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Glorious Battle And Victory In The Name Of Your Clan [Dark Sector Megathread]


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As I said there is precedence for having prizes won through exploitation of bugs being removed or a prize being given to those that didnt cheat.



If Eclipse knew about it and exploited it to give an unfair advantage then they deserve to be removed from every Dark Sector, I don't care what anyone else calls it I call that cheating and in my culture cheats should be shunned


I think you're just butthurt about a "bug" that caused you not to receive your battle pay and just want to blame it on Eclipse.

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Eclipse has plenty of dark sectors under their control.  I'll prolly kill some time running missions against them as long as SOV actually  offers some battle pay.

Edited by Aggh
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Unless DE comes out and says that a cheat was used, you can't use that as a basis for argument, since even you can not prove that Eclipse had anything to do with the "bug" you keep mentioning. I agree, however, if a cheat was in fact used, they should be held accountable for it.


As Squig said above, it is a click war to finish the mission as quickly as possible in order to receive the battlepay advertised. 


In order to explain further in an attempt to help you realize what happened, read the following;

If Eclipse set up a 20k credit battlepay for the next 3000 runs, the next 3000 non alliance players to finish the mission will get the 20k. After those 3000 runs, they have to set up a new battlepay. If you were to finish after those 3000 runs were completed, but ended up finishing during the grey zone where another set of 3000 tickets were still in the process being set up, you will receive 0 credits, as there was no battlepay assigned at the time you had finished.


This is hardly a "bug" and merely an oversight by DE, for lack of a better word.


I am sorry I should have said, I have no allience nor solar rail my only axe to grind is I don't like cheats, that is it so I am going to spend some of my pleasure time fighting for what I think it right..


I appologise in advance to any innocents who suffer because of this but IMHO if you are going to bother doing the the rails it might as well be for a good reason.

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Shadows of Vengeance has ensured a secure credit farming ground for all the other Tenno at 0% tax...

Sorry Phobs. I'm with NOT letting Eclipse take Sechura.


SoV probably can't offer better pay. They will, however, pay it back through 0% tax and the fact Sechura gives 23k at w5.

(sechura gives 23/22k at any wave, so w5)

Edited by LadyScootaloo
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Also let me just add Eclipse has a vested interest in making sure those who -do- support us get payed. After all without them holding rails takes longer and is harder. The last thing we want is to have them all thinking they won't get payed(let alone actually not getting payed) even if they do run for us. A happy runner is a repeat runner, a repeat runner contributes more to our victory and a contributing person is vital to the war effort.

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They tax waaaaaaaay too high, but they give the highest battle pay with the credits from those taxes...

Its really annoying. I think its because of the taxes and the fact that they control 99% of the dark sectors...

I was talking to someone in game and they said their just worried Eclipse will grow into a monopoly.

And I agree. Its pretty much happening now anyway.

A simple fix would be to have a max number of rails deployed...

Maybe like 4 or something...

Apparently theres 26 so... yah.. 4 sounds decent.


(Dont know if theres a mega thread on this or what but.. yah)

altering game mechanics isn't a good resolve.

how about playing the game the way it is and working with each other to stop them.

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Thanks for your blog posts which effectively derailed the thread into explaining things for you.


Oh BTW how is TW alliance manage to only charge 7% for two subsequent round without whining about rail repair? While Eclipse is constantly raising the rate and still keep complaint about the rail repair fee. Maybe it had something to do with them trying to take over too many sector?

I don't think I've seen any statement from their side on the rail repair fee except the one since the first conflict.

The rail's HP has been reduced, so I expect the repair fee to be less now.

The only reason the tax is rising, I think it's for the battle pay and they're hoarding for the upcoming wide-scale attacks/defense.


Not that it's justifiable btw.

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Unless DE comes out and says that a cheat was used, you can't use that as a basis for argument, since even you can not prove that Eclipse had anything to do with the "bug" you keep mentioning. I agree, however, if a cheat was in fact used, they should be held accountable for it.


As Squig said above, it is a click war to finish the mission as quickly as possible in order to receive the battlepay advertised. 


In order to explain further in an attempt to help you realize what happened, read the following;

If Eclipse set up a 20k credit battlepay for the next 3000 runs, the next 3000 non alliance players to finish the mission will get the 20k. After those 3000 runs, they have to set up a new battlepay. If you were to finish after those 3000 runs were completed, but ended up finishing during the grey zone where another set of 3000 tickets were still in the process being set up, you will receive 0 credits, as there was no battlepay assigned at the time you had finished.


This is hardly a "bug" and merely an oversight by DE, for lack of a better word.


It is hard after the fact for anyone here to know why it failed to pay out, it might be as suggested that the ticket ran out or it might have been something else, I am not myself certain of what combination produced the desired result


However what matters is not why but if, if Eclipse got their strangle hold on the Dark Sectors because of a bug which they exploited it to gain unfair advantage then that is not right.


I dont expect DE to fix this, I will do it myself based upon what I believe is right. I may not win out but at least I stood up for what I thought was right rather than just take the credits

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It's not a bug, it's an oversight.


It's been known, reported and complained since conflict day 1.


Please, stop blogging.

Bit harsh, but yes it's known and trust me Eclipse doesn't like it anymore than you do. We don't want to be known as the alliance who "Promises high battlepay but you never get any." It leads to people -not- running your stuff when you need them to most.

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It is hard after the fact for anyone here to know why it failed to pay out, it might be as suggested that the ticket ran out or it might have been something else, I am not myself certain of what combination produced the desired result


However what matters is not why but if, if Eclipse got their strangle hold on the Dark Sectors because of a bug which they exploited it to gain unfair advantage then that is not right.


I dont expect DE to fix this, I will do it myself based upon what I believe is right. I may not win out but at least I stood up for what I thought was right rather than just take the credits

You literally already responded the quote you are referring to, and almost exactly the same way.


DE Even mentioned they were looking into finding away to fix this oversight of theirs in the last devstream.


The only reason other Alliances have not run into this oversight is because they have not been able to offer high enough battlepays to gain the amount of traffic that the Eclipse conflicts do. If they had, it would affect them as well. Eclipse had NOTHING to do it.

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Bit harsh, but yes it's known and trust me Eclipse doesn't like it anymore than you do. We don't want to be known as the alliance who "Promises high battlepay but you never get any." It leads to people -not- running your stuff when you need them to most.


Nah, you'll be known as the alliance who foolishly grabbed tons of nodes promised free solar rails at the start, back peddled and made them all 20-25% without a word, and are now expanding with one target ironically being a 0% node that is actually managing itself, all for getting an easy hotspot node to fuel your bloated costs of upkeep.


Yeah, there are more things than that you need to worry about.

Edited by SolidSp33d
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I prefer having my solar rails be sustainable, thank you.

They most likely don't need a 25% tax on all their rails to hold them now that conflicts last 12 hours and plenty of people are still grinding conflicts just for decisive judgement.  I'm fine with some tax, but what they're doing now seems abit excessive and is really probably a product of the fact that they're trying to hold on to too many rails at once.

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Nah, you'll be know as the alliance who foolishly grabbed tons of nodes promised free solar rails at the start, back peddled and made them all 20-25% without a word, and are now expanding with one target ironically being a 0% node that is actually managing itself.


Yeah, there are more things than that you need to worry about.

I wouldn't consider it foolish.


In every strategy game I've played, the first thing you do is expand as far as you can as soon as possible. Land loss is to be expected, however the more you have in the beginning, the better of a head start of you have.


I wouldn't be surprised if Eclipse was playing it just like that.

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