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Eclipse Challenged By Angry Joe Army


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PM in game if you want to join the Angry Army! Warlord of Angry Army Reporting IN!


I presume you've got a group from the Angry Army forums? Get the word out to Joe that you know have an audience expecting a spectacle for the ages. Joe should deliver more man power to your cause.

Edited by SolidSp33d
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It's not that hard for some random person to have taken the clan name Angry Joe Show Army and "represent them" so to speak. 


Warframe is offically supported by Angry Joe. I am the Leader of the Warframe Divison of angry joe check us out at http://angryjoeshow.com/ajsa/forum/53-warframe/ if youd like more information. Or PM me in game or on the forums.


and yes the tax thing was total sarcasm which apparently some people missed.

Edited by DarthRevan84
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I'm pretty sure a lot of people don't even know who he is. Like, if op has to explain "in case you don't know", then yeah. To a lot of people, that is just some random clan, and even though their message is sarcasm, to a lot of people who don't know, it's not. 


Can't see Eclipse lose this one.


Including a "in case you don't know" means nothing. There's always someone who is out of the loop. I put it there because a have decent post has an explanation of the situation and it's parties.


And the idea is how much he could rally if he actually gets in on it. Or even just the few dedicated of the dedicated in his community.

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Angry Joe officially supports Warframe but he doesn't play it himself. The forums for Warframe and the clan is dead so don't expect much guys.


True, current restructuring and re-organization of resources has worn away most of the shine but we hope to revitalize the activity with this move and bring the clan back to something that is an active thriving community.

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Yeah, thanks for locking down the rail because you are just some internet celebrity which makes you instant win, then tax the S#&$ out of everyone. Seems legit, I hope Eclipse teaches you a lesson.


I actually want to see how long Eclipse can maintain all their rails. I feel bad for their own members who are getting taxed 70%+.  If more large alliances challenge Eclipse, then they will be forced to empty their wallets more and tax their own members higher.

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True, current restructuring and re-organization of resources has worn away most of the shine but we hope to revitalize the activity with this move and bring the clan back to something that is an active thriving community.


I wish you good luck.

You'll need it, taking on Eclipse.

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Yeah, thanks for locking down the rail because you are just some internet celebrity which makes you instant win, then tax the S#&$ out of everyone. Seems legit, I hope Eclipse teaches you a lesson.

 Oh thanks captain obvious, but we don't really need to be reminded about this in every post about dark sector.

Just keep cool and positive.

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Isn't Angry Joe that guy with bad taste in videogames who can't get a real job and does the same schtick of every youtube video game celeb?

And didn't he have a nervous breakdown and cry like a child when he found out he couldn't make money on youtube by being "angry" about "videogames" on his webcam every day?


Why do people like this person?

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