with a horizontal slash going left to right. The old ES could be moved over as the new QS, and with the new ES another 1-2 strikes could be added to it meaning... (3 QS & 4-5 ES) compared to the previous which is currently (2 QS & 3 ES).


Overall what i'm basically trying to get at is that something needs be done to make melee feel more fluid and not feel so repetitive when you aren't using stance mods, especially when using Quick Strikes. Just look at the Provas 1 QS.


If you guys feel that adding more animation strikes to the QS attacks will cause players to not equip their melee weapon as much anymore, don't worry that definitely won't happen. Why? Well when you equip your melee weapon 1.) You look like a badass. 2.) You can channel. 3.) You can block. 4.) You can chain combos. 5.) You can perform combo attacks. So i personally don't see any reason not to add more Quick Strike hits to melee weapons which will help make melee feel more fluid in the future. Then from there, you guys can make all the Stance Mods/Combos Attacks in the world without having to worry about anything.






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Stance used: Clashing Forest (Amphis, Bo)


EEE           - Skyward Limb   - Mobile spin attack

EE_EEE    - Battering Roots - Mobile leaping/kicking combo

E^EE         - Resolute Flurry - Stationary whacking combo (new)



Feedback: The latest hotfix (13.1.2) introduced a new combo, activated by "E^EE"... that renders the other two combos near impossible to control.


My problems:

- Holding W does a stationary combo. Not holding W launches you forward like a madman. That makes no sense.

- This pairs VERY poorly with "Align attacks to camera" disabled. The user is now required to not press W in order to do the forward-launching spin combo (EEE); this makes it almost impossible to maneuver because the only way to control the combo prior to 13.1.2 was to hold W while swinging the camera around (as holding A, S, or D would cause EE_EEE to activate instead of EEE). This is no longer possible. The spin combo is now nearly impossible to properly control.

- There's a highly-annoying workaround, and that is to do a E_EE (pause) combo that will override the holding of W and allow us to proceed to the other two combos. We shouldn't have to do that.




- For Clashing Forest, switch around the activations for Resolute Flurry (stationary combo) and Skyward Limb (mobile spin attack).

- Resolute Flurry should be EEE. Skyward Limb should be E^EE.

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2. Sorry but, what the hek are you smoking / what version of Warframe are you using? At most, all those weapons you speak about, let you take tiny steps while attacking with the melee attacks. But fully mobile, similar to onehanded swords, katanas, staves or the first 2 regular attacks with polearms? Absolutely NOT!

Seriously, attack (unequipped) with the Galatine and try to chase down a fleeing Grineer at the same time (notice: WITHOUT using sprint, since that helps a tiny bit against it). Notice how you barely move forward at all? Now try it with the regular Skana, also unequipped. You can move completely freely with that weapon.


I tested ALL the weapons I mentioned thoroughly before I made the post. The claim was that "Equipped melee weapons with stances are less mobile than Unequipped melee weapons". I tested them without stances, both equipped and unequipped, while walking and sprinting, and tested them with stances, both unequipped and equipped. I found no discernible difference in mobility between unequipped quick attacks, and equipped melee weapons with stances.


I am not claiming that the Galatine is as fast or mobile in attacking as an Ether Sword, but I'm disputing the claim that a weapon with stances is less mobile than weapons without them.

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I hope this is the way you guys wanted it and not in broken up into separate posts for each weapon and stance.


Weapon(s) used:  Galatine, Dual Heat Swords, Dual Ichor, Reaper Prime, Jat Kittag, Prova, Nikana/Dragon Nikana.


Faction(s) fought: All three factions to varying degrees, mostly infested however.

Mod(s) equipped/Stance used: Cleaving Whirlwind, Crossing Snakes, Reaping Spiral, Shattering Storm, Sundering Weave, Swirling Tiger, Tranquil Cleave, Decisive Judgement.

Fury used to ease up the combo execution with the abstain from Spoiled Strike in most cases.


Thoughts & Experiences: 

Okay so there are two camps that I frequent, the camp of the amazed and the camp of the hillariously dissapointed, and out of the stances above, only one of the stances have put me in a inbetween state, I'm overall pleased with Melee 2.0, but some stances feel as if they belong in old martial arts movies with greenscreens and steel wires instead of in a game where battlefield dynamics are actually a thing. (I've seen some stances that feel rather off-putting before I've even tried them out, it's an extremely flaily sparring stance in perticular that I don't recall the name of, I'm sort of looking forward to updating this post with my thoughts on that stance)

Do keep in mind that I was not liking this new system without the help of the +30% attack speed, so if I were to give my thoughts on these stances without that mod equipped or available, I'd be writing a much more negative review on each separate stance.

And leveling some of these weapons was because of it quite a pain.

First off the Galatine with Cleaving Whirlwind:

I've primarily used this against infested, because of how the generally slow movement of the spin shines there, I don't find it too enabling against enemies with long range weaponry.

At first I was a bit iffed about how the Galatine was taken down quite a few pegs in power, but using this stance I see why, Once I caught on to that the fumbling was caused by an additional button press past the seventh spin I was in love, even if it's only one triggered combo, it's so satisfying to use. It may be a useless technique in reality, but here the execution feels fluent and it's just a great experience to use! I was spinning and winning!

Second is the Reaper Prime with Reaping Spiral:

It's a great stance, it's fooled me more than once with the range on the Abyssal Automaton and I did dislike it before I took note of how attackspeed was a necessity to pull off pause combos without a death wish, and once that was out of the way I really started to like the stance. It's fluid, works well against moderate ammounts of enemies and leaves me with a smile after using it.

I prefer to use this stance against Grineer and Corpus, because the stance doesn't allow for huge clearing more than it's a utility tool for stunning enemies

Then comes the dual swords and I'll start with the Crossing Snakes:

Sadly I cannot shower this stance with praise, as my first stance I ever used it's a bit special for me but it still falls short.

The Lacerating Leap is more of a hindrance than it's helpful, the time it takes to execute in comparison to the normal combo and the laughable range on the lunge I want to avoid using it at all costs, the worst part about that is that it's executed by pressing up+E, which removes the ability to move slightly between each slash for that extra bit of range and in turn makes me miss more attacks because of the lack of mobility.

Then there's the Northern Coil that I only found value in when using my Dual Heat swords for the fire ring it emits in a cooler manner than simply using a leap attack. I still like the stance for what it is but I'd rather not use it at all.

Moving on the the Swirling Tiger used primarily with the Dual Ichor:

It's fast, has a knockback implemented into the already rewarding Winding Claws that is easy to execute, and that same combo allows for movement!

This stance is incredibly rewarding to use for how rarely it leaves the user open, makes me feel as if every time I mess up it's because I wasn't paying enough attention and not because I was stuck in a long windup animation.

This is my personal favourite of all the stances I've tried as of yet.

Decimating the Corpus, Flaying the Grineer and allowing me to run up to 35-40 minute melee only solo derelict survival runs, this stance is like magic.

Next, Shattering Storm on the Jat Kittag:

 It's a very enjoyable stance, not because it's perticluarly fluent or rewarding, but because it's fun! The Falling Rock combo had me laughing at first, two groundslams so close inbetween was a glorious sight to behold, and then going on to test it against enemies was just as enjoyable, to deal great damage while I send the cadavers of my enemies flying everywhere, it's just so much fun to use and it sure brightened up my day.

Then there's the Prova with the Sundering Weave:

So this was a rather dissapointing stance, the Rapid Current is easy enough to execute because it's a pause combo and I can pay it little mind, but counting the very similar strikes for the Coming Tide and then still failing to pull it off half of the time is dishartening because of the timing was off and the combo either goes on normally or ends prematurely and is not all that rewarding in the end, even if the length of the leap is remarkable, it's left a rather bad impression on me, although I really like how it feels like it's packing force behind the swings. 

Lastly it's the Nikana(s) and their stances:

First off with the Tranquil Cleave.. it's extremely awkward to use, that little roll at the end of the Breathless Lunge serves no purpose, it barely moves you anywhere, it seems to disorient the Tenno as they have to regain balance before raising up the blade to swing it like a bat. Beyond Reproach is a okay attack when it's pulled off, but the timing on it is rather tight and when you hit it having to hit another time to use the lunge does take some time getting used to and messing up the timing ends up with me ending up using the Breathless Lunge involuntarily from time to time, so I used Hook and Eye instead as the main combo of my choice, until I chose to never directly equip the Nikana(s) that is.

I rather use their formidable power as a non-channeled stealth weapon than to use a stance that feels so awkward to execute, if the hold combo was placed before the pause combo it'd be easier to perform the hold combo without having to try and avoid attacking too slow.

And then Decisive Judgement came along, and I apologize to everyone that made this stance a reality but I had to pause the game, leave my computer and just stop playing for a few minutes because I was laughing too much at everything that makes up this stance.

The way you just flail around with your elbows almost stuck to your sides, and the jumps.. the jumps!

Consent Decree makes me question if I'm trying to kick or slash my enemies while I try to dance ballet and Swift Retribution ends in a pose that makes me want to swap out the Nikana with a easter basket and put the Tenno on a flowery field for that dynamically posing easter bunny frame!

I... I'm astonished by this stance, and I have to apologize, but I find it ridiculous and even if I feel somewhat offended by how it disregards so many forms of swordplay all at once by how flimsy the strikes are and how it feels as if it tries too hard to be a cut out from a old kung-fu movie, I can do nothing but laugh.

I'm sorry for my choice of words, I could have held back on how I treated this stance, but it's just too outlandish and ridiculous for me to ever be able to take it seriuosly. 

It is still somewhat good against crowds, but only somewhat, and the Swift Retributon I'd say is best used for escaping tight situations, because it at times misses the intended target and jumps over them instead.


Approximate Time Spent: All in all about 16-20 hours, 20-60 min with the lesser liked stances and about 2-5 hours on the more liked ones.


Supplementary Info:Mouse/Keyboard (Not using the controller because using the right stick to move is not my thing) And I have been using Valkyr's warcry for the same reason as the Fury above.

I have only tried out the Decisive Judgement past the latest update, so the other weapon impressions are set before the changes to the combos.



Added some additional general thoughts that slipped my mind before sending.


Edit 2:

Having time to mull it over, I can say that I let the Decisive Judgement stance get the better of me, the entirety of the stance is in fact really good, the flow of the attacks come as if a person actually were to swing a blade in a ceremonial-like kata, my stance on the Jumps however remain unchanged, they still make me shake my head whenever I see them.

Edited by Kamikiri
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Weapon(s) used: Pangolin Sword, Orthos and others
Faction(s) fought: Grineer and Corpus
Mod(s) equipped/Stance used: Marathon maxed,Reflection maxed, Stamina recovery max,Pressure Point maxed, Fury level 2, Range level 1, no stance
Thoughts & Experiences:Let me start off by saying what i feel is well done in this system which is BlockingIt absolutely makes melee viable because it provides one way to close the gap to our gun wielding enemies plus we can damage them in the process with a clever use of reflection mod. However even this could improve because right now its pretty much just holding the block button to block all incoming bullets straight to the mob who shot us. How about you let us aim the reflection?

Next up ill share my thoughts about what happens when you are close to an enemy! Unfortunately the animations are not smooth enough to dodge cancel our swing or jump cancel into another combo, also  sometimes i see my swings missing due to enemies getting continuously stunned back just tapping the E E E combo without walking forward.
Also there should be some kind of energy wave that you could throw from your sword, and be aimed, so that we can take down shield ospreys or other flying enemies with just our melee. This would please solo and coop players alike!
Channeling should be a timed toogle and last for a set amount of time. Replace channeling efficiency mod with time increase mod and energy activation cost reduction.

Dodge has been replaced with other dodge which is still useless for most of the time. I suggest implementing a ninja dash which makes you completely invulnerable for the duration of the dash. This would make dodging bullets, bombard missiles and all heavy projectiles much more skill based and would give players another way to close the gap to enemies without being shredded to pieces.

The leap attack used to make all enemies, except heavies, get knocked to the floor and this could be used so that large swarms of enemies stopped shooting all at us and to use our ground finisher attack. Why has this been taken away!?

If you guys at DE made it this far, congratulations! I can really see alot of effort went into this system and i hope you guys realize the potential of this game. BTW its my first Post! It would be amazing to know if you read this feedback :)

A loyal fan, player and supporter since closed beta.
Approximate Time Spent: 2 hours/day since update
Supplementary Info: Mouse & Keyboard, Coop and solo
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So far I can't tell the difference between 1.0 and 2.0 melee. It feels the same to me.


I am usuing the Swirling Tiger stance and I am having a lot of trouble doing combos. How long are the "pause" and or "hold" parts of a combo supposed to last. 


It would be nice to have a GCD ( global cool down) icon in the UI tell to help time the combos

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Dragon Nikana / Nikana  and the Desicive Judjment stance  x)  /  (i see it like this)/pls quite and  ^ up if you agree with me :)


The 3-rd move  (the jump)  looks good , but it cannot hit EVEN 1 enemy , even the flying ones ....

Needs to be reworked a little bit :)      -> Maybe  remove the jump itself but keep the spin - slash  , or  add in a overhead slash to make it actually hit  O_O    - and  make the 4-th Final Hit  a "Charged" hit  so it can match   its  equal stance  - the Tranquil Cleave...

Over all this stance is awesome , because a blade held in 1 hand is weaker than the one held in  both.

The first 3 hits are great , the 1-2-4 hits are awesome as well   (with the pause)  , but the 3-rd hit that is the jump needs to be worked on a little , it looks cool and good , but it is not good enough for a hit ....  (try hitting a Crawler with the 3-rd ( jumphit )/on the floor not on the stairs , i give you 20p as a price...)

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Trying to keep this as brief as possible... I think Melee 2.0 goofed up one major aspect of the game - it's still sticking to the whole idea of a chosen weapon you are 'wielding'.  We're space ninjas.  What kind of chump space ninja can't triple-wield a grenade launcher, throwing knives, and a greataxe all at the same time?


Well, that's a bit of a wild example, but I think it does hurt the game that you have to actively switch weapons (and SLOWLY AAAAA SO SLOOOOWWWWWW).  The gameplay is too fast-paced and targets switch too fast for the current weapon switching system to be really viable.  In practice, the bulk of players seem to pick one general-purpose weapon, and let their other gun slot end up being just a mastery sponge - and forcing melee weapons to be primary-wield to make them more viable didn't help that either.


Suggestion: You already have a button to switch between primary and secondary, and a button to switch to melee (and a quick-melee button on top of that).  Why not just set it such that the 'weapon switch' button automatically quick-draws and fires your secondary right there, and puts it away as soon as you hit primary fire?  Hold the button for a full-auto weapon just unloads with it, holding it for a semi-auto or burst-fire weapon (or sniper-type) will zoom in, and releasing fires.


Similarly - why can't all the melee 2.0 nonsense be accessed directly from the quick-melee button?  Why can't I unload with my Soma in the front, look left and annihilate some little Charger coming at me with my Brakk, decapitate an Ancient on the other side, then immediately go back to unloading with my Soma afterward?


If you want us to feel like weapon masters, that's the way.  We feel more like space super-soldiers than ninjas right now, I think.


(associated) Suggestion for Block: It's kind of dumb that we're supposedly blocking bullets, rockets, and even flamethrowers with our whips, daggers, and katanas.  We're ninjas, not Jedi.  We are, however, all running around with full-body electromagnetic shields.  Why not just make Block force all your shields into a frontal disc which absorbs (and, with mods, reflects?) incoming damage - vastly increases the shield amount in the front arc, but leaves you largely defenseless in the sides and back.  Makes armor and HP total something we can no longer functionally ignore on all but Valkyr, and makes blocking more interesting.

Edited by coldbird
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Weapon(s) used: amphis, dakra prime

Faction(s) fought: Grineer

Mods equipped/Stance used:  all stance that have pause command to do combo ex(iron phoenix, flailing branch)

Thoughts & Experiences: all pause command can be change into press backward (S)

example: iron phoenix combo A (slash slash pause slash slash)
i can do combo A from iron phoenix by doing this: slash slash (S)slash slash
i can do the combo A WITHOUT PAUSING just press S and slash.

slash mean melee button.

Supplementary info: Mouse and Keyboard, played Solo.

Edited by eraze93
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Well, since I'm kind of melee freak

Thoughts: Dear DE, could You add possibility to equip two sets of melee?

One in melee slot and one instead of secondary/primary weapon. And when we equip (draw) our melee (one from melee slot by default) the reload button (its unused with melee) could act as secondary melee attack.

How about this?


PS.: You could set "q" as secondary quick melee (If equipped) and move Item popup to "Tab" button. Then secondary melee would also be set as "q".


I'm persistent, aren't I?

Edited by Drejzer
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I was debating making another thread for this issue, but it seemed a bit redundant not to use this one. I hope you guys are still reading this.


This is my third post here, and should be considered an addendum to the prior two.


Thoughts & Experiences:


Defensive actions/animations must preempt attacks and combos.


As Melee 2.0 is currently, attack combinations take priority over jumping, rolling, and blocking. All too often I have seen a dangerous attack (knockdown, disruption, rocket, etc) coming, but have been unable to do anything about it because my current attack sequence had not been completed.


Jumping or diving out of the way, or blocking an attack, becomes quite clunky and often ineffective if I have to wait precious fractions of a second for my character to stop what he was doing and then initiate the defensive maneuver.


Melee combat would flow much better if defense took priority and transitions were faster/smoother.


Edit: I should clarify that returning to actions initiated by previously held inputs is fine (and necessary), but when a new key is pressed or one is released and then pressed again, that action should take precedent, and whatever you are doing should stop as soon as is plausible in favor of the new action.


Thinks aren't so bad with heavy weapons that have inertia, or very fast weapons that can transition easily and/or have uninterrupteable animations. However the middle of the pack weapons, like most single handed swords, are not fast enough to beat many enemies, as well as lack inertia, so are incredibly easy to interrupt by enemy action. The same relative slowness makes it difficult to transition to a defensive action in time. I think this can be tweaked without making the attack rate on the weapons higher.


Edit #2: What I'm finding particularly annoying are situations where I will be attacking or winding up to attack, get knocked down mid-attack, immediately start holding down block without touching the attack key again, then stand up and finish my swing (getting distrupted, shot, or knocked down again) instead of blocking! This happens all the time while fighting ancients and nothing is more frustrating than my character seemingly ignoring my inputs.

Edited by Saenol
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Thoughts & Experiences: i have many problems using the new melee attack system on controller. there is no way of remapping the melee attack to another button on the controller. i can only choose where my 'quick melee' is on my controller but not the equipped one. using 'R1' on the controller for melee attacks is not really viable.

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Dragon Nikana - Decisive Jugement:


you don't jump too high on this combo anymore: 

Swift Retribution: E Hold E


This is great ! thank you !


just do the same on this one:

Consent Decree: E E Pause E E


and then double the damage dealt by the lasts attacks to effectively make us use those combo, and that would be perfect

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Thoughts & Experiences: Stealth needs a little change:give the ability to change the key for stealth attack.Make it by default be shared with melee.

Giving the ability to change key will give more freedom of choice between slashing enemies from behind fast or go into stealth strike.

Its really annoying when you want to kill 2 or more enemies fast just by slashing them or try to combo someone from behind instead it forces you into that long stealth strike animation.Sometimes it really beats the same purpose of stealth kill,as in the end you get seeing.

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Giving the ability to change key will give more freedom of choice between slashing enemies from behind fast or go into stealth strike.

This. stealth kill should be on "use" button


and double the speed of animation too plz

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