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Glorious Battle And Victory In The Name Of Your Clan [Dark Sector Megathread]


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You really need to increase the tax on the rail to above 0%, even 2% which is almost nothing to us, would net you easily enough to repair your rail. Sechura most likely has the highest traffic at the moment, being a high credit/resource/xp reward, as well as so low taxed. I doubt many people would be up in arms about a single digit tax just so that you guys arent keeping it repaired out of pocket.


Greetings Tenno,


No worries at all. This really is a non-issue. The rail repair for the last conflict was 16,500 credits for 6% or so. Rail repairs are pocket change. I do appreciate your willingness to take a tax, but it is a cost we are happy to absorb.


Victory to you, Tenno.


-Salishaz, Warlord of the Shadows of Vengeance

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It's my sincere belief that a Tenno who keeps to his word even when threatened is a Tenno worth trusting. You and Clan Ghost Bear are one of those.


I actually support Eclipse usually, but in this case, I support the Shadows. The main reason is this: I believe you and the Ghost Bears are the future of the Solar rails. With great trust from the community, 0% rails can be defended, because it's a fight worth fighting, even with high battle pay from the opponents.


However, in the interim, Eclipse does a fine job keeping untested, glory-hungry alliances from being too rampant. High battle pay and being demolished quickly are indeed quite a deterrent for those clans or alliance, and the same people will play more carefully in the future before they launch another futile strike. They have the advantage of being able to hold a lot of Rails, and maintain it, and for that, I am quite grateful. I love what they're doing, actually, despite the credit tax. Cause ultimately, they offer more stability and benefit than they cause problems. 


Perhaps there'll come a time when more alliances begin taking nodes one by one, and are able to defend them effectively, either by support, or by sheer membership contribution. Until then, Eclipse is a power to be reckoned with. I do think they'll be around for a long while, but their role will certainly change as time goes by. Who knows? They may even be able to afford going 0% tax for all rails eventually, if a few solar rails generate enough income to fuel battle pay and repair costs of the rest. 


At any rate, it's all speculation. You guys are cool. Thumbs up, Salishaz.

Edited by Calayne
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I will run for any rail that charges no tax

all that bs about high cost of repairs on rails makes me want to puke

a 4 man squad can run 4 or 5 t2caps in under 15 minutes and basically sponsor whole rail


anytime you guys get attacked or any other rail that charges no tax (and I mean 0 tax because if you even charge 1% I will not run for you) just post on forums and you will get support from players like me

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In regards to the second part he's saying it's a click war, Only the fastest gets to deploy and the only way to be the fastest is by watching deathsnacks and hitting deploy as soon as armistice ends.


Arrr thanks, i think he misunderstood what i was trying to say. My alliance in the one that is contrast now.. We get deployed against more than we deploy to people lols

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I ran about twenty missions for SoV's rail during the conflict. Would have ran more, but I was already a bit but burnt out from Ceres (and the servers only saving half of my progress), and everything seemed to be going quite well, so I slowed my pace. Quite pleased that it was defended successfully.


You really need to increase the tax on the rail to above 0%, even 2% which is almost nothing to us, would net you easily enough to repair your rail. Sechura most likely has the highest traffic at the moment, being a high credit/resource/xp reward, as well as so low taxed. I doubt many people would be up in arms about a single digit tax just so that you guys arent keeping it repaired out of pocket.


I don't think you get it.

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I am sorry but what do you mean? I really do not understand this sentence.

Arrr thanks, i think he misunderstood what i was trying to say.


He was responding to the fellow named Terry3373 a few posts earlier in the thread regarding frustration with being unable to deploy a rail. It had nothing to do with what you said.



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You are doing something very honorable by keeping it tax free.

However, you should still maybe hold a tiny 1-2% fee so you can at least repair your rails. Other people will attempt to take it again.


Greetings, Tenno.


I mentioned a few posts ago that it is so inexpensive it is not an issue. Enjoy the rails and don't worry about our out of pocket cost to repair them.



Victory to you, Tenno.


- Salishaz


[Edited for a typo]

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It wasn't so much dislike for Eclipse that drove me, so much as an understanding that there wasn't a need for that rail to be taken over.

I actually enjoy the fact that Eclipse, when they get in a rail conflict, have it solved quickly, but I just didn't see a reason to take over Sechura.

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I ran missions with pugs nonstop for the first hour and a half or so before I had to bow out when Eclipse was at 20%. I sacrificed half a night's sleep between Sechura and Gabii, but it was my pleasure to do so. Thanks for honoring your commitment, Shadows of Vengeance. I'll be there to assist in future battles.

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Greetings Tenno,


No worries at all. This really is a non-issue. The rail repair for the last conflict was 16,500 credits for 6% or so. Rail repairs are pocket change. I do appreciate your willingness to take a tax, but it is a cost we are happy to absorb.


Victory to you, Tenno.


-Salishaz, Warlord of the Shadows of Vengeance

That's actually very surprising.

In that case, doesn't that mean that every 1% damage a rail takes is something like 2 to 3k?

So to completely repair a rail, it'd only take - at most - 500k?

If so, it seems very suspect for clans to claim that they need taxes now to repair their rails. I mean, I don't really care much about taxes or not considering I don't do Dark Sectors at all unless I need the EXP, but what urks me is learning that, and then remembering clans and alliances claiming that tribute was required to maintain rails.

Lemmie know if I'm incorrect.

Edited by Triburos
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Seeing Eclipse attack a free rail basically completely turned me against them. I will defend Shadows of Vengeance and Clan Ghost Bear.


They chose to offer 0 tax, we chose to click on that node when it was availiable (lottery style) ...these are both choices...dunno why one choice would turn  you against an alliance that has only tried to offer the best battle pay to date in the game of warframe.




This post and any like it should be humbly merged with the Vicotry Megathread, and if it is NOT...then we have moderators playing sides and being biased...


If Equality is what everyone wants...then this is necessary.


And to the OP...yes you had nothing to do with the defense of your rail...it had absolutely nothing to do with you or how many like you...it had everything to do with a group of angry people who just wanted to zerg the galaxy and stick it to Eclipse...simply truth.


So if you want to thank anyone for your succesful defense of your rail...you can thank Eclipse...for being so hated for offering such good battle pay and playing the game as intended against the will of a vocal minority.


Thanks..please merge...otherwise I call favoritism.

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They chose to offer 0 tax, we chose to click on that node when it was availiable (lottery style) ...these are both choices...dunno why one choice would turn  you against an alliance that has only tried to offer the best battle pay to date in the game of warframe.




This post and any like it should be humbly merged with the Vicotry Megathread, and if it is NOT...then we have moderators playing sides and being biased...


If Equality is what everyone wants...then this is necessary.


And to the OP...yes you had nothing to do with the defense of your rail...it had absolutely nothing to do with you or how many like you...it had everything to do with a group of angry people who just wanted to zerg the galaxy and stick it to Eclipse...simply truth.


So if you want to thank anyone for your succesful defense of your rail...you can thank Eclipse...for being so hated for offering such good battle pay and playing the game as intended against the will of a vocal minority.


Thanks..please merge...otherwise I call favoritism.



I'm actually quite sorry people are so... Vocal against Eclipse. But regardless, it was a decision you guys made to attack a 0% rail, and though I supported SoV, I have nothing against you or your Alliance. It simply was that SoV was honourable in their conduct, and have been so for a while. 


This is, in fact, how it is intended to be played: Political intrigue. There's more than one currency on the Solar Rails, 2ply: Credits, and popularity. 


May fortune favour the bold, Tenno. 

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So if you want to thank anyone for your succesful defense of your rail...you can thank Eclipse...for being so hated for offering such good battle pay and playing the game as intended against the will of a vocal minority.

If there was such a thing as 'playing the game as intended' when it came to Solar Rails... Taxes would be required and you wouldn't be able to set 0%.

Just saying. You said it yourself; Solar Rails are maintained purely by the community. There is no right or wrong; it's simply what the community wants the most.

If the community doesn't like taxes, you obviously have more people against you. If you boost your taxes, you have even more people against you.

If you attack a rail that the majority of people like, you're going to get even more hate.

It's like stepping into an ant hill and complaining when an army of ants come to bite your shins off; what did you expect to happen, really? Pay them to stop?

As I said- I don't give two S#&$s about credits in Dark Sectors. I like them for EXP. But I am in the minority I believe. But even I know how strongly the majority feel about credit per DS mission, rather than credits per conflict.

Edited by Triburos
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They chose to offer 0 tax, we chose to click on that node when it was availiable (lottery style) ...these are both choices...dunno why one choice would turn  you against an alliance that has only tried to offer the best battle pay to date in the game of warframe.


Eclipse choose to attempt to take a zero tax rail, one of the best on the star map, and turn it into another 25% tax credit bank for their ridiculous conquest. Why wait for Eclipse to throw me a bone every now and then when I can consistently run Sechura for 23k? I don't want their "charity."


If you actually cared about offering a service to the community, you would have never attacked that rail. Get real.

Edited by Charismo
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That's actually very surprising.

In that case, doesn't that mean that every 1% damage a rail takes is something like 2 to 3k?

So to completely repair a rail, it'd only take - at most - 500k?

If so, it seems very suspect for clans to claim that they need taxes now to repair their rails. I mean, I don't really care much about taxes or not considering I don't do Dark Sectors at all unless I need the EXP, but what urks me is learning that, and then remembering clans and alliances claiming that tribute was required to maintain rails.

Lemmie know if I'm incorrect.


Greetings Tenno,


You are correct, the best estimate I have currently is that each 1% of damage is repaired for 2,500 credits. So, a near complete rail repair would run just shy of 250K.



Victory to you, Tenno.


-Salishaz, Warlord of the Shadows of Vengeance

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Greetings Tenno,


You are correct, the best estimate I have currently is that each 1% of damage is repaired for 2,500 credits. So, a near complete rail repair would run just shy of 250K.



Victory to you, Tenno.


-Salishaz, Warlord of the Shadows of Vengeance

Wow, and 500k was my worst case scenario.

I'll need to save this information for later.

Edited by Triburos
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Eclipse managed to get a head start on this Dark Zone thing and then there is the armistice purportedly because they are finding it hard to hold everything they grabbed,

There's an armistice because people want more than 24 hours to actually play dark sectors.

Eclipse - Before Armistice 4 Rails, after Armistice 8 rails or more. They more than doubled in size after Armistice, tell me where's the Justice?

That would be dubious... If not for the fact that it's wrong.

As in, opposite of right. Incorrect. False.

Prior to the armistice, Eclipse held 8 rails, lost one in Neptune but gained one in Sedna, for a grand total of 8 at any given time.

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