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"the Tenno Stand United Against A Common Foe."

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First of all, Tyl Regor was nuttier than a horde of squirrels in a vat of peanut butter.  Second of all, it wasn't a disease, it was a side effect of the thousands of clones they were churning out to subjugate the crap out of everybody else in the solar system.  Thirdly, Regor was going to make the Grineer immortal, which would have made it a bit of a problem to break their stranglehold on the system.


Immortal, not invincible... They would still die by my blade.


But yes, our hunting him is just.

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The whole "Tenno stand united" thing is more of a general statement. I suppose a good example is "Americans support capitalism". Yes. We do, as a majority; but a communist party does exist. Ultimately, statements describing entire factions/groups will never be completely true, there are too many nuances. But it's easier to say "The Tenno stand united" than "The Tenno stand united but occasionally have ideological differences and choose different options and policies for different situations and at times cause infighting", that's a mouthful.


Humans have the innate inability to focus on more than a few people they consider important. Ask yourself this: Can you remember all the players you played with? Helped with? Have been helped by? No, there are millions of players, remembering that much is infeasible. Transfer this to in-game, the Tenno most likely don't have the ability to remember all their ilk either.


Rivalries and quarrels are just natural. Take a random sampling of the populace, plop them down in one house, and see how long it takes for a fight to break out. No two people see the same things, have the same philosophies. The Tenno have experienced a lot since they woke up, so they have probably started taking on individual philosophies as well.


Do I believe that the lore needs revision? Yes. Do I believe that the Tenno are some happy-joy-joy hivemind with no dissidents, rivalries, or disagreements? No.


Edited for better example; better, not good.


Either way, the only reason I'm mad is because the saber-rattling is disrupting my Dark Sector runs >:|

Edited by InritusOO
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You seem confused.

Yeeaah, in hindsight that was a bad example, but I suppose stereotypes are the only way to go. Either way, let's not turn this into a socio-political debate now.


Also: I love Rhino's mashed taters, they're heavenly.

Edited by InritusOO
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It's not like Rhino is gonna retire and open a small bakery.



This needs to be a thing... right now... 


Artists we need a Rhino with a chef hat and an apron holding a mixing bowl and stirring something in it.  


Make it happen :D

Got it. *Whips out paint program*

As promised...



Made in 20 minutes with PDN

Edited by Arceus255
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Aye, "Grand Admiral", but regardless of what side we picked we would've been screwing pretty heavily with our enemies anyway; it just so happens that with Valkyr on the line the Corpus needed to be put down more.







Technically, they weren't really picking sides.  They were prioritizing; Lotus herself says as much at the end of the conflict. 


So none of you think in the actual game world Tenno ended up killing other Tennos?

You think what was represented in the game is what actually happened? Tennos never actually met each other in the battlefield and were just killing the opposite troops?

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As promised...



Made in 20 minutes with PDN

I want an ingame Chef Rhino Hat now.


So none of you think in the actual game world Tenno ended up killing other Tennos?

You think what was represented in the game is what actually happened? Tennos never actually met each other in the battlefield and were just killing the opposite troops?

Hm, it's like these things called "Tenno Spectres" and "Reviving" don't even exist. They'd be really convenient to have around....

Edited by ZephyrPhantom
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Well, just in terms of a coop pve game, it's a purely lazy stop gap measure in terms of content. In terms of lore, it's .....................well, pretty dumb.


Bad idea, badly implimented, but it was easy to think of, since they already had the invasion system in force.

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Oh right... it would be much more interesting to just make Tenno into these glorious saviours of the entire galaxy that come overcome their differences and come together to beat the bad guys (in this case "beat" means slaughter milions of them) and then live together happily ever after under the rainbow.


I'm sure that kind of narrative would make the community insanely friendly.


I wonder what will Tenno do after they kill ALL of the enemies... have tea parties? Open a small shop? Maybe a police work... saving kittens or something. Or maybe get frozen again waiting for another mess to clean up.


U32: Reintegrating superpowered mass murdering killer machines into peaceful society


You might be surprised at the effect of a game's narrative on the sensibilities of the players while playing it, especialyl when (unlike in this game) the narrative oozes (but doesn't beat you over the head with; a fine line to walk) from every part of the game.


As for what happens after Tenno kill all the enemies, we already know what happens to them as it's happened before, and it isn't integration into society.

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It was inevitable. We are not the warriors of honor that the legends spoke of. Perhaps we never were. We fell long ago, when the last Orokin lay bleeding on the floor. We are War incarnate, constructs forged to slaughter. We are driven by the desire to gain, to control. We hoard Credits, Platnium, Resources. We rend the enemy asunder and salvage what we can, brutal scavengers drenched in blood.


We are dragons, beasts of immense power sitting on our piles of gold, killing to gain more. The noble, Lone Rōnin is no more. He was devoured by want.


Profit Numbs the Feeling.

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So none of you think in the actual game world Tenno ended up killing other Tennos?

You think what was represented in the game is what actually happened? Tennos never actually met each other in the battlefield and were just killing the opposite troops?


Yes, I do, since we are controlling all of the Tenno, so we know what they're doing.  That's kind of the point of the game, guv.

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maybe from the beginning, we were never a warrior of honor. we never be a force to balance.

all that myth, legends, and sense of honor about Tenno were circulated after our cryostatis sleep.

we were just a tool of war, we are just tool of war, and we will always become a tool of war.

Edited by dataman88
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maybe from the beginning, we were never a warrior of honor. we never be a force to balance.

all that myth, legends, and sense of honor about Tenno were circulated after our cryostatis sleep.

we were just a tool of war, we are just tool of war, and we will always become a tool of war.


It's as you said, we were made as tools of war. We weren't "chosen" to be Tenno because we exemplified exceptional virtue or honor. We were made Tenno simply because we were the ones that survived the Void. Others assign value to our actions because what we do benefits or opposes their own interests. In truth, we are more like a game of spin the bottle, but with less kissing.


"I am Steel.

Steel knows no fear.

Steel knows no doubt.

When face with my enemy, I hesitated not.

I am a weapon to destroy thee."

Edited by Ryme
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 They stood united. Past tense.


 United by the blanket amnesia and the guidance of the Lotus.


 But that was never going to last forever. Time has passed. The Tenno have made plenty of choices. They've slowly built upon a sense of individuality again.


 Who their friends are. What clan they want to hail from.


 Even which of the two warring factions is the lesser evil in this endless system-wide civil war.


 The Tenno, on an individual level, can even be said to have already been presented with the choice of whether Lotus' balance is important to them.



 And so they split up. Section off. A lone tenno becomes a squad. A squad becomes a Clan. Clans become Alliances. Now the Tenno, organized by their own values, can see enemies even among their own kind. People with conflicting values or interests.


 So they do what they do. Act like war machines.

Your username is so unfitting


No matter how united something is there will always be stragglers and outcasts and members who hang at the edge


Its only a matter of time


The important thing is to stay strong at the core

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So... The Tenno stand united against a common foe - themselves.


If that does not prove that the Tenno are in fact human beings in machines after all, I do not know what proof anyone needs.

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