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The Nova Dilemma


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If you just go in for the kills, a saryn or trinity can get 90% of the kills before nova gets them. Even in outer terminus.

For the melee part that may be true, but i think this was no surprise. And like i said if you dont like the frames your team is using switch teams.

Its the same when a nyx spams chaos and a excalibur stun locks the whole map with radial blind. If the team uses frames that doesnt fit to your current playing style, switch your frame or ask if the other person switch or just leave it. But to request to nerf another frame into oblivion should not be the solution.

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If you just go in for the kills, a saryn or trinity can get 90% of the kills before nova gets them. Even in outer terminus.

For the melee part that may be true, but i think this was no surprise. And like i said if you dont like the frames your team is using switch teams.

Its the same when a nyx spams chaos and a excalibur stun locks the whole map with radial blind. If the team uses frames that doesnt fit to your current playing style, switch your frame or ask if the other person switch or just leave it. But to request to nerf another frame into oblivion should not be the solution.

Because Radial Blind and Chaos benefits the team and doesn't instakill the enemies. Rather just making them to sitting ducks. So not the same with M Prime that kills the enemies. And you do realize Nyx and Excal simply cannot spam their abilities unless the timer is up or all the enemies effected are dead.
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Because Radial Blind and Chaos benefits the team and doesn't instakill the enemies. Rather just making them to sitting ducks. So not the same with M Prime that kills the enemies. And you do realize Nyx and Excal simply cannot spam their abilities unless the timer is up or all the enemies effected are dead.

For nyx its true, as excalibur you should try it again. Maybe its different on ps4 but i doubt it since it was mentioned several times in the forum aswell that excaliburs advantage is that he can recast RB unlike nyx with chaos.

And i used excalibur several times since his new skin came out and i had no problem to recast RB even when enemies were blinded, there is a small cooldown but nothing big.

But if you say if the whole screen insta dies it takes the challenge out of the game, you shouldnt stun whole rooms, because thats as cheap as insta kill, just slower. Same goes for invisibility and blessing from trinity. It takes the challenge out of the game. So you should avoid that aswell.

Edited by (PS4)fingernageldreck
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by how much time? 4 seconds? you say you tested it on ODD thats infested who have a 5 second delay. wow...amazing! one maybe two extra seconds. And im sure if you start the casting at 2.59 seconds itll take well over four seconds to show the casting animation. Otherwise unless you test it thoroughly on Grinnner or Corpus, who have 15 seconds till disintegration, which is were i play ALL the time, Xini Defense, then you dont really have much of an argument.

Hmm, ran a ODD to check with a friend, Its closer to 6-8 seconds it seems. but that seems tied to the cast ending, so Its definately longer than 3, but not by much.  My appologies for coming on to harsh, need to not post on forums this early.

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Izzatuw : MPrime don't kill anything it's the explosion when MPrimed are killed that chain react and kill. Nyx can't spam chaos, Excal can with RB, Loki can with RD, Ember well modded ? 15 sec to run everywhere and burn everything around in a vast mobile area with Ignis and accelrant (well played she's way better killer than Nova), Oberon spamming Reckoning ? Untill mobs lev 30+ I have steal the kill with him, a lot, mind you... Trinity is immortal, Ash are invisible... It's utterly stupid to put all the hate on a single high caster nuker's frame, don't you abuse everything with your Rhino sir ?

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Lets not call for a nerf, I mean I do agree that people like to kill things themselves but Nova contributes to the group by being one of the only Nukers in the game that can effectively, well... nuke.  Let's take a look at any other warframe and think about how well they can do with their abilitys.  Again, I do agree that Nova takes the fun out of it... in lower/mid game areas but I absolutely love having a nova in T3 void missions after a while, enemys are slow and get damaged even more, its wonderful.


Maybe make it so things retroactively scale with the amount of hp/shields that the enemy has?  Or... cap the damage that she can do.  For instance, instead of killing things make it so that they are taken down to 10% of health instead of killed if they were to die from the damage of that ability alone alone?


I mean... maybe 150% might be better off, true... but I hope her high wave viability doesn't get crippled.  I haven't personally played as her yet so I may not have much idea of how bad 150% would or would not be.  I just don't like nerfs because I think that the other warframes should be brought up to those levels in effectiveness in what 'they' do [no not saying every warframe should have a Molecular prime of their own that melts everything, just something iconic that people can be happy with that keeps them from being angry at the nova's and rhinos, ect.]


Well keep in mind that the 200% dmg bonus is without mods added to it. So 150% + mods will still be pretty devastating. And that's where it'll take more team effort to kill and bring back the fun.

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For nyx its true, as excalibur you should try it again. Maybe its different on ps4 but i doubt it since it was mentioned several times in the forum aswell that excaliburs advantage is that he can recast RB unlike nyx with chaos.

And i used excalibur several times since his new skin came out and i had no problem to recast RB even when enemies were blinded, there is a small cooldown but nothing big.

But if you say if the whole screen insta dies it takes the challenge out of the game, you shouldnt stun whole rooms, because thats as cheap as insta kill, just slower. Same goes for invisibility and blessing from trinity. It takes the challenge out of the game. So you should avoid that aswell.

Hmm I was mistaken with Radial Blind but there's not enough Excaliburs or Nyx's in the game now.
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Sh*tty *ss players abuse a warframe. Warframe gets all the blame.

I love nova. I hate 75% of the players that use her.

Nova is currently my most used frame but I don't use her in any way for easy gameplay. I love Nova's design. Wormhole is my favorit ability. I prever using antimatter drop over mp. Mp is just a panick button.

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Because Radial Blind and Chaos benefits the team and doesn't instakill the enemies. Rather just making them to sitting ducks. So not the same with M Prime that kills the enemies. And you do realize Nyx and Excal simply cannot spam their abilities unless the timer is up or all the enemies effected are dead.


Excal can recast RB once the initial stun period is over.

Which is a mere 5 second cool down.


The blind duration will not interfere with his re-casting.

So he has probably the easiest CC to spam.

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Izzatuw : MPrime don't kill anything it's the explosion when MPrimed are killed that chain react and kill. Nyx can't spam chaos, Excal can with RB, Loki can with RD, Ember well modded ? 15 sec to run everywhere and burn everything around in a vast mobile area with Ignis and accelrant (well played she's way better killer than Nova), Oberon spamming Reckoning ? Untill mobs lev 30+ I have steal the kill with him, a lot, mind you... Trinity is immortal, Ash are invisible... It's utterly stupid to put all the hate on a single high caster nuker's frame, don't you abuse everything with your Rhino sir ?

Honestly I barely use Rhino now. I just use this profile icon because he's the only frame that I have in my inventory that can fit my profile. Unless they gave Nyx, Loki for free sure.

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Nova's problem isn't her 4. At higher levels it is little more than a CC ability.


It's the 2. 50 energy base cost. You shoot a high DPS gun for half a sec at the ball and enjoy your 400k damage on high level enemies. And it's guided and a decently sized AoE.

Edited by Caernarvon
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maybe the best "nerf" to these problems would have been to make non dps based skills have a higher range potential then their dps counterparts


instead of doing a much more individualized single target nerf that might not actualy have been warrented for some of the frames


to those who say you cant or will have the hardest time desecrating a maxed range/dmg nova i say to you this I run the desecrate nekros for my clan usualy when we have either a pub or a clan mate come in as a range nova they go about their stuff mprime like crazy and I have no problem getting off desecrates that cover their entire mprime area. If i were to stand on the exact spot they mprimed from my desecrate would actualy cover the entire area of their mprime and then some


What im noticing is the entire pub side of the community went from decent to almost as bad as dota and most of the moba community you guys are included in that analysis .. all im seeing is a generalization of an entire group and now because of it i find it a horrible experience if i dont have a clan member to play with even worse if i fancy nova for the day as i will start hearing rude comments doesnt matter if i even just sit there and only use my weapons still get rude comments actions like that would sour any left of the "nova community" is its been so called I have found far more door heroes from other frames and have asked them to stop and come to the defense area instead of making everyone leave the area so they can atleast get the affinity


Nova is exceptional at dps

Trinity is exceptional at survival

Loki is exceptional at stealth

Nekros is exceptional at farming


what i see here is major complaints of nova due to people hating not getting the top kill count as when they get top kill count they get a feeling they dont want to lose nothing other then the bonus is ever "stolen" from you let alone how it ever could be since you did not posses it even in the beginning you loose nothing save maybe 5k affinity yet you forget how much more you might have gained from the distribution of affinity MPrime isnt even her highest potential dps Antimatter Drop takes that cake go experiment see what you can do with that little ball of doom


moderate complaints about trinity because of a few who prefer uber dificult as it is this game is very unfriendly to new players unless they are fast learners and have a decent amount of skill already it needs to be ballanced out so that every side has fun not just the super easy but also the super hard


no complaints about loki hardly anyone seems to care about stealth or they are not using him right in situations you can top the kill count board with this frame even though he has no dmg powers


I dont know anyone who would complain about getting a pottential second chance at loot


the rest of the frames? they dont fit clearly anywhere realy Vauban used to be exceptional at CC untill the nerf maybe you could repurpose some skills from some frames like make an effiecient high range less power stomp rhino Nyx is less CC and more as her power says chaos oberon is a confused goat boy(area denial healer dps)


I think the real issue you people are having is the range that dps powers can have after being highly moded and tinkerd with nova is just the easiest to pick on as her power can be an instant death i would say why are you guys not picking on rhino then? got to tired to after the iron skin nerf campaign? iv a loadout for rhino modded just for iron skin and stomp its been built for max range/effiency/dps and clears ~85% of the same area as mprime and completely immobalizes the mobs that might have had the luck of not being dead saryn moded decent can become like a second nova minus the cc with a bit less range i never thought about trying such a thing until i saw such an example my self a few hours ago in a defense

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Nova's problem isn't her 4. At higher levels it is little more than a CC ability.


It's the 2. 50 energy base cost. You shoot a high DPS gun for half a sec at the ball and enjoy your 400k damage on high level enemies. And it's guided and a decently sized AoE.

you can do so much more then just shoot one ball for 400k i get the feeling the potential for it could be more then triple that number but the time spent doing such a thing would require team work ccing or occupying the enemies which is what these people are looking for admittedly at the levels you would need such high dps you would need a huge amount of team work anyways

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I know this is a hard concept, but did you try asking the player nicely to stop using Molecular Prime ?

For example, a few days ago I was doing a mission and someone told me I am stealing his kills (he wanted to do the 10 melee kill challenge) so I stopped. Wow, it was so hard for him to do that, I can't even imagine how he managed it... *sarcasm*

If that doesn't work then it's the player, not the warframe and he would've made your life hard anyway.


Probably hundreds of players been asking DE nicely (and not very nicely too) to finally balance the frames.  Its probably a hard concept, but DE has professionals on a payroll who should do their job instead of leaving it up to players to gimp themselves and restrain from using OP abilities that kill the fun for others. 

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OP, it takes out the challenge in the game when you're playing alongside with OP frames utilizing OP weaponry which you cannot hope to measure yourself with.


Nova: Press 1, No need to shoot anything now, you got tiny things doing the work for you. Press 2, shoot the projectile, do buckload of damage. Press 3 for the best mobility ability (what's better mobility than instant teleport eh?) Press 4 for.....you know, kaboom. Her drawback is that she has the same defences as Vauban, but considering she can escape combat by aiming up in the sky and pressing a button, weaken and slow down everything with the press of another button aswell as summoning orb minions which explodes said weakened and slowed enemies.....Yeah, fun fun...


Rhino: Press 2 and ignore all damage ever, press 4 to stun everything for easy headshotting. People who defend rhino defend him with the argument: When you fight a level 80 heavy gunner your iron skin will be torn down in seconds!......

Like a level 80 heavy gunner would NOT instakill any other frame right?...Naw, go away rhino players, he is OP and you know it, worst thing is DE releasing rhino prime which has got the same sprint speed as excalibur, trinity, mag, volt etc. but keeping his godlike defences.


Trinity: Being invulnerable all the time isnt fun, when I play trinity I dont spam blessing and link all the time, only when I see my teammates loose enough health, and if there's just one teammate losing health I'll well of life an enemy and waypoint it. I very rarely use link. Trinity was the second frame I obtained beacause I wanted to be helpful, not told to spam blessing all the time so my team could go bull rushing into the enemy crowds giving 0 fucks.


The warframe player base is what puts me off playing non survival, defence missions online. Beacause 99 out of 100 times I will be paired up with rushers. Loki's, Embers, Vaubans, frosts, it doesnt matter what frame they wear, they will still rush through the mission to the best of their abilities.


Above all, I hate rushers and damage @#&*(s (they tend to go together, speed freaks) the most.

Edited by Rawnrawn
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But... I have a question: Why do we hate her?



Because Nova completely and utterly trivializes all but the highest level of enemies.  I would rather play hard and fight well and lose than win behind a Nova that "helpfully" nukes everything in everything room, pretending that I have any part in the game being played.



Nova's problem isn't her 4. At higher levels it is little more than a CC ability.


Yes. And at everything that ISN'T level 50+,  Nova's #4 clears the map with a single shot fired, with zero effort, zero skill, and zero teamwork.

Edited by Momaw
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The only issue with nova is her # 4 is a bit too much of a do it all and her other abilities dropoff a bit in usefulness...

It's not just about her ulti, her other abilities are also far too powerful, when compared to Vaubans abilities who has got the same defences. (but Nova is much faster)

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I main nova and I'm glad to not be in the group you're describing. The only time I'll spam mprime is in void survivals and such, where killing as many enemies as fast as possible is the entire point. Apart from that, it's a panic button when an ally goes down-or me, Nova's squishy as hell.

That said, modded right (and more importantly, played right), she can nuke full rooms of enemies up to about level 50 or so, which I can assure you, my teammates in T3 defense missions are glad about.


Personally, I prefer her AM drop, it's the key to her usefulness (I swear.) I just wish its range scaled with mods. 15 meters just isn't right when you have +125% range. T-T

Edited by Tigersight
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The problem with Nova is the problem with all 4th abilities; they are spammed. Way too many users just defy any other ability except for maybe one and spam their ultimate, because it's easier. See more than 4 enemies in one place? Press 4. This is a thing all frames can do, and it really just depends on the player. Molecular prime just happens to be specifically powerful with this because it's more powerful the more enemies are affected.


If DE would just introduce some sort of system that would make the the 4th abilities less spammable, or at least not as effective when spammed, it would make online games so much better. No more Molecular prime spams, stomp spams or permanent invulnerability (sorry, but permanent invulnerability is not something that should be a thing).


Also, exp sharing does not justify it one bit. It's a game. I like to have fun. I like to see things die in other ways than neon-colored explosions. Slashed in half, sent flying, head k'sploded, you name it. If my weapons are leveled up slower by this, then sure. Having weapons not fully ranked makes them more appealing to use either way.

Edited by RavenousPartyLibrarian
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she can nuke full rooms of enemies up to about level 50 or so, which I an assure you, my teammates in T3 defense missions are glad about.

Your friends yes, but when people play Nova in public games sucking out all the fun and challenge people are not so glad about :/

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