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Coming Soon: Devstream #27


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First of all, The parrot needs to be a sentinel. :P

So I've noticed a lot of negative criticism surrounding some of the stances like gnashing payara. The primary complaints are that the stance makes the weapon speed really slow without a noticable change of damage, you can't catch your enemies as the initial swing speed is too slow and your warframe stops moving when you swing, etc. I was wondering if you're going to revisit some of the stances and try to  improve them based of suggestions and your own internal testing.


Also, I've noticed that Hydroid has become the ultimate boss controller with his puddle ability. If the party is having trouble with a boss, IE Sargas Ruk, A hydroid with an energy aura can puddle Ruk and drain his life away while the party deals with adds and fool around. Was this intended?

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Will we have more ways of entering missions so far we only have two. Vents and our spaceships.

Why is mod dilution never fixed its constaly getting worse as mods get released. Same goes for the RNG its only getting worse.

Band-aid fixing is not fixing the wounds are going to fester and become infectious at this point.

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Are there any plans on revamping the sentinel Laser Rifle and Burst Laser weapons? Because as of right now, they are easily out-classed by all the other sentinel weapons i,e, the Sweeper, Stinger, Deth Machine Rifle, and the Deconstructor.

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My question is, since the game is still in beta, why not consider being more open to community ideas/suggestions such as warframe buffs, weapons, new warframes, mods& etc.? I know this is still DE game & you will do what you can to keep it within your vision of the game but maybe we can have community polls & vote & have like monthly tests of said suggestions until we get a compromise between DE & the community?

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Are there any plans to I prove trading? The current system isn't very good. It's a spam fest, a scam fest, and relies on right place right time. Why not introduce a market system? A menu that is a hub for trading and allows you to search up any item you want and buy it instantly along with a graph that shows recent platinum sales for people to compare to reduce scamming. More or less like steams community market. It eliminates the chat spam, elminites the right place right time aspect, reduces scamming and helps people price mods better, and makes everything quick and easy to use.

Me, and I know many people have just stopped bothering with trading because it's far too much hassle.

Edited by theharddrinkingapplejack
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1. What do you think the problems with Melee 2.0 are?

As in, what are you considering tweaking or fixing right now? Which parts of it leave you unsatisfied? What do you think could be implemented better? Please answer this question without using the problems identified to you by the community as a guide. I want to know which problems stood out to you, as that will tell the rest of us what you think is functioning sufficiently well. It will also tell us what we can reasonably expect to be changed, and how open you are to suggestions.

It is very clear that you have solid ideas of what melee should and should not be in Warframe, even if those ideas are not what is needed for it to integrate smoothly into the type of game Warframe is. I don't want to trample over those ideas, but if they don't match up with what we think we're arguing over a lost cause and it'd be nice to know we should stop crossing our fingers and hoping for the best.


2. Will you consider making smaller, weekly balance tweaks and adding a "balance changes" section to the patch notes? Or are you insistent on sticking to the "Overhaul 2.0" system that has us waiting for simple changes for months on end?

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I've been very interested in having a new mission where Tenno would be defending a sort of "Home turf". What I mean is, you'd have 4 Tenno kind of maintaining the sanctity of say a planet, and preventing Grineer from plundering it for resources and such things. A change of pace from us breaking into their ships. It's rather Avatar-esque now that I think about it, but it'd be quite fun stealth-killing Grineer with bows from atop of tall trees in forest-y terrain. To turn this into a question, I'll simply ask: Could we expect to see something like this down the line? 

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A few questions....

1. Are there any plans on some kind of story line based mode or game type, or at least something being added for those lore junkies like me out there?

2. Is there anymore "end game" content being released in the future or is the latest patch going to be the last and a new bigger project is being worked on?

3. Are there any more plans on more customization for frames and weapons (i.e. armor, more alternate skins, more weapon accessories, perhaps creating ones own warframe through some new u.i. in game)?

4. Are the devs sure about the direction the game is going and the overall "feel" of the game?

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In light of the complaints over Melee 2.0, has the team in charge of the system considered changing stance auras into stance skill trees? Some people believe that this would reduce the grinding to get the mods in the first place (Due to RNG) and would allow channeling mods and other mods that are less useful to actually be used in your sword. 


Also Nyx Prime? #Believe

Edited by lMasterBetal
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warframe customization is severely constrained between a rock and a hard place.  you basically have to pick one or two things from your entire arsenal of weapons and skills and make them your bread and butter focus.  good melee even requires you give up mod slots for stuff like quick rest, rage, reflection or all of the above.  at the same time, there are a ton of mods that offer nothing but play style tweaks and are otherwise useless, eg - maglev, hand spring, shock absorbers, etc.  The min-maxing of corrupt mods is alright, but it's almost entirely focused on amping one or two warframe abilities at the expense of all else.  All together, this makes gameplay stale and monotonous.  A player is not very inclined to switch up play style on the fly if they know they're specc'd to do nothing but spam an ability and shoot their rifle.  They're more likely to simply quit the mission, actually.  Personally, contitution and shred are two of my favorite mods, and a perfect example of what higher level mods should provide - a boost coupled with a gameplay mechanic tweak.  


1.  What are you planning to do to improve warframe spec customization apart from the Focus system you're planning (I'm not excited about that, by the way, especially if it's implemented similarly to melee 2.0)


2.  What are you doing to lessen the glut of useless mods and RNG pain that is quickly becoming the hallmark of this game?


3.  What are your plans for improving gameplay mechanics so as too better integrate the various aspects (gun play, sword play, parkour, abilities) into a fluid synergized system?

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There's a feature that's been in development limbo since Update 7.  When can we get reversed hacking controls so that right handed users don't have backwards hacking controls?


You know, left-side click turns left and right-side click turns right.  It works that way for lefties but right handed users get flip-flopped and have their left click turn right while right click turns left.


I've made








threads on the subject, including a few more that appear to have been purged from existence, one probably about a year ago and another thread that was more like a compilation of ideas with this feature suggested twice for emphasis.



So yeah, when can we see such a feature?

Edited by PocketSand
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