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Eclipse Clan


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What is so bad about the Eclipse Alliance? Right now they're unlocking Dark Sectors for the players who want into the Dark Sectors, to get in there tax free.


No one enjoys taxes, right now all Dark Sectors are good for is getting bored running infested missions while farming for some of the new Channeling mods and the bonus XP.


Every clan wanting to dethrone the Eclipse alliance simply wants to do so for their own profits yet don't even guarantee a taxless admission. 


This alliance strikes me as the good guys at the moment, they're opening up Dark Sectors for basically free and not asking a dime of the players passing through. This is incredibly helpful and kind on those with low resources and/or credit supplies. 


Why would anyone fight for the other people trying to destroy their rails when all the other alliance wants to do is tax the brains out of the community? 

Edited by Hastur609
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What is so bad about the Eclipse Alliance? Right now they're unlocking Dark Sectors for the players who want into the Dark Sectors, to get in there tax free.


No one enjoys taxes, right now all Dark Sectors are good for is getting bored running infested missions while farming for some of the new Channeling mods and the bonus XP.


Every clan wanting to dethrone the Eclipse alliance simply wants to do so for their own profits yet don't even guarantee a taxless admission. 


This alliance strikes me as the good guys at the moment, they're opening up Dark Sectors for basically free and not asking a dime of the players passing through. This is incredibly helpful and kind on those with low resources and/or credit supplies. 


Why would anyone fight for the other people trying to destroy their rails when all the other alliance wants to do is tax the brains out of the community? 

You don't understand-I"m not stating this out of greed.  I don't want to just control the dark sectors, what I want to do is be a PART of them.  I don't want to sit there and try to support other clans for @(*()$ 250 credits.  I want to be able to fight for my own clan's ONLY rail.  That's it, period.  I wanted to participate in this new feature, instead of just being locked out by someone else.  Yeah, my clan was going to have the rails be free too, but we wanted to have fun and participate in the sectors too!   If they have all the taxes at 0%, then what's the point of locking everyone else out of the solar system?  That sounds like the A****** move to me.   You are obviously a part of this alliance, if you're defending them taking over the entire system just to feel special.  Locking everyone else out of the hard work they put into their rail, by not allowing them to deploy the thing they've dumped hundreds of thousands of resources into.  That's my point.

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What is so bad about the Eclipse Alliance? Right now they're unlocking Dark Sectors for the players who want into the Dark Sectors, to get in there tax free.


No one enjoys taxes, right now all Dark Sectors are good for is getting bored running infested missions while farming for some of the new Channeling mods and the bonus XP.


Every clan wanting to dethrone the Eclipse alliance simply wants to do so for their own profits yet don't even guarantee a taxless admission. 


This alliance strikes me as the good guys at the moment, they're opening up Dark Sectors for basically free and not asking a dime of the players passing through. This is incredibly helpful and kind on those with low resources and/or credit supplies. 


Why would anyone fight for the other people trying to destroy their rails when all the other alliance wants to do is tax the brains out of the community? 


I'm pretty sure that if you charge 0 tax for your dark sector, you won't last long and will soon get take over very easily by other clans ( Other clans have more resource for a better battle pay)

Which means if Ecilpe continue there 0-tax strategy, they will only start out strong and slowly get beat by other clans. 

They maybe good for opening dark sector for free, but stupid if they think this will help continue their early domination. 

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I still stand by my idea that the lower you set your tax, the weaker your rail is. That way alliances and clans that are hell bent on disrupting the entire DS economy can still set their taxes to 0%, but will have to live with the fact that their rail won't be able to sustain as much damage as the other alliance or clan that set theirs to 5%.

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Who gives a flying crap about domination or pasting names on some part of the solar system? My only interest is in getting the extra XP and resources from the dark sectors - which the Eclipse rails offer better than a taxed rail.


And as for the 5% being able to sustain itself more, I personally will never play on a taxed rail. 5% of nothing and 0% of something are the same thing.

Edited by DoomFruit
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You don't understand-I"m not stating this out of greed.  I don't want to just control the dark sectors, what I want to do is be a PART of them.  I don't want to sit there and try to support other clans for @(*()$ 250 credits.  I want to be able to fight for my own clan's ONLY rail.  That's it, period.  I wanted to participate in this new feature, instead of just being locked out by someone else.  Yeah, my clan was going to have the rails be free too, but we wanted to have fun and participate in the sectors too!   If they have all the taxes at 0%, then what's the point of locking everyone else out of the solar system?  That sounds like the A****** move to me.   You are obviously a part of this alliance, if you're defending them taking over the entire system just to feel special.  Locking everyone else out of the hard work they put into their rail, by not allowing them to deploy the thing they've dumped hundreds of thousands of resources into.  That's my point.


I hate it to break it to you, but for every 1 clan or alliance that claims a dark sector, someone loses out.

Unless DE is going to make more Dark Sectors available ala 0.0 space EVE online style, some one will always lose out.

That is the competitive nature of the Dark Sector and you end up having to fight for it.


Even if you got it, will it stop Eclipse, Lords of the East etc from disrupting your activities as they pleased ? 

Well nope.


This is a PVP aspect of Warframe, someone WILL always lose out.

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I think DE should add an ongoing cost to power the rail, and if the clan runs out, their rail shuts down, and nobody can choose to fight for that side until it's powered back up.


Make running at 0% tax the worst way to run a rail, unless you have several million of the resource to power it.

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I kinda thought I would log in and just see Warbros with tons of rails charging max everything, lol.


I'm not mad at Eclipse - they are doing what the game allows them to do. I'm just surprised someone would risk so many rails so early. They are going to lose tons of hard earned resources as their rails get destroyed. I have a lot of rails built, but will only try to put up one at a time, over time. DE is going to likely be balancing and adding rules to this as it goes on, as well.

Edited by nefrai
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Competition is the nature of the system. Well, that would be true if everyone wasn't doing 0% tax.


Competition should be the nature of the system. As it is, it isn't, and that's not the community's fault. There's just not enough incentive to have anything other than a free rail utopia.

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What is so bad about the Eclipse Alliance? Right now they're unlocking Dark Sectors for the players who want into the Dark Sectors, to get in there tax free.


No one enjoys taxes, right now all Dark Sectors are good for is getting bored running infested missions while farming for some of the new Channeling mods and the bonus XP.


Every clan wanting to dethrone the Eclipse alliance simply wants to do so for their own profits yet don't even guarantee a taxless admission. 


This alliance strikes me as the good guys at the moment, they're opening up Dark Sectors for basically free and not asking a dime of the players passing through. This is incredibly helpful and kind on those with low resources and/or credit supplies. 


Why would anyone fight for the other people trying to destroy their rails when all the other alliance wants to do is tax the brains out of the community? 


well with this mentality (the whole point of the dark sectors is for alliances to challenge each other), DE might as well remove alliances, remove the solar rails, and just have these dark sectors as special infested nodes. They should screw all the work they did on adding Alliances to appease people who weren't satisfied with the occasional infested invasions. DE didn't make this game mode for one alliance/clan to control the entire system. And if that happens, then I'd want DE to remove alliances altogether, because obviously at that point it'll be fricking useless.

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You say that an Alliance should have a limit of one??? That means that a Clan should have that limit too. But an Alli is has between 2-XXX Clans so whay they should be able to have just one. It´s pointless and nonsense for me just wait maybe they are not able to hold them and btw if u limited the numbers of Rails for an Alliance to one and they have one they are only able to play to defend it and cant play on the attacker side thats crap.

Think twice next time before u say bullsh*t like this.

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I don't have a problem with what the Eclipse alliance is doing. 

What I do have a problem with is that the clan I'm in can't form an alliance to compete with them due to a problem that DE should have fixed immediately, but they likely never will.

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needless to say this solar rail idea might just cause more problems and unnecessary conflicts, if they finally do add a maintenance tax it is possible they might also bring in additional rewards to make it worth fighting over, but then eventually there's gonna be even more clashes between the clans making the dark sectors unavailable for use and more of a player war ground for the sake of reputation where the larger clans will hold most of the power as their main force is in sheer numbers. 


also limiting clans to just being able to control 1 solar rail is pointless since the alliance system kicked in. since the eclipse clan took the head start and even if they have larger numbers (which we don't really know) don't expect them to be able to hold them all at once. if they were serious about holding a reputation above other clans they would focus on the main planets used for farming because even if there are 3000+ of them there are other players to account for and where there is power there is conflict. 

The DEs at minimum might make a cool-down time for other clans to challenge the existing ones so that players still have access to the dark sectors. Adding to the idea of additional rewards, the dark sectors where introduced as an end-game type missions making it a possible places for events.

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It just doesn't make sense to me to take over a rail that is charging 0% taxes. You lose nothing by using the rail, so why get rid of it? You use the rail, and get bonus XP and resources.Getting rid of one is like destroying a store that gives out everything for free. Eclipse is being pretty selfless right now. If they get taken over, at best things are still the same with 0% taxes, and at worst the alliance that takes over will set ridiculous tax rates.

Edited by Darkjackal_2031
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That's the nature of the system. Every clan/alliance for themselves.

Get used to it.


If you don't like them get a bunch of other Clans or Alliances on board and wipe them out.


 If you can't then don't get all uptight about a Clan holding that much Space. Either take them on and take them out or get out of their way. This is part of how Dark Sectors work too. You don't sit back and wait for DE to nerf another Alliance for you. You go and find out what it'll take to beat them.




I wanna point out that within Eclipse most clans have one rail each.

This is pretty much exactly what I figured.

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I'm sure Eclipse have expanded a lot of resources in maintaining their rails so far, hence you asking DE for a nerf will simply be punishing them for doing well in the system.

Fact is, I'm just going to support anyone whom offers me a better choice in terms of battle pay. So far I've been helping the Eclipse alliance simply because they're the only one reliably giving out their rather high battle pay. If your clan or alliance can offer me higher battle pay and I can reliablely receive it at the end of the mission (Unlike most challengers so far), I'll gladly support your rail. 

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I'm sure Eclipse have expanded a lot of resources in maintaining their rails so far, hence you asking DE for a nerf will simply be punishing them for doing well in the system.

Fact is, I'm just going to support anyone whom offers me a better choice in terms of battle pay. So far I've been helping the Eclipse alliance simply because they're the only one reliably giving out their rather high battle pay. If your clan or alliance can offer me higher battle pay and I can reliablely receive it at the end of the mission (Unlike most challengers so far), I'll gladly support your rail. 

In the end, it's all about this^

Battle pay.

While I don't like the fact that Eclipse already controls most of the Dark Sector,

They pretty much deserved it considering the amount of effort it took for them to do it.

If any of us want to challenge it, I suggest we start saving credits.

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