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Why People Hate Melee 2.0


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I'm just going to point out that in the Devstream they stated they were going to give us a stance that it would only allow basic functionality of the system, they managed to get it working without requiring a stance equipped, which is why we didn't get one. Just thought I'd point that out. Otherwise I agree that the RNG nature of getting stances is a bit much.


I agree the Glaive is a little derpy in the new system, I just tried using it and unless you bring a secondary weapon you're completely unable to throw it. I managed to get past that by equipping the Codex Scanner, which than glitched so I was unable to unequip it.


The energy channels cost per attack and it's damage could use more visibility in the UI, I agree with that 100%. That would also fix the lack of efficiency visibility as well. Also I noticed that hitting multiple enemies with a charged attack drains more energy than hitting one, they should fix that.


The Combo system requires that you get really lucky with enemy placement, if they're spread more than a few feet from each other maintaining a combo gets really difficult, they should extend the time before the combo multiplier stops.


For the most part I agree with everything in this post. most of your points don't really register as "hate" to me, just constructive criticism.

Edited by Basilisk1991
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I also don't hate it... It needs some tweaks as there's been with Damage 2.0


But personally I find the keybinding-problems the worst... I may not hate it, but I find it very unconvinient to have another key to switch into meleemode when the default weapon-switch button could accomplish the same... it's only three weapons... it's not like it cycles through 15 possible weapons.


And while being in melee mode I don't like the feeling that I still have to use my quick-melee button (which I've put on my mouse-thumb-button so it wears very fast on my thumb while melee-only... it's okay for... quick melee though. The Irony.) when there's a big left mouse button that begs to be used instead like it would be standard with any other normal game. Why couldn't it be the other way around in Melee-mode? Why couldn't it be Melee Attack on left mouse button and quick melee becomes melee-channeling? Much more intuitive and easier to trigger combos.


This. I can't even. What? Are you serious? You can't use mouse click to attack???

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Most of it is pretty good, stances are really awful (RNG mods, take too long to use to be practical, clunky inputs that have no reason to be there), I miss my Jat Kittag's rocket ballerina power, throwable melee weapons are broken.

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It's not been F for me. For whatever reason it wasn't bound to any key when I started the first mission and I tried every button until I looked into my bindings and found out that I had to bind it myself.


Probably it's because I have bound the normal weaponswitch to my mousewheel... but that didn't switch to the Meleeweapon, for whatever reason, which is the main problem I have with that.


If you have to hold down the button for a longer period of time to switch into melee mode... thanks to DE for that ridiculous solution... how is one to pull that off with the mousewheel? xD


Whatever... The keybindings for the Melee 2.0 stuff are pretty crippled and they have to do something about it because currently it's very confusing and against every nature of how Melee systems work on a computer without controller-pad. o_x

Ah, I see. Strikes me as odd to put weapon switch on the mousewheel in this game, though, considering you only hold two weapons at a time. Maybe you can bind melee toggle to the wheel too? Maybe wheel-click?



i understand the two versions i just don't know why they thought they should have created a second version which is completely superior yet costs the exact same resources

So that new players can immediately get a katana, of course!

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I hate melee 2.0
Its a ridiculous system instead the glorious new style of fighting.

They just eh...honestly, combos need to go, charge attacks need to come back, channeling needs to be reworked into something different,
Maybe slo-mo? Or activating some weapon bonus coming from a mod? You activate channeling and your weapon ONLY THEN is able to lets say set enemies on fire.

Oh and channeling not using ability energy would be great, a different resource if you must, like, with each kill you fill up a bar for melee energy.
I dont know, so many better ideas than we currently have in the game but DE picked the S#&$TIEST ones

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I don't hate it, but I don't think it lived up to its potential... I agree with your points OP, but to summarize my main concerns:


I really dislike how they removed charge attacks. The glaive got to keep it's charge attack, so why don't the other weapons? Pressure Point should affect both normal swings and charge attacks now. My Jat Kittag isn't fun to use anymore without that charge attack :(
Also, the fact that we start off without stance mods really sucks. I was excited to jump in and try out the combos, but nope, I gotta grind for them first... total turn off. From my experience so far, I actually prefer the old melee system. That may change once I find a stance mod, but I play this game rarely enough as is these days cause I've gotten tired of grinding. 
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No one hates Melee 2.0, they are &!$$ed at the DE because they hid it behind a 12 foot wall, and gave us a spoon and said go at it! 



Also my Jat kittag is OP since the update so i am happy. :)

Edited by Feallike
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I hate melee 2.0

Its a ridiculous system instead the glorious new style of fighting.

They just eh...honestly, combos need to go, charge attacks need to come back, channeling needs to be reworked into something different,

Maybe slo-mo? Or activating some weapon bonus coming from a mod? You activate channeling and your weapon ONLY THEN is able to lets say set enemies on fire.

Oh and channeling not using ability energy would be great, a different resource if you must, like, with each kill you fill up a bar for melee energy.

I dont know, so many better ideas than we currently have in the game but DE picked the S#&$TIEST ones

Isn't channeling literally the same as charge attacks, only it costs a bit of mana and the charge time is removed?

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I don't think the patch notes were clear enough in stating: "You will need to farm the stances. Until you get one, you will be in melee 1.0 mode."


I don't mind farming for mods. I don't even mind not knowing where to get the stance mods. 


But not even having a basic starting stance mod? I have build/farmed/researched over a dozen really cool weapons, and I have almost every frame, and come patch day I get nothing? And what do new players who are just starting out get? Nothing as well? THAT is too much. At LEAST make it a common drop in Mercury.


If melee is going to be a selling point of this game (and it should be), we need a basic stance that will work with the starting weapon and be fairly easy to get.

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Ah, I see. Strikes me as odd to put weapon switch on the mousewheel in this game, though, considering you only hold two weapons at a time. Maybe you can bind melee toggle to the wheel too? Maybe wheel-click?


Basically that's the work-around I'm using now -> Wheel-click...


Still feels weird somehow... Probably because I've played too many shooter games like UT/Quake and therefore being used to the scrollwheel... xD

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I feel like you might want to change your title. I don't think anyone hates Melee 2.0, they're just confused and mildly irritated by the sheer amount of RNG now needed.

Agreed 100%, I love melee 2.0 and already enjoy the changes even though I can't find any stances...  The grind is too strong with this update...

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For these.


>Energy Channel - Not apparent enought hat has to be held down to be used

                             -needs alock so that we can click it once and have it last some time as oppposed to permanently holding it


LOL how is that hard to figure out? It takes two seconds of pressing it one to try and toggle it and see it didn't stay. And then naturally hold it down and see. Seriously.


>Melee Energy Efficiency - Most people have no idea what it is

                                           - Does not seem to drain energy even when spamming energy channel


The name obviously suggests that it makes you drain less energy when using melee channel.

....could it simply be possible these people simply put it one to the point where they are using 1 energy per attack, but they also have energy siphon on so they aren't really losing anything?


>Hit Counter -Almost impossible to maintain over long durations even in T3 Surv [Most players only get to 2x dmg] 


It's supposed to be really hard to do obviously. The patch just came out last night. Give people time to actually get creative.

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Man, melee 2.0 is cool!


I hope!


I'll let you guys know once I find a stance mod.


Seriously? Rare drop off fusion moa for a longsword stance? Rare drop off Derf Anyo for an orthos stance? I'm hardly adverse to grinding, I'm 500+ hours in and loving it, but dammit melee2.0's already been delayed so much, and now the fun, advertised combos are delayed until RNG decides to fork over a stance?


Nope. Did 20 runs of Derf, I'm not doing 20 more until I actually have a decent chance.

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I'm just going to point out that in the Devstream they stated they were going to give us a stance that it would only allow basic functionality of the system, they managed to get it working without requiring a stance equipped, which is why we didn't get one. Just thought I'd point that out. Otherwise I agree that the RNG nature of getting stances is a bit much.


No they didn't. They said you start of with the base weapon.

It sounded like they were saying that a first but then CLEARLY stated afterwards (Steve pointed it out as I recall) that they basically mean the base weapon itself. Scott said they just called it the "base stance" around the office.

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Hey guys, quick update after reading your replies, and what  i see most is not that players have seering , soul burning hatred towards melee 2.0, but the sheer number of problems that come along with it, although i personally am here only for endgame :3


Then again, tons of people are mad of the grind coz DE said in Devstream 25 that we wouldnt need to grind in the first place, making us have to do twice the work.


Of course nuttin good comes free, but Melee 2.0 is like a shattered katana, it was something that has a preceeding reputation thats supposed to show awesomeness, yet no one piece is better than the other, because it is not a complete sword


Either way bashing in peoples' faces with swords is great stress relief, and at the end of the day, it is just a game, although having an enjoyable game experience would be a lot more fun 


Godspeed :D

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I hate it. Why? Because it was so overhyped, and I knew it was as soon as I saw one of the livestreams. I knew right away that it would solve nothing.


I love good melee, but this... ain't it.


I'd expound on the individual issues I have with it, but the OP already did, so, no point.

that's the communities fault really. i've told people multiple times they overhyped the S#&$ out this, saying that it would completely change the game and bring hordes of new players to the game. now it's released and guess what? it's a gimmick, just like we could have expected if people thought wih their brains instead of their e-peens

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First of all, the definition of "free" is something you do not have to pay real goods or currency in exchange for something else. Stance mods are, in fact, free. You don't have to offer up anything of real value for them, except your time. But, I mean, we're all doing that anyways, so whatever. Farming for the stances is inconvenient (yay, more RNG!), but it's still free.



Also, I don't think anyone hates melee 2.0. at all. I think we can agree that we hated the original melee system, though. Anyways, it's goal was to make melee a more viable option than it used to be, not to replace guns altogether. Where do some of you people get the ridiculous notion that melee 2.0 was going to turn Warframe into a strict melee-based game? No one is forcing you to use melee, so if you don't like it, just play as you did prior to U13.

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The system barely feels any better than before to be honest. Most weapons were made slower when a lot of them were at a good speed already but their damage was increased. Things like the Galatine and Scindo are horribly slow without fury. Weapon swing ranges seem shorter than they should be and enemies simply walk out of swing range unless you're right on their face.


They should've really had a light attack, heavy attack, block button and a channeling button or something. The current system just feels extremely basic with unnecessary things like having to hold the channel button instead of an optional toggle. Keybinds in general are a mess too.

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You should also add the blocking is very difficult to use effectively when all your stamina is gone within 5 swings of your melee.

Can't block when I'm constantly at zero stamina DE :X

And yes I know there is a stamina mod, and even if I did have room for it, doing the combos would still just eat up all your stam.

Edited by GreyEnneract
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Jat kittag does so much damage. :D my current when charged on a regular swing is 3451, and it has so much range that i can usually kill a crowd of 5 enemies in one swing! :D (all i need now is a combo mod -.- )



sorry wrong thread. X_X

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