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Who Misses Charge Attacks


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I'm not saying channeling is a bad thing that came to the game but I just misses the feel of charge attacks, and for those wondering I don't use galatine so that not why i miss it

oh and this is not a flame post or anything I just want to see if anyone misses them like me

I miss the charge attacks.  I think they could still put it back into the game to work along side the channeling feature.  Possibly for when you are in gun mode instead of melee mode.  It sure would help to use it while shooting guns.  I did not think there was a need to remove the charge attacks and some of the original melee moves.  It could have all been in one package, and i think we would get the most out of both melee and gun mode.

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As stated before just stating an idea or suggestion may have not been a good one.


Yet, by no means am I asking for the old charge attack system. Rather a more developed one that can be implemented


within melee 2.0 perhaps within its combos. A normal combo consist of something equipped with a stance mod it be


something like this: E, E, E (pause) E, E. Now normally you have a nice looking combo with cool animations. My case in


point to try to make more clear to add a HOLD and Release option within the combo in the near future. To bring more


options to the table otherwise branching out the combo a bit more. Now comes the true question. Should old charge attacks


come back? Personally I say no. A more developed one within the Melee 2.0 system within its combo perhaps. However


compared to Melee 1.0 and Melee 2.0; Melee 2.0 has more development potential then the previous. It is a good start to


something of course there are kinks here and there. Overall a rather better system then previous. But if not that fine I am


happy with current system as of now. Just wanted to add some flavor to the icing.


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I think eliminating charge mods was more important than eliminating charge attacks. Bring the charge attacks back in some way, but make them an accessory to the main event, not as an alternative mode to the melee system. Something like dynasty warriors, where alternate inputs let you flip enemies into the air and slam them, or guard break, or ragdoll away for breather room, or execute attacks with wider range but lower attack power, and so on.

Edited by weirdee
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After using Melee 2.0 for a little while, I feel as if their removal wasn't entirely 100% necessary, but if that's what it takes to make a rounded out and balanced melee system, I guess I can live with it. Thing is, many weapons that were centered around the use of charge attacks lost that niche but weren't really given any compensation for it in return - so I guess you could say we aren't at that balance point yet either.

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Charge attacks were removed because they do not fit the design of Melee 2.0. Melee 2.0 is meant to make Melee viable by decreasing the danger of closing distance between you and the target(parrying), increasing the damage output(damage buff) and decreasing the time it takes to finish one target and transfer to another(channeling). Charge attacks were a trade off. They traded time for damage, which is against the idea of reducing time to finish an enemy and move on. Channeling is designed to have the same impact as charge attack(more damage if you need it), while still fitting into the new paradigm of Melee 2.0 by not trading time, but trading energy. Charge attacks will never fit into Melee 2.0 because they are incompatible and if implemented in addition to channeling, they would undermine it and cause people to use charge attacks because they are "Cheaper", thus causing Melee to become slow again.

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Never was a fan a charge attacks. They were basically an infinite E pause E combo. A slower and more tedious version of quick attacks. It also looked kinda goofy with a lot of weapons that your dude would just pose for 1/4 of a second while other dudes shot/stabbed them.


Combos will easily replace charge attacks in both skill involved and badass factor. I have no doubt that we will see stances expanded to offer more variations, and then no one will ever miss charge attacks again.

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Variety, a little bit, but still nowhere near as effective as some of our primary weapon counter parts. We don't have a Melee version of the Synapse do we? Nothing we can slap a maxed out crit chance and get 100%+ crits. Sure, the dual Ichor have 25% chance to crit, That brings it up to what...40%? Plus the channeling crit mod will bring it to 55% when channeling? That isn't even close to the soma in being able to crit.


So sure, we have variety, still not as much as primary weapons. With melee weapon's its still pretty much stack elemental damage and channeling, maybe toss on life strike and a channeling effeciency mod, but it's the same thing. There is no real variety if we can't replace elemental damage with something else effectively. 

What in the world are you talking about? 


You can't compare ranged weapons to melee weapons. It doesn't make sense. Melee has significant damage when you get a large damage multiplier (Swirling Tigers stance OP), but it's a risk when you walk into a crowd of Napalms/Bombards/Heavy Gunners. Range weapons are completely different, as you can take them out at a safe distance, but the damage isn't as exponentially powerful, let's say, Dual Ichors with Swirling Tigers. 


TL;DR You're comparing apples and oranges. One's more powerful if you take the time and the risk, and one's more safe and reliable.

Edited by ikillyou8196
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Never was a fan a charge attacks. They were basically an infinite E pause E combo. A slower and more tedious version of quick attacks. It also looked kinda goofy with a lot of weapons that your dude would just pose for 1/4 of a second while other dudes shot/stabbed them.


Combos will easily replace charge attacks in both skill involved and badass factor. I have no doubt that we will see stances expanded to offer more variations, and then no one will ever miss charge attacks again.


That's because you are one of those people that ran up to an enemy and then stood there charging attacks. Those of us who enjoyed it used the mechanic in a completely different fashion. The melee key was likely bound to another key or the mouse, so that we could maintain mobility while charging. The fun of charge attack then became coordinating movement to evade enemy attacks that could cancel out the charge and the timing of the actual charge. It was a tangible risk/reward tradeoff that involved actual skill. If you succeeded, you pulled off a large burst attack move while taking minimal damage. If you failed, you died.


The "combos" of melee 2.0 are a placebo and in effect, little more than a cosmetic change to the attack animations. Whether you succeed or fail to pull off a combo makes no difference to the enemy. It still just breaks down to you standing in front of an enemy spamming the attack key.


Need more proof?


Look at the warframes and their powers. All the warframes are provided with a copy of the mod for each of their powers. You are even restricted from selling or destroying the last copy of a power, because that's how important they are to the core design behind each frame. Now, look at your combos. They are granted by stance cards that you have to farm for separately. Take a moment and think about that. If combos were so vitally important to melee 2.0, why wouldn't they just be provided to you from the start? Because they aren't. The combos don't matter. They are in effect the same as alternate heads of the warframes. Is it nice to look how you want? Yes. Is it so critically important that a warframe is unusable without it? No. 


Conversely, imagine if Loki didn't come with Invisibility, Nova didn't come with Molecular Prime, Rhino didn't come with Iron Skin, or Frost didn't come with Snow Globe. How much demand would there be to acquire them, if you had to then obtain their skill cards separately?

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That's because you are one of those people that ran up to an enemy and then stood there charging attacks. Those of us who enjoyed it used the mechanic in a completely different fashion. The melee key was likely bound to another key or the mouse, so that we could maintain mobility while charging. The fun of charge attack then became coordinating movement to evade enemy attacks that could cancel out the charge and the timing of the actual charge. It was a tangible risk/reward tradeoff that involved actual skill. If you succeeded, you pulled off a large burst attack move while taking minimal damage. If you failed, you died.


The "combos" of melee 2.0 are a placebo and in effect, little more than a cosmetic change to the attack animations. Whether you succeed or fail to pull off a combo makes no difference to the enemy. It still just breaks down to you standing in front of an enemy spamming the attack key.


Need more proof?


Look at the warframes and their powers. All the warframes are provided with a copy of the mod for each of their powers. You are even restricted from selling or destroying the last copy of a power, because that's how important they are to the core design behind each frame. Now, look at your combos. They are granted by stance cards that you have to farm for separately. Take a moment and think about that. If combos were so vitally important to melee 2.0, why wouldn't they just be provided to you from the start? Because they aren't. The combos don't matter. They are in effect the same as alternate heads of the warframes. Is it nice to look how you want? Yes. Is it so critically important that a warframe is unusable without it? No. 


Conversely, imagine if Loki didn't come with Invisibility, Nova didn't come with Molecular Prime, Rhino didn't come with Iron Skin, or Frost didn't come with Snow Globe. How much demand would there be to acquire them, if you had to then obtain their skill cards separately?

Yes, there's a video for what you're saying right now...

I think it's "Are video gamers killing video games?"


They aren't completely vital, I agree (using DNikana w/o Tranquil Cleave :| ) BUT, using the combos aren't just for style points. 


Look at Swirling Tigers. I think its the most OP stance right now. Why? Because it has multiple hits within a combo, like Fang. It adds up, you know.


I guess it's all up to your playstyle. 

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I'd like to start by saying I'm nowhere near end-game and there's probably tons of people who posted here that know a lot more about melee than I do, but I felt like with charged attacks I had to THINK more.


Like a previous poster said before, there was some subtle precision required to pulling them off. Other people have said "weren't you sick of Grineer interrupting you out of your charge before you could use it?" Well, that was kind of the point. Risk vs. Reward. You did more damage while sacrificing total reliability, and you had to constantly weave yourself in and out of an enemy's melee range to avoid being interrupted.


With Melee 2.0 my melee strategies are...well, pretty mindless. I just run in and spam E constantly. When an enemy is a little tougher I hold down left click and continue to spam E constantly. The only "risk" or "strategy" is that my energy is depleting and I may have to measure how much I use once in a while. It feels less immersive.


Yes, there is a combo system, but I'm using the Bleeding Willow stance and all my combo seems to do is jump me toward various enemies. It seems to do less damage per second than E spamming and really only serves as a gap closer, and even then slide attacking is both faster and easier to pull off for closing the distance.


Anyways, I'm probably off-base on a lot of things, but those are my two cents.

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I HELLA MISS CHARGED ATTACKS     D':    I mean, if u hold E to do a charge attack, it wont disrupt ANY combos at all, so I really think they should bring it back.  Also when u r not in stance mod, u cant do any strong melee moves, u have to switch into stance mod which in the time being can prob can u killed.  If charged attacks were back, at least it could deliver a decent damage without being in stance mode...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I liked charge attacks because you could build a melee weapon differently with crit build, attack build, charge build, elemental build and etc. However now every melee build is almost the same: killing blow, reflex coil, energy channel. Everyone builds the channeling build, and then add the other variants in like crit damage/chance with elemental mods. 


The variety is lost. 


I don't see why we couldn't channel our charge attacks. 

omg, ikr, i have literally the same combination. i always have focus energy and a ice elemental damage mod since alot of the melees have that polarity slot only.  so basically i only have magnetic damage:(

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